Lenovo Phones

SECUREit is still available?

Hello. I got Lenovo A6010, I hate the installed security because it is just 'clean' or released some data. (?) I just want to ask if SECUREit is still available, because I was looking for she playstore but I have not achieved anything. I love this ap

More Lenovo updated A6000

Hey guys I've already updated to Lollipop 5.0.1. Today, I received a. A6000-s_S030_151030 update. This update is approximately 1135 MBs in size. Please say it is updated android Marshmallow or anything else that I've rooted my device

Lolipop for Lenovo a6000

I can't get the update of the lollipop for my mobile, how do I get that

A6000 more Twitter icon disappeared after update of Lollipop

After updating my phone crashed. He resurrected himself, when I rebooted several times. Now the Twitter icon has disappeared. I can start it by typing Twitter on Google widget, I can also launch it from Google through my Apps. How can I get the icon

No display of contacts

'm having A6000, contacts does not display the name, while the call is coming. its just showing the number.

Question of lollipop A5000 - duplicated as calendar apps

I bought this model a few days ago and I updated to version android to lollipop. I have some duplicate apps like calendar and google voice and others and I can't seem to get rid of them. When I restart the phone, apps have different places and they a

How to turn off the vibrator on typing on lenovo a6000?

Hello. Please help me on how to disable vibrations on typing on my lenovo A6000. Thank you.

Skype does not not in A606

I'm a silent promoter of Lenovo Smartphone. Yes. Silent promoter in the sense that many of my friends ask me about which phone buy since I'm electronic geek and I always advice go to Lenovo. Recently, I bought Lenovo A606 for one of my friends. But S


My two months used lenovo a6000 gives some problem of vibration now, sound seem to be work sometimes. However most of the time this isn't, help me please!

Problem of backup phone laptop LENOVO S850

Hello team, I use Lenovo S850 combined. I want to backup all the data from my cell phone. I want to use the OTG cable for the mobile phone backup, but OTG cable is not tenable for model S850. Please let me know is there any update of the OTG cable co

Route66 navigation license

Hello My lenovo S660 came pre-loded with Route66. I thought, this meant, it comes with a Route66 navigation license? T it? I have to do something special to activate it? Thank you Anand

Navigation S650 USB files

Hello eveybody! How to browse files on smartphone? Why is it so hard to do? I have mobile assistant installed, but there is only the photos or videos to navigate. So, how eyebrows all files on smartphone?

Lenovo S90 restart - U during loading and after loading

Hi all I had loaded my Lenovo S90 - U of the overnight yesterday while l was that l had realized that the phone was asleep reboot several times during loading and after loading at 99%. My phone is not switched off since l had the phone and my wifi is

Lenovo s960 Home button dose nothing

my new Lenovo s960 has a button at home (the middle one) which does nothing (in applications - does not return to the home screen, in addition, it should show all recent applications / work and it does not work as well.). How can I fix? TNX in advanc

FM Radio App missing

Hello! I can't find the FM Radio app to my Lenovo A536. I checked in the specs, but it says that it has installed in to the FM radio. I was going to use it, but then I can't find it. What could I do to fix it and have FM radio?

A328 Task manager

Hi all! How to get the the Task Manager on my phone (android 4.4.2) A328?

How to remove an e-mail account in VIBE UI 2.0

Hi, I have a Lenovo S650 and I updated the phone to VIBE UI 2.0, and the problem is to know how to delete an email account, since I couldn't find a way to do it after having poking around for awhile. Anyone know how to remove a previous account set u

Update for the s650 Lenovo problem

Dear friends, After the update kitkat 4.4.2 on my mobile Lenovo s650, in the list of contacts other connections/networks whatsup, Skype, viber and others are not displayed. I checked all the connections required as whatapp, Skype under the Framework

S660 call logs are not sorted.

I have a smartphone S660 and the appeal of newspapers are not sorted according to time. It is connected at random and it is difficult to see the call history. Any fix for that? ~ Spengler

Real memory of Lenovo S920 8 G

Bro, I just bought a new Lenovo S920 8 G. But I can see in parameter - storage- Storage internal Total area = 4.42 GB Available 2.08 G Integrated storage Total area = 2.84 GB Available 2.69 GB Is this right? Can anyone confirm that my memory of the h