Lenovo Phones

Lenovo A6000 OTA update error (status 101)

Hello I updated my lenovo Kraft KitKat A6000 - A6000_S054_150915 as my phone has suggested. Everything is fine, but then it shows the new Kraft-A6000_S061_160727 version. I have download, then it reboot. But it shows that the instalation was dropped,

Call Lenovo A7000 video issue after Marshmallow 6.0 Update (Darkened Display)

Video calls are almost impossible after the update of Lenovo A7000 Marshmallow [Build number: A7000-a_S223_160405_ROW]. The video stream will appear completely dark to the person at the other end of the video call. I clearly see the person at the oth

A5000 S124_151118_8G_ROW can't read sim card

The update for the a5000 Lenovo (A5000_S124_151118_8G_ROW), it is very bad, after I updated the phone he made my phone cannot read sim card then please help me fix the phone is my only phone Note from the admin; edited to be more descriptive subject

Problem green screen during playback of videos in my A7000

Hello I have a problem that has a green screen shows instead of the video the sound of the video is good, but I only see a green screen even the camera does not work! and when I restart the device in the part that it shows the lenovo sign when it's a

How do you disable the sound camera in A5000 shutter? Is this possible?

Is there a way to disable the camera shutter sound in Lenovo A5000? Is it still possible? Any guidance would be appreciated. Thank you!

[A7000] Disable the feature of 4 G LTE

I use no 4G LTE. So, can I disable this feature of the A7000? How to disable? Thank you. I like Lenovo for many years. Hope, also present. Comment to Moderator: Post and answer divided a new thread. Topic change to match. Thread marked "resolved".

A7000: How can I make the smartphone as a USB storage device when I connect to the computer?

When I connect the a7000 to my PC, it shows the Lenovo_Suit but I want to reach my data inside without using the MagicPlus.

Call settings options not available in A6000 +.

I couldn't find the options call A6000 parameters +. Call settings Call waiting Call forwarding Call barring

hard reset Lenovo A7000

After update, reset lenovo hardware language showing in chinise language, so its very difficult to choose the option of writing. Then, please set English as the default language.

How to disable the vibrations on the keyboard on a 7000

I would like to know. How can I disable my keyboard vibration. AT 7000. its irritating a lot

problem to format lenovo A7000

I have format my phone by pressing the power + volume up key by choosing the wipe data / factor reset. But after Chinese update frimware, the formatting in the language menu. So, I do not understand. Please help me... Thank you..

S142_150630 update Firnware new Lenovo A7000 (46,45 MB) Recd.On 06.07.2015

New Firmware Update A7000-a_S142_150630_ROW (46,45 MB) Recd.On 06.07.2015. Review of guys should after this recent update. Lenovo A7000 it's 7th updated from Version S142. We'll see which gives us this update... Hope for a better result.

Malfunction A7000 camera in meeting places

All using the outputs on the camera for a video fuzzy and uncertain in landscape (front and rear) with a yellow and Green Strip on top. But this only occurs when using the meeting places and that too in fashion landscape. The person at the other end

Media server more A6000 drains my battery and produce heat

Media break most of my battery drains in lenovo a6000 more. It makes a hot phone body when he started working.60% of consumption made by him only.it more radiators, the phone SD card removed, make a factory reset, still facing the problem. Help, plea

Problem Lenovo A7000 update

Hi all I just bought a smartphone A7000. Lenovo has released an update for it. I want to update via PC, so I downloaded the Lenovo Smart Assistant and Lenovo USB drivers. I connected my phone to the computer and the smart assistant. He finds the upda

learning about the lenovo A6000 OTG support and update of lollypop

Hello Sir, iam one of the client lenovo, iam using lenovo A6000, officially there are no OTG support for lenovo A6000, but I need the OTG support immediately. I ask that you many want to clarify the procedure for the support of the GTA on my phone. I

Email and data network mobile Lenovo A536 problem

I just got a new Lenovo A536 of Foxtrot two days ago here in Ukraine. The phone is great and more ultra kopeck.25 headphones that came with it and the bad external speaker. Those two things aside, I have a problem with my mobile data connection. It s

Lenovo A536 password call barring?

Dear community! I am writing because I would use call except for the feature on my Lenovo A536 (with 2014.11.15 ROM), but trying to activate, my mobile phone to ask a call barring password. Because I have not used this feature before, I guess, this p

Problem with internet connection through WIFI A536

Hello.I bought a few days ago the A536 Lenovo.It works very well, it will connect to any wifi that I choose without problem, but after a while it stops internet access without obvious reason.He remains connected to WiFi, it keeps the same IP address,

A536 battery problem

Hello! I have a problem with my Lenovo A536 battery. Before my battery could still up 5% before, it could be totally. But recently, when she reached 15%, my phone turns off immediately. It would be just to warn me that he already reached 15% then off
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