iOS Developer

I try tom open a gz file and get an error message: Broken pipe error 32: can someone tell me how to open the files of theses and recover what is in them, in layman's terms please.

I used a program called by Kivisoft to recover my music files on my hard drive. He recovered their property, but they were in the form of a ZIP file with a gz file. But whenever I tried to open the ZIP file, I get an error message saying broken pipe

Model of Xcode 7.3.1 for C++

Hi, I want to change the header C++ Starter model, this: #include < iostream > int main (int argc, const char * {argv) Insert the code here... std::cout < < "Hello World!" \n » ; return 0; } to do this: #include < iostream > #include < string.h > usi

How can I configure the default fonts or other in the Notes?

I have a font for the body that does not correctly appear in the Notes window. I want to be able to change the fonts of header, title and body and may not know where to do it. Thanks in advance. Keith P.

App sketches and system fonts

When I try to open a new document from a model and specify iOS 9 UI, Sketch gives me the following warning: "some fonts in this Document are missing." " The following fonts are used, but it is not found on your system." It then lists a number of SFUI

Auto Android

Apparently, there is an application for android phones that allows a total interface with your car, (music, maps, etc).  It makes the entertainment car of your vehicle, a reproduction of your android phone system, do a built in GPS useless. My brand

How can I specify the number of displayed decimals?

I displays a numeric value in a text field in a window by using this code to cocoa: [number_First setDoubleValue:number_f]; It works fine, but I want to specify the number of decimals displayed.  Is there an attribute format that I can use for this?

iOS 10 / Xcode 8 - localizedChangeDescription

I'm launching the demo shown at WWDC2016 IceCreamBuilder The apple code example includes the following in the extension of MessagesViewController conversation. Insert (message, localizedChangeDescription: changeDescription) {error in} If leave error

NSImage as NSData TIFFRepresentation

This line: imageData the current value of the application the NSData alloc (target TIFFRepresentation) initWithData_ .. .causes a mistake to me. target is an NSImage. What should I change? The error I get is: 2016-07-12 10:28:10.713 ImageOverwriteTes

ScriptEditor cannot access Contacts

I try to write an AppleScript to be able to check my calendar and tell me if a person in my contacts have a birthday / anniversary / date in the next 5 so I can remember then to snail poster a physical card. When I try to run my script, he says that

activate the apple on behalf of the MFI ID

help to activate my apple on behalf of the IFM, ID I have a problem with the authorized domain?

How can you merge a Dapp app to an application or a system android

How can you merge a Dapp app to an application or a system android?

With the help of the CocoDialog in AppleScript progress bar

Script editor 2.7 (176) 2.4 AppleScript I'm trying to use CocoaDialog with AppleScript to view and update a progress bar. However, I can't know exactly how to invoke a progress in AppleScript bar. I could not even open a window for future progress ba

I can build an android application using xcode?

I just published two animated story and books to interactive games for children to the store iBooks using iBooks author with tumult Hype and IAD producer.  I want to develop for an android device.  Is it possible to do with xcode?  I did a lot of res

Problem in the activation of the account of designers developers Apple

Good evening, I have a problem with the account has been paid the $105 to activate the account and Apple developers has not yet activated me now 5 days were not Tafeel Apple developers account in my account please activate the account amount re devel

Difference of Perfromace

Hello I am interested in buying the Macbook 12 inches. I don't know if I should get the 2015 or 2016 a. They have a large difference in their performance? I think to get the 1.1 Ghz. All advice? I'm not a "heavy" user and I want especially to program

I want to publish my application. But how?

The President complied, I want to publish my Web site (tubidy) application in the app store, how can I? What is the procedure for that? Its a blog where I post reviews and lyrics on the most recent published songs. Thank you Concerning Candice Dobbin

AppleScript-&gt; Get contact photo-&gt; NSImage

I hope that red_menace or ASObjC another expert will see this. In collaboration with AppleScript, I have: tell application "Contacts"    set theImage to image of somePerson end tell

App fee

We request that is being developed. There is a subscription to use the application every month (similar to a licensing fee). If it was $10 / month, it would be subject to the 30% tax each month (IE. $3)?

TestFlight maximum number of devices

I just got a new beta to install on TestFlight notification, but when I go to install it I get the message: "This app could not installed because you have already saved the maximum number of devices.  You can remove devices in TestFlight parameters. 

Patrician Fusion reader question: MBP2015

State of play In fact, for assistance from apple, but it seems that this form can be connected to a forum, I do not often use apple support. Due to an accident with a patrician resizing process, it seems that the matching of hybrid car has been made
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