Work around permanent link

I'm creating a cover page for my website. At the top, I want to have two links:

1. go to the home page (Viewer will be directed to the start page next time they visit the Web site)

2. permanently bypass this Page (Viewer is redirected to the home page automatically next time they visit the site)

I know that to do this, I create a cookie to work around permanent link. But how to create a cookie for this link to the home page and not on the link to go to the home page.

Does anyone know the correct coding for it?

For example, I am trying to follow:

Thanks in advance!

You realize Splash/Intro pages are not a good thing, right?  Don't rank highly search engines which is a waste of your precious domain name home page.

That said, if you want to follow the example of UConn site, view the source code in your browser to see the JavaScript Cookie code.  It should tell you everything you need to know.

Nancy O.
ALT-Web Design & Publishing
Web | Graphics | Print | Media specialists

Tags: Dreamweaver

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  • Script to work around bugs in Illustrator

    Newbee here, we work in Illustrator CS5.  I've gathered a few scripts and Actions for automating many parts of our work.

    I'll start with what we have now.  What we have now works on Mac and PC, and if there is a way around these BUGS, it should work on Mac & PC.

    (1) we have a .ai (our default format) file that we can open and inside the text fills in automatically when you start a script. (see Custom below script) Some text boxes fills in the date based on the current date on our computer, some areas of text fills a name based on the name of the electronic .ai file.

    Screen shot 2012-10-10 at 4.33.22 PM.jpg

    See the red boxes.

    Screen shot 2012-10-10 at 4.33.40 PM.jpg

    One of the difficulties that I have worked on is, sometimes in one of the fields in the file, it must have a name composed of only 4 sections (or 3 dashes). In the example: ILSLIM = 1, = 2, TEST 3 = EXAMPLE & AA01 = 4.

    Screen shot 2012-10-10 at 4.34.21 PM.jpg

    Thus, when it then produces the last indent in this area of text on our format (not all of the other text boxes) will need the 3rd indent removed (now it's only 3 sections because TESTAA01 has become a).

    Screen shot 2012-10-10 at 4.43.05 PM.jpg

    So I created an 'Action' Illustrator who will be after the 'ChangeFileNameDate' script is executed, 'The Action' will select the text area and then run 'Search and replace' to remove the 3rd indent as seen above.

    NOW THE PROBLEMS!  (Illustrator bugs)

    (1) in Illustrator 'Actions' when you save an 'Action' & the 'Insert Menu Item... ". "lets put a Script, it will work.  BUT when you exit out of Illustrator & then start the custom Script again will disappear. I looked in this & it's a known bug for years in Illustrator which is still not fixed.

    Screen shot 2012-10-10 at 5.00.50 PM.jpg

    Screen shot 2012-10-10 at 5.01.19 PM.jpg

    Screen shot 2012-10-10 at 5.01.33 PM.jpg

    Work up to what you quit and restart.


    Screen shot 2012-10-10 at 5.01.41 PM.jpg


    Screen shot 2012-10-10 at 5.05.03 PM.jpg

    SO the only work-around, I can get to work for now is to «Insert Menu Item»... ««Other script...» "& it will remain same after restarts, BUT whenever we run 'Action' we must manually select the script. (SHIT)

    Screen shot 2012-10-10 at 5.13.54 PM.jpg

    Screen shot 2012-10-10 at 5.14.08 PM.jpg

    Yet here, after relaunch.

    Screen shot 2012-10-10 at 5.14.25 PM.jpg

    MORE A BUG with the 'Find and replace' registration.  In case you don't know, when you save 'Actions' in Illustrator, you can; save one of the actions that require a dialog box; ((1) to-for either have the dialog go up then you can get everything you need in it or 2) you might NOT get dialog box up to & action will do whatever she had in her when she you recorded.  This feature is turned on or off by clicking on the box next to the check box on or off (see photo).

    Screen shot 2012-10-11 at 9.17.08 AM.jpg

    The BUG is so, for my 'Actions' that use the "Find and replace" to remove the dashboard to work for some reason that I have to have the first "find and replace" stages of dialogue botton ON so that the "Find and replace" dialog box opens.

    Let me explain, when you register to use the "Find and replace" it works perfectly even with the dialog box option clicked but if you quit Illustrator and then restart it and try to launch "Actions" which have the "Find and replace" in them then Illustrator crash.  So the only work around that I found for this BUG DIPSHIT is simply having 1 'find and replace' in the 'Action' registered with the dialog box set to (to open when the Action is performed) and then must manually close it.  We owe nothing within this type.  He must simply open & close and then have it.  Then for some reason any the rest of 'Actions' recorded will run out with boxes of open dialogue with the removal of the 3rd dashboard as when I registered 1.

    So basically, if I want to 'Actions' to work at this point I must do this.  whenever I raise the Illustrator I would need to manually load the script custom 'Actions' and I would need to open and close the box "find and replace".  It's the whole issue of the 'Actions' CRAP & Scripts are so I can do everything MANUALLY, no..  We should be able to make it work for us!

    OR maybe that would be the best solution!

    If in the "ChangeFileNameDate" custom script, it could just open and then close the box "Find and replace" (which would solve the bat with "Find and replace" in 'actions') then the custom script could cause 'The Action' to play instead of 'The Action' causing the custom script to play.  All we would have to do is slip down to the custom script of 'File' & who.  No don't crash, no babysitting.

    DOES ANYONE KNOW HOW OR IF THIS IS POSSIBLE?  To add to the attached script:

    (1) initially to open and close the box "find and replace".

    (2) at the end to cause 'action' saved to run.


    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// english //
    // ----------------------
    // -=> WR-DateAndTime <=-
    // ----------------------
    // A Javascript for Adobe Illustrator
    // by Wolfgang Reszel ([email protected])
    // Version 0.9 from 22.9.2011
    // This script inserts the actual date or the actual time to a
    // predefined position in the document.
    // To define the position, you'll have to create an textobject and
    // execute this script while the object is selected. The whole object
    // has to be selected and not words or letters. You can mark more
    // objects, if you select each object separate and execute
    // the script on it.
    // With the placeholders {DATE} and {TIME} you are able to define a
    // particular point, where the date or the time should be replaced.
    // If there is no placeholder in the textobject
    // "{FILENAME}{FILEEXT} ({DATE}, {TIME})" will be used as standard placeholders.
    // To update the date and time execute this script without any object
    // selected.
    // There are some additional placeholders:
    //   {FILE}     - complete document-filename with path
    //   {FILEPATH} - only the documents filepath
    //   {FILENAME} - the filename of the document
    //   {FILEEXT}  - the file extension of the document inclusive dot
    // On my system this script can't see the path of the document, when
    // it was opened directly from windows Explorer (double click).
    // In Illustrator CS it is now possible to edit a DateAndTime-Object.
    // To enable the english messages and date-format change the "de"
    // into "en" in line 90.
    // Sorry for my bad english. For any corrections send an email to:
    // [email protected]
    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Deutsch //
    // ----------------------
    // -=> WR-DateAndTime <=-
    // ----------------------
    // Ein Javascript fuer Adobe Illustrator
    // von Wolfgang Reszel ([email protected])
    // Version 0.9 vom 30.9.2011
    // Dieses Skript fuegt das aktuelle Datum und die aktuelle Uhrzeit an
    // eine vorher bestimmte Stelle im Dokument ein.
    // Um eine Stelle zu bestimmen, muss man ein Textobjekt erzeugen, es
    // markieren und dann dieses Skript aufrufen. Es muss das gesamte Objekt
    // ausgewaehlt sein, nicht etwa Buchstaben oder Woerter. Es lassen sich
    // nacheinander auch mehrere Objekte als Datum/Uhrzeit markieren.
    // Mit den Platzhaltern {DATE} und {TIME} (in geschweiften Klammern)
    // kann man bestimmen, wo genau im Text das Datum und die Uhrzeit
    // erscheinen soll. Sind die Platzhalter nicht vorhanden, wird
    // automatisch "{FILENAME}{FILEEXT} ({DATE} - {TIME})" verwendet.
    // Zum Aktualisieren des Datums/Uhrzeit muss man dieses Skript aufrufen
    // wenn kein Objekt ausgewaehlt ist.
    // Es gibt noch einige zusaetzliche Platzhalter:
    //   {FILE}     - kompletter Dateiname mit Pfad
    //   {FILEPATH} - nur der Verzeichnispfad des Dokuments
    //   {FILENAME} - der Dateiname des Dokuments
    //   {FILEEXT}  - die Dateiendung des Dokuments inklusive Punkt
    // Auf meinem System kann der Pfad nicht ermittelt werden, wenn das
    // Dokument vom Windows Explorer geoeffnet wird (Doppel-Klick).
    // InÿIllustrator CSÿkann man nun ein Datum/Uhrzeit-Objekt bearbeiten.
    // Um dieses Skript mit deutschen Meldungen und Datumsformat zu
    // versehen, muss in Zeile 90 das "en" durch ein "de" ersetzt werden.
    // Verbesserungsvorschlaege an: [email protected]
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------
    var language="en";   // "de" fuer Deutsch
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------
    var WR="WR-DateAndTime v0.9\n\n";
    var AIversion=version.slice(0,2);
    if (language == "de") {
      var format_preset = "{FILENAME}{FILEEXT} ({DATE} - {TIME})";
      var MSG_unsetmark = WR+"Dieses Objekt ist als aktuelles Datum/Uhrzeit markiert, soll die Markierung aufgehoben werden?";
      var MSG_setmark = WR+"Soll dieses Textobjekt als aktuelles Datum/Uhrzeit markiert werden?";
      var MSG_askformat = WR+"Soll das Textobjekt als Datum/Uhrzeit formatiert werden? Formate:\n{DATE}, {TIME}, {FILE}, {FILEPATH}, {FILENAME} und {FILEEXT}:"
      var MSG_editformat = WR+"Datums-/Uhrzeitformat bearbeiten (Leer = entfernen). Formate:\n{DATE}, {TIME}, {FILE}, {FILEPATH}, {FILENAME} und {FILEEXT}:"
      var MSG_notexto = WR+"Kein Textobjekt!";
      var MSG_selectedmany = "Zum Markieren als aktuelles Datum/Uhrzeit darf nur ein Textobjekt ausgew\xE4hlt sein und falls Sie die Daten aktualisieren wollen, darf kein Objekt ausgew\xE4hlt sein.";
      var MSG_nodocs = WR+"Kein Dokument ge\xF6ffnet."
      var Timeformat = 24;
      var TimeSep = ":";
      var AM = " am";
      var PM = " pm";
      var Dateformat = "";
    } else {
      var format_preset = "{FILENAME} ({DATE}, {TIME})";
      var MSG_unsetmark = WR+"This object is marked as actual date'n'time, do you want to remove the mark?";
      var MSG_setmark = WR+"Do you want to mark the selected textobject as actual date'n'time?";
      var MSG_askformat = WR+"Do you want to mark the textobject as actual date'n'time? Formats:\n{DATE}, {TIME}, {FILE}, {FILEPATH}, {FILENAME} and {FILEEXT}:"
      var MSG_editformat = WR+"Edit date'n'time (empty = remove). Formats:\n{DATE}, {TIME}, {FILE}, {FILEPATH}, {FILENAME} and {FILEEXT}:"
      var MSG_notexto = WR+"No textobject!";
      var MSG_selectedmany = "To mark as actual date'n'time, you have to select only one textobject. If you want to update the date'n'time-objects, there must be no object selected.";
      var MSG_nodocs = WR+"You have no open document."
      var Timeformat = 12;
      var TimeSep = ":";
      var AM = " am";
      var PM = " pm";
      var Dateformat = "yyyymmdd";
    var error=0;
    if (documents.length<1) {
    if (error < 1) {
    function TodayDate()
      var Today = new Date();
      var Day = Today.getDate();
      var Month = Today.getMonth() + 1;
      var Year = Today.getYear();
      var PreMon = ((Month < 10) ? "0" : "");
      var PreDay = ((Day < 10) ? "0" : "");
      if(Year < 999) Year += 1900;
     var theDate = Dateformat.replace(/dd/,PreDay+Day);
     theDate = theDate.replace(/mm/,PreMon+Month);
     theDate = theDate.replace(/d/,Day);
     theDate = theDate.replace(/m/,Month);
     theDate = theDate.replace(/yyyy/,Year);
     theDate = theDate.replace(/yy/,Year.toString().substr(2,2));
     return theDate;
    function TodayTime()
      var Today = new Date();
      var Hours = Today.getHours();
      var Minutes = Today.getMinutes();
      var Suffix = "";
      if (Timeformat == 12) {
        if (Hours >= 12 ) {
     Suffix = PM;
     } else {
     Suffix = AM;
     if (Hours >= 13) {
     Hours = Hours - 12;
     if (Hours < 1) {
     Hours = Hours + 12;
      var PreHour = ((Hours < 10) ? "0" : "");
      var PreMin = ((Minutes < 10) ? "0" : "");
      return PreHour+Hours+TimeSep+PreMin+Minutes+Suffix;
    function DateUpdate(Name) {
      var docpath = activeDocument.path.fsName;
      var docname =*?)(?:\.([^.]+))?$/,'$1');
      var extension =*?)(?:(\.[^.]+))?$/,'$2');
      if (docpath.slice(2,3) == "\\") {
        docsep = "\\";
      } else {
        docsep = ":";
      var content = Name.slice(11);
      var content = content.replace(/\{FILE\}/,docpath+docsep+docname);
      var content = content.replace(/\{FILEPATH\}/,docpath);
      var content = content.replace(/\{FILENAME\}/,docname);
      var content = content.replace(/\{FILEEXT\}/,extension);
      var content = content.replace(/\{DATE\}/,TodayDate());
      var content = content.replace(/\{TIME\}/,TodayTime());
      return content;
    function date_n_time()
      if (selection.length == 1) {
        if (selection[0].typename == "TextArtItem" || selection[0].typename == "TextFrame") {
          if (selection[0].name.slice(0,11) == "actualDate:") {
            dateformat = selection[0].name.slice(11);
            Check = false;
            if (AIversion == "10") {
              Check = confirm( MSG_unsetmark );
            } else {
              dateformat = prompt(MSG_editformat, dateformat);
            if(dateformat != "" && Check) {
              selection[0].contents = selection[0].name.slice(11);
              selection[0].selected = false;
            if(dateformat == "" && !Check) {
              selection[0].selected = false;
            if(dateformat && dateformat !="" && !Check) {
              selection[0].contents = DateUpdate(selection[0].name);
          } else {
            dateformat = selection[0].contents;
            if(\{DATE\}/) == -1 &&\{TIME\}/) == -1 &&\{FILE[A-Z]*\}/) == -1) dateformat = format_preset;
            Check = false;
            if (AIversion == "10") {
              Check = confirm( MSG_setmark );
            } else {
              dateformat = prompt(MSG_askformat, dateformat);
            if (dateformat || Check) {
              selection[0].contents = DateUpdate(selection[0].name);
              selection[0].selected = false;
        } else {
          alert ( MSG_notexto );
      } else if (selection.length > 1) {
        alert ( MSG_selectedmany );
      } else {
        if (AIversion == "10") {
          var textArtItems = activeDocument.textArtItems;
          for (var i = 0 ; i < textArtItems.length; i++)
            if (textArtItems[i].name.slice(0,11) == "actualDate:") {
              textArtItems[i].selected = true;
              textArtItems[i].contents = DateUpdate(textArtItems[i].name);
        } else {
          var textFrames = activeDocument.textFrames;
          for (var i = 0 ; i < textFrames.length; i++)
            if (textFrames[i].name.slice(0,11) == "actualDate:") {
              textFrames[i].selected = true;
              textFrames[i].contents = DateUpdate(textFrames[i].name);

    I THANK GOD ALMIGHTY!  A friend who knows AppleScript helped me to understand!

    executives of related texts var = activeDocument.textFrames;

    for (var i = 0; i)< textframes.length;="">

    If (.note executives of related texts [i] == 'NAME of the SUPERIOR FORDDOC') {}

    var frameName = .silence frames linked text [i];

    newFrame = frameName.replace (/(.*-.*-.*)-(. *) /, "$1$ 2");

    related texts [i] = newFrame .silence frameworks


  • Is there a work-around to install anything which is not in the "Microsoft App Center"?

    * Original title: App DOWNLOAD heartmath

    I try to install Heartmath on a tablet of Surface running 8.1 RT

    I get the message cannot install the application on this computer go to App Center

    Is there a work-around as it seems difficult to install anything which is not in the ' Microsoft App Center

    Thank you


    Hi Brian,.

    I understand that you want to install the app on the Surface RT Heartmath. However, you may not install all the apps on Surface RT by design and you have to go Windows Store and install apps available.

    For more information or information on Surface RT, see the link.

    Hope this information helps. If you have any other questions about Windows, please let us know.

  • I need to disable my CC on a single computer, but the grave Manager crashes when I try to do. How can I work around this problem?

    I need to disable my CC on a single computer, but the grave Manager crashes when I try to do. How can I work around this problem?

    Try the 2nd link

    Remove the license on a computer clouds can help



  • Ideas for work around ORA-06502: character string buffer too small on the interactive report


    It comes to Apex 4.2.  We try to create an interactive report.  The report is for something similar at a follow-up time.  We try to concat a comments column as the sum of the hours.  For example,.

    Select TASK_NAME, sum (HOURS), to_char (XMLAGG (XMLELEMENT(E,E.COMMENTS ||) ' : ')). Extract ('//Text ()'). GETSTRINGVAL()) USER_COMMENTS of...

    This query works fine if we seek only to a window of 1 week.  The question that we live, when we expand the scope of the query to include data from 3 months, we hit ORA-06502 interactive report.  If we remove this column from the interactive report, then the report works very well.

    Anyone has any ideas on how we might be able to work around this problem?  I'm guessing we're reached the limit of 32 k on the report.  Ideally, we would show just the last X number of comments and then have a link to show all comments

    Any help would be appreciated

    Thank you


    ListAGG raises an ORA-01489 for varchar2 > 4000 bytes

    OP has an ORA - 06502--> IR is running within a limit of 4 k / 32 k.

    quick fix: wrap USER_COMMENTS ListAGG in a substr (..., 1, 4000)

    Longer solution, use a subquery to modify comments based on ROW_NUMBER() (IE after the nth line, change the null)

    -- simulating data
    t as (select task_id, sysdate - lv as date_entered
      ,round(dbms_random.value(1,24)) hours
      , '-*' || lv || '.' || task_id || '*-' as user_comments
    from ( select level as task_id from dual connect by level <=10 ), (select level lv from dual connect by level < 1000)
    -- modify data
    modified_data as (
      select task_id, hours, date_entered
          when row_number() over (partition by task_id order by date_entered desc) < 5
            then user_comments
          else null
         end USER_COMMENTS
        from t)
    select task_id, sum(hours) total_hours,
      listagg( user_comments  ) within group (order by date_entered desc)
      || case when count(*) >= 5 then '! MORE COMMENTS !' else null end
        as user_comments
    from modified_data
    group by task_id;
  • Click event of s:ItemRenderer is not reliable; no work around?

    I received feedback from test users and confirmed by myself.  Sometimes a click "ignore."  This seems to happen if the mouse moves quickly away from the label as being on it.

    It's under MXML that defines a spark of list, with MXML for a spark ItemRenderer, with three labels each data a string of the data object.  Each of these labels defines a click event listener, they each link to the same function in the ItemRenderer.  Put a trace in this listener has confirmed that some clicks are simply ignored.

    All the world experienced this and found a work around?  I'm hoping that it might be a more reliable event to listen to, for example.  The source code of the item converter is included below for completeness.

    It's using Flash Builder 4.5, the latest libraries.

    <? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"? >
    " < = xmlns:fx s:ItemRenderer ' "
    xmlns:s = "library://".
    xmlns:MX = "library://".
    autoDrawBackground = 'true '.

    < fx:Script >
    <! [CDATA]

    [Embed (source = "... / src/images/cancel_12.png")]
    [Bindable] public var icon: Class;

    override public function set data(value:Object):void {}
    If (value! = null) {}
    Super.Data = value;
    deleteIcon.source = new icon.

    protected function item_Handler(event:MouseEvent):void
    trace ("got click event";

    protected function deleteIcon_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
    trace ("got delete event";

    []] >
    < / fx:Script >

    < s:HGroup height = "100%" verticalAlign = "middle".
    paddingBottom = paddingLeft = "5" "5" paddingRight = "5" = "5" paddingTop >
    < s:HGroup >
    "< s:Label text =" {} "width ="120"click =" item_Handler (event) "/ >
    "< s:Label text =" {data.price} "width ="15"click =" item_Handler (event) "/ >
    "< s:Label text =" {} "width ="75"click =" item_Handler (event) "/ >
    < s:Image id = "deleteIcon" click = "deleteIcon_clickHandler (event)" / > "
    < / s:HGroup >
    < / s:HGroup >

    < / s:ItemRenderer >

    You can use change event from the list instead of a click on an item render?

  • you work around my decision of not to download the new version?

    You work around my decision of NOT to download new versions of firefox?

    I will never put firefox until the vault of Norton password will work in it. All of a sudden it disappeared from my browser. It happened the other day on my laptop too, and I had not updated this version of firefox either. THAT'S HAPPENED?



    You'll keep using Firefox 40.0.3, who is from August 27, 2015, so I do not think that your Firefox put up-to-date.

    What does not seem to be updated is your Norton Safe identification - extension version 2015.5.6.76 is November 3 release. This version is supposed to be compatible with Firefox, 40-42, but many users reported glitches.

    A workaround mentioned on the forums of Norton is after the launch of Firefox, to launch a second window by using Ctrl + n, and the Norton toolbar must be visible in the second window. It works for you?

    If this is not the case, unfortunately, he can wait some time before Norton to end its compatibility fixes.


    As you can imagine, none of us are going independent with change your security software. Symantec is the only person who can solve this problem.

  • Firefox for android mobile phone said app can access the following on your phone... take pictures and videos? Is there a work around? If not have to uninstall.

    I have Firefox for my laptop and wanted to use it on my phone Android mobile phone. When I saw under permissions that the application can access photos and videos and can take photos and videos that seemed very odd. Does anyone know of a work around to keep the app to take photos and videos without my permission? I do not want to uninstall but can allow the intrusion of privacy.

    We have a help article about why this permission is here: how Firefox for Android uses the requested permissions?

    Specifically, some sites may give you the option to attach or embed an image directly from the camera instead of going through a folder of pictures already taken. In order to support this feature, Firefox requires permissions to access the camera. However, according to this article, Firefox will ask your permission before leaving the site to use the camera. I don't think I have ever seen this in action.

  • Work around for the Ical does not send do not issue invitations

    If I understand the problem, ical will not send an invitation email to someone it detects has an ical account. People don't know they have an invitation or they use Google or Outlook to their calendars. Despite everything, they just don't receive invitations to your meetings. For some reason, Apple does not change the rules.

    I was going to start using my Google Calendar and just invite myself, but I used my Gmail account as my ID for Apple. Ah, the tangled web we weave when we try to be cute with Apple products.

    In any case, I was wondering if anyone had a work around for this problem "iCal don't send invitations." I want just the people I work with in voluntary organizations to get an email with an invitation attached. Has anyone found a way around this? I'm about to go to Evite!

    Thank you

    You can invite people to events using their e-mail address or their name. To invite people by name, they must be in your Contacts application with an email address, or they must use the same service calendar CalDAV or Exchange as you (for example, your company's employees).

    Invite people using window addresses

    1. Choose window > presentation.
    2. Search people, then drag them to the event.

    Send an email or a message for guests

    1. Control-click on the event.
    2. Choose send all guests or Message all guests.

    Add guests to the Contacts

    1. Force or double-click on a click event.
    2. Hold the pointer over a guest, and then click the pop-up menu .
    3. Choose Add to Contacts.If you do not see Add to Contacts, but you do not show Contact card, the guest is already in Contacts.
    4. An apple article is here: Calendar (El Capitan): invite people to events
  • Work around for server not found problems on FF36

    I found a work around for all people with server not found problems with FF36.

    If you manually set your DNS network adapter to an external DNS server (as opposed to your local ISP) then the problem disappears. I set mine to use the google DNS servers:


    No idea why this works, but it is 100% success on my desktop PC, whereas before I could not connect to a Web page with FF36 without updating the multiple page and a lot of frustration, although FF35 was fine and back to FF35 turnover was as beautiful.

    Something has changed in FF36 and how it manages the DNS or the mode of operation with certain network cards.

    There is nothing to do with the Add - ons, profiles or software firewall as I tried all these things and that the DNS change makes a difference. I even copied on a full profile and directory of program files to work for Mozilla on my laptop which saw no problem and the problem still exists on the desktop, which is why I started watching the network adapater since everything between the working PC and no work was identical.

    I hope that this will help the developers to identify the real cause of the problem and fix it in the next version.

    AG - your problem looks different you had FF36 work.

    Considering that the problem of many of us that when we spend FF35 in FF36 we get a lot of server is found errors when you try to load Web pages.

    Sometimes they load and then they stop loading and then if you click Refresh a lot that they sometimes then charge again, or you have to wait a minute or two and then they load.

    For some reason any using an external DNS server {see # 698286 answer ~ J99} has stopped this problem completely, as does return to FF35.

    We need an expert on to Mozilla DNS resolution to focus on this. [*] See my note under ~ J99 Seems to me that you use an external DNS server adds some latency to name resolution and maybe this is necessary for the network card in the PC that encounter this issue to resolve the addresses of Web page.

    Obviously something changed in FF36 FF35 to cause this problem. I'm open to Mozilla contact me by E-mail if they want me to try something else to help pin it down.


    change Note the John99
    Mozilla can consider WHETHER we are able to provide evidence to support this. We must be able to complete a report of bug with right steps to reproduce (STR). Developers should be able to see themselves the problem before we can expect to focus on this.

  • Fonts in iMove import or a work-around.

    Is there a way to import fonts in iMovie?, perhaps a work around as import in file iMoves fonts?, I have no ideal how do. I have this huge selection of fonts, but iMovie uses very little of them.

    Thanks for your time

    Hey Kirk you still autour?

    iMovie has access to all fonts in the font book. But iMovie will only show you the fonts that are compatible with the design of the title you have chosen. If you click the fonts in the T tool, drop down, you'll see the fonts. This will give you the window fonts, and you can see all the fonts on your system.

  • Possible work around sound but no picture...

    It is NOT a question but a possible work around. Youtube videos have sound but no picture. In this case, you can click on the small arrow to the right, near the right side of the address bar. This reloads the page and the problem seems to be fixed. You must do this for each video with sound but no picture. Should not, but it's a work around.

    Moderator edited the title to remove the question mark


    Thanks for the useful information. Can you Post a response (below), possibly add more details and mark it as the solution.

  • Is there a work around to show the Site identity button when the integration with facebook like/send etc. It disappears when it comes to the page, it's because of the iframe can be done if anything.

    Is there a work around to show the Site identity button when the integration with facebook like/send etc. It disappears when it comes to the page, it's because of the iframe

    What can be done if anything.

    Pages that use "mixed content" (parts of the use of the HTTP page and some use HTTPS) are not secure against tampering, they will not display the site identity button. To resolve this problem, make sure that external resources you are incorporation are available over HTTPS and you use HTTPS to nest them.

    For example, to iframe widgets like the Facebook 'Like' buttons, make sure that your iframe use src = " /...". »

    See also discussion here:

  • Hello. I just bought the Warcraft Battle chest but when I tried to install it, I am told that PowerPC applications are more supported. Is there a way I can work around this problem? Thank you.

    Hello. I just bought the Warcraft Battle chest but when I tried to install it, I am told that PowerPC applications are more supported. Is there a way I can work around this problem? Thank you.

    Except by running Mac OS X Server 10.6 inside a product such as VirtualBox or Parallels Desktop or decommissioning the BONE if possible on the Mac, no.


  • forgotten password for security and privacy.  Is there a work around?

    I remember not the password to make changes in security and confidentiality.  I tried all the password I can think of it must be with no luck.  Is there a work-around, or do I have to reinstall OS x.

    Thank you


    The administrator password is blank?

    If you have not already tried it, try it.

Maybe you are looking for

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