Creative Suites

Local help CS5 files

I understand how the Community aid application can download the local help files, but I'm on dial-up at home and the local help of Photoshop file, for example, shows that more than 27 MB. The PDF here:

Trouble with CS2 on Mac G5 with new accounts of users - activation problems?

My system is a Mac G5 Quad running OS 10.5.8 and I have CS2 premium suite. When I bought the machine, I did everything under a user account. Several months ago, the account has started giving me a few problems and my situation has changed, so it make

2006 iMac & CS5 Production Premium... help...

Hello..I just bought a student of CS5 Production Premium edition and have had problems with all its components install on my iMac.I install everything but Premiere Pro and After Effects (I even get the option "check the box" with these).My iMac is a

Manifests problems

I'm having a lot of trouble with the customization of the manifest file.The first problem is that any non-standard customization (such as the placement of menu in InDesign) gets wiped out by the manifest Editor. My solution is to avoid using the mani

Update of CS 3 to CS 5 Mac Win

Ok. Here's the situation.I have a copy of Design Premium CS 3. This is the version of windows. I bought from a macintosh and have more Windows PC (which has been cleared of all software).I have therefore a valid unused CS 3 here, I want to upgrade to

Support of the application

I note in the various documents that the player works with Photoshop, Illustrator, Bridge and InDesign.Why not Flash and Dreamweaver?Are there plans to support the entire suite to the final version, or I have to find a workflow check-in and check-out

How to add a Menu in the custom panel InDesign

I use the CS5 SDK to create a custom for InDesign CS5 Panel.I would like to add a menu in the Control Panel, custom as the native InDesign CS5 panels have their own menu if you click on the upper right of the Panel.Could someone please explain me how

CS5 requires a discrete graphics card?

My computer has a Core 2 Duo and 3 GB of memory, but only graphics onboard. CS5 Design Premium system requirements include 'card graphics OpenGL hardware acceleration, color 16 bits and 256 MB of VRAM'. Does this mean that I can't run CS5? Or that it

Download Creative Suite CS4 DVD - verification of the upgrade?

HelloI download Creative Suite CS4 from a purchased dvd. It allows me to get the serial number, but then takes me to the net screen that wants to do a upgrade verification! I have no other Adobe software! It asks me to select the product I own alread

How can I prevent resizing a Panel for InDesign?

I wrote an Extension Panel to InDesign using the 5 CS SDK.I want to warn the user to resize the Panel. For example, the Kuler Panel does not change the width or the height reduction until the widgets are in cahoots.I specified minWidth and minHeight

several versions

I am currently running CS3 on Windows XP. I am about to install CS5 and want to be able to use both versions (especially InDesign). Y at - it a setup routine specific to keep older versions, or any issue, should I be aware of?Thanks in advance

Extension Panel do not display in the window of the InDesign Extensions

I finally managed to discover Maria Gutierrez' tutorial on building a plug-in. The < sarcasm >demo very cleverly< / sarcasm > does not provide any instructions or a downloadable sample for the manifest.xml file or the < my project > .mxml file. In fa

Where is the download of the Extension Builder?

Surprisingly, I can't find where to download the installer of the Extension Builder. What is the URL of the page I can download it?

32-bit Windows with CS5 Production

HelloI have Windows XP 32-bit, and I understand there are only 64-bit versions of first CS5 and Adobe After Effects. I was interested to buy CS5 Production. I was wondering if someone could confirm that CS5 Production came with free copies of Premier

Can I switch from CS3 to CS5?

I have a version of Design Standard CS3 and am interestedupgrade to CS5, but am unsure if that is supported.

Can I switch from Design Standard CS4 Design Premium CS5?

Can I switch from Design Standard CS4 Design Premium CS5? I can't find this info on the web, so I thought I would ask here.I'm not sure that changing the suites is supported.

CS1 files will open in the later versions of CS, such as CS4 and 5?

I'm still working in CS1, but becomes nervous about the March of time with Creative Suite. I don't know if future versions of the CS will be open my files, in particular Photoshop and InDesign files. I'll appreciate sincerely any info on this.I have

Cannot invoke the run as

Hi, I have a little problem on my main system, I'm not able to run a fresh extension created by ' run as ', error:-snip-Could not replace the extensionError trying to replace Commissioner by the SWF for debugging. Please, check the location of the Ma

Upgrade from CS2 commercial education full CS5?

HelloI'm new to this forum. I have a question about upgrading to CS5. I don't think that there was another question on this specific issue I have. If there is, I'm sorry to see it again.Basically, I have a copy of version CS2 Design Premium Education

Printable DVD bleedthrough problems

I asked this problem by my boss yesterday, she said, she heard people say that they have seen some issues with the permanent markers (which I have and I'm sure that others use to write about them) through the printable DVD of bleeding and affect the
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