Firefox OS

When mobile firefox will be available in us?

I see firefox phones for sale on ebay and want to buy a. Which carrier can I use it on?

who can I get my phone turned on through? If I'm stuck with sprint or tmobile?

How can I activate my phone suite can I switch my account with cricket so this phone will have my number of cricket?

No MMS messaging?

Can't find the settings for MMS messaging. And he will receive none. It didn't he? Sorry for this noobish question.

How to set the APN settings manually? If you could add pictures is simple

I work in cellular technical support and we don't how to configure APN Firefox OS.I asked to explain to me how you do that.Thanks for help.

Failed to read on my Firefox OS ZTE open BBC radio. - either through radio or iplayer home pages. Any suggestions?

Like my Firefox OS ZTE open, but for some reason any, it will play not all BBC radio content - via the BBC Iplayer or websites individual BBC station links. This problem occurs if I access the BBC directly, or through TuneIn app.

Application of music constantly crashes

Is this a common problem? I can't make it work. It will stop working constantly. As a last resort, I wonder if it's a common experience or if I have a card SD of dodge?

When Firefox mobile supports 4g speeds?

What is 4 g of the peak speed capabilities.

Contacts from a Mac

Any way to transfer contact to open Mac ZTE data? TIA

Where on the map SD Open ZTE put I videos

I loaded a video mp4 on the SD card, but he does not see the operating system. Then I thought, the wrong format and I converted the video in OGG Theora format, but the operating system always do not see. Is there a specific place on the SD card where

What side of card speed SD should I use?

I want to put a 32 GB micro SD card in my open Zte. I don't know what classes and types are supported. I guess the UHS type is not taken in charge. Using a class 10 makes a difference on a class 4?

Have done everything I can think of. Firefox (Mac) does not start PERIOD! Read all messages and FAQ

Nothing works. Cannot find the profile anywhere. Have uninstalled and reinstalled a dozen times. My drive is fine. Was working earlier today. I changed the privacy settings to erase everything once I close FF. This is when he started to hang. It will

Any way to save the contacts again?

I do not use Facebook. Is it possible to back up my contacts so I can put it back if I have to reset the phone?

ZTE open, where is the microSD? couldn't find it?

Open just received ZTE, camera apps requires "memory card", but there is no physical slot for microSD card?

connect to the computer using a usb cable, not recognized by the computer

Hello the ZTE open, I already checked the "usb mode" in the settings, but the computer can not see my storage when it is connected by a usb cable, so I can't transfer any file on. Draft of microSD on the device is quite embarrassing, an idea?

Is my mobile PHONE broke?

My ZTE open constantly cannot solve the location on the mapping service. How bad drives?

What is the'm ' in the system tray?

AOS ' next to turn on Wi - Fi?

How to move from one screen to the other applications?

In order to organize some screens after installing several applications, how can we move them from one screen to the other?I found it possible to place them in the bottom bar and then replace them in the necessary form, but it is very slow...Another

Is it possible to group applications in a folder?

About iOS, is it possible to group applications in a folder in order to declutter the display?Or like android, not for show all the applications installed on the screen, only the links selected and through others in a list?Thank you
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