TypeError: Error #1006: value is not a function.

I get this error:

TypeError: Error #1006: value is not a function.
at project_fla::MainTimeline/createMap()
at project_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()

The following actionscript code:


function createMap(target:Object,_map:Array,_tilesize:Number):void {}
for (var ix:Number = 0; ix < card [0] .length; ix ++) {}
for (var iy:Number = 0; iy < map.length; iy ++) {}
This ["t" + String (IX) + "x" + String (iy)] = new Object();
This ["t" + String (IX) + "x" + String (iy)] = new tile();
This ["t" + String (IX) + "x" + String (iy)] .gotoAndStop (Map [ix] [Iy]);
This ["t" + String (IX) + "x" + String (iy)] .x = Flxy (new Point(ix,iy), tilesize) .x;
This ["t" + String (IX) + "x" + String (iy)] = Flxy (new Point(ix,iy), tilesize) there there;
target.addChild (this ["t" + String (ix) + "x" + String (iy)]);

{/ A]

What is the problem with the code?

There are go. You must give your clip on stage an instance name - when you select the clip - the name of the instance is the field above the behavior instance drop-down list at the top of the properties panel.

Tags: Adobe Animate

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    can you help me with this. This error pop up when I run my fla file.

    TypeError: Error #1006: value is not a function.

    at mdas_fla::MainTimeline/ans()

    This is my code:

    import flash.events. *;

    Import flashx.textLayout.conversion.PlainTextExporter;

    equal_btn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, years);

    function ans(event:MouseEvent):void


    var op: Array = new Array (String [10]);

    var num:Array = new Array(Number[10]);

    var dock: String;

    result_txt. Text = input_txt.text;

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    var g:int = 0; var ctr:int = 0; var ctr2:int = 0; var str:String ="";

    while(g < Hold.Length)


    If (hold.charAt (g) == '+' | hold.charAt (g) == '-' | hold.charAt (g) == ' *' | hold.charAt (g) == ' / ')


    OP [ctr] = ' "+ hold.charAt (g);

    trace (op [CTR]);

    CTR ++; Ctr2 ++; Str ="";


    on the other


    Str += ' ' + hold.charAt (g);

    NUM [ctr2] = parseInt (str);

    trace (num [Ctr2]);


    g ++ ;


    var pl:int = 0; var val: Number = 0;

    for (var a: int = 0; has < op.length (); a ++)




    If (op [a] == ' *')


    NUM [pl + 1] = num [pl] * num [pl + 1];


    ElseIf (op [a] == ' /')


    NUM [pl + 1] = num [pl] / num [pl + 1];


    ElseIf (op [a] == '+')


    NUM [pl + 1] = num [pl] + num [pl + 1];


    on the other


    NUM [pl + 1] is [pl] - [pl + 1] num num;.



    catch (error)


    Val = num [pl];



    PL ++;


    trace (Val);

    result_txt. Text = "" + val;


    pls... Help me solve this problem...

    Length() must be of length.  That is to say, the class array has a length property, no method.  Flash thinks you are trying to define a new function, length().

    PS so that debugging, click file > publishing settings > swf and check the box "enable debugging" so the number of problematic line of your error (s) is in error messages.  This makes it much faster to debug your code.

  • error TypeError: Error #1006: invalidateList is not a function. ?


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    dataTree.invalidateList ();                              //Process kicks the buc KET here
    xmlList = new XMLListCollection (xml2.user);
    dataTree.openItems = object;



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  • Error #1006: textBoxSet is not a function

    Here's a little background on myself and this error:

    I tried to solve this problem for about 2 hours, no other than how or resolve. I am a Java programmer and the tutor in my school and to this language, because it was "easier" to have GUI, animation and interaction. As a result, I'm still stumbling around actionscript a little.

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    1 and 2 work very well, because they are relatively easy steps. However, when I try to launch displayItem.textBoxSet (); I get:

    TypeError: Error #1006: textBoxSet is not a function.

    at ProduceProject_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()

    I'm not sure why this is happening. I have everything set up and it should work. The methods are not nested, etc. etc. and such.

    For now, that's all I ask. I don't want to worry about the other thing that does not work more later (class element is not set in the timeline when should not be etc..)

    Code in the Timeline to Frame 1:

    import packages. VegetableDisplay;

    var displayItem:VegetableDisplay = new VegetableDisplay();

    trace (displayItem);

    displayItem.x = 200;

    this.addChild (displayItem);

    displayItem.textBoxSet ();

    Code for VegetableDisplay:

    the package packages {}

    import flash.display.MovieClip;

    import packages. Vegetable;

    import flash.text.TextField;

    SerializableAttribute public class VegetableDisplay extends MovieClip {}

    public var veggieItem:Vegetable;

    two text boxes are in the movieclip

    var nameText:TextField = new TextField();

    var typeText:TextField = new TextField();

    "Builder". Do not build a large part

    public void VegetableDisplay() {}

    the constructor code

    trace ("9");

    veggieItem = new Vegetable();

    trace ("veggieItem" + veggieItem.getName ());


    set these text boxes in the movieClip

    private void textBoxSet (): void {}

    trace ("in");

    nameText.text = veggieItem.getName ();

    typeText.text = veggieItem.getType ();




    Class of vegetables:

    the package packages {}

    public class {vegetables

    / * Actually, I have a problem with this class as well. When values are called the form, they come as "not defined" rather than what they should be.

    Why and how I could fix TI * /.

    private var myName:String = new String();                                        element name

    private var typeNum:Number = 0;                                                                      0: vegetable 1: fruits

    private var myType:String = new String();                                        corresponding channel

    private var classNum:Number = 0;                                                            fruit kernels and other

    private var itemClass:String = new String();                                        corresponding channel

    private var growingSeason:Array;                                                            month

    private var growingArea:Array;                                                                      areas

    public void Vegetable() {}

    the constructor code

    myName = "tomato."                                                                                           temporary up to begin importing rather than static.

    myType = "fruit";


    Get methods

    public function getName (): String {}

    return MyName;


    public function getTypeNum (): number {}

    TypeNum return;


    public function getType (): String {}

    Return myType;


    public function getClassNum (): number {}

    Return classNum;


    public function getItemClass (): String {}

    return itemClass;


    public function getGrowingSeason (): Array {}

    return which;


    public function getGrowingArea (): Array {}

    Return growingArea;


    Methods of definition

    public void setName (mName) {}

    myName = mName;


    public void setTypeNum (tyNum) {}

    typeNum = tyNum;


    public void setMyType (mType) {}

    myType = mType;


    public void setClassNum (claNum) {}

    classNum = claNum;


    public void setItemClass (itClass) {}

    itemClass = itClass;


    public void setGrowingSeason (growSeason) {}

    Which = growSeason;


    public void setGrowingArea (growArea) {}

    growingArea = growArea;




    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

    Class vegetable added if anyone bothers to build the class and test. The composition of the text box is just a rectangle with two text boxes "nameText" and 'typeText' so far, the dynamic and other text value.

    Also realized that I have never done with the name of the issue, so I did it is less ambiguous.

    You can start with a new set of files.  If I am controlled by using your last interpretation of the VegetableDisplay class so that other elements of coding your first assignment I get no error and exit following...


    veggieItem tomato

    [object VegetableDisplay]


  • Error #1006: setChildIndex is not a function.

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    var topPosition:uint = this.numChildren - 1;




    function showSettingPage2(event:MouseEvent):void

    settingPage1.visible = false;
    settingPage2.visible = true;
    this.setChildIndex (settingPage2, topPosition);

    I get this error:

    TypeError: Error #1006: setChildIndex is not a function.

    While in my app several times I used this method without error:

    this.setChildIndex (MovieClip, topPosition);

    Moreover, I know than the other method to put "settingPage2" on the top it is (and it works):

    stage.addChild (settingPage2);

    But I don't want to add a new child, please, someone knows why I get the above error?

    Thank you very much

    because ' ' is not a displayobjectcontainer.  That is to say, check your goggle.

  • TypeError: Error #1006: getDataHigh're not una funcion

    Hi my code is telling me that getDataHigh is not a function when it is.

    I use this on a container mc

    e.target.loader.content.getData (this.currentLibraryName, this.definitionsArray); This information is passed to the getData in the game
    e.target.loader.content.getDataHigh (this.level, this.lesson);

    Don't know if I'm allowed to use the e.target.loader twice with two different functions that are targeted in two movies that are targeted.

    Thus, the game that is loaded and targeted has function

    public void getDataHigh(pNivel:uint, pLesson:uint) {}

    This.Nivel = pNivel;
    This.Lesson = pLesson;

    var rutaXML:URLRequest = new URLRequest ("data/level" + this.nivel + "/ lesson" + this.lesson + "/ lessonT.xml");
    var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader (rutaXML);
    xmlLoader.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, onCompleteXmlLoader);

    This.final_mc.avatar_mc.gotoAndStop (this.avatarID + 1);

    Looks good to me, but then all the fact still.

    You are welcome.

    p.s. Please check the useful/correct.

  • Value is not a function


    For some reason, this code is sent errors.

    MovieClipArray [1]. URLArray [1] .splice (1,1,MovieClip);

    The MovieClipArray is an array of movieclips library that I exported for actionscript. The URLArray was created within their class, as such:

    package {
         import flash.display.*;
         public class LibraryMovieClip extends MovieClip {
              public var URLArray:Array=new Array  ;
              public function LibraryMovieClip() {

    The error is TypeError: Error #1006: value is not a function.

    I'm reasonably certain that it's the above code that gives me any questions because everything goes well when he commented.

    In any case, thank you for your time.

    I'm classy challenged, I can't deal with this aspect of things very well, but for...

    MovieClipArray [1]. URLArray [1] .splice (1,1,MovieClip);

    compared to

    public var URLArray:Array = new Array(); assuming that your parentheses are there

    URLArray is a table, but URLArray [1] is an element of an array, not a picture itself, so that apply the splice method is not valid.

    MovieClipArray [1]. URLArray.splice (1,1,MovieClip);

    Perhaps more correct, but I don't know if it would be good for what you are trying to do.

  • TypeError: Error #1006 - MovieClip to remove from the scene

    I have a clip that is called to the scene and when the movieclip is finished, it calls a function that removes from the scene. The code works, but I get an error message about 4 seconds after the music ends.

    Here is the error message:

    TypeError: Error #1006: exitWordMicroscopic is not a function.

    to ASvocabulary_microscopic / frame110 () [ASvocabulary_microscopic::frame110:1]

    Here's the code in step:

    Removes the movieclip on the stage and allows the highlight *.

    function exitWordMicroscopic (): void


    bnt_vocab_microscopic.mouseEnabled = true;

    removeChild (word_Microscopic);


    //******************************Stage buttons**************************************

    stage.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, goButtonsHomeRead_1);

    function goButtonsHomeRead_1(event:MouseEvent):void


    Buttons of vocabulary

    If (event.target is bnt_vocab_microscopic)


    bnt_vocab_microscopic.mouseEnabled = false;

    SoundMixer.stopAll ();

    addChild (word_Microscopic);

    word_Microscopic.x = 47;

    word_Microscopic.y = 120;



    Here is the code inside the clip. That's what the error message is referring to:

    Calls to withdraw from the scene function *.

    Object (parent) .exitWordMicroscopic ();

    What I am doing wrong?

    There is a more OOP good way to do this, but for now, you can use...

    Object (parent.parent) .exitWordMicroscopic ();

    function exitWordMicroscopic (): void


    bnt_vocab_microscopic.mouseEnabled = true;

    mc_EmpytMovie_Micro.removeChild (word_Microscopic);


  • OnLoad error TypeError: TcFfUpdates.getTcPluginsInstance (.getNewExtensionsList) is not a function

    OnLoad error TypeError: TcFfUpdates.getTcPluginsInstance (.getNewExtensionsList) is not a function

    I get this message every time I select the firefox icon to open the program

    This problem may be caused by an extension that is not working properly.

    Start Firefox in Firefox to solve the issues in Safe Mode to check if one of the extensions or if hardware acceleration is the cause of the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Firefox (Tools) > Add-ons > appearance/themes).

  • Before the opening of Firefox, I get a window: application JavaScript Exc hand ev: TypeError: This.oRoot.enable is not a function. I have to click ok and then open Firefox

    I click on Firefox to open the browser.
    Browser does not open.
    I get a little window:
    (JavaScript application)
    EXC in hand ev: TypeError: This.oRoot.enable is not a function
    I have to click OK and then the browser opens.
    How can I get away with this?
    I use 3.6.11
    Edition 6 created a lot of trouble with printing using Lexmark
    Help, please.

    This problem may be caused by the extension of McAfee Site Advisor

    Start Firefox in Firefox to solve the issues in Safe Mode to check if one of the extensions of the origin of the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Firefox (Tools) > Add-ons > appearance/themes).

  • I constantly get this pop-up, ' Exc in ev handl: TypeError: oSAPlg.oRoot.log is not a function. " What is the problem and how can I solve this problem?

    I received a lot of emails from trash and other deleted all my cookies and history. Now, I'm getting this pop-up and it is interfering with my use of the internet, ' Exc in ev handl: TypeError: oSAPlg.oRoot.log is not a function. " What is it and how can it be fixed, removed, managed to get rid of, etc. Thank you

    I've been working on what's wrong. She can do with McAfee Siteadvisor. I disabled suitable siteadvisor who never stopped popping up messages.

  • EXC in ev handl: TypeError: this.oRoot.enable is not a function that is popping up when I befor I open my browser in a box pop up under the heading JAVA SCRIPT EXE. That is - what, how can I get rid of him?

    TypeError: this.oRoot.enable is not a function

    This is popping up when I befor I open my browser,in a pop up box under the heading JAVA SCRIPT EXE. What is it, how do I get rid of it?

    For me, this happened from disabling, but do not uninstall McAfee site Advisor. Recommend site completely uninstalled and the problem disappeared completely. I had turned off before site Advisor, but it seems after a update to McAfee, he was back and then turn it off again caused this problem.

    Go to "uninstall a program" or "add/remove programs" in control panel. Find McAfee in your list (McAfee total protection for me). Click it and then click "Uninstall/Change" (right there in XP, up above in Vista or 7). I don't remember exactly what you see after that, but at one screen I was given the choice to uninstall the McAfee total protection and/or the Site Adviser. You can just check the Site Adviser and just uninstall the Site Adviser while retaining the rest of the McAfee protection.

    Good luck!

  • Get the error: DROPDOWN list is not a function - works in IE9

    I'm trying to remove the default selected value in a drop-down list.

    The call to the function is the following:
    OnChange = "JavaScript:Remove_Default_Value (this); »

    Here's the function:

    function Remove_Default_Value(DROPDOWN) {
     var i = DROPDOWN.options.length - 1;
     for ( i; i >= 0; i--)
      DROPDOWN(i).defaultSelected = false;

    The error I get is "drop-DOWN list is not a function".

    Any ideas is greatly appreciated.

    It is not a function, but a table and you also use getElementsByTagName()

    function Remove_Default_Value(DROPDOWN) {
     var i = DROPDOWN.getElementsByTagName("option").length - 1;
     for ( i; i >= 0; i-- )
      DROPDOWN.getElementsByTagName("option")[i].defaultSelected = false;

    A good place to ask for advice on web development is to the 'Web Standards Development/evangelism' MozillaZine forum.

    Aid to this forum are better informed on issues related to web development.

    You must register on MozillaZine forum site to post in this forum.

  • error 1066 - drag is not a function.

    I have the following

    (1) Main.as - a document class

    (2) main.fla - the document with a circle

    (3) Drag.as - with drag code

    Drag is not a function is thrown. This means that main.as cannot access custom drag function but how is this possible if

    It is public and in the same folder?

    Thanks in advance.


    package {}

    import flash.display. *;
    import flash.events. *;
    import drag;

    SerializableAttribute public class Main extends MovieClip

    public void Main (): void
    circle. drag (); This is how you implement a method NOT Drag (circle);



    import flash.display. *.
    import flash.events. *;
    Drag/public class extends MovieClip {}
    public var clip: MovieClip = new MovieClip();
    public void Drag() {}

    public function drag (): void {}
    this.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onMouseDownF) ;// we use it to indicate the object (instance of the class) who called (named) it.
    this.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onMouseUpF);
    private void onMouseDownF(e:Event):void {}
    private void onMouseUpF(e:Event):void {}
    this.stopDrag ();

    In addition, you must always specify namespace (such as public, private, protected, internal, etc.) when you declare variables.

    In addition, do not use datatyoe back with constructor. Constructor creates an object of the instance itself.

    Try this with the circle on the timeline:

    package {
         import flash.display.*;
         import flash.events.*;
         public class Main extends MovieClip
         public var circle:Drag;
            public function Main()
  • Error #1006: the value is not a function.

    var buttons: Array = new Array;

    var i: Number = 0;

    for (var b:Number = 0; b < 5; b ++)


    var btn:Button = new Button;

    btn.y = 15;

    btn.x = b * 100 + 15;

    btn.name = "btn" + (b + 1);

    btn.label = String (b + 1);

    buttons.push (btn.name);

    addChild (btn);


    var title_tf:TextFormat = new TextFormat();

    title_tf. Bold = "Bold";

    title_tf.font = "Arial";

    title_tf. Size = 25;

    title_tf. Color = 0x000000;

    title_tf. Align = TextFormatAlign.CENTER;

    next_btn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, nextCLICK);

    function nextCLICK(event:MouseEvent):void {}

    buttons [i] .setStyle ("textFormat", title_tf);



    I tried to solve this problem for days, but I seem to keep getting this error. Anyone mind helping?


    xHolyzx wrote:

    var buttons: Array = new Array;

    var i: Number = 0;

    for (var b:Number = 0; b< 5;="">


    var btn:Button = new Button;

    BTN.y = 15;

    BTN.x = b * 100 + 15;

    BTN. Name = "btn" + (b + 1);

    BTN.label = String (b + 1);

    Buttons.push (BTN);

    addChild (btn);


    var title_tf:TextFormat = new TextFormat();

    title_tf. Bold = "Bold";

    title_tf.font = "Arial";

    title_tf. Size = 25;

    title_tf. Color = 0x000000;

    title_tf. Align = TextFormatAlign.CENTER;

    next_btn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, nextCLICK);

    function nextCLICK(event:MouseEvent):void {}

    Buttons [i]. SetStyle ("TextFormat", title_tf);

    i ++ ;


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