What is the structure of the SDK directory?

What is the structure of the SDK files?

There is no introduction file in the SDK as a manifesto that gives an idea of what are the content and their relative value and the level of prereqs.

Why all the bloated html docs and zippers have the SDK? cant adobe provides a PDF file that can do the same thing?

I need a visit to the SDK, preferably a quick and dirty description or a video tut. Adobe CORPORATION should have provided - to leave an empty stub to be filled by a trail of charghing consultants and lost of scapegoats.

This sdk for 9.x will work for the scripter acrobat 8.x?

\---Acrobat 9 SDK
\---Version 1
+ - ActionScriptSupport
|   + - AcrobatAPI
|   |       AcrobatAPI.swc
|   |
|   + - NAVs
|   |   |   ApplyColorPalette.nav
|   |   |   CheckPermission.nav
|   |   |   DragOut.nav
|   |   |   DragWithin.nav
|   |   |   GetLocalizedString.nav
|   |   |   ReadWriteResources.nav
|   |   |   RichMediaAPITest.nav
|   |   |   SimpleSort.nav
|   |   |   Starter.NAV
|   |   |   TileView.nav
|   |   |   TrivialDragDrop.nav
|   |   |
|   |   + - ApplyColorPalette
|   |   |       local. XML
|   |   |       Navigator.Xml
|   |   |       Strings.ASFX
|   |   |
|   |   + - CheckPermission
|   |   |       local. XML
|   |   |       Navigator.Xml
|   |   |       Strings.ASFX
|   |   |
|   |   + - DragOut
|   |   |       local. XML
|   |   |       Navigator.Xml
|   |   |       Strings.ASFX
|   |   |
|   |   + - DragWithin
|   |   |       local. XML
|   |   |       Navigator.Xml
|   |   |       Strings.ASFX
|   |   |
|   |   + - GetLocalizedString
|   |   |       local. XML
|   |   |       Navigator.Xml
|   |   |       Strings.ASFX
|   |   |
|   |   + - ReadWriteResources
|   |   |       local. XML
|   |   |       Navigator.Xml
|   |   |       Strings.ASFX
|   |   |
|   |   + - RichMediaAPITest
|   |   |       local. XML
|   |   |       Navigator.Xml
|   |   |       Strings.ASFX
|   |   |
|   |   + - SimpleSort
|   |   |       local. XML
|   |   |       Navigator.Xml
|   |   |       Strings.ASFX
|   |   |
|   |   + - Starter
|   |   |       local. XML
|   |   |       Navigator.Xml
|   |   |       Strings.ASFX
|   |   |
|   |   + - TileView
|   |   |       local. XML
|   |   |       Navigator.Xml
|   |   |       Strings.ASFX
|   |   |
|   |   \---TrivialDragDrop
|   |           local. XML
|   |           Navigator.Xml
|   |           Strings.ASFX
|   |
|   \---Samples
|       |   .actionScriptProperties
|       |   .flexProperties
|       |   . Project
|       |
|       \---SRC
|           |   ApplyColorPalette.mxml
|           |   CheckPermission.mxml
|           |   DragOut.mxml
|           |   DragWithin.mxml
|           |   GetLocalizedString.mxml
|           |   ReadWriteResources.mxml
|           |   RichMediaAPITest.mxml
|           |   SimpleSort.mxml
|           |   Starter.MXML
|           |   TileView.mxml
|           |   TrivialDragDrop.mxml
|           |
|           + - Active
|           |       A_Folder_48x48_N.PNG
|           |       Catalog.txt
|           |
|           + - controller
|           |       AcroSdkSort.as
|           |       BreadCrumbsData.as
|           |       Commands.As
|           |       Controller.As
|           |       EventSupport.as
|           |       SelectionManager.as
|           |
|           + - css
|           |       hand. CSS
|           |
|           + - parts
|           |       AcroDragList1.as
|           |       AcroDragList2.as
|           |       AcroSdkTileList.as
|           |       AttachmentThumbnail.as
|           |       BaseCard.as
|           |       BreadCrumbs.as
|           |       Card.MXML
|           |
|           \---utils
|                   BindingSupport.as
|                   DataUtils.as
|                   LogUtil.as
+ - Documentation
|       Acrobat9_1_HTMLHelp.zip
|       Navigator_SDK9_1_HTMLHelp.zip
|       pdf_reference.PDF
|       U3DElements.PDF
+ - InterAppCommunicationSupport
|   + - All the
|   |       All.sln
|   |
|   +--C #Samples
|   |   + - BasicIacCS
|   |   |   |   BasicIacCS.sln
|   |   |   |
|   |   |   \---BasicIacCS
|   |   |           App.ico
|   |   |           AssemblyInfo.cs
|   |   |           BasicIacCS.cs
|   |   |           BasicIacCS.csproj
|   |   |           BasicIacCS.resx
|   |   |
|   |   + - BasicIacOCXCS
|   |   |   |   BasicIacOCXCS.sln
|   |   |   |
|   |   |   \---BasicIacOCXCS
|   |   |           App.ico
|   |   |           AssemblyInfo.cs
|   |   |           BasicIacOCXCS.cs
|   |   |           BasicIacOCXCS.csproj
|   |   |           BasicIacOCXCS.resx
|   |   |
|   |   + - FillFormCS
|   |   |   |   FillFormCS.sln
|   |   |   |
|   |   |   \---FillFormCS
|   |   |           App.ico
|   |   |           AssemblyInfo.cs
|   |   |           FillFormCS.cs
|   |   |           FillFormCS.csproj
|   |   |
|   |   \---JSObjectControlCS
|   |       |   JSObjectControlCS.sln
|   |       |   JSObjectControlCS.suo
|   |       |
|   |       \---JSObjectControlCS
|   |           |   Form1.cs
|   |           |   Form1.Designer.cs
|   |           |   Form1.resx
|   |           |   JSObjectControlCS.csproj
|   |           |   Program.cs
|   |           |
|   |           \---Properties
|   |                   AssemblyInfo.cs
|   |                   Resources.Designer.cs
|   |                   Resources.resx
|   |                   Settings.Designer.cs
|   |                   Settings.Settings
|   |
|   + - CSamples
|   |   + - ActiveViewVC
|   |   |   |   ActiveView.clw
|   |   |   |   ActiveView.rc
|   |   |   |   ActiveViewVC.sln
|   |   |   |   ActiveViewVC.vcproj
|   |   |   |   Resource.h
|   |   |   |
|   |   |   + - res
|   |   |   |       ActiveView.ico
|   |   |   |       ActiveView.rc2
|   |   |   |       ActiveViewdoc.ico
|   |   |   |       ToolBar.bmp
|   |   |   |
|   |   |   \---sources
|   |   |           ActiveView.cpp
|   |   |           ActiveView.h
|   |   |           ActiveViewDoc.cpp
|   |   |           ActiveViewDoc.h
|   |   |           ActiveViewVw.cpp
|   |   |           ActiveViewVw.h
|   |   |           MainFrm.cpp
|   |   |           MainFrm.h
|   |   |           stdafx.cpp
|   |   |           stdafx.h
|   |   |
|   |   + - BasicIacVC
|   |   |       Acrobat.cpp
|   |   |       Acrobat.h
|   |   |       BasicIacVC.cpp
|   |   |       BasicIacVC.h
|   |   |       BasicIacVC.sln
|   |   |       BasicIacVC.vcproj
|   |   |       Resource.h
|   |   |       StdAfx.cpp
|   |   |       StdAfx.h
|   |   |
|   |   + - DdeopenVC
|   |   |   |   DdeOpenVC.sln
|   |   |   |   DdeOpenVC.vcproj
|   |   |   |
|   |   |   \---sources
|   |   |           DdeOpen.cpp
|   |   |
|   |   + - DistillerCtrlVC
|   |   |   |   DistillerCtrl.clw
|   |   |   |   DistillerCtrl.rc
|   |   |   |   DistillerCtrlVC.sln
|   |   |   |   DistillerCtrlVC.vcproj
|   |   |   |   Resource.h
|   |   |   |
|   |   |   + - Res
|   |   |   |       DistillerCtrl.ico
|   |   |   |       DistillerCtrl.rc2
|   |   |   |
|   |   |   \---Sources
|   |   |           DistillerCtrl.cpp
|   |   |           DistillerCtrl.h
|   |   |           DistillerCtrlDlg.cpp
|   |   |           DistillerCtrlDlg.h
|   |   |           PdfEventSink.cpp
|   |   |           PdfEventSink.h
|   |   |           StdAfx.cpp
|   |   |           StdAfx.h
|   |   |
|   |   + - DistillerCtrlWMVC
|   |   |   |   DistillerCtrl.clw
|   |   |   |   DistillerCtrl.rc
|   |   |   |   DistillerCtrlWMVC.sln
|   |   |   |   DistillerCtrlWMVC.vcproj
|   |   |   |   Resource.h
|   |   |   |
|   |   |   + - Res
|   |   |   |       DistillerCtrl.ico
|   |   |   |       DistillerCtrl.rc2
|   |   |   |
|   |   |   \---Sources
|   |   |           DistillerCtrl.cpp
|   |   |           DistillerCtrl.h
|   |   |           DistillerCtrlDlg.cpp
|   |   |           DistillerCtrlDlg.h
|   |   |           StdAfx.cpp
|   |   |           StdAfx.h
|   |   |
|   |   + - ReadCADFileVC
|   |   |   |   ReadCADFile.vcproj
|   |   |   |   ReadCADFileVC.sln
|   |   |   |
|   |   |   \---sources
|   |   |           ReadCADFileVC.cpp
|   |   |           ReadCADFileVC.h
|   |   |           stdafx.cpp
|   |   |           stdafx.h
|   |   |
|   |   + - ReadPdfPrcVC
|   |   |   |   ReadPdfPrcVC.sln
|   |   |   |
|   |   |   + - ReadPdfPrc
|   |   |   |   |   ReadPdfPrc.sln
|   |   |   |   |   ReadPdfPrc.vcproj
|   |   |   |   |
|   |   |   |   \---sources
|   |   |   |           ReadPdfPrc.cpp
|   |   |   |           ReadPdfPrc.h
|   |   |   |           stdafx.cpp
|   |   |   |           stdafx.h
|   |   |   |
|   |   |   + - ReadPdfPrcHelper
|   |   |   |   + - source
|   |   |   |   |       ReadPdfPrcHelper.cpp
|   |   |   |   |       ReadPRC.cpp
|   |   |   |   |
|   |   |   |   \---Win32
|   |   |   |           ReadPdfPrcHelper.sln
|   |   |   |           ReadPdfPrcHelper.vcproj
|   |   |   |
|   |   |   \---SampleFile
|   |   |           mower_carb.PDF
|   |   |
|   |   + - RemoteControlAcrobatVC
|   |   |   |   RemoteControlAcrobat.clw
|   |   |   |   RemoteControlAcrobat.rc
|   |   |   |   RemoteControlAcrobat.rgs
|   |   |   |   RemoteControlAcrobatVC.sln
|   |   |   |   RemoteControlAcrobatVC.vcproj
|   |   |   |   RemoteControlAcrobat_i.c
|   |   |   |   RemoteControlAcrobat_i.h
|   |   |   |   Resource.h
|   |   |   |
|   |   |   + - res
|   |   |   |       RemoteControlAcrobat.ico
|   |   |   |       RemoteControlAcrobat.rc2
|   |   |   |       RemoteControlAcrobatDoc.ico
|   |   |   |       ToolBar.bmp
|   |   |   |
|   |   |   \---sources
|   |   |           Acrobat.cpp
|   |   |           Acrobat.h
|   |   |           FindTextDlg.cpp
|   |   |           FindTextDlg.h
|   |   |           MainFrm.cpp
|   |   |           MainFrm.h
|   |   |           PageNumDlg.cpp
|   |   |           PageNumDlg.h
|   |   |           RemoteControlAcrobat.cpp
|   |   |           RemoteControlAcrobat.h
|   |   |           RemoteControlAcrobatDoc.cpp
|   |   |           RemoteControlAcrobatDoc.h
|   |   |           RemoteControlAcrobatView.cpp
|   |   |           RemoteControlAcrobatView.h
|   |   |           StdAfx.cpp
|   |   |           StdAfx.h
|   |   |
|   |   + - StaticViewVC
|   |   |   |   Resource.h
|   |   |   |   StaticView.clw
|   |   |   |   StaticView.rc
|   |   |   |   StaticViewVC.sln
|   |   |   |   StaticViewVC.vcproj
|   |   |   |
|   |   |   + - res
|   |   |   |       StaticView.ico
|   |   |   |       StaticView.rc2
|   |   |   |       StaticViewDoc.ico
|   |   |   |       ToolBar.bmp
|   |   |   |
|   |   |   \---sources
|   |   |           EditBox.cpp
|   |   |           EditBox.h
|   |   |           MainFrm.cpp
|   |   |           MainFrm.h
|   |   |           StaticView.cpp
|   |   |           StaticView.h
|   |   |           StaticViewDoc.cpp
|   |   |           StaticViewDoc.h
|   |   |           StaticViewVw.cpp
|   |   |           StaticViewVw.h
|   |   |           stdafx.cpp
|   |   |           stdafx.h
|   |   |           ZoomSet.cpp
|   |   |           ZoomSet.h
|   |   |           ZoomSeto.cpp
|   |   |           ZoomSeto.h
|   |   |
|   |   \---WritePdfPrcVC
|   |       |   WritePdfPrcVC.sln
|   |       |   WritePdfPrcVC.vcproj
|   |       |
|   |       \---sources
|   |               stdafx.cpp
|   |               stdafx.h
|   |               WritePdfPrcVC.cpp
|   |               WritePdfPrcVC.h
|   |
|   + - Headers
|   |   |   Acrobat.tlb
|   |   |   acrodistx.tlb
|   |   |
|   |   + - Visual Basic
|   |   |       IAC.bas
|   |   |
|   |   \---Visual C
|   |           Acrobat.cpp
|   |           Acrobat.h
|   |           acrodistx.cpp
|   |           acrodistx.h
|   |           distctrl.h
|   |           IAC.h
|   |           srchdde.h
|   |
|   + - HTMLSamples
|   |   \---AcroPDFInHTML
|   |           Frameset1.htm
|   |           HTMLPage1.htm
|   |           HTMLPage2.htm
|   |           objecttag_demo.htm
|   |
|   + - TestFiles
|   |       Data.txt
|   |       FormSample.pdf
|   |       FormsAutomation.pdf
|   |       Readme.PS
|   |       SampleForm.pdf
|   |       SamplePDF01.pdf
|   |       simple.PDF
|   |       Stamp.PDF
|   |       TestForm.pdf
|   |       TwoColumnTaggedDoc.pdf
|   |
|   \---VBSamples
|       + - AcrobatActiveXVB
|       |   |   AcrobatActiveXVB.sln
|       |   |
|       |   \---AcrobatActiveXVB
|       |           AcrobatActiveXVB.vbproj
|       |           AssemblyInfo.vb
|       |           Form1.resx
|       |           Form1.vb
|       |           Form2.resx
|       |           Form2.vb
|       |           Form3.resx
|       |           Form3.vb
|       |           Form4.resx
|       |           Form4.vb
|       |           UserControl1.resx
|       |           UserControl1.vb
|       |
|       + - ActiveViewVB
|       |   |   ActiveViewVB.sln
|       |   |
|       |   \---ActiveView
|       |           ActiveView.vb
|       |           ActiveViewVB.vbproj
|       |           AssemblyInfo.vb
|       |           DocInfo.resX
|       |           DocInfo.vb
|       |           FileOpen.vb
|       |           frmMDI.resX
|       |           frmMDI.vb
|       |           IAC.vb
|       |           PDFView.resX
|       |           PDFView.vb
|       |           print.resX
|       |           Print.vb
|       |
|       + - AdobePDFSilentVB
|       |   |   AdobePDFSilent.sln
|       |   |
|       |   \---AdobePDFSilent
|       |           AdobePDFSilent.vb
|       |           AdobePDFSilent.vbproj
|       |           AssemblyInfo.vb
|       |           frmMain.resx
|       |           frmMain.vb
|       |           Globals.vb
|       |
|       + - BasicIacJsoVB
|       |   |   BasicIacJsoVB.sln
|       |   |
|       |   \---BasicIacVBJso
|       |           AssemblyInfo.vb
|       |           BasicIacJsoVB.vbproj
|       |           BasicIacVBJso.vb
|       |
|       + - BasicIacVB
|       |   |   BasicIacVB.sln
|       |   |
|       |   \---BasicIacVB
|       |           AssemblyInfo.vb
|       |           BasicIacVB.resX
|       |           BasicIacVB.vb
|       |           BasicIacVB.vbproj
|       |
|       + - DistillerCtrlVB
|       |   |   DistillerCtrlVB.sln
|       |   |
|       |   \---DistillerCtrlVB
|       |           AssemblyInfo.vb
|       |           DistillerCtrlVB.vbproj
|       |           FileSystemUtils.vb
|       |           MainFrm.resX
|       |           MainFrm.vb
|       |           RegistryUtils.vb
|       |
|       + - ExecuteScriptIacVB
|       |   |   ExecuteScriptIacVB.sln
|       |   |
|       |   \---ExecuteScriptIacVB
|       |           AssemblyInfo.vb
|       |           ExecuteJSForm.resX
|       |           ExecuteJSForm.vb
|       |           ExecuteScriptIacVB.vbproj
|       |
|       + - FormsAutomationVB
|       |   |   FormsAutomation.sln
|       |   |
|       |   \---FormsAutomation
|       |           AssemblyInfo.vb
|       |           FormsAutomation.resx
|       |           FormsAutomation.vb
|       |           FormsAutomation.vbproj
|       |
|       + - JSObjectAccessVB
|       |   |   JSObjectAccessVB.sln
|       |   |
|       |   \---JSObjectAccessVB
|       |           AssemblyInfo.vb
|       |           JSObjectAccessVB.vb
|       |           JSObjectAccessVB.vbproj
|       |
|       + - JSOFindWordVB
|       |   |   JSOFindWordVB.sln
|       |   |
|       |   \---JSOFindWordVB
|       |           AssemblyInfo.vb
|       |           FindWord.resx
|       |           FindWord.vb
|       |           JSOFindWordVB.vbproj
|       |
|       + - SearchPdfVB
|       |   |   DdeProxy.dll
|       |   |   SearchPdfVB.sln
|       |   |
|       |   + - DdeProxy
|       |   |   |   DdeProxy.sln
|       |   |   |   DdeProxy.vcproj
|       |   |   |
|       |   |   \---sources
|       |   |           DdeProxy.cpp
|       |   |           DdeProxy.h
|       |   |           DdeSrch.cpp
|       |   |
|       |   \---SearchPdfVB
|       |           AssemblyInfo.vb
|       |           FileSystemUtils.vb
|       |           IndexFrm.resX
|       |           IndexFrm.vb
|       |           MainFrm.resX
|       |           MainFrm.vb
|       |           QueryFrm.resX
|       |           QueryFrm.vb
|       |           SearchPdfUtils.vb
|       |           SearchPdfVB.vbproj
|       |
|       + - StaticViewVB
|       |   |   StaticViewVB.sln
|       |   |
|       |   \---StaticViewVB
|       |           AssemblyInfo.vb
|       |           DocInfo.resX
|       |           DocInfo.vb
|       |           DRAWBAS.vb
|       |           FileOpen.vb
|       |           IAC.vb
|       |           PDFView.resX
|       |           PDFView.vb
|       |           StaticView.resX
|       |           StaticView.vb
|       |           StaticViewVB.vbproj
|       |
|       \---WatermarkJsoVB
|           |   WatermarkJsoVB.sln
|           |
|           \---WatermarkJsoVB
|                   AssemblyInfo.vb
|                   WatermarkJsoVB.vb
|                   WatermarkJsoVB.vbproj
+ - JavaScriptSupport
|       Acrobat SDK JavaScript sample Portfolio.pdf
+ - NonAdobeSupport
|   \---TinyXml
|           tinystr.cpp
|           tinystr.h
|           TinyXML.cpp
|           TinyXML.h
|           tinyxmlerror.cpp
|           tinyxmlparser.cpp
+ - OtherSupport
|   \---SaveAsXML
|       |   MappingTable.dtd
|       |   SDKBookmarkExtraction.xml
|       |   SDKDocInfoExtraction.xml
|       |   SDKImageExtraction.xml
|       |   SDKTextExtraction.xml
|       |
|       \---Advanced
|               HTML-3-20 - Access.xml
|               HTML-3-20-CSS-1-00. XML
|               HTML-3-20-CSS-2-00. XML
|               MappingTable.dtd
|               CEO-1-00-doc - paged.xml
|               CEO-1-00 - doc.xml
|               XHTML-1-00-CSS-1-00. XML
|               XHTML-1-00-CSS-2-00. XML
|               XML-1-00-Full - Info.xml
|               XML-1-00-with-all-attrs.XML
+ - Headers
|   + - 3D
|   |       A3DSDK.h
|   |       A3DSDKBase.h
|   |       A3DSDKDraw.h
|   |       A3DSDKErrorCodes.h
|   |       A3DSDKGeometry.h
|   |       A3DSDKGeometryCrv.h
|   |       A3DSDKGeometrySrf.h
|   |       A3DSDKGlobalData.h
|   |       A3DSDKGraphics.h
|   |       A3DSDKMarkup.h
|   |       A3DSDKMath.h
|   |       A3DSDKMisc.h
|   |       A3DSDKRepItems.h
|   |       A3DSDKRootEntities.h
|   |       A3DSDKStructure.h
|   |       A3DSDKTessellation.h
|   |       A3DSDKTexture.h
|   |       A3DSDKTools.h
|   |       A3DSDKTopology.h
|   |       A3DSDKTypes.h
|   |
|   + - API
|   |       acroassert.h
|   |       AcroColorCalls.h
|   |       AcroColorExpT.h
|   |       AcroColorHFT.h
|   |       AcroColorProcs.h
|   |       AcroColorVers.h
|   |       AcroErr.h
|   |       AFTTS_Sel.h
|   |       AF_ExpT.h
|   |       AF_Sel.h
|   |       ASCalls.h
|   |       ASExpT.h
|   |       ASExtraCalls.h
|   |       ASExtraExpT.h
|   |       ASExtraProcs.h
|   |       ASExtraVers.h
|   |       ASFileE.h
|   |       ASFileEASF.h
|   |       ASGenE.h
|   |       ASGenEASF.h
|   |       ASKey.h
|   |       ASProcs.h
|   |       ASRaiseAware.h
|   |       AVCalls.h
|   |       AVCompat.cpp
|   |       AVCompat.h
|   |       AVExpT.h
|   |       AVExpTObsolete1.h
|   |       AVExpTObsolete2.h
|   |       AVPrefsD.h
|   |       AVProcs.h
|   |       AVVers.h
|   |       cathft.h
|   |       catprocs.h
|   |       CAVAlert.h
|   |       ConsExpT.h
|   |       ConsHFT.h
|   |       ConsHFTProcs.h
|   |       ConsObTp.h
|   |       CorCalls.h
|   |       CoreExpT.h
|   |       CorProcs.h
|   |       CosCalls.h
|   |       CosExpT.h
|   |       CosGenE.h
|   |       CosGenEASF.h
|   |       CosProcs.h
|   |       CosSynE.h
|   |       CosSynEASF.h
|   |       DigSigHFT.h
|   |       DigSigHFTProcs.h
|   |       DirectoryHFT.h
|   |       EncConvE.h
|   |       Environ.h
|   |       EReturnValidator.h
|   |       FontSvrE.h
|   |       FontSvrEASF.h
|   |       FormsHFT.h
|   |       FormsHFTProcs.h
|   |       HFTLibrary.h
|   |       Library.h
|   |       MacCalls.h
|   |       MacPlatform.h
|   |       MacProcs.h
|   |       NSelExpT.h
|   |       PageE.h
|   |       PageEASF.h
|   |       PagePDECntCalls.h
|   |       PDBasicExpT.h
|   |       PDBatesCalls.h
|   |       PDBatesExpT.h
|   |       PDBatesProcs.h
|   |       PDCalls.h
|   |       PDClassDefs.h
|   |       PDClasses.h
|   |       PDDocE.h
|   |       PDDocEASF.h
|   |       PDExpT.h
|   |       PDFErrorCodes.h
|   |       PDFXE.h
|   |       PDFXEASF.h
|   |       PDMetadataCalls.h
|   |       PDMetadataError.h
|   |       PDMetadataErrorASF.h
|   |       PDMetadataExpT.h
|   |       PDMetadataHFTVers.h
|   |       PDMetadataProcs.h
|   |       PDModE.h
|   |       PDModEASF.h
|   |       PDPageE.h
|   |       PDPageEASF.h
|   |       PDProcs.h
|   |       PDSError.h
|   |       PDSErrorASF.h
|   |       PDSExpT.h
|   |       PDSReadCalls.h
|   |       PDSReadHFTVers.h
|   |       PDSReadProcs.h
|   |       PDSWriteCalls.h
|   |       PDSWriteHFTVers.h
|   |       PDSWriteProcs.h
|   |       PDSysFont.h
|   |       PDSysFontExpT.h
|   |       PDSysFT.h
|   |       PEError.h
|   |       PEErrorASF.h
|   |       PEExpT.h
|   |       PERCalls.h
|   |       PERProcs.h
|   |       PETypes.h
|   |       PEVers.h
|   |       PEWCalls.h
|   |       PEWProcs.h
|   |       PgCntProcs.h
|   |       PICommon.h
|   |       PICrypt.h
|   |       PIExcept.h
|   |       PIHeaders.c
|   |       PIHeaders.pch
|   |       PIMain.c
|   |       PIMain.h
|   |       PIPokes.h
|   |       PIPrefix.h
|   |       PIRequir.h
|   |       PIVersn.h
|   |       Plugin.h
|   |       PSFCalls.h
|   |       PSFProcs.h
|   |       PubSecHFT.h
|   |       PubSecHFTProcs.h
|   |       RasterE.h
|   |       RasterEASF.h
|   |       SafeResources.cpp
|   |       SafeResources.h
|   |       SmartPDPage.h
|   |       SpellerHFT.h
|   |       SpellerHFTProcs.h
|   |       Speller_Sel.h
|   |       SrchClls.h
|   |       SrchHFT.h
|   |       SrchPrcs.h
|   |       SrchType.h
|   |       StAcroResourceContext.h
|   |       ToolkitInitE.h
|   |       ToolkitInitEASF.h
|   |       TtsHFT.h
|   |       TtsHFTProcs.h
|   |       UnixCalls.h
|   |       UnixPlatform.h
|   |       UnixProcs.h
|   |       WinCalls.h
|   |       WinExpT.h
|   |       WinPltfm.h
|   |       winprocs.h
|   |       WLHFT.h
|   |       WLHFTProcs.h
|   |       XtnMgrE.h
|   |       XtnMgrEASF.h
|   |
|   \---SDK
|           ASDataStream.h
|           ASDebug.h
|           ASFunctionLogger.h
|           ASHelp.h
|           ASLib.h
|           ASNameSpace.h
|           ASTypes.h
|           ASZStringSuite.h
|           AVCmdDefs.h
|           DebugWindowHFT.h
|           IASfixed.hpp
|           IASPoint.hpp
|           IASRect.hpp
|           IASTypes.hpp
|           MacPIHeaders.h
|           PIHeaders ++ .pch
|           PIHeaders.h
|           SimpleUnicode.h
|           StAcroResourceContext.h
|           UnicodeAPI.h
|           UnixPIHeaders.h
|           WinPIHeaders.h
|           wxInit.cpp
|           wxInit.h
+ - Samples
|   |   AcroDspOptions.rsp
|   |
|   + - All the
|   |       All.sln
|   |
|   + - BasicPlugin
|   |   + - source
|   |   |       BasicPlugin.cpp
|   |   |       BasicPluginInit.cpp
|   |   |
|   |   \---Win32
|   |           BasicPlugin.sln
|   |           BasicPlugin.vcproj
|   |
|   + - BatesNumbering
|   |   + - source
|   |   |       BatesNumbering.cpp
|   |   |       BatesNumberingInit.cpp
|   |   |
|   |   \---Win32
|   |           BatesNumbering.sln
|   |           BatesNumbering.vcproj
|   |
|   + - CAPISamples
|   |   + - Common
|   |   |   \---sources
|   |   |           sampleCommon.cpp
|   |   |           sampleCommon.h
|   |   |           sampleHandles.h
|   |   |           sampleTypes.h
|   |   |
|   |   + - MsSignedSampleCsp
|   |   |       SampleCsp.dll
|   |   |
|   |   + - SampleCsp
|   |   |   + - source
|   |   |   |       CSP. GIS
|   |   |   |       cspdk.h
|   |   |   |       SampleCsp.def
|   |   |   |       scspContainer.cpp
|   |   |   |       scspContainer.h
|   |   |   |       scspContainerFactory.cpp
|   |   |   |       scspContainerFactory.h
|   |   |   |       scspContainerMgr.h
|   |   |   |       scspEntryPoints.cpp
|   |   |   |       scspExportDefine.h
|   |   |   |       scspGlobalData.cpp
|   |   |   |       scspGlobalData.h
|   |   |   |       scspHandleMgr.h
|   |   |   |       scspMain.cpp
|   |   |   |       scspPin.ico
|   |   |   |       scspPinDialog.cpp
|   |   |   |       scspPinDialog.h
|   |   |   |       scspResources.aps
|   |   |   |       scspResources.h
|   |   |   |       scspResources.rc
|   |   |   |       stdafx.cpp
|   |   |   |       stdafx.h
|   |   |   |
|   |   |   \---Win32
|   |   |           SampleCsp.vcproj
|   |   |           SampleCsp.vcproj.ADOBENET.chirag.user
|   |   |
|   |   + - SampleRegistrar
|   |   |   + - source
|   |   |   |       SampleRegistrar.cpp
|   |   |   |       stdafx.cpp
|   |   |   |       stdafx.h
|   |   |   |
|   |   |   \---Win32
|   |   |           SampleRegistrar.vcproj
|   |   |           SampleRegistrar.vcproj.ADOBENET.chirag.user
|   |   |
|   |   \---Win32
|   |           CapiSamples.sln
|   |
|   + - DdeServer
|   |   + - source
|   |   |       DdeServer.cpp
|   |   |       DdeServerInit.cpp
|   |   |
|   |   \---Win32
|   |       |   DdeServer.sln
|   |       |   DdeServer.vcproj
|   |       |   DdeServer.vcproj.ADOBENET.chirag.user
|   |       |
|   |       \---ClientApp
|   |           |   ClientApp.clw
|   |           |   ClientApp.rc
|   |           |   ClientApp.vcproj
|   |           |   ClientApp.vcproj.ADOBENET.chirag.user
|   |           |   Resource.h
|   |           |
|   |           + - res
|   |           |       ClientApp.ico
|   |           |       ClientApp.rc2
|   |           |
|   |           \---sources
|   |                   ClientApp.cpp
|   |                   ClientApp.h
|   |                   ClientAppDlg.cpp
|   |                   ClientAppDlg.h
|   |                   StdAfx.cpp
|   |                   StdAfx.h
|   |
|   + - DMSIntegration
|   |   + - source
|   |   |       DMSIntegration.cpp
|   |   |       DMSIntegrationIinit.cpp
|   |   |
|   |   \---Win32
|   |           DMSIntegration.sln
|   |           DMSIntegration.vcproj
|   |           DMSIntegration.vcproj.ADOBENET.chirag.user
|   |
|   + - DocSign
|   |   + - source
|   |   |       DocSign.h
|   |   |       DocSignInit.cpp
|   |   |       DSEngine.cpp
|   |   |       DSEngine.h
|   |   |       DSHandler.cpp
|   |   |       DSHandler.h
|   |   |       DSSigVal.cpp
|   |   |       DSSigVal.h
|   |   |       DSUser.h
|   |   |
|   |   \---Win32
|   |           DocSign.sln
|   |           DocSign.vcproj
|   |           DocSign.vcproj.ADOBENET.chirag.user
|   |
|   + - Embed3dData
|   |   + - ExampleFiles
|   |   |       AnnotPosterSample.pdf
|   |   |       truck3. U3D
|   |   |
|   |   + - source
|   |   |       Embed3dData.cpp
|   |   |       Embed3dDataInit.cpp
|   |   |
|   |   \---Win32
|   |           Embed3dData.sln
|   |           Embed3dData.vcproj
|   |           Embed3dData.vcproj.ADOBENET.Chirag.user
|   |
|   + - ExportFromPRC
|   |   + - SampleFile
|   |   |       pmi_sample.PDF
|   |   |
|   |   + - source
|   |   |       ExportFromPRC.cpp
|   |   |       ExportFromPRCInit.cpp
|   |   |
|   |   \---Win32
|   |           ExportFromPRC.sln
|   |           ExportFromPRC.vcproj
|   |           ExportFromPRC.vcproj.ADOBENET.chirag.user
|   |
|   + - ExternalWindow
|   |   + - source
|   |   |       ExternalWindow.cpp
|   |   |       ExternalWindowInit.cpp
|   |   |       ExternalWindowUtils.cpp
|   |   |
|   |   \---Win32
|   |       |   ExternalWindow.sln
|   |       |   ExternalWindow.vcproj
|   |       |   ExternalWindow.vcproj.ADOBENET.chirag.user
|   |       |
|   |       \---ExternalView
|   |               ExternalView.cpp
|   |               ExternalView.ico
|   |               ExternalView.rc
|   |               ExternalView.sln
|   |               ExternalView.vcproj
|   |               Resource.h
|   |               StdAfx.cpp
|   |               StdAfx.h
|   |
|   + - ImportToPRCBrep
|   |   + - source
|   |   |       ImportToPRCBrep.cpp
|   |   |       ImportToPRCBrepInit.cpp
|   |   |
|   |   \---Win32
|   |           ImportToPRCBrep.sln
|   |           ImportToPRCBrep.vcproj
|   |           ImportToPRCBrep.vcproj.ADOBENET.chirag.user
|   |
|   + - ImportToPRCTess
|   |   + - SampleFile
|   |   |       Cube.STL
|   |   |
|   |   + - source
|   |   |       ImportToPRCTess.cpp
|   |   |       ImportToPRCTessInit.cpp
|   |   |
|   |   \---Win32
|   |           ImportToPRCTess.sln
|   |           ImportToPRCTess.vcproj
|   |           ImportToPRCTess.vcproj.ADOBENET.chirag.user
|   |
|   + - PDFBinder
|   |   + - source
|   |   |       PDFBinder.cpp
|   |   |       PDFBinderInit.cpp
|   |   |
|   |   + - testfiles
|   |   |       Afables1 - 3.pdf
|   |   |       Afables10 - 11.xml
|   |   |       Afables12 - 13.htm
|   |   |       Afables14.PDF
|   |   |       Afables15.txt
|   |   |       Afables4.tif
|   |   |       Afables5.jpg
|   |   |       Afables5.PNG
|   |   |       bitmap1.bmp
|   |   |       bitmap1.jpg
|   |   |       giffile.gif
|   |   |       Introduc.jpg
|   |   |
|   |   \---Win32
|   |           PDFBinder.sln
|   |           PDFBinder.vcproj
|   |
|   + - RplcFileSystem
|   |   + - source
|   |   |       RplcFileSystem.cpp
|   |   |       RplcFileSystemInit.cpp
|   |   |
|   |   \---Win32
|   |           RplcFileSystem.sln
|   |           RplcFileSystem.vcproj
|   |           RplcFileSystem.vcproj.ADOBENET.chirag.user
|   |
|   + - SelectionServer
|   |   + - source
|   |   |       Resource.h
|   |   |       SelectionServer.cpp
|   |   |       SelectionServer.h
|   |   |       SelectionServerDrawUtils.cpp
|   |   |       SelectionServerInit.cpp
|   |   |       SelectionServerTool.cpp
|   |   |
|   |   \---Win32
|   |       |   Resource.h
|   |       |   SelectionServer.rc
|   |       |   SelectionServer.sln
|   |       |   SelectionServer.vcproj
|   |       |   SelectionServer.vcproj.ADOBENET.chirag.user
|   |       |
|   |       \---RES
|   |               SelectionServer.bmp
|   |               SelectionServer.cur
|   |
|   + - ShowPermissions
|   |   + - source
|   |   |       ShowPermissions.cpp
|   |   |       ShowPermissionsInit.cpp
|   |   |
|   |   \---Win32
|   |           ShowPermissions.rc
|   |           ShowPermissions.sln
|   |           ShowPermissions.vcproj
|   |           ShowPermissions.vcproj.ADOBENET.chirag.user
|   |
|   + - SnippetRunner
|   |   |   CommonInterfaceAIR.air
|   |   |
|   |   + - ExampleFiles
|   |   |       acrobatpro_datasheet.PDF
|   |   |       AddImage.jpg
|   |   |       Blank.PDF
|   |   |       cmykText.pdf
|   |   |       Comments.PDF
|   |   |       Compressed.PDF
|   |   |       ConvertColor.pdf
|   |   |       Cottage.PDF
|   |   |       EmitPostScript.ps
|   |   |       ExploreMetadata.pdf
|   |   |       FormFields.pdf
|   |   |       image.PDF
|   |   |       JPEG2000.PDF
|   |   |       JPXPalette.pdf
|   |   |       metadataIn.xml
|   |   |       MultipageDoc.pdf
|   |   |       OCGSample1.pdf
|   |   |       RegisterFileConverter.adt
|   |   |       ShapeTest.pdf
|   |   |       SnippetRunnerCookbook.htm
|   |   |       StructDoc.pdf
|   |   |       testhidecontent.PDF
|   |   |       TextImageForm.pdf
|   |   |       TextImageFormForTest.pdf
|   |   |       threepies.PDF
|   |   |       TwoColumnDoc.pdf
|   |   |       TwoColumnTaggedDoc.pdf
|   |   |
|   |   + - Source
|   |   |   + - platform
|   |   |   |   + - Acrobat
|   |   |   |   |       DebugWindowOStream.h
|   |   |   |   |       LoadHowToPanel.html
|   |   |   |   |       MacResource.h
|   |   |   |   |       ParamDlg.rc
|   |   |   |   |       PlatformUtils.h
|   |   |   |   |       ResizeDebugWindow.cpp
|   |   |   |   |       ResizeDebugWindow.h
|   |   |   |   |       Resource.h
|   |   |   |   |       SnippetListDlg.cpp
|   |   |   |   |       SnippetListDlg.h
|   |   |   |   |       SnippetParamDialog.cpp
|   |   |   |   |       SnippetParamDialog.h
|   |   |   |   |       SnippetRunner.r
|   |   |   |   |       SnippetRunnerInit.cpp
|   |   |   |   |
|   |   |   |   \---Shared
|   |   |   |       |   CDocument.cpp
|   |   |   |       |   CDocument.h
|   |   |   |       |   CLIController.cpp
|   |   |   |       |   CLIController.h
|   |   |   |       |   Console.cpp
|   |   |   |       |   Console.h
|   |   |   |       |   DocumentUtils.cpp
|   |   |   |       |   DocumentUtils.h
|   |   |   |       |   ICommand.cpp
|   |   |   |       |   ICommand.h
|   |   |   |       |   ParamManager.cpp
|   |   |   |       |   ParamManager.h
|   |   |   |       |   SnipManager.cpp
|   |   |   |       |   SnipManager.h
|   |   |   |       |   SnippetHierarchyUtils.cpp
|   |   |   |       |   SnippetHierarchyUtils.h
|   |   |   |       |   SnippetRunner.cpp
|   |   |   |       |   SnippetRunner.h
|   |   |   |       |   SnippetRunnerUtils.cpp
|   |   |   |       |   SnippetRunnerUtils.h
|   |   |   |       |
|   |   |   |       \---Commands
|   |   |   |               ByeCommand.cpp
|   |   |   |               ChangeDirCommand.cpp
|   |   |   |               CloseDocCommand.cpp
|   |   |   |               CompareOutputCommand.cpp
|   |   |   |               DocNameCommand.cpp
|   |   |   |               FindSnippetCommand.cpp
|   |   |   |               GetSnipNameCommand.cpp
|   |   |   |               GetSnipParamsCommand.cpp
|   |   |   |               HelpCommand.cpp
|   |   |   |               ListSnipsCommand.cpp
|   |   |   |               OpenDocCommand.cpp
|   |   |   |               PrintWorkingDirCommand.cpp
|   |   |   |               QuitCommand.cpp
|   |   |   |               RevertDocCommand.cpp
|   |   |   |               RunSnipCommand.cpp
|   |   |   |               RunSnipFullPathCommand.cpp
|   |   |   |               SaveDocCommand.cpp
|   |   |   |               SaveResultCommand.cpp
|   |   |   |               SetDirCommand.cpp
|   |   |   |               SetPageCommand.cpp
|   |   |   |               SnipInfoCommand.cpp
|   |   |   |               WhichPageCommand.cpp
|   |   |   |
|   |   |   \---Snippets
|   |   |       + - Acrobat
|   |   |       |       AVAlertSnip.cpp
|   |   |       |       AVAppFrontDocChangeNotSnip.cpp
|   |   |       |       AVAppPrefsSnip.cpp
|   |   |       |       AVAppRegisterForContextMenuSnip.cpp
|   |   |       |       AVAppRegisterForPageViewDrawingSnip.cpp
|   |   |       |       AVDocAVWindowDidChangeSnip.cpp
|   |   |       |       AVDocCloseNotSnip.cpp
|   |   |       |       AVDocGetSelectionTypeSnip.cpp
|   |   |       |       AVDocOpenNotSnip.cpp
|   |   |       |       AVDocShowAnnotPropertiesSnip.cpp
|   |   |       |       AVDocWindowWasAddedSnip.cpp
|   |   |       |       AVDocWindowWasRemovedSnip.cpp
|   |   |       |       AVEnumActionHandlerSnip.cpp
|   |   |       |       AVPageViewDrawRectSnip.cpp
|   |   |       |       AVPageViewToggleWireframeDrawingSnip.cpp
|   |   |       |       AVPrintSnip.cpp
|   |   |       |       AVSaveAsRtfSnip.cpp
|   |   |       |       AVWindowMaximizeCurrentPageViewSnip.cpp
|   |   |       |       CallJsCreateButtonSnip.cpp
|   |   |       |       CallJsGetFieldValueSnip.cpp
|   |   |       |       CallJsResponseSnip.cpp
|   |   |       |       CallJsSignatureFieldSnip.cpp
|   |   |       |       CallJsTextFieldSnip.cpp
|   |   |       |       CloseFrontDocSnip.cpp
|   |   |       |       ColorSelectedBookmarksSnip.cpp
|   |   |       |       ColorSetupSnip.cpp
|   |   |       |       ConvertFlate2JPXSnip.cpp
|   |   |       |       CosDecryptDataSnip.cpp
|   |   |       |       CosEncryptDataSnip.cpp
|   |   |       |       DocMetadataSnip.cpp
|   |   |       |       EmitPostScriptSnip.cpp
|   |   |       |       EnumAVConvExtSnip.cpp
|   |   |       |       ExportFormDataSnip.cpp
|   |   |       |       FormCalculationsSnip.cpp
|   |   |       |       IdleProcSnip.cpp
|   |   |       |       InvokeAccessibilityCheckerCmdSnip.cpp
|   |   |       |       InvokeCreateAllThumbsCmdSnip.cpp
|   |   |       |       InvokeDeleteAllThumbsCmdSnip.cpp
|   |   |       |       InvokeDeleteCmdSnip.cpp
|   |   |       |       InvokeFlattenOCGsCmdSnip.cpp
|   |   |       |       InvokeMakeAccessibleCmdSnip.cpp
|   |   |       |       InvokeOpenOptionsCmdSnip.cpp
|   |   |       |       InvokeSummarizeCmdSnip.cpp
|   |   |       |       OpenDocumentSnip.cpp
|   |   |       |       OptContNotificationTracerSnip.cpp
|   |   |       |       PDEPathToggleVisibilitySnip.cpp
|   |   |       |       PDPageNotifyContentsChangeSnip.cpp
|   |   |       |       RegisterFileConverterSnip.cpp
|   |   |       |       ReplaceMethodSnip.cpp
|   |   |       |       ResetFormSnip.cpp
|   |   |       |       SeparationsPreviewSnip.cpp
|   |   |       |       ShowTextFieldNamesSnip.cpp
|   |   |       |       SmartPDPageSnip.cpp
|   |   |       |       SnapZoomSnip.cpp
|   |   |       |       TextInfoSnip.cpp
|   |   |       |       TransformMetadataSnip.cpp
|   |   |       |
|   |   |       \---Shared
|   |   |               ACEEnumProfilesSnip.cpp
|   |   |               ACEEnumSettingsSnip.cpp
|   |   |               ACEGetWorkingSpaceSnip.cpp
|   |   |               ACETransPDETextColorSnip.cpp
|   |   |               AddGlyphsSnip.cpp
|   |   |               AddImageMetadataSnip.cpp
|   |   |               AddImageSnip.cpp
|   |   |               AddPageMetadataSnip.cpp
|   |   |               AddStructureSnip.cpp
|   |   |               AddTagSnip.cpp
|   |   |               AddXObjectStructureSnip.cpp
|   |   |               ASBigFileSnip.cpp
|   |   |               ASCabPutGetSnip.cpp
|   |   |               ASChangeTempFileSysSnip.cpp
|   |   |               ASDateSnip.cpp
|   |   |               ASFileIteratorSnip.cpp
|   |   |               ASGetConfigurationSnip.cpp
|   |   |               ClassMapSnip.cpp
|   |   |               ConvertOCGsToRadioButSnip.cpp
|   |   |               CosCryptGetVersionSnip.cpp
|   |   |               CosDictKeyNameStringSnip.cpp
|   |   |               CosDoc64Snip.cpp
|   |   |               CosNumberObjRangeSnip.cpp
|   |   |               CosObjCompressionSnip.cpp
|   |   |               CosObjectExplorerSnip.cpp
|   |   |               CosObjWeakReferenceSnip.cpp
|   |   |               CosStream64Snip.cpp
|   |   |               CreateAnnotOCSnip.cpp
|   |   |               CreateContentXORSnip.cpp
|   |   |               CreateDocStructSnip.cpp
|   |   |               CreateImageContentOCSnip.cpp
|   |   |               CreateTextContentOCSnip.cpp
|   |   |               ExploreMetadataSnip.cpp
|   |   |               ExploreStructSnip.cpp
|   |   |               FontInfoSnip.cpp
|   |   |               GetDocKeywordSnip.cpp
|   |   |               GetDocMetadataSnip.cpp
|   |   |               ImageInfoSnip.cpp
|   |   |               JPXColorSpaceExplorerSnip.cpp
|   |   |               JPXPaletteExplorerSnip.cpp
|   |   |               MakeBookmarkSnip.cpp
|   |   |               ObjShiftSnip.cpp
|   |   |               OCActionControlSnip.cpp
|   |   |               OCGUIReorderSnip.cpp
|   |   |               OCTextAutoStateSnip.cpp
|   |   |               PDCreateMasterOCGSnip.cpp
|   |   |               PDDocDidDeletePagesNotSnip.cpp
|   |   |               PDEContentExplorerSnip.cpp
|   |   |               PDEPathDrawCurveSnip.cpp
|   |   |               PDEPathDrawLineSnip.cpp
|   |   |               PDEPathDrawRectSnip.cpp
|   |   |               PDEPathExplorerSnip.cpp
|   |   |               PDOCConfigCreateSnip.cpp
|   |   |               PDOCConfigExplorerSnip.cpp
|   |   |               PDOCGChangeLockedStateSnip.cpp
|   |   |               PDOCGExplorerSnip.cpp
|   |   |               PDOCGToggleIntentSnip.cpp
|   |   |               PDOCSetDefaultConfigSnip.cpp
|   |   |               PDPageSetTransparencySnip.cpp
|   |   |               RaiseExcepSnip.cpp
|   |   |               RemoveEmbeddedFontSnip.cpp
|   |   |               RoleMapSnip.cpp
|   |   |               SecureDocumentSnip.cpp
|   |   |               SetDocBaseURLSnip.cpp
|   |   |               SimpleSnip.cpp
|   |   |               TextChangeColourSnip.cpp
|   |   |               TextExtractionSnip.cpp
|   |   |               UserPropertiesExplorerSnip.cpp
|   |   |
|   |   \---Win32
|   |           SnippetRunner.sln
|   |           SnippetRunner.vcproj
|   |
|   + - Stamper
|   |   + - source
|   |   |       StamperAnnotHandler.cpp
|   |   |       StamperAnnotHandler.h
|   |   |       StamperInit.cpp
|   |   |       StamperUI.cpp
|   |   |       StamperUI.h
|   |   |       StamperUndo.cpp
|   |   |
|   |   \---Win32
|   |           Cursor.cur
|   |           Resource.h
|   |           Stamp.bmp
|   |           Stamper.RC
|   |           Stamper.sln
|   |           Stamper.vcproj
|   |           Stamper.vcproj.ADOBENET.chirag.user
|   |
|   + - Starter
|   |   + - source
|   |   |       StarterInit.cpp
|   |   |
|   |   \---Win32
|   |           Starter.sln
|   |           Starter.vcproj
|   |           Starter.vcproj.ADOBENET.chirag.user
|   |
|   + - UncompressPDF
|   |   + - source
|   |   |       UncompressPDF.cpp
|   |   |       UncompressPDF.h
|   |   |       UncompressPDFAgent.cpp
|   |   |       UncompressPDFAgent.h
|   |   |       UncompressPDFInit.cpp
|   |   |
|   |   \---Win32
|   |           UncompressPDF.sln
|   |           UncompressPDF.vcproj
|   |           UncompressPDF.vcproj.ADOBENET.chirag.user
|   |
|   + - WeblinkDemo
|   |   + - source
|   |   |       WeblinkDemo.cpp
|   |   |       WeblinkDemoInit.cpp
|   |   |
|   |   \---Win32
|   |           WeblinkDemo.sln
|   |           WeblinkDemo.vcproj
|   |           WeblinkDemo.vcproj.ADOBENET.chirag.user
|   |
|   \---wxPlugin
|       + - source
|       |       Dialogs.cpp
|       |       Dialogs.h
|       |       wxPlugin.cpp
|       |       wxPluginInit.cpp
|       |
|       \---Win32
|               wxPlugin.sln
|               wxPlugin.vcproj
+ Reader-enabling tools
|   + - linux
|   |       MakeKeys
|   |       SignPlugin
|   |
|   + - mac
|   |       MakeKeys
|   |       SignPlugin
|   |
|   \---Win
|           MakeKeys.exe
|           SignPlugin.exe
+ - ShowPermissions
|       ShowPermissionsSDK6.api
|       ShowPermissionsSDK7.api
|       ShowPermissionsSDK8.api
|       ShowPermissionsSDK9.api
\---Visual studio App Wizard

For Acrobat 8, you can use the software Acrobat 8.1 SDK.

Tags: Acrobat

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    Thanks for the post.

    Windows Vista and 7 files Setup logs are located in various locations on the hard drive. The directory of Panther is one of them.

    If you have performed an upgrade of Windows installation, the Panther folder can easily fill several gigabytes. Delete (or rename in a first time) revealed no negative effect.

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    I hope this helps.

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    Hi VicCollabWorks!

    Welcome to the forum!

    as far as I know, there is no method of the C API to apply a pre-selection of an effect.

    AEGP_ExecuteScript is the way to go.

    (Bravo for catching that)

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    Hi rjohnson,.

    The reason that you are experiencing this issue, is that the GetProjectDir function gets the directory containing the executable file, so when we run the TestStand DLL, it captures where TestStand is performed.  You can use the GetModuleDir function:

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    The point behind rename/remove the policies folder is to eliminate the possibility of corrupted files. Once deleted/renamed, the folder is recreated.

    However, note that renaming/deleting is not applicable to all records.

    For more information on the WINSXS directory, see this article:

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    The question you have posted will be well suited in the MSDN forums. Click on the link below.


    Thanks and regards.

    Thahaseena M
    Microsoft Answers Support Engineer.

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    see you soon

    ".." is the directory above the current directory.  That's why "...-..." \.. "would be three records directory above where you currently are.  So, if your current directory is "C:\galib247\vcpp2010\ga", then "...-..." \.. "would be the same as"C:\ ". ».



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    Microsoft communities must answer a technical question about Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP.

    If you have a technical question, please let us know. This type of information you are requesting is not available in this forum. Do a search on the internet, and you should be able to find this kind of information.



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    Another yew (number is 67)

    The change from the position of the new table 2d (on the current line)

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    I would like to know if you need more / info wants to explain something.

    Thank you


    Hi Jack,

    Use a single structure of matter. You can connet your number directly to it. Create your case and write the value in it.

    See this link, please http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?board.id=170&thread.id=391012


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    The C:\WIndows\Panther directory is used during the installation of Windows.


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    Hi Smiley,

    Yes, you need to install the two NDKs. They coexist and separate IDEs and install files.

    See you soon


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    Please mention the exact error message that you found when installing Illustrator and here are the steps that you can follow to change the installation location.

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