
Hi guys I can't upload images and I can't download the file in my application with a webview. Why?
I click on the image that I select to save the images, but I can't find in the folder the same when I decide to download photos
I selected the photos upload, I push and the images aren't downloading.

Second question I have a tab with a webview I can add a button that would take me in a first link on the tab?
Example: tab (at home), I click and tab I can see the home page (http://home.com) when I browse to this page for a long time, I won't go back in (http://home.com) before I inseret the back button but if I see 60 pages, I'll go back 60 times

Ty guys

go to the bar - descriptor.xml and activate your authorization of shared files.

Tags: BlackBerry Developers

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    verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Fill

    ... for the WebView to the ScrollView as if it is contained in and to the container that contains the ScrollView, but that doesn't seem to help.

    I found another post on the forum that answers this question:

    WebView {
        preferredWidth: Infinity
        preferredHeight: Infinity
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    import bb.cascades 1.2
    Page {
        Container {
            preferredHeight: 720
            preferredWidth: 720
            WebView {
                preferredHeight: 720
                preferredWidth: 720
    url: "https://google-developers.appspot.com/maps/documentation/javascript/examples/full/marker-simple"

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    Your sample application does not seem to suffer the original bug, I thought. That bug could cause a WebView with no ancestor ScrollView would get too small window Visual and tactile input would be anchored to the Visual display window very small. If you want to learn more on this topic, see a tale of two windows - part for the discussion of Visual and updated display on the page. Perhaps your sample application it is OK because it specifies a preferredHeight for Web display, which can affect the used Visual display window.

    To be more precise, on a real device of passport BlackBerry running OS versions and, the sample you provided responds perfectly to press ENTER.

    However, on the Simulator on OS, I can confirm input touchscreen does not work. Therefore a separate bug, which seems to be specific to the Simulator.

    I think you can be assured that end users will still be able to use your app (s) on a real passport of BlackBerry device, but it is unfortunate that it does not work on the Simulator.

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        actions:  [
            ActionItem {
                title: qsTr("View")
                imageSource: "asset:///icons/actions/view.png"
                onTriggered: {
                    var page = htmlPage.createObject();
                    page.url = "http://www.google.com";
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    Page {
        property string  url
        id: htmlPage
        Container {
            preferredWidth: Infinity
            preferredHeight: Infinity
            verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center
            horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
            WebView {
                id: webView
                settings.background: Color.Black
                url: url
           Label {
               text: url
               textStyle.fontSize: FontSize.XXSmall

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    All of a sudden, it came to me.

        property alias url : webView.url
  • Progress indicator overlap Webview


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    BlackBerry 10 UI guidelines should not be black lines on the screen; then, before I release my update, I want to get rid of that black line.

    Any help would be greatly appricated, thank you

    No I meant the top-level one who holds your WebView, this is my code (bits removed for clarity)...

    Container {
            layout: DockLayout { }
                ScrollView {
                    id: scrollView
                    scrollViewProperties {
                        scrollMode: ScrollMode.Both
                        pinchToZoomEnabled: true
                    Container {
                        background: Color.LightGray
                        WebView {
                            id: webView
                            url: "http://www.google.co.uk"
                            settings.viewport: {
                                "width": "device-width",
                                "initial-scale": 1.0
                            }                     [ ... removed ... ]
                Container {
                    horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
                    verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Bottom
                    bottomPadding: 30
                    ProgressIndicator {
                        id: loadProgress
                        opacity: 0.0
  • Transition between screens for WebView White flickers questions

    Hi all

    Application architecture: HTML/JS/CSS hosted on an HTTPS URL to a web server.

    BB10 app is conditioned to invoke this URL and start pages in the application.

    Here are the contents of the config.xml file:

            Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
            you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
            You may obtain a copy of the License at
            Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
            distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
            WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
            See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

    Here's index.html file content:


    Now when you navigate to index.html file, it is showing white screen as follows:

    This is perhaps due to the network latency or loading javascrip and css in the HTML page. I found two post associated with white screen below:



    Is it possible to put the indicator type thing on this webview activity.

    A solution is I'm thinking or trying to load all my JS and css after the body tag.

    Please, help me to overcome this obstacle. It's very urgent.

    Thanks in advance

    BBUI uses an Ajax approach to navigation, but it's not exactly cross-platform (depends on the BlackBerry API):


    jQuery Mobile also has this implementation approach.


    A more complete list can be found here:


    Let us, I'm not sure of a library that can just be "inclusive" and resume with all being based on Ajax navigation. You should encode your application based on a chosen framework process.

    I don't have an example to do directly with pure HTML/JS. If all of your "pages" are located in the same document, it is simply a matter of showing / hiding one another (or replace a common 'visible' div with the content of another.) If your pages are located in separate files, you need to load these files programmatically, and then insert them into the div 'visible '.

    On other platforms, they asking the web are disadvantaged from an external site as well? If so, it's probably just that the process is a little different from BB10 in terms when the document is destroyed / new document is presented.

  • To view documents using WebView

    Hi all!

    I'm new in the development of BB. Can you help me? Can I use WebView stunts for the display of documents (doc, xls, pdf, png etc.) Some, like iOS UIWebView https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/qa/qa1630/_index.html

    I have tired:


    {Of container

    WebView {}

    ID: webView

    Accessibility.Name: ' TODO: Add the contents of the property.

    onLoadingChanged: {}

    If (loadRequest.status == WebLoadStatus.Started) {}

    Console.log ("Load has started.")


    Else if (loadRequest.status == WebLoadStatus.Succeeded) {}

    Console.log ("Load finished.")


    Else if (loadRequest.status == WebLoadStatus.Failed) {}

    Console.log ("Load failed.")





    function loadData (happy) {webView.loadData (happy) ;} / / happy - QByteArray is with the content of the file}


    But I got "Load has failed." on any docs

    Find target calling card for the Docs To Go and Adobe Reader:

    Docs To Go: https://developer.blackberry.com/native/documentation/cascades/device_platform/invocation/docstogo.h...

    Adobe Reader: https://developer.blackberry.com/native/documentation/cascades/device_platform/invocation/adobereade... (other)

  • Possible to extract a part of code HTML of WebView and exposes to QML?

    Spending a few hours to research this, but not really sure.

    My application has a lyrics Viewer, it opens the page with a WebView then uses evaluateJavaScript to strip all normal visible header and the actual words, everything works great and leaves me with just the text words.

    I would like to take that text and somehow move it to QML so I can strip things html and ending up with a gross QString with the text of the words and finally display it with a tag, but not really sure how.

                             "var content = document.getElementById('mw-content-text');" +
                             "while (document.head.firstChild) { document.head.removeChild(document.head.firstChild); }" +
                             "while (document.body.firstChild) { document.body.removeChild(document.body.firstChild); }" +
                             "var header = document.createElement('h1');" +
                             "header.style.color = ('white');"+
                             "header.innerHTML = '" +  lyricsDataArtist+ " " +  lyricsDataSong + " Lyrics';" +
                             "document.body.appendChild(header);" +
                             "var lyrics = content.getElementsByClassName('lyricbox')[0];" +
                             "lyrics.removeChild(lyrics.firstChild);" +
                             "lyrics.style.color = ('white');"+
                             "document.body.style.background = ('black');"

    Any ideas appriciated.

    Thank you

    I suspect you can do what you need by calling navigator.cascades.postMessage () of your injected JavaScript and catch with the WebView::messageReceived signal. I use this mechanism in my application support to get stuff to the pages loaded in my C++ code, but it also works well with QML.

    Signal WebView::messageReceived() documentation

  • CORS for Webview in Cascades

    The Web view is not able to make ajax requests to Web sites or in the api that do not have the same original disabled policy. There is no problem with phonegap or webworks, but with waterfalls.

    Here is an article with a workaround which unfortunately no longer works, maybe one of you guys can do it help me:


    @anzor_b @Kareem_ELSayed @Pumano

    Thank you for your time and help me with this problem. You are both well it seems that the api isn't really compatible CORS. The funny thing is that I can consume with XmlHttpRequest API in stunts, but not from the Web view. Do not know why.

    There is a fairly simple solution for all the APIs that do not support the HORNS, there is a small proxy here site: http://jsonp.jit.su which allows you to access the API of 4chan and other APIs with no problems directly from the Web view with jQuery.

  • WebView - capture webview content and generate an image.

    I was wondering what would be the best way to achieve an export of the image of a WebView. The content of the Web view can be more than one page, so to capture the display images would not work in my scenario.


    Arround came up with the following... Played arround with the HTML format and got it correctly fits on a single screen. Then implemented appshot example code:


    A did the trick...

  • Flashing WebView rendering glitches, visual tearing etc.

    I used a WebView in some of my apps of waterfalls (only tested on my DevAlpha) and I noticed after some use (15 seconds to 10 minutes) than the graphic display making it starts choking and make it starts flashing an or view a checkerboard patterns.

    If I run the same content in a Web view in adobe air, I have no questions.

    Is it just a question on the alpha of dev? But OK on BB10?

    I'm ok with using a kind of "reset" to the Web mode, if it helps... I'm just not seeing something like this in the API.

    Also has anyone seen this behavior? No work around magic? (Or does anyone know if this problem is solved on the finals features?

    The question itself seems fixed in the latest version after the launch of the operating system on the Dev Alpha.

    Now consider the problem solved.

  • How to set the text back in webview?


    Someone knows how to put the text in full screen according to the 2 screen capture?


    import bb.cascades 1.0
    Page {
        Container {
            //Todo: fill me with QML
            ScrollView {
                id: scrollView
                scrollViewProperties {
                    scrollMode: ScrollMode.Both
                    minContentScale: 2
                WebView {
                    id: webView_Condiciones
                    url: "local://assets/html/copy_Right.html"

    screenshot 1 (I got the result as below)

    Screen Shot 2 (need to result as below)

    So let me know what I did wrong?


    I think your problem is

     minContentScale: 2

    Ask yourself the ScrollView to zoom in on your web pages display... Zoom will make wider and higher...

    If you just want more large print, try something like this:

    import bb.cascades 1.2
    Page {
        Container {
            //Todo: fill me with QML
            ScrollView {
                id: scrollView
                scrollViewProperties {
                    scrollMode: ScrollMode.Both
                WebView {
                    id: webView_Condiciones
                    url: "local:///assets/index.html"
                    settings.defaultFontSize: 32

    With this HTML code:

    Hey There
    • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing . . . . . . . . . ---8<-- SNIP -->8--

    I see:

  • WebView - a few questions

    I use WebView and even the stunts for the first time (I learned qt already) and I have a few questions.

    How can I listen to the signal of onURLChanged() - I tried to connect to its signal in the PRC, but do not shoot my slot. I call a function in my CPP code indicating its name in qml?

    I ask on qml because I think that there is connection of signals / slots in qml examples I've seen (by omitting the need to connect (mWebView, onUrlChanged(), myFunction()) but I don't see how I could connect say webview onUrlChanged (const QUrl & url) to myFunc (QUrl & myurl) located in a .cpp file using code rather than c qml ++.) Is this possible?

    Also, when I open a Web using Webview page and then reload the application, I get an error momentics can prepare and download of executables which means I have to restart dev unit alpha - what should I do with webview in deconstructor to stop this requirement to reboot?

    Thanks for any help you can offer.

    I'm sorry, meant that the parameter names must be qualified full.

    This one should work:

       QObject::connect(mView, SIGNAL(urlChanged(QUrl)),
                         this, SLOT(urlChanged(QUrl)));
    void ClassName::urlChanged(const QUrl& url)

Maybe you are looking for