V2V conversion...

Dear team,

I have two sites one is prod and second doctor, I want to clone/copy of the receiving VM prod on the DR site. I just want to confirm once I do the conversion, v2v with the help of the stand-alone converter vcenter, will it copy/clone the VM or it will be directly migrate from prod to DR.


Mr. Vmware

The V2V converter Standalone process will produce copy of the VM source to the destination.  Thus, you source VM will not be moved our impacted.

Also, if you the source and destination ESX host are managed by the same instance of vCenter you can power the VM source and clone to destination without the need of converter.

Tags: VMware

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    Your mistake is (repeatedly):

    2015 12-31 T 10: 56:54.534 - 06:00 WARNING vmware-converter-worker [21500] [sub Originator@6876 = Default] [, 0] [NFC ERROR] the operation was cancelled - NfcFile_Stream: cancelled Server receive

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    5 converter has the ability to intercept any change during the P2V conversion of post synchronization. There are two types - a regular synchronization and let the live conversion or a final synchronization that complements the P2V.

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    Thanks in advance

    -michael ~.

    Yes, you can use the VMware Converter to convert the machine virtual VMware Workstation/Player format and save the files on your PC.

    Once this is done, then run the converter again choose VMware Workstation/Player as source and your virtual infrastructure as your destination.

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    The driver of the Bitmap is used only when the progressive conversion is used. You want a progressive conversion?

    I recommend you to reinstall the converter, this should fix the problem with the driver.

    The V2V means you convert VM power off, the P2V means that you convert the machine (physical or virtual). If you can do V2V on your server, I advised.

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    Thank you


    As the source system that you choose? When you perform a V2V with engine turned off the virtual machine, you must select 'Vmware infrastructure virtual machine', connect to hosts and select the virtual machine on that host.


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    The error is:

    2013 06-13 T 21: 00:17.676 - 04:00 [02940 info "Default"] analysis \\stam-vm01\Virtual Machines\stam-wsus03.janus\Windows Server 2008 Enterprise.vmx

    2013 06-13 T 21: 00:19.348 - 04:00 [02940 info "Default"] Sysimgbase_DiskLib_OpenWithPassPhrase failed with "the specified virtual disk must be repaired" (error code: 14)

    2013 06-13 T 21: 00:19.348 - 04:00 [02940 info "Default"] error 14 opening disk \\stam-vm01\Virtual Machines\stam-wsus03.janus\Windows Server 2008 Enterprise.vmdk.

    As I recall there is a problem with Server2 with clean shutdown. As you say that you did a clean shutdown, try to delete additional files (lock) from the folder of the virtual computer.

    The VDDK tools or download invoke vmware - vdiskmanager.exe with the - R option.


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    Thank you

    What is perhaps easier is to put the host ESX AMD in your vCenter inventory, as autonomous, then migrate cold.  But, Yes, he should be able, on the destintation host.

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    Thank you


    You shouldn't have any problem doing this with VMware Converter.

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    Thank you


    If you really do a v2v conversion, you must stop the machine before the conversion. So nobody will be able to connect (obviously). You seem to plan a p2v (treats converter powered on virtual machines the same as physical devices). I suggest that you consider making a volume based v2v turned off (if it's a Windows machine because it seems to be)

    If for some reason, this is not possible, can you consider to stop the 'Server' service during the conversion? Thus, all actions will become unavailable.

    Note: You must have a converter agent deployed before that.



    Post edited by: Plamen

  • V2V migration

    I have a virtual machine that has quite a large snapshot compared to its size. It would be prudent to conduct a migration v2v converter rather than deleting the snapshot. There are 3 VMDK attached to the virtual machine. The v2v migration will remove snapshots and converter will work for what I want to achieve.

    ESXi 4.1, vCenter 4.1

    Thanks in advance



    With a V2V conversion, the original virtual machine be left as what.

    The V2V conversion process creates a new virtual machine with all the original VM, including data data in snapshots.  This is the right approach when you want to consolidate the big shots, which are very difficult to remove.

    Best wishes / Saludos


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    Hi all

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    I have a computer host running ESX 4.0 with a local storage with exchange 2003 and windows 2008 r2 server x 64 running on it. How can I move the two virtual machines to the SAN, and then upgrade to the host ESX to ESXi 4.1?

    Kind regards



    As Scott says, you simply add the host in vCenter Server and connect the ESX to the San.  Then you can migrate your VMS (virtual machines must be turned off) from the existing to the new host.

    If for some reason you cannot connect the host to the SAN, then you can try with vCenter Converter to do a V2V conversion to migrate your virtual machines.

    Finally, there is no way to upgrade from ESX to ESXi, so you need to do a clean install of ESXi on your existing host.

    Best wishes / Saludos


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    Thank you!

    Will VM probably run on ESXi 6 without modification. There may be a few exceptions where some minor modifications may be required however.

    In any case, you can migrate the virtual machine with VMware Converter making a V2V conversion (2 virtual), export the virtual computer to an OVF on the former host and import it on the new, or - depending on your method of backup and application - use your last backup and restore it on the new host.


  • a virtual machine can be created in esxi5.5 in the VM necessary esxi4.0 files?

    That is to say of the hard, .vmx files or do you need to use the vmware converter for example?

    Thank you


    Hello Michael,

    If all the virtual computer files are present in the data store, and this data store is also available to 5.5 ESXi host, then you can just click with the right button on the .vmx file and add to the inventory and choose the host ESXi 5.5.

    VMware converter is used to perform a v2v conversion, which is also possible. However, the above step is much easier.


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