Validation for the Packaging icon error

I get the following error when debug my app in same Burrito so I don't Icon.png in my package:

"Error in the application of packaging:

The file with the Icon.png path may not be packaged, unless the descriptor field application.icon.image57x57 is set to Icon.png
"Error: posting AIR failed.

BlackBerry - tablet.xml foobar - app.xml contain application.icon.image57x57.

Where can I specify that override this validation error?

Update: I have not found a soultion to this reconstructed so my application instead.

Tags: BlackBerry Developers

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    In Firefox, a list of other names of the non-empty object overrides and replaces the common name field. If you need to list all the relevant host names in the field of SAN in your certificate.

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    Hello caromuna,

    It seems that other users have found a way to completely reset the printer back to the default settings, which can help with this question.

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    Split from another thread:

    Hi David,

    By design, we cannot create shortcut on the desktop for Mail App Mail App isn't a desktop program, it is designed to work in the modern user interface Interface.

    For example, you can pin Google Chrome in Start Menu and taskbar. But where you open it open only in desktop mode, because it's a desktop program.

    Hope this information helps. If you need more assistance or information on this question, reply to this post. I'll be happy to help you.

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    I searched through this forum and have not found an answer that works in many positions out there, I say to myself that I would ask him once again.

    Here's the context:

    We have 12 identical Dell M600 blades in 2 chassis with 16 GB of Ram, 2 x Xeon E5430, they are all connected to an Equallogic PS 5000XV iSCSI SAN on a separate iSCSI (vswitch1) with 2 cards network dedicated network and dedicated switch, console svc iscsi dedicated, dedicated VMkernel port for iscsi access. Net access (vswitch0) contains port groups VM for our various networks and a console port and vmkernel svc for VMotion with 2 separate NETWORK cards as well.

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    I'm trying to Svmotion via - interactive, a Machine to Windows 2000 with a virtual disk and a virtual RDM. I am aware of the requirements for the RDM and required parameters for svmotion, independent is not selected for the RDM, and I also have svmotioned several machines linux and win2k3 with the same configuration without problem. In the interactive session, I choose to individually place the disks and I chose the virtual disk to only the virtual machine to be moved, essentially, as I saw it move vdisk virtual machine and then copy to the pointer of the RDM.

    The use of the processor in this machine is about 25% average. but I try to run migrations at the time the lowest. and The Host it itself shows only about 5.5 GB of the 16 GB of RAM used. so I think we're good on the RAM. the volume/datastore that I'm migrating from has 485 GB free and the volume/datastore I migration towards a 145 GB free. the VM virtual disk is only about 33 GB.

    I run the script the windows version of the RCLI svmotion. and when to begin the process, I get the following error at around 2 percent of the progress:

    "Since the server has encountered an error: a general error occurred: could not wait for the data."  Error bad0007. Invalid parameter. »

    After searching around, I found the following hotfixes to the U2 release notes

    • Migrate.PageInTimeoutResetOnProgress: Set the value to 1.

    • Migrate.PageInProgress: The value 30, if you get an error even after the setting of the Migrate.PageInTimeoutResetOnProgress variable.

    I've made these changes, and I still get the same error.

    When I dig in the newspaper, I see these entries in the journal of vmkwarning:

    (Feb 24 00:17:32 vmkernel iq-virt-c2-b6: 82:04:13:56.794 cpu4:1394) WARNING: bunch: 1397: migHeap0 already at its maximumSize bunch. Cannot extend.

    (Feb 24 00:17:32 vmkernel iq-virt-c2-b6: 82:04:13:56.794 cpu4:1394) WARNING: bunch: 1522: Heap_Align (migHeap0, 1030120338/1030120338 bytes, 4 align) failed.  calling: 0x988f61

    (Feb 24 00:17:32 vmkernel iq-virt-c2-b6: 82:04:13:56.794 cpu4:1394) WARNING: migrate: 1243: 1235452646235015: failure: out of memory (0xbad0014) @0x98da8b

    (Feb 24 00:17:32 vmkernel iq-virt-c2-b6: 82:04:13:56.794 cpu2:1395) WARNING: MigrateNet: 309: 1235452646235015: 5 - 0xa023818: sent only 4096 bytes of data in message 0: Broken pipe

    (Feb 24 00:17:32 vmkernel iq-virt-c2-b6: 82:04:13:56.794 cpu6:1396) WARNING: migrate: 1243: 1235452646235015: failed: Migration protocol error (0xbad003e) @0x98da8b

    (Feb 24 00:17:32 vmkernel iq-virt-c2-b6: 82:04:13:56.794 cpu2:1395) WARNING: migrate: 6776: 1235452646235015: could not send data for 56486: Broken pipe

    At this point, I'm stuck... What is Windows RCLI? the vcenter Server? or the service console with not enough of RAM? We have already increased all our consoles service 512 MB...

    Any help would be greatly appreciated...

    Thanks in advance.


    The vmkernel on out of memory error, I had that before. And vmware support recommends setting 800M Max service console memory. And I did it and have no problems after that.

    See if that helps the issue.


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    I'm looking for the content of this link being updated package cumulative of win7 SP1 to avoid passing by the routines of update of victory for each reinstallation of win7 that we do in the shop

    but the site gives an error

    does anyone have the correct link?

    It did not work for me yesterday using 4 browsers.

    But today, I'm with IE 11:

    But you need to start on this page:

    And use the first link under the blue image:

    Yesterday even with IE you get this:

    But today she works (must use IE for certain pages of MS).

  • A SCORM for LMS package load error

    I had problems with some of my projects.  The first clue comes when I'm about to publish the SCORM package, take a look at the picture:

    pg 000619.jpg

    The details of the Information on projects (most of them) have disappeared.  If I clicked on "Préférences."... ', the details would be when I come back to the screen.  The package is generated without any problem, and it seems that everything is ok.  However, whenever I try to download the package to our LMS, I get this error:

    pg 000620.jpg

    Have you ever seen / experienced this problem before?  I'm looking for some advice that could possibly prevent me from re - working a few modules.  I use 7 Captivate.

    Thank you! JM

    You have special characters in the title?

    Have you checked line 91 in any file, the error refers?

    It references the imsmanifest.

  • With the help of tools validator for the first time.

    I do not understand what I need to fix here:

    Line 138, column 37: there is no attribute "align".

    ' < table width = "585" border = "0" align = "" " center" cellpadding = "0" cellspacing = "0" >

    You use the attribute named above in your document, but the document type, you are using does not support this attribute of this element. This error is often caused by incorrect use of document type "Strict" with a document that uses frames (e.g. you must use the "Transitional" document type to get the 'target' attribute), or using extensions such as "marginheight" owners (it is usually fixed by using CSS to achieve the effect desired instead).

    This error can also occur if the item itself is not supported in the document type, you use, as an undefined element will have no attributes supported. in this case, check the error message undefined element for more information.

    How to fix: check the spelling and case of the element and attribute, (remember XHTML is all lowercase) or check that they are both allowed in the chosen document type and/or use CSS instead of this attribute. If you receive this error when you use the < embed > element to incorporate flash in a Web page media, see the FAQ on valid flash.

    Line 144, column 24: there is no attribute 'bgcolor '.

    < td > < table bgcolor = " " " #931 C 08" width = "625" border = "0" align = "center" cellpadd...

    You use the attribute named above in your document, but the document type, you are using does not support this attribute of this element. This error is often caused by incorrect use of document type "Strict" with a document that uses frames (e.g. you must use the "Transitional" document type to get the 'target' attribute), or using extensions such as "marginheight" owners (it is usually fixed by using CSS to achieve the effect desired instead).

    This error can also occur if the item itself is not supported in the document type, you use, as an undefined element will have no attributes supported. in this case, check the error message undefined element for more information.

    How to fix: check the spelling and case of the element and attribute, (remember XHTML is all lowercase) or check that they are both allowed in the chosen document type and/or use CSS instead of this attribute. If you receive this error when you use the < embed > element to incorporate flash in a Web page media, see the FAQ on valid flash.

    If not for the use of electronic mail and then forget validation. Html email is strongly dependent on the old deprecated html attributes. What you used

    Align = 'center' and bgcolor = # "# 931 08" are perfect for html emails

    Use the Doctype "transitional" / "coward."">

    or you can just go with the html5 Doctype:

  • macOS for the window icon Finder Sierra

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    Someone at - it a response or an idea about it?

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