Unexplained error "NaN".


I was changing an existing script to customize for my application.  I'm running into an error that I do not understand:

"Not enough parameters label were selected.

See red text in the code below for in such cases.  Thanks for your help.



Script of numbering batch (Actions) of the document (e.g., marking)

by Thom Parker, WindJack Solutions, Inc.  October 2010

www.windjack.com, www.pdfscripting.com

Of Adobe Systems Inc., www.adobe.com


NOTE: This JavaScript code is designed only for use in a

"" "" Action script (batch sequence). "" "  It will not work

within a document/form field or script as a script folder level.


This script displays a popup menu dialog custom for each file operated by Action

The user enters information on the way in which the numbers of the documents must be applied to the

pages of a document, for example, position, content, etc..  As well as information on whether or not

the script must save the file or extract the pages labelled in a separte document

These parameters are maintained during any of the Acrobat Session.


A document number is included in the parameters. This number is incremented each time

a file is operated.


The options are included to jump the document current and for the abandonment of the sequence of actions


Custom dialog box created with AcroDialogs of WindJack Solutions, Inc.


Version 1.4-7/1/16

Amended by SCS

Label width

var nLabWidth = 2000;  //

Line height

var nLabLineHeight = 8; //

If (typeof (global. (DocNumAction) == 'undefined')


Acrobat JavaScript dialog box

Created by DialogDesigner of WindJack Solutions

< CodeAbove >

var oDocNumTypes = {}

'Exposure': {Prefix: "[COMPANY NAME] \r\ [FEI #] \r\EXHIBIT \r\[DATE RANGE] [ACRONYM]", UseDocNum:true, UsePgNum:true, PagePrefix: "-Page" ""},

'Attachment': {Prefix: "[COMPANY NAME] \r\ [FEI #] \r\ATTACHMENT \r\[DATE RANGE] [ACRONYM]", UseDocNum:true, UsePgNum:true, PagePrefix: "-Page" ""},

"Memo": {Prefix: "[COMPANY NAME] \r\ [FEI #] \r\[INV/SUPV + MEMO DATE] \r\EXHIBIT [ACRONYM]", UseDocNum:true, UsePgNum:true, PagePrefix: "-Page" ""},

"Sample": {prefix: "[SAMPLE #] \r\[COLLECTION DATE] \r\doc #", UseDocNum:true, UsePgNum:true, PagePrefix: "-Page" ""},


function DoSetDocNumberFn (dialogue, oDlg)


var oRslt = dialog.store ();

var strExample = oRslt ["LPfx"];

If (oRslt ["so"])

strExample += oRslt ["DNum"];

If (oRslt ["PgNm"])


strExample += eval ("'" + oRslt ["PPfx"] + "" "") + (oDlg.nCurPage + 1) m:System.NET.SocketAddress.ToString ();

If (oRslt ["PPsf"])

strExample += 'of' + oDlg.nNumPages;



DoSetFileName (dialog, oDlg);


function DoSetFileName (dialogue, oDlg)


var oRslt = dialog.store ();

var strFileName As String = "";

If (oRslt ["SPst"])


Add the prefix

strFileName += oRslt ["SŠPR"];

Add number

If (oRslt ["DnPr"])


strFileName += oRslt ["DNum"];

If (oRslt ["so"])

strFileName += "_";


Add the file name

"strFileName += oDlg.strFileName.replace(/\.pdf/," ");"

Add number

If (oRslt ["DnFx"])


strFileName += oRslt ["Dnum"];

If (oRslt ["so"])



strFileName += ".pdf";




< / CodeAbove >

overall. DocNumAction =


result: "Cancel."

DoDialog: function() {return app.execDialog (this);};

strHorzPos: "PosR."

nMarginX: "0.5"

strVertPos: 'PosT',

nMarginY: "0.5"


strBackgroundCol: ['Transparent'],


strLabelPrefix: '\r ',.


strInitDocNum: "1."




strBoxStateSel: "Fltn."

strPgRangeSel: "rAll,"





strDocNumInName: "None."




for (var strRtn = aCtrls [0]; aCtrls.length > 0; strRtn = aCtrls.pop ()) {}

If (oRslts [strRtn] is true)

Return strRtn;


Return ' ';


SetListSel:function(list,path) {return if(path.length == 0);

eval ("list [------" "+ ((typeof path.join!]") = "function")? {("[(chemin: path.join("\"][\"")) + ' \ '] = 1")},


for {var (topic oLstRslts)

If (((typeof oLstRslts[item]=="number") & & (oLstRslts [point] > 0)))

|| This. GetListSel (oLstRslts [item], path))

{(point) path.push; return true ;}}


Returns false;







strFileName: "Test.pdf"


initialize: function (dialog)


var listLTyp = new Object();

This. SetListSel (listLTyp, this.strLTyp);

var listBkgd =








This. SetListSel (listBkgd, this.strBackgroundCol);

var dlgInit =


'MrgH': this.nMarginX,

'MrgV': this.nMarginY,

'Bkgd': listBkgd,

"DNum": this.strInitDocNum.

"SPst": this.bSaveWPostFx.

'Exmp': this.strExmp,

'LPfx': this.strLabelPrefix,

"So": this.bIncludeDocNum.

"PgNm": this.bIncludePageNum.

"PPfx": this.strPageNumPrefix.

"PPsf": this.bPageNumPostfix.

"tFPg": this.strStrtPg.

"tTPg": this.strEndPg.

'SŠPR': this.strSavePrefix,

'Pressure': this.strSavePostfix,

"SvFl": this.strSvFl.


dlgInit [this.strHorzPos] = true;

dlgInit [this.strVertPos] = true;

dlgInit [this.strBoxStateSel] = true;

dlgInit [this.strPgRangeSel] = true;

dlgInit [this.strDocNumInName] = true;

Dialog.Load (dlgInit);

() Dialog.Enable


'tTPg': false,

'tFPg': false,

'PPfx': false,

'DNum': false,



var typeInit = {};

(XX in this.oDocNumParams)

typeInit [xx] = - 1;

If ((this.strStrtPg == «») | isNaN (this.strStrtPg) |) (((This.strStrtPg) Number > This.nNumPages))


If (this.bHidden)

this.strStrtPg = "1";

on the other

this.strStrtPg = (this.nCurPage + 1) m:System.NET.SocketAddress.ToString ();


If ((this.strEndPg == "") |) isNaN (this.strEndPg) | (((This.strEndPg) Number > This.nNumPages))

this.strEndPg = this.nNumPages.toString ();

exInit var = {'LTyp': typeInit, "tFPg": this.strStrtPg, "tTPg":this.strEndPg, 'sOfN': ' of ('+ this.nNumPages +') ',}

"MNLF": "current file:"+ this.strFileName;} '.

If (this.bHidden & & this.strPgRangeSel == "rCur")


this.strPgRangeSel = 'rAll;

exInit ['rCur'] = false;

exInit [this.strPgRangeSel] = true;


Dialog.Load (exInit);

exInit var = {"ExPg":this.strPgRangeSel == "rFro", "DNum":this.bIncludeDocNum, "PPfx":this.bIncludePageNum,}

"PPsf":this.bIncludePageNum, "MrgH":this.strHorzPos! = "PosC", "MrgV":this.strVertPos! = "PosM,.

""SvPs":this.bSaveWPostFx," SvDn ":this.bSaveWPostFx.

"tFPg":this.strPgRangeSel == 'rFro', ' tTPg":this.strPgRangeSel =="rFro"," rCur"{:! this.bHidden};

Dialog.Enable (exInit);

This. SetDocNumber (dialogue, this);


validate: function (dialog)


var oRslt = dialog.store ();

If (oRslt ["so"] & & ((oRslt ["DNum"] == null) |)) (oRslt ["DNum'] == ' ') | isNaN (oRslt ["DNum"])))


App.Alert ('If selected, the initial value for Doc number must be filled with a valid integer");

Returns false;


If ((/^\s*$/).test(oRslt["LPfx"]) & &! oRslt ['so'] & &! oRslt ["PgNm"])


App.Alert ("not enough label settings have been selected");

Returns false;


If (oRslt ["rFro"])


If ((oRslt [«tFPg»] == «») | isNaN (oRslt ["tFPg"]) |) (oRslt ["tTPg'] == ' ') | isNaN (oRslt ["tTPg"]))


App.Alert ("If selected, the Page range values must be entered with valid integers");

Returns false;


If ((oRslt ["tFPg"]) Number > Number (oRslt ["tTPg"]))


App.Alert ("" If selected, page number must be less than the number page "");

Returns false;


If ((Number (oRslt ["tFPg"]) > this.nNumPages) |) (((ORslt ["tTPg"]) Number > This.nNumPages))


App.Alert ("" If selected, From and the page numbers must be less than the number of pages "");

Returns false;



Returns true;


commit: function (dialog)


var oRslt = dialog.store ();

this.strHorzPos is this. GetRadioSel (oRslt, ["PosL", "PosC", "PosR"]);

this.nMarginX = oRslt ["MrgH"];

this.strVertPos is this. GetRadioSel (oRslt, ["PosT", "PosM", "PosB"]);

this.nMarginY = oRslt ["MrgV"];

path of var = new Array();

this.strLTyp = (this. "GetListSel (oRslt ["LTyp"], path))? path.reverse ():" ";" "

path of var = new Array();

this.strBackgroundCol = (this. "GetListSel (oRslt ["Bkgd"], path))? path.reverse ():" ";" "

this.strExmp = oRslt ['Exmp'];

this.strLabelPrefix = oRslt ["LPfx"];

this.bIncludeDocNum = oRslt ["so"];

this.strInitDocNum = oRslt ["DNum"];

this.bIncludePageNum = oRslt ["PgNm"];

this.strPageNumPrefix = oRslt ["PPfx"];

this.bPageNumPostfix = oRslt ["PPsf"];

this.strBoxStateSel = "Fltn.

this.strPgRangeSel is this. GetRadioSel (oRslt, ["rAll", "rCur", "rFro"]);

this.strStrtPg = oRslt ["tFPg"];

this.strEndPg = oRslt ["tTPg"];

this.bSaveWPostFx = oRslt ["SPst"];

this.strSavePrefix = oRslt ["SŠPR"];

this.strDocNumInName is this. GetRadioSel (oRslt, ["None", "DnPr", "DnFx"]);

this.strSavePostfix = oRslt ['pressure'];

this.strSvFl = oRslt ["SvFl"];


"Abrt": function (dialog)


Dialog.end ("ABRT");


'Skip': function (dialog)


Dialog.end ("Skip");


'Pressure': function (dialog)


This. SetFileName (dialog, this);


'DnFx': function (dialog)


This. SetFileName (dialog, this);


'DnPr': function (dialog)


This. SetFileName (dialog, this);


'None': function (dialog)


This. SetFileName (dialog, this);


'SŠPR': function (dialog)


This. SetFileName (dialog, this);


"SPst": function (dialog)


Good var = dialog.store (["SPst"]);

Dialog.Enable ({"Pressure": good, "SvDn": good});

This. SetFileName (dialog, this);


'tTPg': function (dialog)


var x;


'rFro': function (dialog)


Dialog.Enable ({tFPg:true, tTPg:true, "ExPg": true});


'rCur': function (dialog)


Dialog.Enable ({tFPg:false, tTPg:false, "ExPg": false});


"rAll": function (dialog)


Dialog.Enable ({tFPg:false, tTPg:false, "ExPg": false});


'PPsf': function (dialog)


This. SetDocNumber (dialog, this);


'PPfx': function (dialog)


This. SetDocNumber (dialog, this);


'PgNm': function (dialog)


Buffalo var = dialog.store (['PgNm']);


This. SetDocNumber (dialog, this);


"DNum": function (dialog)


This. SetDocNumber (dialog, this);


"So": function (dialog)


Dialog.Enable({"DNum":Dialog.) Store() ["so"]});

This. SetDocNumber (dialog, this);


'LPfx': function (dialog)


This. SetDocNumber (dialog, this);


'LTyp': function (dialog)


var oRslt = dialog.store ();

path of var = [];

cSel var = ((this. GetListSel (oRslt ["LTyp"], path))? path.reverse ():"").toString();

var oLabInfo = this.oDocNumParams [cSel];

If (! oRslt ["DNum"] |) (oRslt ["DNum'] == ' ') | isNaN (oRslt ["DNum"]))


If (oLabInfo)


Dialog.Load ({"LPfx": oLabInfo.Prefix, "So":oLabInfo.UseDocNum, "PgNm":oLabInfo.UsePgNum, "PPfx":oLabInfo.PagePrefix});})

Dialog.Enable ({"DNum": oLabInfo.UseDocNum, "PPfx":oLabInfo.UsePgNum, "PPsf":oLabInfo.UsePgNum});})

This. SetDocNumber (dialog, this);



"PosB": function (dialog)




"POS": function (dialog)




'PosT': function (dialog)




"PosR": function (dialog)




"PosC": function (dialog)




'PosL': function (dialog)






name: 'batch labeling automatic Application. "




type: "display."




type: "display."

alignment: "align_fill",.




type: "display."

height: 14.

align_children: "align_top."




type: 'static_text. "

item_id: "MNLF."

name: ' Please enter information for application document numbering labels,:

height: 14.

Police: "palette."

"BOLD": true,



type: 'static_text. "

item_id: "sta1."

name: "Version 1.4-7/1/16 SCS/CA."

height: 14.

alignment: 'align_right ',.





type: "cluster."

item_id: "cls2."


Police: "palette."

"BOLD": true,




type: "display."

align_children: "align_row."




type: 'static_text. "

item_id: "sta3."

name: "1. Select the Type of Document:»



type: "popup",

item_id: "LTyp."

nom_de_variable: "strLTyp."

Width: 93

height: 23,.

char_width: 8.



type: "gap."

item_id: "gap2."

char_width: 1,.

char_height: 4,.



type: 'static_text. "

item_id: "sta1."

name: "2 Select background,:



type: "popup",

item_id: 'Bkgd ',.

nom_de_variable: "strBackgroundCol."

Width: 86

height: 23,.

char_width: 8.





type: "display."

align_children: "align_top."




type: 'static_text. "

item_id: "sta5."

name: ' 3 Add the front label information of selected document Type,:

height: 15.



type: 'edit_text. "

item_id: "LPfx."

nom_de_variable: "strLabelPrefix."

Width: 200,

height: 75,.

Multiline: true,

char_width: 8.





type: "display."

align_children: "align_top."




type: 'static_text. "

item_id: "sta6."

name: ' 4. Enter departure Doc # (default 1): ",



type: 'edit_text. "

item_id: "DNum."

nom_de_variable: "strInitDocNum."

char_width: 3,.





type: "display."

align_children: "align_row."




type: 'check_box. "

item_id: 'So,'

name: "Include Doc # (default)."

nom_de_variable: "bIncludeDocNum."

alignment: "align_fill",.



type: 'static_text. "

item_id: "sta7."

name: "Enter prefix (or default) Page,:



type: 'edit_text. "

item_id: "PPfx."

nom_de_variable: "strPageNumPrefix."

char_width: 8.



type: 'check_box. "

item_id: "PgNm."

name: "Include Page # (default)."

nom_de_variable: "bIncludePageNum."

alignment: "align_fill",.



type: 'check_box. "

item_id: "PPsf."

name: ' include \"of N\ 'pages ', '.

nom_de_variable: "bPageNumPostfix."

alignment: "align_fill",.





type: "display."

align_children: "align_top."




type: 'static_text. "

item_id: "sta8."

name: "overview of the label,:

Police: "palette."



type: 'edit_text. "

item_id: 'Exmp ';

Width: 250,

height: 75,.

char_width: 8.

Multiline: 'true ',.

ReadOnly: "true."







type: "cluster."

item_id: "cls3."

name: "SELECT the PAGE RANGE."

Police: "palette."

"BOLD": true,




type: "display."

align_children: "align_row."




type: 'radio ',.

item_id: "rAll,"

group_id: "GRP1"

name: "All."

nom_de_variable: "strPgRangeSel."

height: 20.



type: 'radio ',.

item_id: "direct."

group_id: "GRP1"

name: "current (applies only to the Open Document)."

nom_de_variable: "strRange."

height: 20.



type: 'radio ',.

item_id: "rFro."

group_id: "GRP1"

name: "to:",

Width: 12,

height: 24,.



type: 'edit_text. "

item_id: "tFPg."

nom_de_variable: "strStrtPg."

height: 24,.

char_width: 6,.



type: 'static_text. "

item_id: "sta1."

name: "to:",

height: 24,.



type: 'edit_text. "

item_id: "tTPg."

nom_de_variable: "strEndPg."

height: 24,.

char_width: 6,.



type: 'static_text. "

item_id: "sOfN."

name: "of (N)."

height: 24,.









type: "cluster."

item_id: "cls1."


Width: 188

height: 80,.

Police: "palette."

"BOLD": true,

char_width: 8.

char_height: 8.




type: "display."

align_children: "align_top."




type: 'radio ',.

item_id: "PosL."

group_id: "PosH,"

name: "Left",

nom_de_variable: "strHorzPos."



type: 'radio ',.

item_id: "PosC".

group_id: "PosH,"

name: 'Center ',.



type: 'radio ',.

item_id: "PosR."

group_id: "PosH,"

name: "right."



type: 'static_text. "

item_id: "sta2."

name: "margin (inches)": ","



type: 'edit_text. "

item_id: "MrgH."

nom_de_variable: "nMarginX."

char_width: 8.





type: "display."

align_children: "align_top."




type: 'radio ',.

item_id: 'PosT',

group_id: 'VPOS ',.

name: 'Top',

nom_de_variable: "strVertPos."



type: 'radio ',.

item_id: "POS."

group_id: 'VPOS ',.

name: "Middle",



type: 'radio ',.

item_id: "PosB"

group_id: 'VPOS ',.

name: "bottom."



type: 'static_text. "

item_id: "sta1."

name: "room (inches):»



type: 'edit_text. "

item_id: "MrgV."

nom_de_variable: "nMarginY."

char_width: 8.







type: "cluster."

item_id: "cls1."

name: 'SAVE OPTIONS ',.

Police: "palette."

"BOLD": true,

alignment: "align_fill",.




type: "display."

align_children: "align_top."




type: 'check_box. "

item_id: "SPst"

name: "save file."

nom_de_variable: "bSaveWPostFx."



type: 'static_text. "

item_id: "sta9."

name: "Enter Doc Type of recorded file name (optional):"



type: 'edit_text. "

item_id: "SŠPR."

nom_de_variable: "strSavePrefix."

Width: 73

height: 23,.

char_width: 8.

alignment: "align_fill",.



type: 'static_text. "

item_id: "sta3."

name: "Include Doc # in the name of the saved file (optional):"



type: 'radio ',.

item_id: "None."

group_id: "SvDN."

name: 'no ', he said.

nom_de_variable: "strDocNumInName."



type: 'radio ',.

item_id: "DnPr."

group_id: "SvDN."

name: '' Yes. ''





type: "display."

align_children: "align_top."

alignment: "align_top."




type: "ok."

ok_name: 'Apply Label and save',



type: 'button ',.

item_id: 'Skip,'

name: 'Skip this Doc. "



type: 'button ',.

item_id: "Abrt"

name: "Cancel."



type: 'static_text. "

item_id: "sta1."

name: "" file name: ","

alignment: 'align_right ',.



type: 'edit_text. "

item_id: "SvFl."

Width: 295

height: 23,.

char_width: 8.

ReadOnly: "true."











overall. DoPlaceDocNumbers = app.trustedFunction (function (oOrigDoc)


app.beginPriv ();

Setup from the parameters

var oTrgDoc = oOrigDoc;

var nPgStart, nPgEnd, nPgTrgStart;

var cBkCol = ["t."];

switch (global. DocNumAction.strBackgroundCol.toString ())


case 'Transparent ':

cBkCol = ['t.'];


case "yellow":

cBkCol = ['RGB', 1, 1, 0];


case "green":

cBkCol = ['RGB', 0.1, 0];


case "Blue":

cBkCol = ["RGB", 0,0, 1];


case "gray":

cBkCol = ['RGB',.7,.7,.7];


case "white":

cBkCol = ['RGB', 1, 1, 1];



switch (global. DocNumAction.strPgRangeSel)


case 'rAll:

nPgTrgStart is nPgStart = 0;.

nPgEnd = oOrigDoc.numPages-1;


case 'rCur ':

nPgTrgStart = nPgEnd = nPgStart = oOrigDoc.hidden? 0:oOrigDoc.pageNum;


case 'rFro ':

nPgTrgStart = nPgStart = number (global. DocNumAction.strStrtPg)-1;

If (nPgTrgStart > (oOrigDoc.numPages-1))

nPgTrgStart = oOrigDoc.numPages-1;

nPgEnd = number (global. DocNumAction.strEndPg)-1;

If (nPgEnd > (oOrigDoc.numPages-1))

nPgEnd = oOrigDoc.numPages-1;



Start marking loop

var nNumPages is nPgEnd - nPgStart + 1;.

var nCurPgNum = nPgStart;

for (nPg var = 0; nPg < nNumPages; nPg ++ nCurPgNum ++, nPgTrgStart ++)


Create a text label

var global = strExample. DocNumAction.strLabelPrefix;

If (Global. DocNumAction.bIncludeDocNum)

strExample += overall. DocNumAction.nCurrentDocNum;

If (Global. DocNumAction.bIncludePageNum)


strExample += eval ("'" + global.) DocNumAction.strPageNumPrefix + "" "") + (nCurPgNum + 1) m:System.NET.SocketAddress.ToString ();

If (Global. DocNumAction.bPageNumPostfix)

strExample += 'of' + oOrigDoc.numPages;


Find the location on the Page

Download the base params

var rcPage = oOrigDoc.getPageBox ("Crop", nCurPgNum);

var mxToDefaultCoords = (new Matrix2D()) .fromRotated (oOrigDoc, nCurPgNum);

var nPgRot = oOrigDoc.getPageRotation (nCurPgNum);

var rcRot = [];

var nAlign;

var nMargX = number (global. DocNumAction.nMarginX) * 72;

switch (global. DocNumAction.strHorzPos)


case "PosL:

strAlign = 'left '; Left-aligned text

rcRot [0] = nMargX;

rcRot [2] = nMargX + nLabWidth;


case "PosC":

strAlign = 'center '; Left-aligned text

rcRot [0] = rcPage [2] / 2 - nLabWidth/2;

rcRot [2] = rcPage [2] / 2 + nLabWidth/2;


case "PosR":

strAlign = 'right '; Left-aligned text

rcRot [0] = rcPage [2] - nMargX - nLabWidth;

rcRot [2] = rcPage [2] - nMargX;



Find the number of lines

var nMargY = number (global. DocNumAction.nMarginY) * 72;

var nLigne = 1;

var oMtch = strExample.match(/(\n)/g);

If (oMtch)

nLigne += oMtch.length;

var bxHght = nLigne * (nLabLineHeight + 1);

switch (global. DocNumAction.strVertPos)


case 'PosT ':

rcRot [1] = rcPage [1] - nMargY - bxHght;

rcRot [3] = rcPage [1] - nMargY;


case "POS":

rcRot [1] = (rcPage [1] - bxHght) / 2;

rcRot [3] = (rcPage [1] + bxHght) / 2;


case "PosB":

rcRot [1] = nMargY;

rcRot [3] = nMargY + bxHght;



var rectAnnot = mxToDefaultCoords.transform (rcRot);

Find an existing annot and remove if there is

annot var = oTrgDoc.getAnnot (nPgTrgStart, "DocNumberLabel");

If (Annot)

Annot.Destroy ();

Create annotation

strExample = strExample.replace(/\r\n/g,"\r");

oTrgDoc.addAnnot ({type: "FreeText", page: nPgTrgStart, rect:rectAnnot,})

Rotate: nPgRot, width: 0, fillColor:cBkCol,

readOnly: overall. DocNumAction.strBoxStateSel == "Lckd."

richContents: [{textColor: ["RGB", 0,0, 0], textSize:nLabLineHeight,}]

[{alignment: strAlign, text: strExample}].

name: "DocNumberLabel."



If selected then flatten

If (Global. DocNumAction.strBoxStateSel is "Fltn")

oTrgDoc.flattenPages ();

Save file

If (Global. DocNumAction.bSaveWPostFx)


var cSavePath = oOrigDoc.path.replace(/\/[^\/]+$/,"/"); "

var cDocPrefix;

cDocPrefix = global. DocNumAction.strLabelPrefix;

Document prefix number

cSavePath += overall. DocNumAction.strSavePrefix;

If (Global. DocNumAction.strDocNumInName is "DnPr")


If (Global. DocNumAction.bIncludeDocNum)

cSavePath += overall. DocNumAction.nCurrentDocNum += "_";


"cSavePath += oOrigDoc.documentFileName.replace(/\.pdf/," ");"

Number of document as prostfix

If (Global. DocNumAction.strDocNumInName is 'DnFx')


If (Global. DocNumAction.bIncludeDocNum)

cSavePath += overall. DocNumAction.nCurrentDocNum;


cSavePath += ".pdf";

oTrgDoc.saveAs (cSavePath);


app.endPriv ();



var DoNumActionDlg = app.trustedFunction (function)


app.beginPriv ();

return app.execDialog (global. DocNumAction);

app.endPriv ();



var oDoc = event.target;

If (odoc.xfa)


If (3 == app.alert (oDoc.documentFileName + ": is a form of LiveCycle, which may not be labeled\n\n you want to continue processing the files?")) (Pressing No. will stop the processing of the file) ", 1, 2))

Event.RC = false;


on the other


overall. DocNumAction.bHidden = oDoc.hidden;

if(!odoc.) Hidden)

overall. DocNumAction.nCurPage = oDoc.pageNum;

on the other

overall. DocNumAction.nCurPage = 0;

overall. DocNumAction.nNumPages = oDoc.numPages;

overall. DocNumAction.strFileName = oDoc.documentFileName;

cRtn var = DoNumActionDlg();

If ("ok" is cRtn)


Configure the Initial of Doc number

If (Global. DocNumAction.bIncludePageNum)

overall. DocNumAction.nCurrentDocNum = number (global. DocNumAction.strInitDocNum);

Console.println ("Do" + oDoc.documentFileName);

overall. DoPlaceDocNumbers (oDoc);

Increment if applicable Doc number

If (Global. DocNumAction.bIncludeDocNum)


overall. DocNumAction.nCurrentDocNum ++;

overall. DocNumAction.strInitDocNum = global. DocNumAction.nCurrentDocNum.toString ();



ElseIf ("Abrt" == cRtn)

Event.RC = false;


I suppose it comes from the exchange of shares on AcrobatUsers.com. Are you the error with the unmodified script as well? If this isn't the case, what you changed in the code (and for what purpose)?

Your subject line refers to an error of NaN - how - what is factor in this problem?

A 'NaN' error is thrown when occurs a condition 'Not a number', which may for example be that you are trying to perform an operation which cannot be done with a number on a chain, or if you try to divide by zero.

Tags: Acrobat

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    It's fixed in VBAI 2011 and newer. He will plant is no longer with the VDM dll updated and VBAI, if a previous measure used by the step of ROI is NaN, KING step will treat it as a missing measure and return on investment stage will fail. NaN is cast to many is because NaN is valid for values to double, and the KING coordinates are integers, so when convert us internally the NaN in full, it is interpreted as a large number. Not sure why it would just start happening today though.

    Hope this helps,


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    See you soon


    See: http://communities.vmware.com/message/1147495#1147495

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    Now the strange thing is, when I got the same code with objects of different libraries, it worked fine:

    Error of NaN give the code:

    for (var teller1 = 0; teller1 < 5; teller1 ++) {}
    var dna_mc:dna = new dna();
    dna_mc.x = Math.Random () * 600 + 150;
    dna_mc.y = Math.Random () * 400 + 150;
    dna_mc.snelheidx = Number (Math.random () * 5 + 4);
    dna_mc.snelheidy = Number (Math.random () * 5 + 4);
    dna_mc.geklikt = Number (0);
    dna_mc.score = Number (20);
    dna_mc.addEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME, moving);
    dna_mc.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, zakklik);
    addChild (dna_mc);
    for (var teller2 = 0; teller2 < 20; teller2 ++) {}
    var chelex_mc:chelex = new chelex();
    chelex_mc.x = Math.Random () * 600 + 150;
    chelex_mc.y = Math.Random () * 400 + 150;
    chelex_mc.snelheidx = Number (Math.random () * 15 + 4);
    chelex_mc.snelheidy = Number (Math.random () * 15 + 4);
    chelex_mc.geklikt = Number (0);
    chelex_mc.score = Number(-10);
    chelex_mc.addEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME, moving);
    chelex_mc.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, zakklik);
    addChild (chelex_mc);

    var score: Number = 0;

    function zakklik (evt:MouseEvent) {}
    evt. Target.snelheidy = 2;
    evt. Target.snelheidx = 0;
    evt. Target.geklikt = 1;
    score += evt.target.score;
    evt. Target.Stop ();
    evt. Target.Alpha =. 5;
    Plop.Play ();

    function moving (evt:Event) {}
    evt. Target.rotation += evt.target.snelheidx;
    If {(evt.target.geklikt == 0)
    evt. Target.x += evt.target.snelheidx;
    evt. Target.y += evt.target.snelheidy;
    If (evt.target.y > 649 | < 120 evt.target.y) {}
    evt. Target.snelheidy * =-1;
    If (evt.target.x < 100 | evt.target.x > 800) {}
    evt. Target.snelheidx * =-1;
    If {(evt.target.geklikt == 1)
    If {(evt.target.y < 649)
    evt. Target.y += evt.target.snelheidy;
    If (score < 0) {score = 0};
    scoretext. Text = "DNA:" + score;

    Code works correctly:

    for (var teller1 = 0; teller1 < 10; teller1 ++) {}
    var bol1_mc:bol1 = new bol1();
    bol1_mc.x = Math.Random () * 550;
    bol1_mc.y = Math.Random () * 400;
    bol1_mc.snelheidx = Number (Math.random () * 15 + 5);
    bol1_mc.snelheidy = Number (Math.random () * 5 + 5);
    bol1_mc.geklikt = Number (0);
    bol1_mc.score = Number(-1);
    bol1_mc.addEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME, moving);
    bol1_mc.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, zakklik);
    addChild (bol1_mc);
    for (var teller2 = 0; teller2 < 10; teller2 ++) {}
    var bol2_mc:bol2 = new bol2();
    bol2_mc.x = Math.Random () * 550;
    bol2_mc.y = Math.Random () * 400;
    bol2_mc.snelheidx = Number (Math.random () * 5 + 5);
    bol2_mc.snelheidy = Number (Math.random () * 15 + 5);
    bol2_mc.geklikt = Number (0);
    bol2_mc.score = Number (1);
    bol2_mc.addEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME, moving);
    bol2_mc.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, zakklik);
    addChild (bol2_mc);

    var geklikt = 0;
    var score: Number = 0;

    function zakklik (evt:MouseEvent) {}
    evt. Target.snelheidy = 2;

    evt. Target.snelheidx = 0;
    evt. Target.geklikt = 1;
    score += evt.target.score;

    function moving (evt:Event) {}
    If {(evt.target.geklikt == 0)
    evt. Target.x += evt.target.snelheidx;
    If {(evt.target.x > 549)
    evt. Target.snelheidx * =-1;
    If (evt.target.x < 1) {}
    evt. Target.snelheidx * =-1;
    evt. Target.y += evt.target.snelheidy;
    If {(evt.target.y > 399)
    evt. Target.snelheidy * =-1;
    If (evt.target.y < 1) {}
    evt. Target.snelheidy * =-1;
    If {(evt.target.geklikt == 1)
    If {(evt.target.y < 399)
    evt. Target.y += evt.target.snelheidy;
    scoretext. Text = "Note:" + score;
    / * If (evt.target.hitTestObject (blok1)) {}
    evt. Target.snelheidx * =-1;

    You see the difference? I can't :/

    Use currentTarget instead of the target.

  • Unexplained error with custom events

    LabVIEW 8.6.1f1, Win Vista

    I have an error an once-in-a-blue-moon in my program, I need to track down.

    I have it boiled down to a simple test case, where the error occurs more frequently (but still relatively rarely).

    I have a program called MERS, which is separated from my main code HDT.

    TCM can run on a separate machine, but for this test, it is on the same machine, running under the development of LV system.

    This test simply opens a TCP connection to the TCM, calls for a "signature", it receives and stop the connection.

    The part that opens the connection starts also the TCM RECEIVER running, and kill the connection stops this receiver.

    Here's the code for the main event, and you can see that I get an error apparently because I get no response in MS 2000:


    The code to GET the SIGNATURE of TCM is here: what it does is to send a request for the signature and then waiting for an event SIGNATURE RECEIVED by the RECEIVER, or a timeout 2000 mSec.

    The error that I get (-100005) comes from there.  If the TCM has failed to respond, it would look like this.  Indeed, this is why the timeouot trap is here.


    However, here is the code of the receiver and the Panel, immediately after a failure.

    It is clear from the TABLE that he received the SIGNATURE of TCM TCM.

    There are NO orders in the table indicates that the receiver was still running for 2000 mSec (4 x 500 mSec) after receipt of the order.

    When it receives a SIGNATURE, the code written will trigger an event.  No errors are reported here.

    So what's happening?  It seems that the event should be raised, but it is not received (Event #0 in photo #2 reacts to the event and returns the word signature, without error).

    This happens not all the time - this case is broken loop # 211 - this number is between 20 and 2000.

    With all those open windows in fact do more often: without them always fails, but she performs thousands of do loops.

    So perhaps it is related to the CPU bustle.

    I checked that there is no error with the function SAVE of EVENTS, even when it fails.

    I come back to the fact that the PICTURE in photo #3 says that the signature was received, but it seems that the EVENT did not get generated or received.

    What are the causes that?

    Is it possible that, since the receiver is dynamically loaded and run, that things are not really created and ready when he says they are?

    OK, that seems to have fixed. -He managed 5000 loops, with the windows open and no failure.

    How completely obvious it sounds, when I put it in words:

    Don't ask a question until you are ready to hear the answer.

    The revised registers for events and THEN asks for the signature.

    So, when the answer comes, even if it is immediately, you're ready.

    Don't ask a question until you are ready to hear the answer.

    Don't ask a question until you are ready to hear the answer.

    Don't ask a question until you are ready to hear the answer.

    Don't ask a question until you are ready to hear the answer.

    Don't ask a question until you are ready to hear the answer.

  • Oracle: Nested joins/sub-requetes: odd column names and an unexplained error

    The following query works fine. It is a series of nested joins to give me a kind of main table:

    SELECT *

    FROM proj_trainer k



      SELECT *

      FROM proj_breeder i



      SELECT *

      FROM proj_jockey g



      SELECT *

      FROM proj_horses e



      SELECT *

      FROM proj_results c



      SELECT *

      FROM proj_race_details a

      JOIN proj_meet b

      ON a.meet_id = b.meet_id

      ) d

      ON c.race_id = d.race_id

      ) f

      ON e.horse_id = f.horse_id

      ) h

      ON g.jockey_id = h.jockey_id


      ON i.breeder_id = j.breeder_id

    ) l

    ON k.trainer_id = l.trainer_id;

    It works very well with a strange feature, that is not my main problem. Some columns are back with weird codes such as "QCSJ_C000000001300001". Don't know why, or if it comes to my real problem.

    The real problem is that when I add just a subquery join more I get:

    ORA-00904: "N"."RACE_ID": invalid identifier

    Here is the same code with the additional nested block (the one on the very outside)

    SELECT *

    FROM proj_entry m



      SELECT *

      FROM proj_trainer k



      SELECT *

      FROM proj_breeder i



      SELECT *

      FROM proj_jockey g



      SELECT *

      FROM proj_horses e



      SELECT *

      FROM proj_results c



      SELECT *

      FROM proj_race_details a

      JOIN proj_meet b

      ON a.meet_id = b.meet_id

      ) d

      ON c.race_id = d.race_id

      ) f

      ON e.horse_id = f.horse_id

      ) h

      ON g.jockey_id = h.jockey_id


      ON i.breeder_id = j.breeder_id

      ) l

      ON k.trainer_id = l.trainer_id

    ) n

    ON n.race_id = m.race_id AND n.horse_id = m.horse_id;

    I felt as if I was on the hill with it and then the last line was wrong somehow, despite having virtually the same structure as all previous blocks. I also used the race_id and the horse_id above in the code so that they work.

    I also tried this on the last line:

    ON n.race_id = m.race_id AND n.horse_id = m.horse_id;

    and a few other variations, with supports etc...


    I can't reproduce the problem, so I can't say with certainty. It might have to do with the same column names which occur in several tables.

    Why do you need nested views online?  Why not simply join all tables directly, like this?

    SELECT *- or display the columns that you really need

    OF proj_race_details one

    JOIN proj_meet b ON b.meet_id = a.meet_id

    JOIN proj_resuls c ON c.race_id = b.race_id - or a.race_id


    JOIN proj_trainer k WE k.trainer_id = i.trainer_id - or else

    JOIN proj_entry m ON m.race_id = k.race_id - or else

    AND m.horse_id = k.horse_id - or else


    I guess just the tables that contain columns; for example, I can't tell what you posted if proj_race_details or proj_meet contains race_id.  If I guessed wrong, use the correct table alias.  Are eligible all the column names with the correct alias.

  • Qosmio F60 - error when burning Blu - ray discs

    I have a Qosmio F60

    Recently, I tried to burn my data on BD - R 25 gb disc. Aftre burn about 6 GB of data, it stopped burning with unexplained error. I tried another disc with the same problem. This time the suggested message updated firmware. This is MY * A BD - MLT uj240ES blue ray player. I am unable to find any updated firmware update. Current firmware is version 1.10.

    Can someone help me on this


    If a firmware update is available, you can find it on the official website of Toshiba:

    If this isn't the case, you already have the latest version of the firmware.

    In your case, I recommend to test different brands of blu - ray discs. I have good experiences with Verbatim and TDK discs.
    Check this box!

    By the way: I prefer a backup of the data on an external HARD drive. It of safer and easier! ;)

  • VI FPGA-61017 open error

    LabVIEW RT running on the cRIO-9068, LabVIEW FPGA programming mode. Citing the FPGA VI open (from the RT program) returns the error-61017 code. Everything seems to work OK, but unexplained errors keep me awake at night. I looked everywhere but could not find an explanation for this error. Did anyone here know what makes?

    I'm glad to hear that you understood.

    I know the error codes are out there somewhere on the internet, but I usually do it is go to the Help Menu in LabVIEW, select error explain and enter the error Code I'm interested.


  • Acer E3-111-COWA (unexplained BSOD at random)

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    I tried to make PC Refresh and it worked fine for a day or two, then in the middle of work on it, an unexplained error occur and must restart.

    Frustrated, I have updated the BIOS to 1.10 and for some reason, now it seems stable.

    Why is my laptop BSODing in the first place? This is a brand new laptop and comments on the site where I bought seemed positive I'd hate to have to return this great case I had

    I'm not sure. All I see on the unexpected error was IRQL EQUAL or NOT LESS error.

    So I was wondering which driver is the culprit.

    I ran a software called Sisoft Sandra to see what drivers were in the computer and it said that the Intel HD Graphics driver is not signed. Visit Acer my driver is the last, but the diagnostic program said that a better driver is available. I'm kind of leary installation of drivers not approved by Acer, but often times its solved my problem

  • 0 system restore error 80070005 x

    After that I downloaded a Windows critical update, change the icons in my taskbar, so I tried to do a system restore.  Now, I can not complete the restore of the system's message: impossible to extract the file (C:$ Extend\$ RmMetadata\$ Txf) the restore point.  An unexplained error occurred system restores (0x80070005).   I had this happen before around the first of the year.  How can I fix it?


    After that I downloaded a Windows critical update, change the icons in my taskbar, so I tried to do a system restore.  Now, I can not complete the restore of the system's message: impossible to extract the file (C:$ Extend\$ RmMetadata\$ Txf) the restore point.  An unexplained error occurred system restores (0x80070005).   I had this happen before around the first of the year.  How can I fix it?


    already answered



  • The console error after changing IP address

    Hi all

    I isntalled Server 2.0.0 on Win7 64 bit and everything went well

    Created a new guest and he saw in the window of remote console.

    I changed the IP address of the host and the host and now all I get when I go to the remote console is

    Error opening remote virtual machine < name of PC >: 8333\16:

    Unexplained error.

    The prompt works fine and I can rdp to it, I can't just create a remote console connection.

    I did a repair install and same problem

    I then did a uninstall and re-install and it still creates the same error.

    I have created a new guest in the hope that it was something to do with a sticky ip address, but the new guest was inaccessible as well.

    Y at - it an easy way to fix this or do I have to re - install windows?

    Thank you


    Try this...


    The steps help?

  • Need help with "NaN" (or perhaps with "if" and "else")

    I am putting together an office space calculator. I have several text fields that will be added to give an answer "completely."

    I don't want users to have to enter text in all areas. For example, a section of the calculator will calculate "coffee" space.

    If there is no 'coffee zone' in their office, this text entry is useless and needs no input.

    However, I noticed that the empty text fields return a NaN value in my Total field. Of course, it won't.

    I worked on a script as such to correct this:

    if(Coffee>0) {}

    Café = coffee * 150;


    else {}

    coffee = 0;


    This works to get the empty field to '0' = so there is no error 'Nan '.

    However, I have a different statement that needs more of an "If". For example:

    If (numbertwenty < = 1) {}

    numbertwenty = numbertwenty * 100;

    lunchtwenty = numbertwenty / 100;


    If (numbertwenty > = 2) {}

    numbertwenty = numbertwenty * 25 + 75;

    lunchtwenty = (numbertwenty-75) / 25;


    else {}

    numbertwenty = 0;

    lunchtwenty = 0;


    Here is exactly what I need. If the user leaves the field blank, I need to be calculated automatically by '0' so that the user does not receive an error code "NaN".

    If the user enters a value of '0', I need the field text equal to '0 '.

    If the user enters a value '1', I need the field text to multiply by "100".

    If the user enters a number greater than 1, I need the field text to equal '100' add an additional "75" in total for each integer it goes upward.

    (Example - if the user enters '2', the total calculation is 125.) (100 for the first number (1) and 25 for the second number (2))

    I hope that all makes sense.

    I appreciate any assistance. Thank you very much.

    a non-html/non-multiline textfield empty has a text property of the «»  to change this string to zero for textfield tf, use:

    {if (TF. (Text=="")}

    TF. Text = 0;


    but the best would be to check all the invalid entries using:

    {if (IsNaN (TF. Text))}

    TF. Text = 0;


Maybe you are looking for

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    IPad will not allow any fly, so it does not open

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