Photoshop Touch

App does not load.

I deleted and reinstalled the application twice.  It still load.

Is it possible to download Adobe TV tutorials on my hard drive?

Is it possible to download Adobe TV tutorials on my hard drive?

How to change PS Touch of 1.2 to 1.3 on Samsung Galaxy note 10.1

HelloI just got my new Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1It comes pre-loaded with Photoshop Touch 1.2How he move to the new version of Photoshop Touch 1.3Thank you

toutch ch

Hi, can someone help me please... im new toutch ch and im unable to select a project (deletion of the i.efor) in the main start menu

Can manually transfer you the work files and touch (without Cloud Computing service)?

Can manually transfer you the work files and touch (without Cloud Computing service)? I can't find where Touch is to store my work files. The cloud service also says that it is a 30 day trial. Does include just the 2 GB storage space? I have no inter

Samsung Galaxy notes 10.1 updated photoshop 1.3

Regarding a previous post, I have a samsung galaxy note 10.1. It has photoshop touch preloaded 1.2 of the agreement between Adobe and Samsung. The license has not bought by google game store, so how can it be updated to the new version 1.3. Given tha

What file formats does support PS touch?

Hello together,I searched all over the internet for it know but nothing and nowhere.Concerning

Difference between note touch 10.1 PS

HelloIn the new Samsung Galaxy 10.1 note there is a pre-installed PS touch.Is there a difference between that and the key PS on the Android market?Thank you.

PS The tactile hangs at startup

I have PS installed 1.3 on an iPad Touch 3 WIFI + cell phone 64 GB. The application was working fine until it froze, today, when I was saving a project. Now, the application crashes just on the start screen of you. I tried to restart my iPad, which d

iOS Touch PS stuck on the loading screen.

I tried to save a small project (1 layer, 3 filters) and it is now stuck on blue screen with PS touch logo. I deleted the app & amp; Re-uploaded, but it made no difference. Any ideas? Thank you

using glow in Photoshop touch for android?

Hello, I am very new Ps touch. Can someone explain how to use the preheat feature? Whenever I do, I get the message "this filter needs transparent pixels. Don't know what to do, please help.

How can I import photos into my iPad to use in photoshop touch?

How can I import photos into my iPad to use in photoshop touch?

Update V1.3 on Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1?

HelloHow can I update my V1.2 PS-Touch Version 1.3?It came pre-installed on my Note 10.1 and was one of the reasons for the purchase of the tablet.Game Google only shows the "buy" button of PS-Touch is already installed and works very well.THXMarkus

Hi, I am trying to use the pst application, but the first page, a blue, is frozen... Could you help me?

Hi, I am trying to use the pst application, but the first page, a blue, is frozen... Could you help me?

Why Photoshop Touch for Android permission want to disable my keylock?

Yesterday, I was warned by my Android tablet that there is a manual update available for Photoshop Touch. I usually install these updates immediately, but this one gave me a break. Among the new permissions the app asked was this:TURN OFF THE KEY LOC

The ipad product manages gif animations

I use Photoshop primarily to animated banners.The product manages gif files?

Problem with version 1.3 GalaxyTab2 10.1

I have a problem. PT, set updated to 1.3. I have GalaxyTab2 10.1. Brushes do not work. When I start to paint, there is no reaction. I tried the layers on the photos. Restart the tablet. What could be? Please help me.

Using Photoshop Touch?

Why won't my stop sign in the tutorial of stop sign too blue? I followed the tutorial completely, but it has not changed?When I hit apply nothing seem to happen!Any help would be appreciated, thanks

Make my pure white picture.

I have a Web site, I want to make my photo optical frame looks like a pure white. How?

Crash & iPad2 restarts

If crush when I add a 2nd pic for my project it crashes hard & restarts my iPad 2. I tried twice and it crashed and rebooted each time.