using PHP/mySQL

We have flash media server installed on the server virtual windows server 2003 sp1. We can install php/mySQL for our web project or he know problems?

Given that your application server is PHP, I suggest go with AMFPHP instead of Flash Remoting. Use AMFPHP, you will be able to schedule your classes in current PHP syntax.

Connection to FMS remote access services is substantially the same as the use of remote communication with the Flash Player client. See the FMS docs on the netServices class.

In short, AMFPHP Remoting goes on your http/db server, and FMS to connect as a service.

If you install your http server on the same machine as FMS, you'll want to give FMS is the own IP address. This will remove the 80 above port conflict.

To explain, FMS uses port 80 to connect clients with firewalls that block port 1935 (the default FMS port). If an http server is already listening on port 80, FMS cannot. If FMS manages to enter port 80, before the http server, the http server won't unavilaible to your customers.

Tags: Adobe Media Server

Similar Questions

  • Best way to update the images using PHP / MySQL?

    I want to update the images using PHP/MySQL, so users can update their images and maybe a few others, but especially images.
    Thank you

    Hi, you can try this "How update an image in mysql"

  • PHP/MySql error message

    I posted this before and didn't get the answer I need, probably because I didn't post all my codes. I use PHP/MySql.  I created a Web site that has several forms.  When I conducted three of the forms, I get the below error messages:

    You have an error in your SQL syntax; consult the manual for your version of the MySQL server for the right syntax to use near ' condition, length, color, city, 'State', Email, Photo) VALUES ('29 ', ' 4',' used "in line 1.)

    I write the codes below.  I hope this time that I posted everything I should have so that I can get help.


    < form action = "<?" PHP echo $editFormAction;? ">" method = "POST" enctype = "multipart/form-data" name = "individual" class = 'individual' id 'individual' = >
    < table width = "594" border = "0" class = "test" >
    < tr > < /tr >
    < b >
    < td width = "166" class = 'td' > view < table > title
    < td colspan = "3" > < span id = "sprytextfield1" >
    < label >
    < input name = "Display title" type = "text" class = "test" id = "Display title" size = "35" / >
    < / label >
    < span class = "textfieldRequiredMsg" > required </span > < / span > < table >
    < /tr >
    < b >
    < td = 'td' class > price < table >
    < td colspan = "3" > < span id = "sprytextfield2" >
    < label >
    < input name = "price" type = "text" class = 'test' id = 'price' size = '35' / >
    < / label >
    < span class = "textfieldInvalidFormatMsg" > Invalid format. </span > < / span > < table >
    < /tr >
    < b >
    < class td = 'td' > < table > format
    < td colspan = "3" > < label >
    < select name = "size" = "1" multiple = "multiple" class = 'test' id = 'size' >
    < option > 0 < / option >
    < option > 2 < / option >
    < option > 4 < / option >
    < option > 6 < / option >
    < option > 8 < / option >
    < option > 10 < / option >
    < option > 12 < / option >
    < option > 14 < / option >
    < option > 16 < / option >
    < option > 18 < / option >
    < option > 20 < / option >
    < option > 22 < / option >
    < option > 24 < / option >
    < option > 26 < / option >
    < / select >
    < / label > < table >
    < /tr >
    < b >
    < class td 'td' = > status < table >
    < td colspan = "3" > < label >
    < select name = "Condition" class = 'test' id = 'State' >
    < option > new < / option >
    < option > used < / option >
    < / select >
    < / label > < table >
    < /tr >
    < b >
    < class td 'td' = > length < table >
    < td colspan = "3" > < label >
    < select name = "Length" class = 'test' id = 'Length' >
    Long < option > < / option >
    Short < option > < / option >
    < option > mid-length < / option >
    < / select >
    < / label > < table >
    < /tr >
    < b >
    < class td 'td' = > color < table >
    < td colspan = "3" class = 'td' > < span id = "sprytextfield5" >
    < label >
    < input name = "Color" type = "text" class = "test" id = "Color" size = "35" / >
    < / label >
    < span class = "textfieldRequiredMsg" > required </span > < / span > < table >
    < /tr >
    < b >
    < class td 'td' = > city < table >
    < class td = 'td' > < span id = "sprytextfield4" >
    < label >
    < input name = "City" type = "text" class = 'test' id = 'City' size = "35" / >
    < / label >
    < span class = "textfieldRequiredMsg" > required </span > < / span > < table >
    < class td = 'td' > < table >
    < class td = 'td' > < table >
    < /tr >
    < b >
    < class td 'td' = > status < table >
    < td colspan = "3" > < label >
    < select name = "State" class = 'test' id = 'State' >
    < option > AL < / option >
    < option > AK < / option >
    < option > AZ < / option >
    < option > AR < / option >
    < option > CA < / option >
    < option > CO < / option >
    < option > CT < / option >
    < option > OF < / option >
    < option > DC < / option >
    < option > FL < / option >
    < option > GA < / option >
    < option > HI < / option >
    ID < option > < / option >
    < option > HE < / option >
    IN < option > < / option >
    < option > HERE < / option >
    < option > KS < / option >
    < option > KY < / option >
    < option > THE < / option >
    < option > ME < / option >
    < option > MD < / option >
    < option > MY < / option >
    < option > e < / option >
    < option > MN < / option >
    < option > MS < / option >
    < option > MO < / option >
    < option > MT < / option >
    < option > NOT < / option >
    < option > NV < / option >
    < option > NH < / option >
    < option > NJ < / option >
    < option > NM < / option >
    < option > NY < / option >
    < option > NC < / option >
    < option > ND < / option >
    < option > OH < / option >
    < option > OK < / option >
    < option > OR < / option >
    < option > PA < / option >
    < option > LAUGHED < / option >
    < option > SC < / option >
    < option > SD < / option >
    < option > TN < / option >
    < option > TX < / option >
    < option > c < / option >
    < option > VT < / option >
    < OPTION > < / option >
    < option > WA < / option >
    < option > WV < / option >
    < option > WI < / option >
    < option > WY < / option >
    < / select >
    < / label > < table >
    < /tr >
    < b >
    < class td 'td' = > Email < table >
    < td colspan = "3" > < span id = "sprytextfield3" >
    < label >
    < input name = "Email" type = "text" class = "test" id = "Email" size = "35" / >
    < / label >
    < span class = "textfieldRequiredMsg" > required </span > < span class = "textfieldInvalidFormatMsg" > Invalid format. </span > < / span > < table >
    < /tr >
    < b >
    < height = "26" td class = 'td' > confirm Email < table >
    < td colspan = "3" > < span id = "spryconfirm1" >
    < label >
    < input name = "Confirm Email2" type = "text" class = 'test' id = 'confirm Email2"size ="35"/ >
    < / label >
    < span class = "confirmRequiredMsg" > required </span > < span class = "confirmInvalidMsg" > the values don't match. </span > < / span > < table >
    < /tr >
    < b >
    < height td = '26' class = 'td' > photo (s) < table >
    < td colspan = "3" > < label >
    < input name = "Photo" type = 'file' class = 'test' id = 'Photo' size = "35" / >
    < / label > < table >
    < /tr >
    < b >
    < height = '131' td class = 'td' > < table > Details
    < td colspan = "3" > < label >
    < textarea = cols "Additional Details" name = "40" lines "6" = class = 'test' id = "Détails" > < / textarea >
    < / label > < table >
    < /tr >
    < /table >
    < p >
    < label >
    < input name = "Submit" type = 'submit' class = 'test' id = "Submit" value = "Post" / >
    < / label >
    < /p >
    < input type = "hidden" name = "MM_insert" value = "individual" / >
    < / make >


    If (! function_exists ("GetSQLValueString")) {}
    function GetSQLValueString ($theValue, $theType, $theDefinedValue = "", $theNotDefinedValue = "")
    If (via PHP_VERSION < 6) {}
    $theValue = get_magic_quotes_gpc()? stripslashes ($TheValue): $theValue;

    $theValue = function_exists ("mysql_real_escape_string")? mysql_real_escape_string ($TheValue): mysql_escape_string ($theValue);

    Switch ($theType) {}
    case 'text ':
    $theValue = ($theValue! = "")? « " ». $theValue. "" "": "NULL";
    case "long":
    case "int":
    $theValue = ($theValue! = "")? intval ($TheValue): 'NULL ';
    case "double":
    $theValue = ($theValue! = "")? doubleVal ($TheValue): 'NULL ';
    case "date":
    $theValue = ($theValue! = "")? « " ». $theValue. "" "": "NULL";
    case "set":
    $theValue = ($theValue! = "")? $theDefinedValue: $theNotDefinedValue;
    Return $theValue;

    $editFormAction = $_SERVER ['PHP_SELF'];
    If (isset {}
    $editFormAction. = « ? ». htmlentities($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);

    If ((isset($_POST["MM_insert"])) & & ($_POST ["MM_insert"] == "individual")) {}
    $insertSQL = sprintf ("INSERT INTO donations (postingTitle, 'size', condition, length, color, city, 'State', email, photo) VALUES (%s, %s %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", ")
    GetSQLValueString ($_POST ["'validation title"], "text").
    GetSQLValueString ($_POST ['size'], "text").
    GetSQLValueString ($_POST ["State"], "text").
    GetSQLValueString ($_POST ['Length'], "text").
    GetSQLValueString ($_POST ['Color'], "text").
    GetSQLValueString ($_POST ['city'], "text").
    GetSQLValueString ($_POST ["State"], "text").
    GetSQLValueString ($_POST ['Email'], "text").
    GetSQLValueString ($_POST ['Photo'], "text"));

    @mysql_select_db ($database_bridesmaidsrack_db, $bridesmaidsrack_db);
    $Result1 = mysql_query ($insertSQL, $bridesmaidsrack_db) or die (mysql_error ());

    $insertGoTo = "donations.php";
    If (isset {}
    $insertGoTo. = (strpos ($insertGoTo, '?'))? « & » : « ? » ;
    $insertGoTo. = $_SERVER ['QUERY_STRING'];
    header (sprintf ("location: %s", $insertGoTo));


    # FileName = "Connection_php_mysql.htm"
    # Type = 'MYSQL '.
    # HTTP = 'true '.
    $hostname_bridesmaidsrack_db = "localhost";
    $database_bridesmaidsrack_db = "bridesmaidsrack";
    $username_bridesmaidsrack_db = "";
    $password_bridesmaidsrack_db = "";
    $bridesmaidsrack_db = mysql_pconnect ($hostname_bridesmaidsrack_db, $username_bridesmaidsrack_db, $password_bridesmaidsrack_db) or trigger_error (mysql_error (), E_USER_ERROR);

    OK, so your initial problem was the condition of the word, because it is a reserved word for MySQL.

    Here is a list of the reserved words.

    If you use a reserved word, you must place the accents around it like this...


    then MySQL knows you use it as a standard Word and he interprets not as command.

    OK now on the following problem.

    'Photo' column cannot be null

    When you have created your table in MySQL tells you that the photo field can not be empty. If you are forcing people to add a photo, then you need to do the checked field before the script runs / inserts. If you're ok with them NOT to add a photo, then you have to allow NULL values for this field in your table. This is a function that you would normally control via PHP MyAdmin or other MySQL database management software.

    Now, the last question:

    The Dynamic (form.action...) attribute is just how the FIELD itself will appear in SB (Server Behaivors) who is not the insertion of a plug.

    Record insertion as I said probably disappeared because some how you two when you shouldn't have one. So when we removed a DW (Dreamweaver) now think his party but is not. This can sometimes be corrected by opening the page again and closing or manually set or remove all SB side code, and then add the insertion of a plug anywhere. But at least you know what was the original problem so you can fix it after add it again.

  • How to make an image link to mysql database using php?

    Hey, I am shopping online as my project portal to term. I want to add an image for what is available in my database for sale, so that when user click on this picture everything remove all it are displayed in a form. Kindly help me about this ASAP.

    This tutorial will give you an idea of what it takes. Problem is that the tutorial uses PHP code which does not work in the latest version of PHP. MySQL has made the way for MySQLi and PDO.

  • How to insert image from mysql into the table using php and create the checkbox in the table?

    How can I insert image from mysql into the table using php and create the checkbox for each data as a vote? Here is my code...


    connect_error) {die ("connection failed:".)} $conn-> connect_error); } $sql = "SELECT no, Calon, ID, of course, the Image OF THE candidates." $result = $conn-> Query; If ($resultat-> num_rows > 0) {echo ' '; export data of each line while ($row = $result-> fetch_assoc()) {"echo"}}
    NO Candidate INFO Vote
    " . $row ["no"]. "-" . $row ["Calon"]. "
    -" . $row ['ID']. "
    -" . $row ['class']. "
    "; } ECHO ' ' ;} else {echo '0 results' ;} $conn-> close();?} >

    hope someone can help me because I am a newbie in this program... need to finish this project... Thank you.

    If you have saved the file name in the database, it's pretty simple.

    echo '' . $row['description'] . '';

    Is the same for the box:

    echo '';

    If you have saved the image file in the database, it is much more complicated. I recommend you store only the file name in the database.

  • A gallery of fluid from MySQL using PHP and various column widths

    I decided to try the new option of fluid page layout in Dreamweaver. I pull information from a (MySQL) database and use php to present.

    To view a gallery, I pull the info and use repetition code and something as horizontal repeat of Tom Muck script to create a gallery. Images should be indicated with other text information (not only a legend). However, the script of HR is a fixed amount of columns - and I want the number of columns to change depending on the width of the browser.

    So it's more than a gallery - pulling images from a database with title = 'x' would be a stylized DIV repeated with multiple fields of texts and styles to the breast.

    For example, a site of car dealer that it must show the image of car, price, year, description etc all fonts of different style so it may just be a legend in the image.

    If the options are:

    A fixed number of columns for each width: Mobile Monitor, 5, 3 shelves, 1. This can be done by having an "IF" statement in the code, if width = x use this version of the horizontal repetition?

    A fluid version which has 6 columns and do you drag the width of the browser, you can see the Gallery less than column width until it reaches 1 for mobile.

    The fluid version would be better.

    Any link to a tutorial or an example would be most appreciated.

    Thank you very much


    The only problem with the use of instead of a table to create columns of the grid is that you need to set a minimum height on the to keep them all at the same depth, a bit like a construction of table cell looks and behaves. If you do not set a minimum height that the grid will look all shredded MORE the very big disadvantage is that the will not clear if another

    has more content in there that's going to happen if you include a 'description' of the car because it will never be the same length unless you are prepeared to edit the text.

    See sample of fluid below: you can simply fill in the of your database and the loop through them

    Untitled document






    This is a description of the car






    This is a description of the car






    It is a description of the car. It is a description of the car. It is a description of the car.






    This is a description of the car






    This is a description of the car

  • Send variables from flash AS2 to php mySQL

    Hi I have a question to adobe. So I finally created a system to connect / register with php and mysql and flash as2. That works, and here's the

    But I have a question. How to send variables from flash as2 to my mySQL database? And then how to load their MySQL to flash as2? Also when variables get edited or changed as if I had 6 gold and then now I have 7 but how do send flash that updated data in my database? I know you use php and other things but I have examples of easy php and codes as2? I'm a beginner in php, but I know a decent amount of AS2. I searched all over google and adobe for the answer forums, but none of them really helped. I am currently working on a flash game on my site and I'm doing so that players can save as their gold, armor, weapons etc and then load them by logging into their account.  Here is my game that I currently use cookies to save the data:

    var sendLV:LoadVars = new LoadVars();

    var receiveLV:LoadVars = new LoadVars();

    receiveLV.onData = function(src:String) {}

    trace (SRC);  or be it for debugging


    sendLV.somedata = somedata;

    sendLV.someotherdata = someotherdata;

    sendLV.sendAndLoad ("yourphp.php", receiveLV, "POST");






    $somedata = $_POST ['somedata'];

    $someotherdata = $_POST ['someotherdata'];

    write to your sql

    {if (whatever)}

    echo "success";

    } else {}

    echo "failed."



    PS when you use the adobe forums, please check the useful/correct, if there is.

  • Unable to connect error 404 PHP/MySQL

    Wow, the learning curve is killing me. Yet another challenge. I use Dreamweaver CC and this tutorial

    I'm at this stage:

    1. Open comments.php . You must have a PHP page open in the Document window to create a MySQL connection.
    2. In the databases Panel (choose window > databases), click on the sign located on the Panel and select MySQL Connection.The MySQL connection dialog box appears.
    3. Type connTest as login name.
    4. For the MySQL server, type localhost. If you use MAMP ports by default on a Mac, use localhost:8889.
    5. For the user name, type phptestuser.
    6. Type the password that you chose for the phptestuser account in the password field.
    7. To the database, type php_test. Note: You need not precede the underscore with a backslash character here. It was inserted by phpMyAdmin in the previous section (see Figure 20) only because phpMyAdmin uses a query which allows wildcards.
    8. Click on Test.Dreamweaver tries to connect to the database. If the connection fails, follow these steps:
      • Check the server name, user name, and password.
      • Check the settings in the file that Dreamweaver uses to process dynamic pages (see specification of a Dreamweaver testing server).
      • Ensure that the web and MySQL server are both running.
      • Temporarily disable any firewall or security program. If the connection works, you must configure the security program to allow communication between Dreamweaver and MySQL.
    9. Click OK. The new connection appears in the data Panel.
    10. Expand connTest connection, and then expand the Tables branch. You will see the comments table in the database, you can expand to reveal the details of the columns in the table (see Figure 23).

    I can say that I followed this tutorial to the letter.

    As far as I know, XAMPP/php mySQL all running very well, the files are in the right place and everything should work. However when I type test, I get a 404 error. (Same error when I hit the select button).

    The problems on the 404 message are:

    1. There is no server running on the server test.

    Sure the testing server is running. Is there a way to test this, another that note that xampp is certainly running right now and I can connect to phpMYadmin without problem?

    2 test specified for this site server is not mapped with the http://localhost/php_test/_MMServerScripts/MMHTTPDB.php URL check that the URL prefix maps to the root of the site.

    UH... I'm sure that I put things where I was told to put them in the tutorial, but I'm lost right now where I should check that. A clue here? The files are where they are supposed to be, but maybe I entered something wrong? Except... I don't know what it might be or where to find it. Whatever IT is.

    Everything in the local files is fine.

    Thanks for your help!

    PS: Extra points to anyone who figures how to make copy/pasteable error messages! These guys are the bane of my life!

    Stop and restart the services he. Stop Xampp if still the same behavior. It should look like as below

  • PHP/MySQL relational database


    I'm pretty new to php/MySQL. I'm stuck on how to make a cross-connection database.

    I have two tables 'users' and 'comments' and wants to set up a page that a user can see and edit the comments they made.

    So far, I tried to do an advanced Recordset, but all I managed to do is to display all records that share a user_id.

    I use dreamweaver CS5.5 and PHP and MySQL.

    Thanks in advance for your help


    This should be just a base query SELECT * FROM {comment-tbl} WHERE userid = $_SESSION ['user'].

    Do you use Cookies or Sessions at this point or you're simply trying to write this in a query without them?

  • How to navigate through a recordset using PHP

    I have a recordset containing a MySql table with 5 columns, each containing an email address of a staff member in a club.

    Each line represents a different club and each column a different type of agent.

    The first column represents presidents, treasurers next etc...

    The recordset is called $mailset.

    I need to loop through each row in $mailset and extract the email addresses of each column and concatenate them into a string separated by semicolons semi so it ends like this:

    [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; and so on.

    This is how the recordset is implemented:

    @mysql_select_db ($database_dummyread, $dummyread);

    $query_mailset = "SELECT club_chair_email, club_treas_email, club_sec_email, club_delegate_email, club_deputy_email FROM clubs;

    $mailset = mysql_query ($query_mailset, $dummyread) or die (mysql_error ());

    $row_mailset = mysql_fetch_assoc ($mailset);

    $totalRows_mailset = mysql_num_rows ($mailset);

    ? >

    I tried to use a loop to iterate through the Recordset, but it always shows the first record, so its not to move the pointer in the file.

    The pseudo code of the punishment to be something like this:

    Initialize variables and move to the first record

    If the registration process

    Read a record

    Treat all columns

    Move to the next record

    on the other

    If there is no record

    print an error message

    on the other

    Print the results.

    Can someone give me a hint on how to move from one line to the other in a recordeset under the control of a loop.

    I use PHP and MySql. (as far as I know, this is the original - not AOP or MySqli)

    While ($mail = {mysql_fetch_assoc ($mail_seyt))}

    extract ($mail);

    echo "$club_chair_email - $club_treas_email".


    That should put you on the right track.

  • Code PHP/mySQL help please

    Hi all

    Thanks to David Powers fab tutorial I am now well on my way to my first dynamic website with PHP/mySQL competeing, (thanks to David ), but I'm stuck on one particular area... can someone please help?

    I know that the mySQL database using the YYYY/MM/DD format for dates, and that's fine. I set how to display in a format more regular (for example, September 1, 2011) for my application, but I'm stuck on how to convert a more regular formatting date is entered by the user of the site to mySQL format.

    Ideally I would like to enter users or tell the 09/01/11 or 09/01/11 (or something in that sense, to be recognized and displayed on the registration form, but to have a back-end service that converts the data to the format mySQL. I think I'm reading a lot of posts forum who say that this is possible, but unfortunately I can't quite understand how or where the code should sit. Someone would have is not afraid to take a look at my page of codes to identify actually what I need to insert and also as important... where!

    Is it possible to have a miniature calendar date picker that can be built next to the entry field in the right format and date to make sure that a valid date is entered along these lines? Where this could be extracted?

    Thanks for help if necessary


    GetSQLValueString (date('Y-m-d'), strtotime($_POST['date']), 'day'),

    Make this line looks like this-

    GetSQLValueString (date ('Y-m-in, strtotime($_POST['date'])), 'day'),

    This was my mistake - sorry.  The MySQL data type DATE should be in YYYY-MM-DD format.  If this is the data type of this field "date", and then copy the following code should work.

  • Horizontal/vertical repeat region PhP/MySQL

    Hi guys,.

    I'm sure that this issue would have been requested many times before. If so, my apologies for the re - this announcement first.

    In any case, what I'm trying to do is create a repeat region that spans 4 columns and then repeat the rest in rows. For example, if I have 100 records in my table (MySQL), so I want to display in a table of 4 columns and 25 rows and (in reality, the number of records would be indeterminate, of course, but still records must be displayed on a 4 X line table column). For example:









































    For the moment, I have no problem with displaying the records vertically or horizontally (explicitly) by using the behavior 'repeat region. However, when I have the problem is with displaying records in a table like the one I described above.

    I use PS CS5 with PhP/MySQL.

    Can I still do this in server behavior "repeat region", using the If yes how?

    Otherwise, if not, how could I achieve this (ideally without using extensions)?

    Thanks in advance for any help and support,

    See you soon

    The Horizontal Looper to Tom Muck is perhaps something for you:

  • Flash-PHP-MySQL data exchange


    I've been struggling with this for a few weeks, but I still can't get it right, and all the info that I found is too ambiguous or uses AS2. What I want to do is to retrieve information from a MySQL database, using PHP and send it to Flash; and in the other direction, the input of information in the database of a Flash form. I want to do a test run Flash for my Web site.

    Could you please someone show me a simple code example (on PHP and Flash) of how to Exchange data? Thanks for your help.

    PD: I know how to work with databases in PHP, so the only PHP code, I need to see is the part of php-flash communication. Thank you.

    If you post the code you tried it is not the job for you, a person may be able to help along.

    In addition, your best bet will be to Google search (or these forums) by using terms such as 'Tutorial AS3 URLVariables'.  And if the data is retrieved mySQL tables involves a large number of lines, you should look into having PHP echo Flash data in XML format.  You should look for 'Tutorial AS3 XML PHP' for info on that.

  • Video tutorials Dreamweaver CS4 PHP/MYSQL


    Have a few books here, but would like to learn this visually. Once I see it done on the screen on a video tutorial I look better.

    Could someone point me to a site or somewhere that has good Dreamweaver CS4 sites using PHP and MYSQL to create Dynamics?

    Help, please

    Thank you very much


    There are adobe tv

    try under this

    David Powers has a few great books, how to create web sites using php, css, ajax with cs4, ledger also and if you need help David is here to help

    Good luck.

  • help Beginner Dreamweaver - php &amp; mysql


    New in dremweaver, have used .net in the past with von Willebrand disease and found straight forward to drag on the grid of visualization etc. to display data from sql database.

    I now want to use php and mysql, and watching dreameaver cs4 I really want to know what is each navigation. say how to create my database mysql and drag a grid view in dreamweaver cs4 above to see?

    basically just need to know the basics navigation what buttons I need to interact using php and mysql?

    any help would be very well and also if anyone can recommend a good book on php/mysql with dreamweaver cs4 as one by him then would be very happy.

    Thank you very much


    This could be a good starting point: .html

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