web behaviour point app 'image locator' seems to have changed

The default behavior of Locator image to select images in a web application item has changed from how he was a few weeks ago and it's pretty boring.

Previously, during the loading of images in an article of application web, BC remember you were in the folder. For example, a site that I am building, if I were you select Picture 1 I would go to 'select file'-> used equipment-> excavators-> aSpecificExcavator-> a picture. Then to select the Image 2, I just had to click on "select file" and the path of the folder of the image-1 default image index. " Something has changed, and now, whenever I want to add a new image to the element of web application I have to go through the whole spot the case appropriate for each new image process of ' select file-> material opportunity-> excavators-> aSpecificExcavator-> a picture. For the loading of the images a bit to an element of web application, it's a real pain-in-the-experience user for customers (I explained that they could use a CSV but file import method which becomes too technical and too tedious, even if it is likely to be more effective).

I can do to change the behavior of web Locator apps select the image file to get it to remember the way previous web app point image?

Hello Stephen,

Deactivation of the new admin editor should switch back to the old file manager. Could you send me a private message with the site and I am happy to look through?

As for remembering the file selection, we add this into the next release so that when you add images found in the same folder, you don't have to browse the structure of the entire folder again.


Tags: Business Catalyst

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