Trouble to C++ signal to call a QML slot


I can't get a signal from C++ code to call a function of slit in my QML.  I have currently resembles right (compared to the examples I have seen online), but the slit function is never called.  Can you see a problem?  Here is my code:

applicaitonui. HPP:

class ApplicationUI: public QObject {
    ApplicationUI(bb::cascades::Application *app);

    virtual ~ApplicationUI() {

    void successfulAuthentication();

    ActivityIndicator *mActivityIndicator;
    QNetworkAccessManager *mNetworkAccessManager;



ApplicationUI::ApplicationUI(bb::cascades::Application *app) :
        QObject(app) {

    QmlDocument *qml = QmlDocument::create("asset:///main.qml").parent(this);
    qml->setContextProperty("app", this);

    AbstractPane *root = qml->createRootObject();

    mActivityIndicator = root->findChild("indicator");

    connect(this, SIGNAL(successfulAuthentication()), root,

    // set created root object as a scene



emit successfulAuthentication();


hand. QML:

// Default empty project template
import bb.cascades 1.0
import bb.system 1.0

NavigationPane {
    id: navigationPane
    Page {
        id: loginPage
        Container {
            layout: StackLayout {
                orientation: LayoutOrientation.TopToBottom

    function onSuccessfulAuthentication() {

I don't know if it is possible to connect on the side of C++, but in QML, you can do something like:

NavigationPane {
  onCreationCompleted: {

Or use the element of {QtQuick 1.0 connections (it should be placed in attachedObjects):

Tags: BlackBerry Developers

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    Sorry in advance for this noobish question

    My QML, I'd like to call C++ function to call the camera and then on the saved photo, I would like to save the url for further processing.

    The invocation and the seizure of the URL does not work correctly.

    The problem is that I can't send a signal of C++ to QML to send the url to QML for further processing.

    Trigger from QML:
    Button {
       text: "Snapshot"
       onClicked: {
    void App::invokeCamera() {
        InvokeRequest request;
        QByteArray data;
    void App::childCardDone(
            const bb::system::CardDoneMessage &doneMessage) {
        QString url = "";
        qDebug() << "childCardDone reason:" << doneMessage.reason();
        qDebug() << "childCardDone data:" <<;
        if (doneMessage.reason().compare("save") == 0) {
            url = "file://" +;
        } else if (doneMessage.reason().compare("save") == 0) {
    // This doesn't seem to send to QML
        emit cameraCaptureCompleted(url);
    In C++:
        void cameraCaptureCompleted(const QString &url);

    QML to signal received (somehow this must be duplicated?)

    signal cameraCaptureCompleted (string imageLink)
    onCameraCaptureCompleted: {}
    Console.Debug ("link to the image:" + imageLink);


    The onCameraCaptureCompleted never triggered. The console.debug ("link to the image:" + imageLink); did not show anything.

    Thanks for your help!

    OK, I went back and looked at your provided code again and I see you try to put your location of onCameraCaptureCompleted on the Page, which certainly won't work, since the Page is not the class that has the cameraCaptureCompleted signal. I suggest one of these three approaches:

    Page {   id: myPage
       attachedObjects: [
          App {
             id: myApp
             onCameraCaptureCompleted: {
                // ---Do your stuff

    ... or if you prefer the Manager to appear on the page do this way:

    Page {
       id: myPage
       attachedObjects: [
          App {
             id: myApp
       function cameraCaptureCompletedHandler( imageLink ) {
          // ---Do your stuff
       onCreationCompleted: {

    If you don't want to mess with connect() you could do the last example that much too:

    Page {
       id: myPage
       attachedObjects: [
          App {
             id: myApp
             onCameraCaptureCompleted: {
                myPage.cameraCaptureCompletedHandler( imageLink );
       function cameraCaptureCompletedHandler( imageLink ) {
          // ---Do your stuff

    Of course, all these examples assume that you have successfully exposed the App class to QML with qmlRegisterType(). The signal you want to respond to being on the App class, you must place your location, or connect the App::cameraCaptureCompleted signal to your location explicitly.

    Hope it is clearer to you now.

  • Connection of signals (with parameter) in QML.


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    I want to connect to signals which takes the parameter.

    app.mySignal.connect (button.doSomething);

    I do not mySignal() issue, works very well.

    Want to do something like issue mySignal (int) and acess as QML in

    -Thank you

    your signal is:

    mysignal (QString)

    then connect to a function like that (qml)

    myClass.mysignal.connect (onmysignal)


    function onmysignal (mystring) {}

    Console.log ("my string is:" + mystring)


    If you have several settings, you must be careful with the order and better to use descriptive names, as there is no type in the function definition.

  • Stop a signal to connect to the slot machine


    Is it possible to stop broadcasting a SIGNAL?

    I had defined a SIGNAL to connect to a SLOT machine at some point earlier.

    But now I want to stop this SIGNAL to connect to the purpose of the LOCATION.

    I tried this thing

    definition of a signal to connect to the slot machine

    connectResult = connect (sensor, SIGNAL (readingChanged ()), this, SLOT (accelerationReadingChanged ()));

    I use to stop

    Connect (sensor, SIGNAL (readingChanged ()), this, SLOT());

    But he does not have to issue.

    use disconnect to disconnect the signal.
    signals and slots allow n connections n a new connection does not overwrite the old connect.

  • Connect the signal to the PRC to slot QML

    Hi guys.,.

    Please help me with this

    I'm issuing a custom signal called imageLoaded of CPP that contains an image as a parameter. How can I connect this signal to a slot in QML and can access the image...?

    Thanks in advance...

    For example:

    import bb.cascades 1.0
    Page {
        id: myPage
        Container {
            layout: DockLayout {}
            Label {
                id: myLabel
                text: qsTr("Hello World")
                textStyle.base: SystemDefaults.TextStyles.BigText
                verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center
                horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
            Button {
                text: "Press me"
                onClicked: {
                    console.log("Boton clicked");
        function onImageLoaded(message) {
            console.log("enter to slot in qml");
            myLabel.text = message;
    #ifndef ApplicationUI_HPP_
    #define ApplicationUI_HPP_
    namespace bb { namespace cascades { class Application; }}
    class ApplicationUI : public QObject
        ApplicationUI(bb::cascades::Application *app);
        virtual ~ApplicationUI() {}
        Q_INVOKABLE void executeCppFunction();
        void imageLoaded(QString message);
    #include "applicationui.hpp"
    using namespace bb::cascades;
    ApplicationUI::ApplicationUI(bb::cascades::Application *app)
    : QObject(app)
        QmlDocument *qml = QmlDocument::create("asset:///main.qml").parent(this);
        QmlDocument::defaultDeclarativeEngine()->rootContext()->setContextProperty("cppObject", this);
        AbstractPane *root = qml->createRootObject();
    void ApplicationUI::executeCppFunction() {
        emit imageLoaded("Hello from C++ Signal");
  • No signal after call

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    It is a problem of old age (I'm talking about Greece )

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    actaully I got the credentials to the server and power analyzes the user name and password...

    now I have to redirect to the new file qml by c ++.

    So I will be gratefull if you guide or help me...

    Thanks to anticipate...

    You should find a lot of code when you check out the samples.

    to send a signal of c ++ you define first the signal in the header. Here's an example, let's say this is in app.hpp:

        void numberOfItems(int numberOfItems);
        void numberOfItemsError(QString message);

    to send the signal in c ++ you write

    emit numberOfItems(5);

    to receive the signal in QML, you must register at the first class (this is already done when you create a new application of waterfalls).

    Just to show you, that it would look like this:

    QmlDocument *qml = QmlDocument::create("asset:///main.qml").parent(this);
    qml->setContextProperty("app", this);

    Qml, you connect the signal to a qml function, for example onNumberOfItems


    the function is executed when the signal is emitted:

    function onNumberOfItems(number){
      console.log("number of items: "+number);

    That should cover it. It gets a little more complicated when you want to send complex objects with the signal.

  • Call C++ qml button Fuctions

    Button * newButton = root->findChild ("eat");
    Connect (newButton, signal(Button::clicked()),this,slot(ont()));)

    You may need to provide a little more information for anyone to determine what the problem is. But try the link below, it has good examples of C++ / QML integration and then ask your question on this basis, with more details

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                id: tab2
                Button {
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                    text: "Click me"
                    attachedObjects: [
                              Invocation {
                                    id: invoke
                                    query: InvokeQuery {
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                                    uri: "appworld://content/124432"
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  • call the function slot page of listItem

    -J' have a button inside a ListItemComponent (caritem) Custom and when I click on it I want to call a function of slit of the page that contains the list (carsListPage)

    -CustomListItem contains a button that triggers the signal named itemchangePicture

        ID: carsListPage

    {Of container
    {To ListView
                ID: carsList
    dataModel: carsModel

                    ID: listItem
    type: 'point '.
    CustomListItem {//contains a signal called itemchangePicture
                           ID: carItem
    onCreationCompleted: {}
               carItem.itemchangePicture.connect (carsListPage.changePicture); This book of doewn can't can not find carsListPage

    Slot function to change the photo to carsListPage
      function changePicture() {}
    change the image
    } / / Page

    Thank you

    In the ListView docs, read carefully the section from "Visual list in QML", especially the parts on the ListItem.view and the surrounding things.

    Basically, you need to do what you do indirectly through a property on the ListView and access via ListItem.view, or similar approaches.

  • Connection signal of C++ with slot QML

    Before ask you, I searched for answers to this question, but I have not found a satisfactory example.

    I have set up a service network in C++ that performs queries to REST against a backend. An example query would be to download a given element, the id of the item.

    Once the item is extracted, I emit a signal such as:

    itemReceived(QString& itemId, QString& item);

    My question is how can I wire this signal to the slot in a QML page so that the status of the answer? I tried to connect the signal on the Qml in C++ slot, as follows:

    QmlDocument *qml = QmlDocument::create("asset:///main.qml").parent(this);
                         SIGNAL(itemReceived(QString&, QString&)),
                         qml, SLOT(onItemReceived(QString&, QString&));

    With a correspondent QML "slot" like this:

        function onItemReceived(x, y) {
            console.log("Item Received!");

    But it does not work. I also tried using the element of connection of the QtQuick lib, but this also fails.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Even if he were to propose a better architecture for the "path of the cascades. Thank you!

    In C++:
    QmlDocument * qml = QmlDocument::create("asset:///main.qml").parent(this);
    QML-> setContextProperty ("_app", this);

    In QML:
    onCreationCompleted: {}
    _APP.itemReceived.connect (onItemReceived)

    function onItemReceived (x, y) {}
    Console.log ("point received!");

    // ...

  • Can headless part of the application calls a function QML?

    Normally, when you write code in c ++ in the part of the user interface of the code, I am able to call the function of any file QML by writing the code below.

    QmlDocument *qmldoc = QmlDocument::create("asset:///Functions.qml");
    AbstractPane *root = qmldoc->createRootObject();
    QMetaObject::invokeMethod(root, "printResult");

    In headless of demand, I create another qml file, called "NotificationHandler.qml" in the current folder of the game without head. In one of the file c ++ without head when I write the same thing, it gives an error indicating that

    C:/bbndk/target_10_3_0_698/qnx6/usr/include/bb/cascades/resources/qmldocument.h:366: undefined reference to `bb::cascades::QmlDocument::QmlDocument(QUrl const&)'

    Below, you will find all the code inside the service.cpp which is the game file without the application head.

    #include "service.hpp"
    using namespace bb::cascades;
    using namespace bb::platform;
    using namespace bb::system;
    Service::Service() :
            m_notify(new Notification(this)),
            m_invokeManager(new InvokeManager(this))
        m_invokeManager->connect(m_invokeManager, SIGNAL(invoked(const bb::system::InvokeRequest&)),
                this, SLOT(handleInvoke(const bb::system::InvokeRequest&)));
        NotificationDefaultApplicationSettings settings;
        m_notify->setTitle("NotificationWork Service");
        m_notify->setBody("NotificationWork service requires attention");
        bb::system::InvokeRequest request;
    void Service::handleInvoke(const bb::system::InvokeRequest & request)
        if (request.action().compare("com.example.NotificationWorkService.RESET") == 0) {
    void Service::triggerNotification()
        qDebug() << "first";
        QmlDocument *qmldoc = QmlDocument::create("asset:///NotificationHandler.qml");
        AbstractPane *root = qmldoc->createRootObject();
        QMetaObject::invokeMethod(root, "startNotificationService");
        qDebug() << "second";
        // Timeout is to give time for UI to minimize
        // QTimer::singleShot(2000, this, SLOT(onTimeout()));
    void Service::onTimeout()

    I use the same logic, but apparently it is forbidden to treat the QML files in without the request or I have made a serious mistake. Could you please help?

    I thank very you much.

    usually the part without head does not reference libraries of stunts because they have a serious memory footprint.
    The part without being limited in memory head, which gives it its own UI isn't usually a good idea.

  • Object to QML C++ signal/slot mechanism transfer


    I have a simple class:

    // myclass.hh
    class MyClass : public QObject {
        Q_PROPERTY(QString title READ title)
        MyClass(QObject* parent = nullptr)
            : QObject(parent)
        ~MyClass() {}
        MyClass(const MyClass&, QObject* parent = nullptr)
            : QObject(parent)
        QString title() const
            return title_;
        QString title_;

    and in the main function, I save my metatype system class

    MainClass mainclass;qml->setContextProperty("mainclass", mainclass);

    and in another place, I try to convey the purpose of the MyClass class via the signal:

    // mainclass.hhclass MainClass : public QObject {    Q_OBJECT
        void my_signal(MyClass);
        MyClass mc;
        emit my_signal(mc);

    and try to catch this object in qml slot:

    // .qml
    Container {
        onCreationCompleted: {
        function signalHandler(myClassObj) {
            console.log('we here') // output 'we here'
            console.log(myClassObj.title) // output 'undefined'
            console.log(myClassObj.title()) // empty output

    Macro Q_INVOCABLE added before the declaration of MyClass::title() has the same effect.

    What is wrong with my code?

    This is the signal for all

        void addedToAllOrder(Order* order);

    Order is registered:

    qmlRegisterType("", 1, 0, "Order");

    Import in qml:

    import 1.0

    Qml connection:

    onCreationCompleted: {

    Important! set a property in qml:

    Page {
        id: orderPage
        property Order anotherOrder

    then everything works well in qml function (SLOT)

        function onAddedToAllOrder(theOrder) {
            anotherOrder = theOrder
            console.debug("Order added: " +

    This is how I have face this kind of stuff

    using a pointer ensures that there'e really a single object used in memory and you can use QML.

    the cool thing: he is glad assist in qml: type anotherOrder. ... gives all properties to select and you deal directly with your C++ object. don't forget that your C++ class is the owner (parent) of your object

    hope that gives you some ideas to try

  • Error while establishing an Http connection. Once finished signal request is displayed, no call slot

    I'm instantiated MyNetwork class on click of a button in my app class.

    Therefore it is called class constructor MyNetwork in which I'm checking the availability of the network.

    Once found an available network, a sendRequest() method is called that a get request is initialized.

    And the QNetworkAccessManager object emits a finished(QNetworkReply *) signal is connected to a slot (requestFinished(QNetworkReply *reply)) of this class of MyNetwork .

    When the user clicks on the button in the file app.cpp, create an object of class MyNetwork and checking the availability of the network works within its constructor.

    also the connect() method returns true , but sinking ever crack (requestFinished(QNetworkReply *reply)) method where I am Manager of my answer.

    MyNetwork. HPP



    #ifndef MYNETWORK_HPP_
    #define MYNETWORK_HPP_
     * @brief Network Connection Implementation
    class MyNetwork:public QObject
        public :
             * @brief Method to create and send request
            void sendRequest();
             * @brief Method to check if network is available
            bool isNetworkAvailable();
        private slots:
                void requestFinished(QNetworkReply *reply);
    #endif /* MYNETWORK_HPP_ */




    QNetworkAccessManager *mNetworkMgr;
    MyNetwork::MyNetwork() {
        if (isNetworkAvailable()) {
    void MyNetwork::sendRequest() {
        mNetworkMgr = new QNetworkAccessManager(this);
        QNetworkReply *reply =
        if (reply) {
            qDebug() << "Reply from server is " << reply;
        bool resFromServer = connect(mNetworkMgr, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply*)),
                this, SLOT(requestFinished(QNetworkReply*)));
        qDebug() << "Connection is success : ? : " << resFromServer;
    void MyNetwork::requestFinished(QNetworkReply *reply) {    if (reply) {
            if (reply->error() == QNetworkReply::NoError) {
                qDebug() << "No Error";
            } else {
                int httpStatus = reply->attribute(
                qDebug() << "Error and the code is " << httpStatus;
        } else {
            qDebug() << "Reply comes out to be null";
    bool MyNetwork::isNetworkAvailable() {
        QNetworkConfigurationManager netMgr;
        QList mNetList = netMgr.allConfigurations(
        if (mNetList.count() > 0) {
            if (netMgr.isOnline()) {
                return true;
            } else {
                return false;
        } else {
            return false;

    Hmm. I just did a quick test for the for you network code.

    I movedbool resFromServer = connect(mNetworkMgr, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply*)),
    this, SLOT(requestFinished(QNetworkReply*)));
    to  be before
    QNetworkReply *reply =
    in my test.

    As I mentioned to signal before start us sending application network.

    I got "Error no." in the newspaper which seemed to have indicated that the signal/slot was triggerred properly in my case.

    Question for you:

    How did you create your object "MyNetwork"?

    is the object still alive when the network request signal is triggerred?

    Maybe the code for create/destorying your object "MyNetwork" segment will be useful

  • QML does not recognize the custom parameters of the signal object.

    Here is my sample code to test by passing an object custom c ++ qml.

    My custom object:

    class TestObject {}


    QString testString;

    TestObject() {testString = 'Hello' ;}




    void testErreur (TestObject * testObject);

    I declare it and send the singal of c ++

    Q_DECLARE_METATYPE (TestObject);




    issue of testError (newTestObject ());

    and expect to receive the onTestError with the testObject setting

    He compiled and can receive the onTestError in qml slot, but it generates an error running this

    QMetaProperty::read: Unable to handle the kind of data not saved ' TestObject * "property"QDeclarativeBoundSignalParameters::testObject ".

    Asset:///testSreen.QML:123: error: unknown method parameter type: TestObject *.

    I did a couple of hours of looking on the forum but found no solution.  Hope that developers who have experience on the similar question can help out.

    Thank you


    Thanks Andrey,

    I changed it to Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(TestObject *); but still have the same error.

    The code that I showed is in fact to reduce the problem.  The actual design is to have a c ++ based customControl in the qml and I plan receive the signal and proceed the testObject to my c ++ customControl and release it there.

Maybe you are looking for

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