Lenovo Phones

A5000 lenovo will receive more updates?

Thus, as the title suggests, lenovo a5000 will receive more updates? Like many users, I'm not proud of the current state of the phone, he became weird and has improvements less or not at all (drums and other things were very good even on the kitkat).

Slow stride of screen A1000

My 3 month old A1000 begin to wake the slow screen, about 1.5 to 3 sec after I pressed the power button, what is happening 1st time I wake it after minutes more rest, when I press new works very well

Apps of Lenovo 2010, a move to SD?

Hello my dear, Please inform me how to move internal applications to the 32 GB Class10 Toshiba sd card. Unit model: Lenovo A2010-a Android version: 5.1 Baseband version: MOLY. LR9. W144. MD. LWTG. MP. V8. P31 Build number: 2010-a-t_S256_1511241400_MP

Lenovo A1000-camera error after the last update

Yesterday, I received an update notification. My mistake I didn't take more notes on what was this update, but I have the idea that it was on the build. After that, the camera back fails to start and give an error constant. Someone had a problem simi

Updated Lenovo A5000 Lolipop

Hi I would like to know if there is no update of lolipop for lenovo a5000 (OFFICIAL) OR any other rom lolipop custom if anyone has tried them if its works well then please share me a bond Thank you

Pink color in the display of lenovo a7000

Bought a new lenovo thru flipkart a7000 10 days back. Pink color coming to the center of the screen, as shown in the picture as an attachment. This happens even when the camera is on. Is this some sort of display problem. Your expertise will be relly


I want more themes and calling the UI for a7000... help please...

WIFI Lenovo A5000 authentication problem

Whenever I try to connect to my new Lenovo A5000 in my WIFI connection, it will be said: the problem of authentication.

A7000 - Support cards larger than 32 GB Micro SD

Hello I used a 64 GB microSD in my previous phones for a few years now. But when I tried to load the map in my A7000 today, I was able to read the contents of the card, but not make changes (both so rename to delete). The card works perfectly well an

A6000 3 g doesn't work anymore.

I bought a lenovo A6000 on February 12, 2015 from flipkart.com Everything (including 3 g) was cool and properly functioning for a month. On 12 March, I changed the SIM to a supplier in Thailand when I was on tour for a week. He worked with the new si

Ask about OTG on Lenovo A6000 support more

Hello I want to know if the new Lenovo A6000 launch more (launch on flipkart, 28 April 2015) a OTG, supported or not. Kind regards Vipin

call the default volume in lenovo A6000

Hello I bought the phone A6000 recently in India. During phone calls, people complain to me that my volume is very low and they are hardly able to hear me. Everyone knows the same problem? Y at - it a setting I need to change to fix the problem of ca

A328 card sd during the system update error

I'm about to update my a328 system. But when I click on continue, this sentence appear always. "sd card error, please check the sd card and try again." I don't know what went wrong. I removed the sd card and tried again, but he appeared again. What i

Lenovo S650 deleted photos

I managed to delete all my photos on my Lenovo S650. Is there a way to recover them? Thank you! Edwin

Vibe Lenovo x 2 with the new version of the VIBEUI_V2.0_1501_5.13.1_ST_X2 - CU System

I have download the new update system. now, the Smartphone is only in English and Chinese...It is possible to return to the Italian language? Many thanks, f

Lenovo A828t update Security Center language is Chinese!

I use Lenovo A828t months I found the Security Center has been automatically updated to change the blue icon with a green icon. The problem is that its language is Chinese and I can't use now. Can you support? Thank you very much.

a few questions about s650.

1. Hi, I bought my s650 yesterday and wanted to save some messages in the drafts, how can I do? and is it still an option to save drafts in s650? 2. how to save my downloads in my sd card? all downloads are going to the internal memory. 3. where are

How to Chinese character joined lenovo s650?

Need help here... just bought Lenovo s650 smartphone yesterday, discovered Sifu who can't really type message in Chinese characters... There is no Chinese language can be selected in menu langgue... Please help

S650 sensor compass does not

Hello I recently bought the new lenovo S650. the phone is great, but the problem is that the compass sensor does not work. is this a known issue? anyway to fix this?
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