XML document lack of implementation in the form after adding the node

Hi all

I'm adding a new node to my XML document using java.

After I add, when I print the doc, I can see the xml code is not properly 'indexed' or 'formatted' (with a step internal node within the parent node.)

I have put OutputKeys.INDEX that Yes. But I still have this problem.

Kindlly help me regarding this.

Thank you
Sabarisri. N

After I add, when I print the doc, I can see that xml is not properly "indexed" (sic, "indented") or 'formatted' (with a step internal node within the parent node.)

It is indeed a common place of what to get. Rarely these whitespace contravene semantic aspects of xml, but it's annoying to the human eye. The OutputKeys.INDENT on the transformer fixing certainly wouldn't heal and makes it worse.

If the lack of alignment gets enough wide, sometimes I use a custom xsl file to put an order of it. This is how the xsl looks like: it is just a slight development of an identity transformation. And I assume you are using jdk1.5 + packaged xerces and xalan.



Suppose to be called indenter.xsl, and put themselves in the working directory. Printing to a file may seem just that.

TransformerFactory tf = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
Transformer t = tf.newTransformer(new StreamSource("indenter.xsl"));
//suppose the doc is the document parsed and edited in the memory, and outfile is the path to output file
t.transform(new DOMSource(doc), new StreamResult(new FileOutputStream(outfile)));

I use xalan namespace to control the amount of space to indent. If you don't use of xalan, just leave these namespace declaration and the xalan:indent - amounted to and let the xsl processor using its default value.

If you prefer instead of writing your own small xsl utilities, you can maybe google (mainly in using key as pretty print or a utility called htmltidy with w3c) to clean the misaligned output. Or check the documentation on the xsl processor used, some processor could have custom method to do the same.

But cleaning may still run the risk of too interpret what can hold and is not. It is important to know what you finally want what to do and adjust according to your need.

Published by: tsuji on Sep 21, 2011 07:57

Tags: Oracle Development

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    Thanks in advance,


    Use the XMLType schemaValidate() method. It will throw an exception whose message contains the validation error.

    Get a number of 'line' is not sensible as XML is concerned.

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    I won't tell it not in the same words that Marco used, but your solution is impassable and an invitation for bad things to happen.

    Wait miserable performance, and you will not be disappointed.

    The concept of total flexibility works up a code that you depend on has no idea what to do with what is playback.
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    I would recommend you take the concept and consider, with your data volumes, something more likely to succeed.

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                              String xml="" +
                    "<p> Dummy content </p> " +
                    "" +
                              DocumentBuilderFactory dbFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
                DocumentBuilder dBuilder;
                Document doc;
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    Any suggestions would be helpful.

    Thank you


    I feel xml parser was mature enough to handle these characters if sills, you get the error explore CDATA. It might help you.

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    Hi GerdW

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    Mant thanks!


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    Thank you



    Now that I've added the node of the Web 2 Finally using auto clone and adadnode.pl scripts. Therefore all URLs accessing EBS of browser web are to redirect to the Web node 2, no matter if I have access to the application of Web node 1 or Web 2.

    Did you run the AutoConfig successfully on both nodes?

    Seems something must be corrected in the context file or the database for other FND tables. I don't know why it's happening. Please help me.

    I still wonder why you have not enabled the file application.log until now. So, please report it the full error log here.

    Thank you

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  • How to generate an xml document with a BLOB on the inside?


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    When generated, it is sent using utl_http.

    All right, except that I have to include a child that contains a BLOB (stored in the database) in the exact way that it is stored in the XML structure.

    (Field value contains an encoded 64 base pdf file). Length of the file can be up to 2 MB

    My nearest solution was to Convert Oracle XML BLOB to type even if I'm really stuck with LPX-00210 error.

    Is there another way than dbms_xmldom do?

    In fact, I'm totally lost.

    Can you give me a hand on this or show me an example of work?

    Kind regards


    Here goes...

    SQL> create table images (
      2    id       integer
      3  , name     varchar2(256)
      4  , content  blob
      5  );
    Table created
    SQL> declare
      3    bf          bfile := bfilename('XML_DIR','base64.bin');
      4    lob_ptr     blob;
      5    dest_offs   integer := 1;
      6    src_offs    integer := 1;
      8  begin
    10    insert into images (id, name, content)
    11    values (1, 'Koala.jpg', empty_blob())
    12    returning content into lob_ptr;
    14    dbms_lob.open(bf, dbms_lob.lob_readonly);
    15    dbms_lob.loadblobfromfile(lob_ptr, bf, dbms_lob.getlength(bf), dest_offs, src_offs);
    16    dbms_lob.close(bf);
    18  end;
    19  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed
    SQL> commit;
    Commit complete
    SQL> select id
      2       , name
      3       , utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2(dbms_lob.substr(content, 30)) as first_bytes
      4       , dbms_lob.getlength(content) as lob_size
      5  from images
      6  /
       ID NAME         FIRST_BYTES                      LOB_SIZE
    ----- ------------ -------------------------------- ----------
        1 Koala.jpg    /9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAgEAYABgAAD/7g      1068504
    SQL> declare
      3    x_doc       xmltype;
      4    domdoc      dbms_xmldom.DOMDocument;
      5    domnode     dbms_xmldom.DOMNode;
      6    domtext     dbms_xmldom.DOMText;
      7    ostream     sys.utl_BinaryOutputStream;
      8    chunksize   pls_integer;
      9    offset      pls_integer := 1;
    10    buf         raw(32767);
    11    image       blob;
    13  begin
    15    select xmlelement("image",
    16             xmlelement("id", t.id)
    17           , xmlelement("name", t.name)
    18           , xmlelement("content")
    19           )
    20         , t.content
    21    into x_doc
    22       , image
    23    from images t
    24    where t.id = 1 ;
    26    domdoc := dbms_xmldom.newDOMDocument(x_doc);
    28    -- get /image/content node so that we can append a text node and stream the BLOB to it :
    29    domnode := dbms_xslprocessor.selectSingleNode(dbms_xmldom.makeNode(domdoc), '/image/content');
    30    domtext := dbms_xmldom.createTextNode(domdoc, null);
    31    domnode := dbms_xmldom.appendChild(domnode, dbms_xmldom.makeNode(domtext));
    33    ostream := DBMS_XMLDOM.setNodeValueAsBinaryStream(domnode);
    34    chunksize := dbms_lob.getchunksize(image);
    36    loop
    37      begin
    38        -- read BLOB in chunk of  :
    39        dbms_lob.read(image, chunksize, offset, buf);
    40      exception
    41        when no_data_found then
    42          exit;
    43      end;
    44      -- write chunk to DOM node :
    45      ostream.write(buf, chunksize);
    46      offset := offset + chunksize;
    47    end loop;
    49    ostream.flush();
    50    ostream.close();
    52    dbms_xmldom.writeToFile(domdoc, 'XML_DIR/image.xml');
    53    dbms_xmldom.freeDocument(domdoc);
    55  end;
    56  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed

    Image.xml release:

  • ANE ADT: lack of implementation of the platform: by default


    I'm trying to update an old DONKEY in support of 64-bit (this one: appirater-ane - Appirater DONKEY - Google Project Hosting, which I moved here: appirater-Tawng/ane ·) GitHub). I got pretty far, but I'm running a mistake, now that I can't make any sense of.

    Here is the command I am running (of my git directory, where I have collected all these files):

    / Users/kevin/SDK/AIR17SDK/bin/adt - package - target ane Appirater.ane extension.xml CFC - appirater.swc - iPhone-ARM libAppirater - ANE .to library.swf platform

    My extensions.xml file looks like this:

    " < extension xmlns =" http://ns.Adobe.com/air/extension/3.4 ">

    com.palDeveloppers.ane.Appirater < id > < /ID >

    < versionNumber > 1 < / versionNumber >


    < platform name 'iPhone-ARMS' = >

    < applicationDeployment >

    < nativeLibrary > libAppirater - ANE .to < / nativeLibrary >

    < initializer > AppiraterExtInitializer < / initializer >

    < finalizer > AppiraterExtFinalizer < / finalizer >

    < / applicationDeployment >

    < / platform >

    < platform name = "default" >

    < applicationDeployment / >

    < / platform >

    < / platforms >

    < / extension >

    As far as I know, I got any other building (xcode, CFC project, etc.), but I can't understand why he said on a 'default' platform, when I specified "iPhone-ARMS" in the world.

    Note: The original project has a build.xml file which might be easier to operate - but I don't know what it is and how to use it. Pointers are appreciated!

    Thank you

    Kevin N.

    The initial project uses Apache Ant to compile. Install Ant, editing the build.properties file, navigate to the folder that contains build.xml and type Ant on the command line.

    Or add the following line to the adt command:

    -platform default library.swf

  • ADT error: Lack of implementation of the platform: MacOS - x 86

    Hi, I tried to build ANE of the native extension of Hello World example, but I get this error ADT:

    "Application missing platform: Mac OS - x 86."

    What does that mean?

    I use Mac OS X 10.7.4, flash builder 4.6 and xcode 4.3.1

    Thank you.

    Hello J,

    This error appears when you have inserted a platform in the extension.xml but while packing the donkey, you missed it. The command that you use for packaging what DONKEY should look like:

    ADT-package - target ane x.ane - CFC - platform MacOS - x 86 library.swf

  • No data when querying XML document which does not have all the elements that are populated

    Hi people

    Following the previous post http://bit.ly/beyCdc forum, I met a new show that I'm looking to solve today.

    General information:

    The xml document, I try to shred them may exist in 2 forms; b limited form and (b) complex form, which
    to comply with the same xmlschema.

    The structure of the two forms of the document is:

    b limited version

    (1) under the parent node (of BASANTA) is a child node - RTDRFileHeader
    (2) also under the parent node is a node of complex "ConnectionList. This can consist of thousands of child nodes 'connection '.
    (3) below a given node of "Connection" are child nodes that are of interest, they are:
    (b) extended version

    The structure of the Extended version is identical to the above limited version but there are elements of additional group under the /chargeInfo. element
    It's TrafficBreakdownList and AdditionalChargeInfo. In addition, the TrafficBreakdownList has child nodes that contain elements of the group.
    For example.
    What I'm trying to achieve, if possible, is to have a SQL statement that can interrogate the two versions of the xml document. Currently
    the following SQL statement works properly against the extended version XML document, but when used against the limited version he returns no rows.

    I guess what I'm after is like a LEFT JOIN XML :-) If the node is not present, returns NULL for this element.

    b limited Version of XML
     </RTDR> '
    (b) extended version of XML
    <RTDR xmlns:tadig-gen="https://infocentre.gsm.org/TADIG-GEN" xmlns="https://infocentre.gsm.org/TADIG-RTDR">
                        <CallEventType>CS MO</CallEventType>
                        <CallEventType>CS MT</CallEventType>
                        <CallEventType>GPRS Calls</CallEventType>
                        <CallEventType>CS MO</CallEventType>
                        <CallEventType>CS MT</CallEventType>
                        <CallEventType>GPRS Calls</CallEventType>
                        <CallEventType>CS MO</CallEventType>
                        <CallEventType>CS MT</CallEventType>
    It's the query I want to be able to run against the two XML documents. As mentioned, this works very well against the complex XML but no result against the simple XML.
            ,EXTRACTVALUE(rtd.rtdr , '/RTDR/RTDRFileHeader/PMN' )                                      client_pmn
            ,connXML."VPMN"                                                                            vpmn
            ,connXML."HPMN"                                                                            hpmn
            ,fileXML."TAPSeqNo"                                                                        tap_seq_no
            ,chrgXML."TAPTxCutoffTmstp"                                                                tap_tx_cut_off_tmstp
            ,chrgXML."TAPAvailTmstp"                                                                   tap_avail_tmstp
            ,chrgXML."TAPCurrency"                                                                     tap_currency
            ,chrgXML."TotalNetCharge"                                                                  total_net_charge
            ,chrgXML."TotalTax"                                                                        total_tax
            ,traffXML."CallEventType"                                                                  call_event_type     
            ,callEvtXML."NumberOfEvents"                                                               number_of_events
            ,callEvtXML."TotNetCharge"                                                                 call_event_ttl_net_charge
            ,callEvtXML."TotTaxValue"                                                                  call_event_ttl_tax_value
    FROM     t   rtd
                        DEFAULT 'https://infocentre.gsm.org/TADIG-RTDR'
                      PASSING  rtd.myXML
                      "VPMN"       VARCHAR2(5)    PATH '/Connection/VPMN'
                     ,"HPMN"       VARCHAR2(5)    PATH '/Connection/HPMN'
                     ,"FileXML"    XMLTYPE        PATH '/Connection/FileItemList/FileItem/FileType/InitTAP'
                     )  connXML
                        DEFAULT 'https://infocentre.gsm.org/TADIG-RTDR'
                      PASSING  connXML."FileXML"
                      "TAPSeqNo"       VARCHAR2(50)   PATH '/InitTAP/TAPSeqNo'
                     ,"ChargeInfoXML"  XMLTYPE        PATH '/InitTAP/ChargeInfo'
                    )  fileXML
                        DEFAULT 'https://infocentre.gsm.org/TADIG-RTDR'
                      PASSING  fileXML."ChargeInfoXML"
                      "TAPTxCutoffTmstp"          VARCHAR2(30)     PATH '/ChargeInfo/TAPTxCutoffTmstp'
                     ,"TAPAvailTmstp"             VARCHAR2(30)     PATH '/ChargeInfo/TAPAvailTmstp'
                     ,"TAPCurrency"               VARCHAR2(30)     PATH '/ChargeInfo/TAPCurrency'
                     ,"TotalNetCharge"            NUMBER(22,5)     PATH '/ChargeInfo/TotalNetCharge'
                     ,"TotalTax"                  NUMBER(22,5)     PATH '/ChargeInfo/TotalTax'
                     ,"TrafficBreakdownListXML"   XMLTYPE          PATH 'TrafficBreakdownList/TrafficBreakdownItem'
                    )  chrgXML
                        DEFAULT 'https://infocentre.gsm.org/TADIG-RTDR'
                      PASSING  chrgXML."TrafficBreakdownListXML"
                      "CallEventType"             VARCHAR2(20)     PATH '/TrafficBreakdownItem/CallEventType'
                     ,"CallEventInfoXML"          XMLTYPE          PATH '/TrafficBreakdownItem/CallEventInfo'
                    )  traffXML
                        DEFAULT 'https://infocentre.gsm.org/TADIG-RTDR'
                      PASSING  traffXML."CallEventInfoXML" 
                      "NumberOfEvents"            NUMBER           PATH '/CallEventInfo/NumberOfEvents'
                     ,"TotNetCharge"              NUMBER           PATH '/CallEventInfo/TotNetCharge'
                     ,"TotTaxValue"               NUMBER           PATH '/CallEventInfo/TotTaxValue'
                    )   callEvtXML
    Thank you very much

    Kind regards

    Simon Gadd

    Hi Simon,.

    I guess what I'm after looks like a LEFT JOIN XML


    Try to add a (+) after the last two XMLTABLEs operator:

                        DEFAULT 'https://infocentre.gsm.org/TADIG-RTDR'
                      PASSING  chrgXML."TrafficBreakdownListXML"
                      "CallEventType"             VARCHAR2(20)     PATH '/TrafficBreakdownItem/CallEventType'
                     ,"CallEventInfoXML"          XMLTYPE          PATH '/TrafficBreakdownItem/CallEventInfo'
                    ) (+)  traffXML
                        DEFAULT 'https://infocentre.gsm.org/TADIG-RTDR'
                      PASSING  traffXML."CallEventInfoXML"
                      "NumberOfEvents"            NUMBER           PATH '/CallEventInfo/NumberOfEvents'
                     ,"TotNetCharge"              NUMBER           PATH '/CallEventInfo/TotNetCharge'
                     ,"TotTaxValue"               NUMBER           PATH '/CallEventInfo/TotTaxValue'
                    ) (+)  callEvtXML


    PS: the declaration of namespaces does not appear in the 'limited' version, perhaps you simply forgotten in your sample? Could you confirm?

  • How to extract the node where the value of the node is the max in all of the XML document?


    I have a transaction that refers to an xmltype in iRecruitment, containing multiple versions of the same node as follows:

    (only for the example data)

    {noformat} & lt; Transaction & gt;

    & lt; data & gt;

    & lt; ObjectVersionNumber & gt; 1 & lt; / object_version_number & gt;

    & lt; EO & gt;

    & lt; Attribute1 & gt; A & lt; / Attribute1 & gt;

    & lt; Attribut2 & gt; B & lt; / attribut2 & gt;

    & lt; /EO & gt;

    & lt; / data & gt;

    & lt; data & gt;

    & lt; ObjectVersionNumber & gt; 2 & lt; / object_version_number & gt;

    & lt; EO & gt;

    & lt; Attribute1 & gt; A & lt; / Attribute1 & gt;

    & lt; Attribut2 & gt; C & lt; / attribut2 & gt;

    & lt; /EO & gt;

    & lt; / data & gt;

    & lt; data & gt;

    & lt; ObjectVersionNumber & gt; X & lt; / object_version_number & gt;

    & lt; EO & gt;

    & lt; Attribute1 & gt;? & lt; / Attribute1 & gt;

    & lt; Attribut2 & gt;? & lt; / attribut2 & gt;

    & lt; /EO & gt;

    & lt; / data & gt;

    & lt; / Transaction & gt; {noformat}

    I can extract a value for FULL-TIME 1 or 2, is not a problem.
    However, how can I go on the selection of a value of an attribute below FULL-TIME X, where X is the maximum value of FULL-TIME in any node in the XML document?

    I tried to the last node corresponding to my way, but it is not always the case that the FULL-TIME max will correspond to this scenario.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    Thank you very much, Pete

    Published by: Pete Mahon on February 24, 2009 12:11

    Here's a way

    SQL> set long 100000
    SQL> with XML as (
      2  select XMLTYPE(
      3  '
      6             1
      8                     A
      9                     B
     13             2
     15                     A
     16                     C
     20             3
     22                     ?
     23                     ?
     26  ') OBJECT_VALUE
     27    from dual
     28  )
     29  select DATA, OVN
     30    from XML,
     31         XMLTable
     32         (
     33           '/Transaction/data'
     34           passing OBJECT_VALUE
     35           columns
     36           DATA XMLType path '.',
     37           OVN  number  path 'ObjectVersionNumber'
     38         )
     39   where OVN = ( select MAX(OVN)
     40                   from XML,
     41                        XMLTable
     42                        (
     43                          '/Transaction/data'
     44                          passing OBJECT_VALUE
     45                          columns
     46                          OVN  number  path 'ObjectVersionNumber'
     47                        )
     48               )
    SQL> /
  • How to create an XML Document and convert it into a string? (send through wireless network)


    I am now able to post data to a web server by using Blackberry JDE (medical use).

    Now, instead of display the plain text, I would like to send an XML file.

    I am able to do it using this code on a 'normal ': Java application

    import java. IO;
    Org.w3c.dom import. *;
    Import javax.xml.parsers. *;
    Javax.xml.transform import. *;
    Javax.xml.transform.dom import. *;
    Javax.xml.transform.stream import. *;

    public class {XML
    Public Shared Sub main (String [] args) {}
    try {}
    DocumentBuilderFactory plant = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance ();
    DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder ();
    Doc document = builder.newDocument ();
    Root element = doc.createElement ("root");
    doc.appendChild (root);
    Child element = doc.createElement ("child");
    child.setAttribute ("name", "value");
    root.appendChild (child);

    Add a text element to the child
    Text = doc.createTextNode ("text");
    child.appendChild (text);

    implement a transformer
    TRANSFAC TransformerFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance ();
    Transformer trans = transfac.newTransformer ();
    trans.setOutputProperty (OutputKeys.OMIT_XML_DECLARATION, 'yes');
    trans.setOutputProperty (OutputKeys.INDENT, 'yes');

    create the string of the xml tree
    StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
    StreamResult result = new StreamResult (sw);
    DOMSource source = new DOMSource (doc);
    TRANS. Transform (source, result);
    String xmlString = sw.toString ();
    System.out.println (xmlString);
    } catch (Exception e) {}
    make error management

    However, on the Blackberry JDE, many functions is not recognized.

    I saw the class DocumentBuilderFactory (net.rim.device.api.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory), the DocumentBuilder (net.rim.device.api.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder) class and the interface of Document in the docs of Blackberry Java (4.2.1).

    So, I'm able to create an XML Document... but I don't know how to convert to a string?

    How can I do this? The TransformerFactory class doesn't seem to exist... and I did not find an alternative yet.

    At the present time, here is the code I use to publish data:

    String coord = lat + ";" + LNG; post data
    con = (HttpConnection) Connector.open (url); Open the connection URL
    con.setRequestMethod (HttpConnection.POST); POST method
    con.setRequestProperty ("Content-Type", "application/x-www-formulaires-urlencoded");
    out = con.openOutputStream (); display the results in a stream
    out. Write (Coord.GetBytes ());

    responseCode = con.getResponseCode (); Send data and receive the response code
    If (responseCode! = HttpConnection.HTTP_OK) {}
    System.out.println ("HTTP STATUS CODE: 404"); error
    } else {}
    System.out.println ("HTTP STATUS CODE: 200"); successful
    If (con! = null) con. Close; close the connection to the URL

    As mentioned, rather than display a string with a delimiter between each value (there will be a lot more than two values finally), I would like to publish an XML.  It will be more "elegant" and easier to parse by my code on the web server.

    Maybe I don't have to convert it to a string?

    In other words, how can I convert my XML Document to send it via the wireless network?

    Thanks for your help!

    TransformerFactory does not exist in the BlackBerry API.  As far as I can tell, you need to implement yourself.  You can do this by walking the DOM and the output of channels.  They have an example of the market of the DOM in the XMLDemo, but they view as fields, you just need to write strings.

  • Watched folder processing XML document


    We are trying to convert an Adobe Central documents above to Adobe LiveCycle. We are currently working on the process of work. We have one where we have created a watched folder. The process is expected to work with XML and produce an output document. The input variable must be of type 'Document' or 'XML '? I kept it in as long as 'Document' because the XML documents will be placed in the folder. After that I don't know how to retrieve the XML data in the document. Anyone have ideas on this?

    I appreciate it!


    Once you store the XML in the document variable

    You can use the value set stage to assign the XML document type

    Lets you know if have problems you doing this

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