Firefox OS

E-mail configuration

Hello, I am trying to configure my e-mail account on my Alcatel One Touch new light, but the application block once I set all the settings. I only see in the screen "Configurazione account" (in Italian). I'm sure that the information is accurate, I h

The screen is unresponsive. An orange box keeps appearing on the screen. Hardware or software problems? Solution?

Tel: Geeksphone peak. Overview of the developers.The screen vibrates when they are affected, but no response is received. Orange box, I suppose, a background work any appears on the screen. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!

Why not Firefox OS start Simulator (1.1) the 27 Firefox on OpenSuse 13.1?

I use the default version of Firefox (27) on OpenSuse 13.1. I downloaded and installed the Firefox os Simulator plugin, version 1.1 have searched with Google, but it does not start. If I open the application manager, and then I click on "start the Si

How to disable pop-up blocker

Disabling the blocker?

When you press the new tab, how can I get the homepage instead of the history of tiles?

When you press the new tab, how can I get the homepage instead of the history of tiles?

Where can you provide feedback to the developers?

I am a normal user, annoyed by the fact that dialogue like this Firefox and Thunderbird boxes both masquerading as an anonymous 'software security device' (oh come on!) without telling me, the user, what application they belong. I have different pass

Is there a printable version of the Firefox iPad2?

It is my understanding that there is a version of Mozilla Firefox for an iPad2. Maybe ver.18? I can't be able to download a version of the iPad via Safari. Thank you.George Garrett

How can I register on Firefox as administrator?

From the homepage of Firefox, I knew once but now have forgotten how to connect as an administrator. I need to run a software program that, for some reason, will run correctly when I am logged in as an administrator.

Can I insert in my banner advertising app?

Can I insert in my banner advertising app? As on the Android OS?

How to condense the bookarks names, then they are all good on the visible toolbar?

Some of my favorites show because there is more than 7

update of zte 1.1 to 1.2 using the NandDL.firefox tool

I have zte 1.1 update installed, and I have the NandDL.firefox .exe tool and the 1.2.7z file. I have extracted the file, applied to the NandDL tool and can see the handset on the port (com10) but failed to get an indication of start flashing. I have

Can I run Imacros on an Ipad mini?

Plain and simple, I need to know if I can run imacros for firefox on a mini ipad. If I can't then I won't have to buy it. Thank you!Josh

Why the clock it is not on the home screen?

Hello. I have a phone of Hamachi, with version - prelease and the first screen the search bar Adaptive app. Can I move this search bar to the left screen and get a clear screen with the clock without locking the phone? Or add a new screen, se

Hello. Do you have any program to realse the Firefox for iOS?

Just what your place is very empty on iOS

Porque mi telefono is zip y no vuelve a encender

Hola quisiera long porque el telefono to zip a las 5 horas o 6 no each para nada, are para poder volver a encenderlo debo remove y put again the puesto Québec bateria no lights con el boton, cuando hago este procedure me fijo en the bateria if descar

Firefox addons for firefox OS

How to add some addons for examp'e Lastpass or edge of firefox browser running on firefox os addblocker. When I try to do the option isn't available

BONES of Firefox will be available for Optimus L3?

I read about the opportunities to install Firefox OS on the Optimus L3, but the information is mixed: it is not standard, but it should work. I can't find how to do it (only errors). I'm too early and that it will be possible in the future? Or should

WiFi does not work

Hello. Bought ZTE open on ebay UK. Software: OPEN_EU_DEV_FFOS_V1.0.0B02 News of git commit:2013-09-06 09:20:54cb3f650b57e63566872 I managed to connect to my wifi only once. After that date would not connect the phone. I tried to reboot phone as AP, o

SMS sending/Editing and functions copy paste text supported in Firefox OS?

Couldn't find options to send SMS or change text messages, neither could find the options copy paste general text. More importantly, in the dial pad, the cursor cannot move to the location you want to add numbers. Am I wrong? If yes how to do these t

Download Firefox for iPad mini

I have an iPad mini and followed the links download but just comes up with a blank page that IE nothing happens.
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