Trying to re-create the downloadable report - sort of

I have a report focused on the region of PL/SQL that loops through several satellite offices after the selection of a regional office and generates a report containing a title, summary and data. Management wants to be able to download the data in the report and APEX provides only this convenience area of standard report, so I'll try a workaround.

I created a popup page that can be called from a HTML button incorporated into the report. The problem I get is that the button must undergo three values to the popup page in order to generate the report, and I'm doing something wrong with regard to dates, because when I display the variables if sent to the popup, I get the desktop #, but the dates are coming as long as 0.0012437810945273632 and 0.002736318407960199 (from and to dates).

Can someone indicate where in my efforts of string concatenation that goofed upward?
  dt_from    DATE           := dt1;
  dt_to      DATE           := dt2;
  dt_from_txt    VARCHAR2(12);
  dt_to_txt      VARCHAR2(12);
  cust       NUMBER         := c;
  ttl_dys    NUMBER;
  cursor c_proj is select ORG_ID, ORG_NM from ORG_ENTITIES
                    where CUSTOMER_ID = cust
                      and ORG_ID NOT IN (200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900);
  v_org      NUMBER;
  v_orgnm    VARCHAR2(47);
  cursor c_rpt is select STN, MILES, SUM(TTL_WT)
            from (select s.SHORT_NM||'-'||j.PILE_CODE_ALT_FLAG as STN, r.CYCLE_MILES/2 as MILES,
                         SUM(CASE WHEN w.SPOT_WEIGHT = 0 THEN NVL(j.MAN_SPOT_WT,0)
                                  ELSE w.SPOT_WEIGHT
                                  END) as TTL_WT
                    from TC c, TC_LOAD_JOBS j, STATIONS s, LOAD_RATES r, SPOT_WEIGHTS w
                   where c.TC_ID = j.TC_ID and j.LOAD_RATE_ID = w.LOAD_RATE_ID
                     and w.DATE_INDEX = c.DATE_INDEX
                     and j.LOAD_RATE_ID = r.LOAD_RATE_ID
                     and FN_STN_KEY(j.FACTORY_ID,j.STATION_ID) = s.KEY_ID
                     and c.DATE_INDEX BETWEEN dt1 and dt2
                     and j.FACTORY_ID = v_org
                   group by s.SHORT_NM||'-'||j.PILE_CODE_ALT_FLAG, r.CYCLE_MILES
                   select s.SHORT_NM||'-'||j.ALT_FLAG as STN, r.CYCLE_MILES/2 as MILES,
                    from TC_3RDPARTY c, TC_3RDPARTY_JOBS j, STATIONS s, LOAD_RATES r
                   where c.TC_ID = j.TC_ID and j.LOAD_RATE_ID = r.LOAD_RATE_ID
                     and FN_STN_KEY(j.FACTORY_ID,j.STATION) = s.KEY_ID
                     and c.DATE_INDEX BETWEEN dt1 and dt2
                     and j.FACTORY_ID = v_org
                   group by s.SHORT_NM||'-'||j.ALT_FLAG, r.CYCLE_MILES)
            group by STN, MILES
            order by STN;
  x_fact     NUMBER;
  x_stn      NUMBER;
  x_stn_nm   VARCHAR2(47);
  x_alt      VARCHAR2(7);
  x_rt       NUMBER;
  x_mls      NUMBER;
  x_tons     NUMBER;
  x_lds      NUMBER;
  x_tnmls    NUMBER;
  z_tnmls    NUMBER      := 0;
  ttl_dys      := dt_to - dt_from;
  dt_from_txt  := to_char(dt1,'MM/DD/YYYY');
  dt_to_txt    := to_char(dt2,'MM/DD/YYYY');
  htp.p('<table width="500">');
      htp.p('<tr><td width="40%">Ton Mile Report</td>');
          htp.p('<td rowspan="3" width="60%" class="ttl">Transystems</td>');
      htp.p('<tr><td width="40%">From '||to_char(dt_from,'MM/DD/YYYY'));
              htp.p(' To '||to_char(dt_to,'MM/DD/YYYY')||'</td></tr>');
      htp.p('<tr><td width="40%"> '||ttl_dys||' day period</td></tr>');
  OPEN c_proj;
      FETCH c_proj into v_org, v_orgnm;
      EXIT WHEN c_proj%NOTFOUND;
  --Project Work
  htp.p('<table border="1" width="500">');
      htp.p('<tr><th width="40%">Pile</th>');
          htp.p('<th width="20%">Ton Miles</th>');
          htp.p('<th width="20%">Tons</th>');
          htp.p('<th width="20%">Loaded Miles</th></tr>');
        x_tnmls     := 0;
        OPEN c_rpt;
            FETCH c_rpt into x_stn_nm, x_mls, x_tons;
            EXIT WHEN c_rpt%NOTFOUND;
              z_tnmls   := z_tnmls + x_mls*x_tons;
              x_tnmls   := x_tnmls + x_mls*x_tons;
          htp.p('<td class="r">'||to_char(ROUND(x_mls*x_tons,0),'999G999G999')||'  </td>');
          htp.p('<td class="r">'||to_char(ROUND(x_tons,2),'999G999G999D99')||'  </td>');
          htp.p('<td class="r">'||x_mls||'  </td></tr>');
          END LOOP;
        CLOSE c_rpt;
    ----Create a button for popup download
      htp.p('<tr><td><input type="button" value="Download" onclick="callTonMilePopup('||v_org||','|| dt_from_txt||','|| dt_to_txt||')"></td></tr>');
  htp.p('<p class="t">Total for '||v_orgnm||' -  '||to_char(ROUND(x_tnmls,0),'999G999G999'));
      htp.p('  Ton Miles and   ');
      htp.p(to_char(ROUND(x_tnmls/ttl_dys,0),'999G999G999')||'   Average Ton Miles per Day</p>');
  CLOSE c_proj;
  htp.p('<p class="t">Customer Totals -  '||to_char(ROUND(z_tnmls,0),'999G999G999'));
      htp.p('  Ton Miles and   ');
      htp.p(to_char(ROUND(z_tnmls/ttl_dys,0),'999G999G999')||'   Average Ton Miles per Day</p>');
Here is the header:
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
  function callTonMilePopup (formItem1, formItem2, formItem3) {
    var formVal1 = formItem1;
    var formVal2 = formItem2;
    var formVal3 = formItem3;
    var url;
  url = 'f?p=&APP_ID.:1347:&APP_SESSION.::::P1347_ORG_ID,P1347_FROM_DT,P1347_TO_DATE:'
       +formVal1 +',' +formVal2 +',' +formVal3;
  w = open(url,"winLov","Scrollbars=1,resizable=1,width=600,height=1000");
  if (w.opener == null)
  w.opener = self;

He did the math on your date: 02/05/2010 = 0.001243781094527363184079601990498

Add quotes around your casting call to the javascript function:

HTP.p (')');

Tags: Database

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    Your file must be in the db as a BLOB type and associate the viewAttribute should be referred to this column, and you must run the query of the VO.

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    Hi Doug,.

    Could be a quick solution to this solution, you can have a download link on the header of the report area and that it points to a page that contains the same report with the csv model.

    Download CSV Report 
    where 3 is the page number for csv output report.
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    or if you want more control over the report, you can create a button on the interactive report region and at the click of the button run a process to download a csv output file.

    Put dummy code for creating csv file

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    FROM emp_table ORDER BY 1 DESC, 2 DESC,4;
         owa_util.mime_header('application/octet', FALSE );
            htp.p('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Employee.csv"');
    --Printer Header Row
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        END LOOP;
    htmldb_application.g_unrecoverable_error := true;
              WHEN OTHERS THEN
                   htp.p('Download Error ' || SQLERRM || ' with error code ' || SQLCODE);

    Also, you can disable the download report link in the interactive report menu by going to reports-> Search bar attribute->, under include in the Actions Menu: uncheck the download option.

    I hope this helps.

    Thank you

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    Su.GI wrote:

    Hi, thanks for your response.

    I use theme - productivity Application - issue 26

    -Standard model

    Report - report of Standart for classic report model.

    The above CSS code where I want to use in the page or report or model region.

    Specify a static region ID for the report area and put the following CSS rule in the CSS Inline property page:

    #static-region-id .uReportStandard tr:last-child td {
      display: none;

    where static-region-id is the ID specified for the region.

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                       item1             5                 10              10
                       item2             5                  5               10
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    Try changing your crosstab options (available from the journal edit) outline inline.

    Rod West

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    ID: = v('p1_tableid');
    delete from the table where tableId = id;

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    BEGIN/END; It must be for all PL/SQL code.

    However, your problem is actually on this piece:

    0.01:... Process "reset page": CLEAR_CACHE_FOR_PAGES (AFTER_SUBMIT) 52
    0.01: removal of application cache "103" page: 52

    You have a "reset page" process that runs immediately before your process - this clears the value of P52_TABLEID. This process is usually provided automatically when you create a form by using a wizard. Delete it or the Never value condition.


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    Hi - on the report of the page attributes - that you show in your attached screenshot - you can select the columns to sort on the sort sequence as well as the direction of the sort, i.e. for a given column, you can choose to allow sorting on this column, what position this column must be in the sort sequence and whether to sort Ascending or descending by default (i.e. '1' means sort this column first and bottom-up and "1 desc") sort this column first and downhill). Don't forget that once you click on one of the headings of column during execution, it changes your sort settings and these settings are stored in your preferences, that is, they are used again the next time you log in your application and rerun the report.

    Kind regards

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    What web browser do you use? Have you tried to use an alternative web browser? If more than one web browser is saying it is not safe or cannot be verified, then its probably not.

    Mind to reveal what you are trying to download? Help us to better understand the problem.

    You can try to temporarily disable your Antivirus and Windows Firewall and try the download again. (Do this at your own risk).

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    (1) create models of corporate report
    (2) and then download the template files to a location (for example, the folder on the server)
    (3) then all users in the company can access it through a web browser with a few fields which they can enter certain critiria (e.g. order number).
    (4) then send it to the printer and print out must stand exactly as the model.

    Unfortunately, we had very hard time trying to find out what it takes and how to publish this report in Oracle we have created. We spent 15 hours on it, but no results.

    15 hours we tried to install the 'Oracle' service, but finally, my colleague said that it was not what we are looking for you, "report Oracle service" is used to the error of the hosted application on the server, not to publish the report of company created by the "Oracle report bulider.

    We use Oracle Database 10 g for the LES quite a long time already. We had setup the Oracle Developer and the installed Application Server.

    Could someone tell us please what kind of service Oracle we are looking actually. Other guides any suggestion and installation are also the most welcoming.

    Best regards


    If you want to be able to run your reports on the web, the best solution is to use the 'Oracle Application Server'

    For example, the stand-alone edition of 'forms and reports Services '.

    Then, use the reports Servlet to submit applications for running a report server:
    Application server Oracle® reports Services publishing reports to the Web
    10g Release 2 (10.1.2)

    13 queries in race report
    Deploy a report


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    Anonymous UUID: 89505A63-49A1-1409-1B56-F6C97DB19897

    Sun Apr 10 16:06:38 2016

    Panic report *.

    panic (cpu 0 0xffffff801eef437e appellant): ' thread_invoke: preemption_level 1, possible cause: blocking while holding a spinlock, or within interruption context"@/Library/Caches/ ched_prim.c:2068.

    Backtrace (CPU 0), frame: return address

    0xffffff812896b800: 0xffffff801eedab12

    0xffffff812896b880: 0xffffff801eef437e

    0xffffff812896b910: 0xffffff801eef0def

    0xffffff812896b950: 0xffffff801efc6650

    0xffffff812896b9c0: 0xffffff801f486c3c

    0xffffff812896b9f0: 0xffffff801f486c9f

    0xffffff812896ba10: 0xffffff801f48c420

    0xffffff812896ba30: 0xffffff801f48c45d

    0xffffff812896ba40: 0xffffff7f9fc31557

    0xffffff812896bae0: 0xffffff7f9fd1e0cc

    0xffffff812896bbc0: 0xffffff7f9fbe2e8c

    0xffffff812896bc30: 0xffffff7f9fc294c4

    0xffffff812896bcc0: 0xffffff7f9fc31892

    0xffffff812896bd00: 0xffffff7f9fb54a7c

    0xffffff812896bd80: 0xffffff7f9faeadcc

    0xffffff812896be10: 0xffffff801f4b5958

    0xffffff812896be80: 0xffffff7f9faea65f

    0xffffff812896bee0: 0xffffff7f9faef971

    0xffffff812896bf20: 0xffffff7f9faef6cf

    0xffffff812896bf40: 0xffffff801f4b27c1

    0xffffff812896bf80: 0xffffff801f4b28b6

    0xffffff812896bfb0: 0xffffff801efc8e27

    Extensions of core in backtrace: (1.0.1) [4C8B5BB6-6AE4-313E-B79C-AC07A4E31A2D] @ fffff7f9fab6000-0xffffff7f9fb1efff > 0xf
    dependency: (1.0.1) [52E62355C]@0xffffff7f9fab2000 9D5F86A1-76EF-3007 - 94 CA-496 (900.4.1) [7B5AC81A-D0B6-3F3D-87C7-AFD78F4686DB] @0xfff fff7f9fb28000-> 0xffffff7f9fbc1fff
    dependency: (2.9) [4FE41F9B-2849-322A-BBF8-A94816C003D6] @ 7f9f72c000 0xffffff
    dependency: (1.0.1) [4C8B5BB6-6AE4-313E-B79C-AC07A4E31A2D] @0 x ffffff7f9fab6000
    com.realtek.driver.RtWlanU (1830.2b9) [341CBE7A-D4DF-3A6D-A06E-92B6EE2F4EA4] @0xfff fff7f9fbd4000-> 0xffffff7f9ff46fff
    dependency: (3.2) [848B398F-4D96-3024-8092-6CD3534D2CCA] @0 xffffff7f9fa7e000
    dependency: ffff7f9fb28000 @0xff (900.4.1) [7B5AC81A-D0B6-3F3D-87C7-AFD78F4686DB]

    Corresponding to the current thread BSD process name: kernel_task

    Mac OS version:


    Kernel version:

    15.4.0 Darwin kernel version: Fri Feb 26 22:08:05 PST 2016; root:XNU-3248.40.184~3/RELEASE_X86_64

    Kernel UUID: 4E7B4496-0B81-34E9-97AF-F316103B0839

    Slide kernel: 0x000000001ec00000

    Text of core base: 0xffffff801ee00000

    Text __HIB base: 0xffffff801ed00000

    Name of system model: Macmini3, 1 (Mac-F22C86C8)

    Availability of the system in nanoseconds: 13927482804366

    last load kext to 13844240430139: 3 (addr 0xffffff7fa1bbb000 size 32768)

    Finally unloaded kext to 13907399057741: 3 (addr 0xffffff7fa1bbb000 size 32768)

    kexts responsible:

    com.realtek.driver.RtWlanU 1830.2.b9

    com Apple.filesystems.afpfs 11.0

    com Apple.NKE.asp - tcp 8.0.0 1.9.5d0 2.6.0d0 110.21.18

    com Apple.filesystems.autofs 3.0 1 3.6.1 1.2.13

    com Apple.Driver.pmtelemetry 1 1.0.1 4.4.4f4 7.0.0 1 4.0.0 3.1 10.0.0 4.4.4f4 1.0.0 1.0.0d1 1.0.0 38 327,5 3.7.1 3.7.7

    2.8.5 700.36.24 5.5.2 3.1.8

    com Apple.nvenet 2.0.22 1.0.1 1.0.1 2.0 1.8 4.0 2.1 4.0 1.7 218.0.0

    com Apple.NKE.applicationfirewall 163

    com Apple.Security.Quarantine 3 8 218.0.0 1.0 3.12.6

    com Apple.kext.Triggers 1.0 1.0.14d1 108.2.1 11 1 1.0.0 10.0.0 10.0.0 274.7 274.7 4.4.4f4 4.4.4f4 1.0.0 6.0.0d7 3.1.9 2.2.6 2.4.1 2.4.1 1.0.1 303.3.1 204.3 1.2.0 517.20.1 900.4.1 3.7.7 4.0.2 1.0.0 3.7.7 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.0.1

    com Apple.Driver.USB.cdc 5.0.0

    com.Apple.Driver.USB.Networking 5.0.0 1.0.1 2.6.2 3.7.7 1110.26

    com Apple.Driver.corecapture 1.0.4 4.6.0 2.8.1 3.2 1.0.1 1.0.1

    2.2.9 900.4.1 2.0 1.0.1 1.0.1 2.0 2.0.0 1.1

    com Apple.Security.sandbox 300.0 1.0.0d1 2 1.0.5 1.0 417.2 2.1 31 28.30 4.0 2.9 1.4 1

    com Apple.KEC.pthread 1

    com Apple.KEC.corecrypto 1.0

    Model: Macmini3, 1, MM31.00AD.B00 of BootROM, 2 processors, Intel Core 2 Duo, 2.26 GHz, 8 GB, MSC 1.35f1

    Graphics card: NVIDIA GeForce 9400, NVIDIA GeForce 9400, PCI, 256 MB

    Memory module: DIMM0/0 BANK, 4 GB DDR3, 1067 MHz, 0x859B, 0x435434473353313036374D2E4D3136464B44

    Memory module: DIMM0/1 BANK, 4 GB DDR3, 1067 MHz, 0x859B, 0x435434473353313036374D2E4D3136464B44

    Airport: spairport_wireless_card_type_airport_extreme (0x14E4, 0 x 90), Broadcom BCM43xx 1.0 (

    Bluetooth: Version 4.4.4f4 17685, 3 services, 27 aircraft, 1 incoming serial ports

    Service network: Ethernet, Ethernet, en0

    Network service: Wi - Fi, AirPort, en1

    Serial ATA Device: ST500LM021-1KJ152, 500,11 GB

    Serial ATA Device: OPTIARC DVD RW AD - 5670S

    USB device: USB 2.0 Bus

    USB Device: HDD external

    USB Device: 802.11n NIC

    USB device: USB 2.0 Bus

    USB device: USB Bus

    USB device: USB 2.0 hubs

    USB device: USB keyboard

    USB device: Gaming mouse

    USB Device: IR receiver

    USB device: USB Bus

    USB device: C-Media USB Headphone Set

    USB device: Hub BRCM2046

    USB Device: USB Bluetooth host controller

    Crush Bus:

    The panic was apparently caused by the Realtek USB network device or its software. I suggest that you unplug the unit and then remove the software.

    Any third party software that is not installed on the App Store or by drag-and - drop in the Applications folder and uninstall by drag - move to the trash, is a modification of the system.

    Whenever you delete changes to the system, they must be eliminated completely, and the only way to do this is to use the uninstall tool, if any, provided by the developers, or follow their instructions. If the software has been removed incompletely, you may redownload or reinstall even to finish the job.

    I never install modifications of the system myself, and except as stated in this comment, I do not know how to uninstall them. You'll have to do your own research to find this information.

    Here are some general guidelines to help you get started. Suppose you want to remove the so-called "BrickMyMac" (a hypothetical example). First of all, menu using the product, check if there is one, for instructions. Not finding here, look at the Web site, let's say (Maybe it's not the name real site, if necessary, search the Web for the name of the product). If you don't find anything on the Web site or in your search, contact the developer. While you are waiting for a response, download BrickMyMac.dmg and open it. There may be a request here as "Uninstall BrickMyMac." If this is not the case, open "BrickMyMac.pkg" and look for an uninstall button. The uninstall program can also accessible by clicking on the button customize, when one exists.

    Back up all data before making any changes.

    Generally, you will need to restart the computer in order to perform an uninstall. Until you do this, there may be no effect, or the unpredictable effects.

    If you can't remove the software in any other way, you will have to erase and install OS X. Never install any third party software, unless you're sure you know how to uninstall in the contrary case, it can create problems which are very difficult to solve.

    Try to remove the complex system of changes by hunting for files by name, often will not work and can make the problem worse. The same goes for 'utilities' as the 'AppCleaner"designed to remove software.

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