* URGENT * buttons within a menu "drop-down" don't work well...?

I have a 'drop down menu ' (which is in fact silent...) with 4 buttons on the inside. The menu BG is just a movieclip containing the buttons. The problem is, when you hover over a button of the menu drop-down retracts. How do I get flash to examine the buttons to be part of the background, so he doesn't think you're mousing on when you hover over the buttons?

Here is a link to the FLA and the code. Any help is greatly appreciated! I tried to make it work for more than five hours and I'm extremely frustrated.


The berries are unnecessary because 1) they have scope in functions 2) you create a new one for each tween.  If this code from a tutorial, you'll do yourself a favor to abandon the one who wrote it in the future.  It might be that you just revised the code without knowing how it should be done given that other aspects of your code that are simply false as well.  Change the following and see if it works...

Import fl.transitions.Tween; you only need to import once
Fl.transitions.easing import. *;
Import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;

var menuTween:Tween;  declared outside any function interpolation

flooringMenuBG.addEventListener (MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, fl_MouseOverHandlerIn);

function fl_MouseOverHandlerIn(event:MouseEvent):void
menuTween = new Tween(flooringMenuBG,'y',Back.easeOut,170,90,8,false);

var fM_listenerOut = flooringMenuBG.addEventListener (MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, fl_MouseOverHandlerOut);

function fl_MouseOverHandlerOut(event:MouseEvent):void
menuTween = new Tween(flooringMenuBG,'y',Strong.easeIn,90,170,10,false);

Tags: Adobe Animate

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    Hi guys, I have a problem with my menu drop-down. Please help me

    1. I already use spry menu bar 2.0. It works in firefox but not in internet explore.  It is said: "internet explore restricts this form of running scripts or Xcontrol active Web page.
    2. I want to make the spry menu to be "liquid". I mean when I restore down the window of firefox or internet explorer, it will automatically change size. I want to like it so that size it can look also into ipad or pc.

    Thank you for your help

    For some, I don't understand why that is to say the berms when you try to run a script from a local file. As a general rule, if you need to download the file, then download in IE, it works without problem.

    This page should help...

    imations http://www.troublefixers.com/Disable-ActiveX-Warning-in-Internet-Explorer-while-Playing-an.

  • Calculations of fields within the Menu drop-down

    Hello - I'm fairly new to Java and I wonder if it's possible... Try to make a purchase order for clients to complete

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    Then also I need to know if it would be easier to calculate using the text fields instead... for example

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    Please help me if you can - thanks - BadgeTeam


    Here is an example: https://acrobat.com/#d=RLlRdnqGtMw6RTFxWCW3rQ

    It is based on the same costs for the surname, name and title, regardless of the chosen product.

    If this is not the case, the script will need to be extended in order to study the value of the drop-down list as well.

    Hope that helps,


  • Try to get a menu drop-down multilayer to work


    I'm experimenting with to get a menu to drop down in two stages. The menu must be generated from XML, and the menu is supposed to be structured as follows, with menu items that appear when rolling on the menu item in the root and sub menu items apprearin when rolling on the menu item in the menu.

    Root Menu itemThe main menuSub Menu Item A1

    Sub Menu Item A2

    B main menuSub Menu Item B1

    Everything seems to work well, except that the root and hand are still visible. The idea is to show the main menu invisible by declaring "rootcontainer.visible = false" in the code below... but it doesn't seem to work, so that the "container.visible = false" in the deepest of loop do its work. If anyone has information as to where I should be looking, that would make me very grateful.

    import flash.net.URLLoader;

    import flash.net.URLRequest;

    import flash.events.Event;

    var xPos:Number = 0;

    var yPos:Number = 0;

    var yPosSub:Number = 0;

    var yPosRoot:Number = 0;

    var texts2:XML;

    var myLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();

    var request: URLRequest = new URLRequest ("texts2.xml");

    myLoader.load (request);

    myLoader.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, loadMenu);

    function loadMenu(event:Event)


    texts2 = new XML (event.target.data);

    myLoader.removeEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, loadMenu);

    for each (var rootnode:XML in texts2.root)


    var menuRoot:MovieClip = new menu_root();

    menuRoot.buttonMode = true;

    menuRoot.href = rootnode. @ href.

    menuRoot.label_txt.selectable = false;

    menuRoot.label_txt.mouseEnabled = false;

    menuRoot.label_txt.text = rootnode. @ name;

    menuRoot.y = yPosRoot;

    yPosRoot += menuRoot.height;

    var rootcontainer:Sprite = new Sprite();

    rootContainer.y = menuRoot.height;

    rootContainer.Visible = false;

    yPos = 0;

    for each var node: XML (in rootnode.menu)


    var menuMC:MovieClip = new menu_mc();

    menuMC.buttonMode = true;

    menuMC.href = node. @ href.

    menuMC.label_txt.selectable = false;

    menuMC.label_txt.mouseEnabled = false;

    menuMC.label_txt.text = node. @ name;

    menuMC.x = menuRoot.width;

    menuMC.y = yPos;

    yPos += menuMC.height;

    var container: Sprite = new Sprite();

    Container.y = menuMC.height;

    Container.Visible = false;

    yPosSub = 0;

    for each var subnode: XML (in node.submenu)


    var linkMC:MovieClip = new link_mc();

    linkMC.buttonMode = true;

    linkMC.x = menuMC.width;

    linkMC.y = yPosSub - menuMC.height;

    linkMC.href = subnodes. @ href.

    linkMC.label_txt.text = subnodes. @ name;

    linkMC.label_txt.mouseEnabled = false;

    container.addChild (linkMC);

    yPosSub += linkMC.height;


    container.graphics.beginFill (0 x 000000, 0);

    container.graphics.drawRect (0, 0, container.width + 1, container.height + 1);

    container.graphics.endFill ();

    menuMC.addChild (container);

    addChild (menuMC);

    menuMC.addEventListener (MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, _rollOverHandler);

    menuMC.addEventListener (MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, _rollOutHandler);

    menuMC.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, _mouseClickHandler);


    rootcontainer.graphics.beginFill (0 x 000000, 0);

    rootcontainer.graphics.drawRect (0, 0, rootcontainer.width + 1, rootcontainer.height + 1);

    rootcontainer.graphics.endFill ();

    menuRoot.addChild (rootcontainer);

    addChild (menuRoot);

    menuRoot.addEventListener (MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, _rollOverHandlerRoot);

    menuRoot.addEventListener (MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, _rollOutHandlerRoot);

    menuRoot.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, _mouseClickHandlerRoot);



    function _rollOverHandler(event:MouseEvent):void


    event.currentTarget.getChildAt (2) .visible = true;


    function _rollOutHandler(event:MouseEvent):void


    event.currentTarget.getChildAt (2) .visible = false;


    function _mouseClickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void


    trace (Event.Target.href);


    function _rollOverHandlerRoot(event:MouseEvent):void


    event.currentTarget.getChildAt (2) .visible = true;


    function _rollOutHandlerRoot(event:MouseEvent):void


    event.currentTarget.getChildAt (2) .visible = false;


    function _mouseClickHandlerRoot(event:MouseEvent):void


    trace (Event.Target.href);


    Nevermind, got it to work... After drawing some diagrams, I realized that I had added to the children in all the wrong places. If anyone is interested:

    import flash.net.URLLoader;

    import flash.net.URLRequest;

    import flash.events.Event;

    import flash.display.MovieClip;

    var xPos:Number = 0;

    var yPos:Number = 0;

    var yPosSub:Number = 0;

    var yPosSubSub:Number = 0;

    var texts4:XML;

    var myLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();

    var request: URLRequest = new URLRequest ("texts4.xml");

    myLoader.load (request);

    myLoader.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, loadMenu);

    function loadMenu(event:Event)


    texts4 = new XML (event.target.data);

    myLoader.removeEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, loadMenu);

    for each var node: XML (in texts4.menu)


    var menuMC:MovieClip = new menu_mc();

    menuMC.buttonMode = true;

    menuMC.href = node. @ href.

    menuMC.label_txt.selectable = false;

    menuMC.label_txt.mouseEnabled = false;

    menuMC.label_txt.text = node. @ name;

    menuMC.y = yPos;

    yPos += menuMC.height;

    var container: Sprite = new Sprite();

    Container.y = menuMC.height;

    Container.Visible = false;

    yPosSub = 0;

    for each var subnode: XML (in node.submenu)


    var linkMC:MovieClip = new menu_mc();

    linkMC.buttonMode = true;

    linkMC.x = menuMC.width;

    linkMC.y = yPosSub - menuMC.height;

    linkMC.href = subnodes. @ href.

    linkMC.label_txt.text = subnodes. @ name;

    linkMC.label_txt.mouseEnabled = false;

    container.addChild (linkMC);

    yPosSub += linkMC.height;

    var subcontainer: Sprite = new Sprite();

    Subcontainer.y = linkMC.height;

    Subcontainer.Visible = false;

    yPosSubSub = 0;

    for each (var subsubnode:XML in subnode.subsubmenu)


    var sublinkMC:MovieClip = new menu_mc();

    sublinkMC.buttonMode = true;

    sublinkMC.x = linkMC.width;

    sublinkMC.y = yPosSubSub - linkMC.height;

    sublinkMC.href = subsubnode. @ href.

    sublinkMC.label_txt.text = subsubnode. @ name;

    sublinkMC.label_txt.mouseEnabled = false;

    subcontainer.addChild (sublinkMC);

    yPosSubSub += linkMC.height;


    linkMC.addChild (subcontainer);

    container.addChild (linkMC);

    linkMC.addEventListener (MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, _rollOverHandler2);

    linkMC.addEventListener (MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, _rollOutHandler2);

    linkMC.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, _mouseClickHandler2);


    menuMC.addChild (container);

    addChild (menuMC);

    menuMC.addEventListener (MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, _rollOverHandler);

    menuMC.addEventListener (MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, _rollOutHandler);



    function _rollOverHandler(event:MouseEvent):void


    event.currentTarget.getChildAt (2) .visible = true;


    function _rollOutHandler(event:MouseEvent):void


    event.currentTarget.getChildAt (2) .visible = false;


    function _mouseClickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void


    trace (Event.Target.href);


    function _rollOverHandler2(event:MouseEvent):void


    event.currentTarget.getChildAt (2) .visible = true;


    function _rollOutHandler2(event:MouseEvent):void


    event.currentTarget.getChildAt (2) .visible = false;


    function _mouseClickHandler2(event:MouseEvent):void


    trace (Event.Target.href);


  • How can I disable the menu drop-down list on the back button?

    I use a laptop and my hands are not too clever. Whenever I click on the 'back' button, I get the drop-down list, which means that I must then back up my hand to the pad (gently!) to move the pointer, and then try again. It may take me several attempts to turn back a site now!

    I searched for hours how activate the drop-down list, nothing is done and even looked through all the settings in: config to try to find a way around it. Seriously impact my ability to use my laptop on the web now, so if someone can you please come up with a way to return to the old back button, with no menu when my finger slow old cannot move pretty fast down the key, I would be very grateful.

    There are two other ways to return to a page.

    • Right click on a box empty page you visit and use the dos command
    • From the keyboard, press {Alt + left arrow}
  • Where is the button refresh and the drop down menu the menu to go to previous tabs

    Usually, there is a button to refresh/reload the page in its current state. You can also click Next for the "previous or next page" arrows and have a list of pages viewed before if you can select one of them to go back to not necessarily just the previous page. I guess you could just keep clicking on the arrow to the left, but it is really not satisfactory. I used these two features all the time and it is a definitive failure in the new version.

    Combined Stop/Go/Reload button

    From Firefox 4, the Go, the buttons Stop and reload are combined into a single button at the right end of the toolbar URL or address. The button changes depending on the type of activity:

    • green arrow GB when you type in the address bar
    • Red Stop ("X") button while the page is loading
    • Reload (circular arrow) to gray when the page is finished loading.

    There are separate buttons:

    1. Open the Customize the toolbar by clicking the Firefox button > Option > toolbars OR by clicking View > toolbars > customize if using the menu OR bar right click in an empty space on a toolbar and select Customize
    2. Stop and Reload buttons will show separate from the address bar and the search bar
    3. Drag the buttons anywhere on the Navigation toolbar
      • order Reload-Stop will bring together into a single button
      • order Stop-Reload will remain in separate keys
      • or drag a 'Separator' or 'Space' in the window customize between Reload-Stop and they will remain separate OR separated the two buttons with any other button
    4. Click done at the bottom right of the window customize to finish

    See: https://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/how-do-i-customize-toolbars

    Button front/rear

    To access the history tab on the previous/next button, you can:

    • Right-click on the previous/next button
    • HOLD the left click button rear until appears the menu drop-down

    You can also install this add-on to restore the marker drop on the previous/next button:

    If this answer solved your problem, please click 'Solved It' next to this response when connected to the forum.

  • I created a custom and registered with a specific name date format. However, when I open a new worksheet, my saved format does not display in the menu drop-down? Am hoping that I don't need to create the same format for each new sheet?

    I created a custom and registered with a specific name date format. However, when I open a new worksheet, my saved format does not appear in the menu drop-down? Am hoping that I don't need to create the same format for each new sheet?

    You must save the spreadsheet containing the new date as a model format and use this custom template for each new spreadsheet where you want that this date format personalized at your disposal.

  • Is there a way to return to the menu drop-down button "return"?

    It's a giant pain click back several times when before I could just look in the menu to find the page I wanted to come back.

    Is there a way to do this somewhere else perhaps?

    You can get the menu drop-down by clicking on the previous/next buttons or now the left key pressed until the list is displayed.

    If you want the drop-down arrow, you can add it with the add-on of dropmarker rear - https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/backforward-dropmarker

  • Firefox 4 the "Close tab" button is missing from the "File" menu drop-down

    In Firefox 4, the "Close tab" button appears not in the "file" pull down.

    This button appears in Firefox 3.6.16 but is now gone.

    I need when I have two windows open, each with one tab open and I want to close a window.

    The only option presented to me is "Quit", that closes both windows...

    It would be good [if they insist on the order being missing] to have SOMETHING beyond the CTRL-W command [which fortunately works again]. I thought it was a windows application and not BACK. I hope that the command is available in a menu drop down, especially because it has a long history of existence in a rational place.

    It will be interesting justify how to remove a menu command dropdown is somehow "better".


  • I don't see all my menu drop-down features on the top bar... I see only file, edit, view, and insert... I can't publish!

    I don't see all my menu drop-down features on the top bar... I see only file, edit, view, and insert... I can't publish!

    Thanks be, I just went before and reinstalled and all the drop down menus now show.

    Thank you for your help... I'm about to set up on host... wish me luck!

    The f

  • Problems of menu drop-down

    No idea why my drop-down menus do not work?  Also, brought back to the cell phone, the three drop-down bar no longer work.

    Web page: Marco AVID

    <! doctype html >

    < html >

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    < meta charset = "utf-8" >

    < meta http-equiv = "X-UA-Compatible" content = "IE = edge" >

    < meta name = "viewport" content = "width = device-width, original scale = 1" >

    AVID Marco < title > < /title >

    < link href = "Index css/multiColumnTemplate.css" rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" >

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    Color: #000000;

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    a: visited {}

    text-decoration: none;

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    a: hover {}

    text-decoration: none;

    Color: #000000;


    a: active {}

    color: #FCFCFC;

    text-align: center;


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    <! - HTML5 shim and Respond.js for IE8 take in charge of the HTML5 elements and questions from the media - >

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    " < script src =" https://OSS.MaxCDN.com/html5shiv/3.7.2/html5shiv.min.js "> < / script > .

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    <!-brand and toggle get grouped together for better mobile display->

    < div class = "bar navigation-header" >

    < button type = "button" class = "toggle navigation bar has collapsed" data-toggle = 'collapse' data-target = "#topFixedNavbar1" aria-expanded = "false" > < span class = "sr only" > toggle navigation </span > < span class = 'bar icons' > < / span > < span class = 'bar icons' > < / span > < span class = 'bar icons' > < / span > < / button >

    < / div >

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    < class li = "active" > < /li >

    < class li = "active" > < /li >

    " < li > < a href =" https://MFmS.schoolloop.com/Portal/login?d=x & 1414597056174 = return_url "title ="Schoolloop' target = '_blank' > Schoolloop < /a > < /li > "

    " < li > < a href =" https://portal.capousd.org/ParentPortal/LoginParent.aspx?page=default.aspx "title = 'Portal' target = '_blank' > Student & Parent < /a > < /li > Portal "

    < li > < a href = "Events.htm" title = "Events" target = "_blank" > events on demand < /a > < /li > "

    < class li = "dropdown" > < a href = "#" title = "Photos & amp; Video class' = 'list drop-down-turn' aria-expanded = "false" aria-haspopup = "true" role = "button" data-toggle = "dropdown" > Photos & video < span class = "circumflex accent" > < / span > < /a >

    < ul class = menu "dropdown" >

    class 2016-2019 < /a > < /li > < li > < a href = "2019_album.html - 2016" >

    < li > < a href = ' 2015 - 2018_album.html "> class of 2015-2018 < /a > < /li >

    < li > < a href = "2014 - 2017_album.html" > class of 2014-2017 < /a > < /li >

    < li > < a href = ' 2013 - 2016_album.htm "> class of 2013-2016 < /a > < /li >

    < li > < a href = "2015_album.htm - 2012" > class of 2012-2015 < /a > < /li >

    < li > < a href = ' 2011 - 2014_album.htm "> class of 2011 to 2014 < /a > < /li >

    < li > < a href = ' 2010 - 2013_album.htm "> class of 2010-2013 < /a > < /li >

    < li > < a href = ' 2009 - 2012_album.htm "> class of 2009-2012 < /a > < /li >

    < li > < a href = ' 2009 - 2011_album.htm "> class of 2009-2011 < /a > < /li >

    < li > < a href = ' 2008 - 2010_album.htm "> class of 2008-2010 < /a > < /li >

    < li > < a href = "2006 - 2008_album.htm" > promotion 2006-2008 < /a > < /li >

    < li > < a href = "2004 - 2006_album.htm" > promotion 2004-2006 < /a > < /li >

    < li > < a href = "#" > promotion 2003-2005 < /a > < /li >

    < li > < a href = "ALBUMS/2002_Yearbook.pdf" > class of 2000-2002 < /a > < /li > ""

    < li > < a href = "ALBUMS/1999_AVID.pdf" > class of 1997-1999 < /a > < /li > ""

    < /ul >

    < /li >

    < class li = "dropdown" > < a href = "#" title = "Tips for Parents" class = "menu drop-down-toggle" aria-expanded = "false" aria-haspopup = "true" role = "button" data-toggle = "dropdown" > tips for the Parents of AVID < span class = "circumflex accent" > < / span > < /a >

    < ul class = menu "dropdown" >

    < li > < a href = "AVID_Parents.htm" title = "Tips for Parents" target = "_blank" > English < /a > < /li > "

    < li > < a href = "AVID_Parents_Spanish.html" target = "_blank" > Español < /a > < /li > "

    < /ul >

    < /li >

    < /ul >

    < ul class = "navbar-nav, navbar-right nav" >

    < li > < a href = "AVID Application.pdf" title = 'Application' target = '_blank' > Application AVID < /a > < /li >

    < class li = "dropdown" > < a href = "#" title = "On Marco AVID" class = "menu drop-down-toggle" aria-expanded = "false" aria-haspopup = "true" role = "button" data-toggle = "dropdown" > on Marco AVID < span class = "circumflex accent" > < / span > < /a >

    < ul class = menu "dropdown" >

    < li > < a href = "AVID_History.htm" > story < /a > < /li > AVID ""

    < li > < a href = "Marco_AVID_History.htm" > story Marco AVID < /a > < /li > ""

    < li > < a href = "avid_statistics.htm" > AVID statistics < /a > < /li > ""

    < li > < a href = "faq.htm" > frequently asked Questions < /a > < /li >

    < role li "separator" = class = "divisor" > < /li >

    < li > < a href = "Recruitment.mp4" target = "_blank" > < /li > < /a > information video "

    < li > < a href = "Recruitment_in_Spanish.mp4" target = "_blank" > video Informativo de AVID < /a > < /li > "

    < /ul >

    < /li >

    < /ul >

    < / div >

    <!-/ .navbar-collapse->

    < / div >

    <!-/ .container-fluid->

    < / nav >

    < img src = "images/sequence - 01.gif" class = "img-reagent" alt = "" > < / div >

    < br >

    < / header >

    < center >

    < div class = "btn-group" role = 'group' aria-label = «...» ">

    " < a href =" https://MFmS.schoolloop.com/Portal/login?d=x & 1414597056174 = return_url "target ="new"> < / a > "

    " < a href =" https://portal.capousd.org/ParentPortal/LoginParent.aspx?page=default.aspx "target ="new"> "

    < /a >

    < a href = "AVID Application.pdf' target = '_blank' >

    < /a >

    < a href = "AVID_Parents.htm" target = "_blank" > "

    < div class = "btn-group" >

    < / div >

    < /a >

    < a href = "6th_grade_resources.htm" title = "6th Grade resources" target = "_blank" > "

    < button type = "button" class = "btn, btn-default" > 6th Grade resources < / button >

    < /a >

    < a href = "7th_grade_resources.htm" title = "7th Grade resources" target = "_blank" > "

    < button type = "button" class = "btn, btn-default" > 7th Grade resources < / button >

    < /a >

    < a href = "8th_grade_resources.htm" title = "8th Grade resources" target = "_blank" > "

    < button type = "button" class = "btn, btn-default" > 8th Grade resources < / button >

    < /a >

    < div class = "drop neck-lg-1" >

    < p > < a class = "dropdown-point list" href = "2019_album.html - 2016" > class of 2016-2019 < /a > < p >

    < p > < a class = "dropdown-point list" href = "2015 - 2018_album.html" > class of 2015-2018 < /a > < p >

    < p > < a href = "2014 - 2017_album.html" target = "_blank" class = "menu drop-down-item" > class of 2014-2017 < /a > < p >

    < p > < a href = ' 2013 - 2016_album.htm "target ="_blank"class ="menu drop-down-item"> class of 2013-2016 < /a > < p >

    < p > < a href = ' 2012 - 2015_album.htm "target ="_blank"class ="menu drop-down-item"> class of 2012-2015 < /a > < p >

    < p > < a href = ' 2011 - 2014_album.htm "target ="_blank"class ="menu drop-down-item"> class of 2011 to 2014 < /a > < p >

    < p > < a href = ' 2010 - 2013_album.htm "target ="_blank"class ="menu drop-down-item"> class of 2010-2013 < /a > < p >

    < p > < a href = ' 2009 - 2012_album.htm "target ="_blank"class ="menu drop-down-item"> class of 2009-2012 < /a > < p >

    < p > < a href = ' 2009 - 2011_album.htm "target ="_blank"class ="menu drop-down-item"> class of 2009-2011 < /a > < p >

    < p > < a href = ' 2008 - 2010_album.htm ' target = '_blank' class = "menu drop-down-item" > class of 2008-2010 < /a > < p >

    < p > < a href = "2006 - 2008_album.htm" target = "_blank" class = "menu drop-down-item" > promotion 2006-2008 < /a > < p >

    < p > < a href = "2004 - 2006_album.htm" target = "_blank" class = "menu drop-down-item" > promotion 2004-2006 < /a > < p >

    "< p > < a href="ALBUMS/AVID_2003-2005/2003-2005_AVID.mp4 "target ="_blank"class ="menu drop-down-item"> 2003-2005 < /a > < p > promotion

    < p > < a href = "ALBUMS/2002_Yearbook.pdf' target = '_blank' class ="menu drop-down-item"> class of 2000-2002 < /a > < p >"

    < p > < a href = "ALBUMS/1999_AVID.pdf' target = '_blank' class ="menu drop-down-item"> class of 1997-1999 < /a > < p >"

    < / div >

    Thank you!

    Links to these files are incorrect on your download page, here's why...

    The... / to link resources ' move to a directory "so away which is located in the folder root of your site, the IndexA.html page you gave as an example, the link to the page"... / js/bootstrap.js "says the browser to" mount a directory and look for a folder called js, and then open the file called bootstrap.js.

    No Viewer online will have access to this directory because it is one higher than the root of the site (the first directory available to the public for your site). If scripts on these files cannot be run by the user's browser because they don't have access to the directory, in that they are supposed to be.

    Something went wrong, be it with your site definition, or of your download, causing these links to create properly.

    If these files are located in a folder called js in the root of your site (on the same level as IndexA.html), you can remove the... / in front of them to add a link to the page for scripts.

  • By clicking on tools on the toolbar brings up the menu drop-down instead of switching tools

    CS3 (real licensed copies), OS X 10.5, Cintiq 12WX - using keyboard shortcuts changes the active tool, but clicking on a tool in the tool bar with the mouse or stylus does not; Instead it shows the menu drop-down with associated tools - Polygonal Lasso, magnetic Lasso, etc. - and clicking with the mouse or stylus in an active window has no effect until a second click. It is absolutely infuriating bug, and I have better to do that swearing screaming at my computer when I have deadlines to meet. Can someone please tell me how CS3 accept 'by clicking on a tool' as ' switch so that the tool "rather than" drop-down menu view other versions of this tool? It took half a day of Googling to figure out how to fix these trash the last time it happened, and stupidly, I did not write the process.

    Your understanding of the "obsolete" is as poor as your understanding of 'help '. CS has done everything I need Photoshop CS2 and do still works very well on my Windows machine, CS3 is just what was common back when I had access to student discounts making it actually worth buying a new version of the program.

    I had already tried to reset everything that was possible to reset in Photoshop itself - and reinstall the drivers using another mouse and the Cintiq, and restart the computer - several times without success before finally discovering the source of the problem... which is that whenever the System for the mouse settings have been changed, CS3 distorts apparently any setting double-click outside the default as a Ctrl-click the equivalent of a right click Mac in Windows. Because the double-click speed has been changed, each time I left-button/single-clicked on anything in Photoshop, it had misinterpreted as a right-/ Ctrl-click the button instead, which is the normal command to put in place the drop-down menu with all the other partners of the tools.

    Reset the speed of the default double click in system settings solved the problem, so I'm CE marking as "assumed answered" in the hope that someone else running into the same problem on an old system might find with Google at least.

  • Adding menu drop down select field

    I don't see a way I can add a drop-down list or multiple selection form field or a field of radio button in the contact form widget.

    Isn't this possible?

    Thank you



    I'm sorry to inform you that in Muse form Widget there is not possibility to include the menu drop-down or check boxes. You can use the following as a workaround to achieve this.

    Gadget of the form:


    Incorporate jotform:

    You can create a form in JotForm · Form builder and then you can incorporate in Muse of object > insert HTML code



  • addresses of Firefox in the navigation bar are missing/replaced by different menu drop down

    When I type in an address, the drop down menu no longer contains the same list of addresses as always. Instead, there is a list of locations (less actual addresses www.com beneath each) in bold and some places are repeated in the menu drop down but take me to a different site. Its a game guessing where Im going when I click on one. Next to each entry, there is a magnifying glass icon which was not there before. I was search playback for almost 3 hours trying to trouble shoot the issue and Ive tried to restore default with no luck. It's really annoying me... Any suggestions?

    It can happen because your some bars of tools and malware too...


    The reset Firefox feature can solve a lot of problems in restaurant Firefox to its factory default condition while saving your vital information.
    Note: This will make you lose all the Extensions, open Web sites and preferences.

    To reset Firefox, perform the following steps:

    1. Go to Firefox > help > troubleshooting information.
    2. Click on the button 'Reset Firefox'.
    3. Firefox will close and reset. After Firefox is finished, it will display a window with the imported information. Click Finish.
    4. Firefox opens with all the default settings applied.

    Information can be found in the article Firefox Refresh - reset the settings and Add-ons .

    This solve your problems? Please report to us!

    Thank you.

  • New Firefox doesn't have a history of menu drop down reliable - help!

    I've just upgraded to the latest version of Firefox and makes a few versions that I did that. An important feature that I use in my work is now gone! I need to be able to work my way through screens of 3-4 on our Web site, and then return to the first screen to enter a different search term, spend 3-4 screens, go back to the first screen for a new period of research, etc.. Because of the way our system is set up it is not possible for me to simply mark the first screen - I need to come back as it was, over and over again.

    Help, I can't do it now! Used to be I could pull down a menu drop-down 'history' from the back button, but it is no longer possible. The list of actual history, when I go to him in the menu does not list for just the page history that I am on, for some reason any and does not give me the link to the screen, that I need to come back.

    It's very very frustrating - it looks like a feature was removed, and I need this feature to do my job effectively. Can you help me to add this back to the next version of Firefox or to let me know how I can go back to the previous version if I use this feature? Please - thanks.

    The arrow to open the history tab of the previous buttons and following was removed in Firefox 4 and later versions.

    Use one of the following methods to open the tab history list:

    • Right-click on the back or next button
    • Press and hold the left button of the mouse on the active back or forward button until the list opens

    You can watch this extension:

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