[10g] Best to fill and update multiple calendars work?

I would like to create multiple calendars working and be able to update as needed. Each work schedule would be for 5 years at the most (right now), but it is possible that at some point in the future, I might want to extend that.

A work schedule can be applied to a single resource or group of resources. Each individual belongs to a group of resources. What I think, is that if an individual resource has a calendar of work involved, this calendar is used, but if not, it uses the calendar of its resource group, and if the group does not have one, the default schedule is used. Theoretically, each resource can have its own schedule of work, and there would be probably 500 resources to the maximum. In practice, many resources will have the same or similar work schedules.

Each calendar will be based on one of the 3 standards: all calendars days are working days, on a daily basis, but weekends are working days, or every day except weekends and holidays are working days. (Weeks begin on Sunday and Saturday and Sunday are weekends). The standard calendar would be then modified to create each unique timing as required. For example, if a resource has been used, their calendar is perhaps the standard of works not on weekends and holidays, but could also include a stay of one week in February and stay for a week in July. I'm not sure what the best approach is to define a calendar in the first place and then be able to update an employee decides to holiday (or any other situation that may affect the working days).

In addition, I really want to be able to integrate the working hours, which can vary daily, but would probably would be pretty standard. I don't know if this information is part of the work table, or as something separate to be combined with work table.

My ultimate goal in doing all this is to try to plan a project of great amongst the many resources.

Some examples of data showing where I am so far:
CREATE TABLE     work_groups
(     group_id     VARCHAR2(5)     NOT NULL
,     group_name     VARCHAR2(25)     
,     group_desc     VARCHAR2(200)
,     CONSTRAINT     work_groups_pk     PRIMARY KEY (group_id)

INSERT INTO     work_groups
VALUES     ('A','Group A','Group A description');
INSERT INTO     work_groups
VALUES     ('B','Group B','Group B description');
INSERT INTO     work_groups
VALUES     ('C','Group C','Group C description');
INSERT INTO     work_groups
VALUES     ('D','Group D','Group D description');

CREATE TABLE     resources
(     resource_id     VARCHAR2(20)     NOT NULL
,     type          VARCHAR2(1)
,     description     VARCHAR2(200)
,     group_id     VARCHAR2(5)     
,     CONSTRAINT     resources_pk     PRIMARY KEY (resource_id)
,     CONSTRAINT     group_id_fk     FOREIGN KEY (group_id)
                         REFERENCES  work_groups (group_id)

INSERT INTO     resources
VALUES     ('A001','M','text here','A');
INSERT INTO     resources
VALUES     ('A002','M','text here','A');
INSERT INTO     resources
VALUES     ('A003','M','text here','A');
INSERT INTO     resources
VALUES     ('B001','M','text here','B');
INSERT INTO     resources
VALUES     ('B002','M','text here','B');
INSERT INTO     resources
VALUES     ('C001','M','text here','C');
INSERT INTO     resources
VALUES     ('C002','M','text here','C');
INSERT INTO     resources
VALUES     ('C003','M','text here','C');
INSERT INTO     resources
VALUES     ('D001','M','text here','D');
INSERT INTO     resources
VALUES     ('12345','L','text here','A');
INSERT INTO     resources
VALUES     ('12346','L','text here','A');
INSERT INTO     resources
VALUES     ('12347','L','text here','B');
INSERT INTO     resources
VALUES     ('12348','L','text here','B');
INSERT INTO     resources
VALUES     ('12349','L','text here','C');
INSERT INTO     resources
VALUES     ('12350','L','text here','C');
INSERT INTO     resources
VALUES     ('12351','L','text here','D');
I don't know if I should have a separate table to define a relationship between a resource or resource groups and a calendar id (each resource or group would be able to assign 1 calendar unique id, although several resources/groups could share the same schedule id), or if I have to add an additional column to each table above to assign the calendar id.
CREATE TABLE     calendars
(     cal_id          NUMBER(4)     NOT NULL
,     cal_title     VARCHAR2(25)
,     cal_desc     VARCHAR2(200)
,     CONSTRAINT     calendars_pk     PRIMARY KEY (cal_id)

INSERT INTO     calendars
VALUES     (1,'Default','This is the default calendar to use for workdays');
INSERT INTO     calendars
VALUES     (2,'All Days','This calendar treats all days as workdays');
INSERT INTO     calendars
VALUES     (3,'Weekends Off','This calendar gives weekends off, but no holidays');
INSERT INTO     calendars
VALUES     (4,'Holidays Off','This calendar gives weekends and holidays off');

CREATE TABLE     workdays
(     cal_id          NUMBER(4)     NOT NULL
,     cal_date     DATE          NOT NULL
,     cal_year     NUMBER(4)
,     work_day     NUMBER(3)
,     work_date     DATE
,     work_week     NUMBER(2)
,     work_year     NUMBER(4)
,     work_days     NUMBER(5)
,     cal_days     NUMBER(6)
,     CONSTRAINT     workdays_pk     PRIMARY KEY (cal_id, cal_date)
,     CONSTRAINT     cal_id_fk     FOREIGN KEY (cal_id)
                         REFERENCES  calendars (cal_id)
cal_id - refers to the calendars table
cal_date - the date of the current calendar
cal_year - the actual year of calendar for the calendar date
work_day - work in this year of work (resets every year, starting from 1 is 0 if this calendar date is not a working day)
work_date - if a day of work, date calendar, otherwise, the date of the schedule for the last day of work (or the first week of the calendar, the next working day)
work_week - the work date work week (numbered from 1, reset each year the first Sunday of the year, before the first Sunday will be the week last year, and the first year of the calendar will be every day before the Sunday included in the first week, until the first week of a calendar may be more than 7 days)
work_year - year of the work date
work_days - day of work shop (except in the first calendar week, before the first shop day is 0), starts at 1 (initially), cumulative (does not reset each year)
calendar cal_days - day of the work date, starts at 1 (initially), cumulative (does not reset each year)

Assuming that the calendar starts on 01/01/2010 (these values are less correct - I just do my best guess to provide the sample data):
INSERT INTO     workdays
VALUES     (3, TO_DATE('01/01/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2010,0,TO_DATE('01/04/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),1,2010,0,1);
INSERT INTO     workdays
VALUES     (3, TO_DATE('01/02/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2010,0,TO_DATE('01/04/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),1,2010,0,2);
INSERT INTO     workdays
VALUES     (3, TO_DATE('01/03/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2010,0,TO_DATE('01/04/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),1,2010,0,3);
INSERT INTO     workdays
VALUES     (3, TO_DATE('01/04/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2010,1,TO_DATE('01/04/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),1,2010,1,4);
INSERT INTO     workdays
VALUES     (3, TO_DATE('01/05/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2010,2,TO_DATE('01/05/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),1,2010,2,5);
INSERT INTO     workdays
VALUES     (3, TO_DATE('12/23/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2010,250,TO_DATE('12/23/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),51,2010,250,357);
INSERT INTO     workdays
VALUES     (3, TO_DATE('12/24/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2010,0,TO_DATE('12/23/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),51,2010,250,358);
INSERT INTO     workdays
VALUES     (3, TO_DATE('01/01/2011','mm/dd/yyyy'),2011,0,TO_DATE('12/23/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),51,2010,250,366);
INSERT INTO     workdays
VALUES     (3, TO_DATE('01/02/2011','mm/dd/yyyy'),2011,0,TO_DATE('12/23/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),1,2011,250,367);
INSERT INTO     workdays
VALUES     (3, TO_DATE('01/03/2011','mm/dd/yyyy'),2011,1,TO_DATE('01/03/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),1,2011,251,368);
I tried Googling work calendars, and similar things, but I can't seem to find something that fits my situation. If someone could point me in the right direction, I would appreciate it.

I work in 10g (XE).

Published by: user11033437 on July 19, 2011 15:05

Also, I do not know if it would be better to store just somehow days, each group of resources/doesn't work and generate a schedule on the fly as needed, rather than trying to eventually store thousands of dates in the database?


Interesting problem!

I don't know exactly what you want, however. Are you are looking for a way to answer such questions "resource A001, what are the first 6 days of work or after January 4, 2010?" or "how many working days does have resource A001 between January 4 and January 12, 2010? Post a few examples of the questions that you might ask, as well as desired outcomes, given the sample data you posted.

user11033437 wrote:

I would like to create multiple calendars working and be able to update as needed. Each work schedule would be for 5 years at the most (right now), but it is possible that at some point in the future, I might want to extend that.

A work schedule can be applied to a single resource or group of resources. Each individual belongs to a group of resources.

Is a 'group resouce' identical to a 'working group '?
If a resource moves from one group to another, you need to keep track of historical information? For example, if the resource is A001 not havfe its own calendar and is part of the work_group A Juanuary 1, 2010, but then moves to work_group B July 1, 2010, you will need to answer questions like "how many days have you A001 have in 2010", where it must be remembered that the work_group has apllied calendar during the first half of the year , but work_group Schedule B has been used for the second half?

What I think, is that if an individual resource has a calendar of work involved, this calendar is used, but if not, it uses the calendar of its resource group, and if the group does not have one, the default schedule is used. Theoretically, each resource can have its own schedule of work, and there would be probably 500 resources to the maximum. In practice, many resources will have the same or similar work schedules.

Each calendar will be based on one of the 3 standards: all calendars days are working days, on a daily basis, but weekends are working days, or every day except weekends and holidays are working days. (Weeks begin on Sunday and Saturday and Sunday are weekends). The standard calendar would be then modified to create each unique timing as required. For example, if a resource has been used, their calendar is perhaps the standard of works not on weekends and holidays, but could also include a stay of one week in February and stay for a week in July. I'm not sure what the best approach is to define a calendar in the first place and then be able to update an employee decides to holiday (or any other situation that may affect the working days).

It seems that the easiest thing would be to save only the base calendar exceptions. In other words, because the employee normally respect the calendar ' no weekend or holidays ", simply enter 5 rows for that particular employee Mark 5 days of work, he will be missed in February. If the emplyoee will work Saturday in June (in addition to its regular schedule), then enter a line for each Saturday in June.

In addition, I really want to be able to integrate the working hours, which can vary daily, but would probably would be pretty standard. I don't know if this information is part of the work table, or as something separate to be combined with work table.

It depends on what you want exactly. Post a couple opf examples of questions you do not want to answer and the real answers, given the sample data that you post.

My ultimate goal in doing all this is to try to plan a project of great amongst the many resources.

Some examples of data showing where I am so far:

CREATE TABLE     work_groups
(     group_id     VARCHAR2(5)     NOT NULL
,     group_name     VARCHAR2(25)
,     group_desc     VARCHAR2(200)
,     CONSTRAINT     work_groups_pk     PRIMARY KEY (group_id)

INSERT INTO     work_groups
VALUES     ('A','Group A','Group A description');
INSERT INTO     work_groups
VALUES     ('B','Group B','Group B description');
INSERT INTO     work_groups
VALUES     ('C','Group C','Group C description');
INSERT INTO     work_groups
VALUES     ('D','Group D','Group D description');

CREATE TABLE     resources
(     resource_id     VARCHAR2(20)     NOT NULL
,     type          VARCHAR2(1)
,     description     VARCHAR2(200)
,     group_id     VARCHAR2(5)
,     CONSTRAINT     resources_pk     PRIMARY KEY (resource_id)
,     CONSTRAINT     group_id_fk     FOREIGN KEY (group_id)
                         REFERENCES  work_groups (group_id)

INSERT INTO     resources
VALUES     ('A001','M','text here','A');
INSERT INTO     resources
VALUES     ('A002','M','text here','A');
INSERT INTO     resources
VALUES     ('A003','M','text here','A');
INSERT INTO     resources
VALUES     ('B001','M','text here','B');
INSERT INTO     resources
VALUES     ('B002','M','text here','B');
INSERT INTO     resources
VALUES     ('C001','M','text here','C');
INSERT INTO     resources
VALUES     ('C002','M','text here','C');
INSERT INTO     resources
VALUES     ('C003','M','text here','C');
INSERT INTO     resources
VALUES     ('D001','M','text here','D');
INSERT INTO     resources
VALUES     ('12345','L','text here','A');
INSERT INTO     resources
VALUES     ('12346','L','text here','A');
INSERT INTO     resources
VALUES     ('12347','L','text here','B');
INSERT INTO     resources
VALUES     ('12348','L','text here','B');
INSERT INTO     resources
VALUES     ('12349','L','text here','C');
INSERT INTO     resources
VALUES     ('12350','L','text here','C');
INSERT INTO     resources
VALUES     ('12351','L','text here','D');

It seems that all lines have the same description. If the description of the issues in this problem, would not better illustrate how this is important, having different descrioptions which appeared in different outputs? However, if the description plays no role in this problem, then why include in the sample data at all?

I don't know if I should have a separate table to define a relationship between a resource or resource groups and a calendar id (each resource or group would be able to assign 1 calendar unique id, although several resources/groups could share the same schedule id), or if I have to add an additional column to each table above to assign the calendar id.

CREATE TABLE     calendars
(     cal_id          NUMBER(4)     NOT NULL
,     cal_title     VARCHAR2(25)
,     cal_desc     VARCHAR2(200)
,     CONSTRAINT     calendars_pk     PRIMARY KEY (cal_id)

INSERT INTO     calendars
VALUES     (1,'Default','This is the default calendar to use for workdays');
INSERT INTO     calendars
VALUES     (2,'All Days','This calendar treats all days as workdays');
INSERT INTO     calendars
VALUES     (3,'Weekends Off','This calendar gives weekends off, but no holidays');
INSERT INTO     calendars
VALUES     (4,'Holidays Off','This calendar gives weekends and holidays off');

What is cal_id = 1? How is it different from the other three?

CREATE TABLE     workdays
(     cal_id          NUMBER(4)     NOT NULL
,     cal_date     DATE          NOT NULL
,     cal_year     NUMBER(4)
,     work_day     NUMBER(3)
,     work_date     DATE
,     work_week     NUMBER(2)
,     work_year     NUMBER(4)
,     work_days     NUMBER(5)
,     cal_days     NUMBER(6)
,     CONSTRAINT     workdays_pk     PRIMARY KEY (cal_id, cal_date)
,     CONSTRAINT     cal_id_fk     FOREIGN KEY (cal_id)
                         REFERENCES  calendars (cal_id)

I suspect that there is a simpler way, especially if there is a regular order to types of day (e.g., people who take vacations outside normally get weekeneds, too).
You may have a table like this, that was a line a day:

(       a_date      DATE     PRIMARY KEY
,     day_type    NUMBER (1)              -- 1=Weekend, 2=Holiday, 3=Other

INSERT INTO days (a_date, day_type) VALUES (DATE '2010-01-01', 2) /* New Years Day */;
INSERT INTO days (a_date, day_type) VALUES (DATE '2010-01-02', 1) /* Saturday */;
INSERT INTO days (a_date, day_type) VALUES (DATE '2010-01-03', 1) /* Sunday */;
INSERT INTO days (a_date, day_type) VALUES (DATE '2010-01-04', 3) /* Monday - back to work */;

Another table (I'll call him work_sched) shows what resources are not working when:

CREATE TABLE  work_sched
(       p_key          NUMEBR     PRIMARY KEY     -- Arbitrary Unique ID
,     group_id         VARCHAR2 (5)          -- Exactly one of the columns group_id or ...
,     resource_id      VARCHAR2 (20)          --     ... resource_id will always be NULL
,     a_date              DATE
,     works_on     NUMBER (1)          -- works when days.day_type >= this value
,     remarks          VARCHAR2 (40)

To indicate that work_group 'L' is working normally on type 3 days only (i.e., weekends and public holidays):

INSERT INTO work_sched (group_id, a_date, works_on) VALUES ('L', NULL, 3);

(Assume that p_key is filled by a trigger).
The NULL value in the column a_date indicates that it applies to every day, unless another line in the work_sched table. Instead of NULL, mabe some date impossible (for example, January 1, 1900) would be more convenient to specify default values.
Exceptions to this schedule would be indicated by other lines in work_sched. For example, if "12345" is an employee who is on vacation for a week in February:

INSERT INTO work_sched (resource_id, a_date, works_on, remarks) VALUES ('12345', DATE '2010-02-08', 4, 'Vacation');
INSERT INTO work_sched (resource_id, a_date, works_on, remarks) VALUES ('12345', DATE '2010-02-09', 4, 'Vacation');
INSERT INTO work_sched (resource_id, a_date, works_on, remarks) VALUES ('12345', DATE '2010-02-10', 4, 'Vacation');
INSERT INTO work_sched (resource_id, a_date, works_on, remarks) VALUES ('12345', DATE '2010-02-11', 4, 'Vacation');
INSERT INTO work_sched (resource_id, a_date, works_on, remarks) VALUES ('12345', DATE '2010-02-12', 4, 'Vacation');

And if that employee works Saturday in June:

INSERT INTO work_sched (resource_id, a_date, works_on, remarks) VALUES ('12345', DATE '2010-06-05', 1, 'Fiscal year-end crunch');
INSERT INTO work_sched (resource_id, a_date, works_on, remarks) VALUES ('12345', DATE '2010-06-12', 1, 'Fiscal year-end crunch');
INSERT INTO work_sched (resource_id, a_date, works_on, remarks) VALUES ('12345', DATE '2010-06-19', 1, 'Fiscal year-end crunch');
INSERT INTO work_sched (resource_id, a_date, works_on, remarks) VALUES ('12345', DATE '2010-06-26', 1, 'Fiscal year-end crunch');

Where to find the number of days of work, we would join work_sched in days using these two conditions:

ON   work_sched.date           = days.a_date
AND  work_sched.works_on  <= days.day_type

cal_id - refers to the calendars table
cal_date - the date of the current calendar
cal_year - the actual year of calendar for the calendar date
work_day - work in this year of work (resets every year, starting from 1 is 0 if this calendar date is not a working day)
work_date - if a day of work, date calendar, otherwise, the date of the schedule for the last day of work (or the first week of the calendar, the next working day)
work_week - the work date work week (numbered from 1, reset each year the first Sunday of the year, before the first Sunday will be the week last year, and the first year of the calendar will be every day before the Sunday included in the first week, until the first week of a calendar may be more than 7 days)
work_year - year of the work date
work_days - day of work shop (except in the first calendar week, before the first shop day is 0), starts at 1 (initially), cumulative (does not reset each year)
calendar cal_days - day of the work date, starts at 1 (initially), cumulative (does not reset each year)

There is a large amount of denormalized data. in other words, you should be able to easily deduct cal_date cal_year, but sometimes it is convenient store denormalized data.

Assuming that the calendar starts on 01/01/2010 (these values are less correct - I just do my best guess to provide the sample data):

INSERT INTO     workdays
VALUES     (3, TO_DATE('01/01/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2010,0,TO_DATE('01/04/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),1,2010,0,1);
INSERT INTO     workdays
VALUES     (3, TO_DATE('01/02/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2010,0,TO_DATE('01/04/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),1,2010,0,2);
INSERT INTO     workdays
VALUES     (3, TO_DATE('01/03/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2010,0,TO_DATE('01/04/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),1,2010,0,3);
INSERT INTO     workdays
VALUES     (3, TO_DATE('01/04/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2010,1,TO_DATE('01/04/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),1,2010,1,4);
INSERT INTO     workdays
VALUES     (3, TO_DATE('01/05/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2010,2,TO_DATE('01/05/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),1,2010,2,5);
INSERT INTO     workdays
VALUES     (3, TO_DATE('12/23/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2010,250,TO_DATE('12/23/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),51,2010,250,357);
INSERT INTO     workdays
VALUES     (3, TO_DATE('12/24/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),2010,0,TO_DATE('12/23/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),51,2010,250,358);
INSERT INTO     workdays
VALUES     (3, TO_DATE('01/01/2011','mm/dd/yyyy'),2011,0,TO_DATE('12/23/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),51,2010,250,366);
INSERT INTO     workdays
VALUES     (3, TO_DATE('01/02/2011','mm/dd/yyyy'),2011,0,TO_DATE('12/23/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),1,2011,250,367);
INSERT INTO     workdays
VALUES     (3, TO_DATE('01/03/2011','mm/dd/yyyy'),2011,1,TO_DATE('01/03/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'),1,2011,251,368);

I tried Googling work calendars, and similar things, but I can't seem to find something that fits my situation. If someone could point me in the right direction, I would appreciate it.

I work in 10g (XE).

Published by: user11033437 on July 19, 2011 15:05

Also, I do not know if it would be better to store just somehow days, each group of resources/doesn't work and generate a schedule on the fly as needed, rather than trying to eventually store thousands of dates in the database?

That's what I thought, too.

Post some sample data (if it is not what you have already posted), some examples of questions and the right answers you want from each question given that the sample data.

Tags: Database

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    -rw - 1 root root 701 13 Dec 15:24 contents.xml.sig

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    esxupdate [-c FILE] [-HA] [OPTIONS] d < depotURL > [b < IDPack > [< packageID2 >... b]] scan

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    esxupdate [-c FILE] [-HA] query [OPTIONS]


    -c. options FILE of FILE loading

    -a,-HA enable the agent host API

    d, - deposit-url URL A http:, ftp:, or file: URL to a folder containing packages

    b ID Install / scan against package ID.

    f,--force force the installation of a package

    PEI, - http-proxy HOST: PORT Proxy to use for HTTP transfer

    -l, - location of record for the host host-locker DIR

    -s,-file data for the FILE Package package-db

    -i, - inst-helper FILE path to install the script for assistance

    o, - output log file log to a FILE

    N, - nosigcheck does not check the signatures of the deposit files

    O, - working offline in offline mode

    WHAT IS MY CORRECT SYNTAX to: 'Scan', 'Info' and 'install '?

    Looks like you are using esx 3i, now also called esxi. This update is for normal ESX 3.5.


  • 0xc8000247 windows update does not work.

    Already tried many. found a FIX via http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2470478 , it looked like my problem. but did not work


    • Error in the hard drive of December 2010. HD has replaced by one with a higher capacity. After that, in Outlook to index/search does not work and updates did not work.
    • SFC Scannow etc. not helped me through.
    • that I found the fix that is described essentially my problem. but stil come with windows error 0xc8000247 is not able to install.
    • I have professional vista running under a legal version on my dell vostro 1720

    Help, please!

    Hi Otto Willemsen,.

    Method 1:

    You can read the following article and try to reset the Windows Update components and check.

    How to reset the Windows Update components?


    Method 2:

    If you still experience the problem, then you should check if an upgrade in Place of the operating system can help you solve the problem. Upgrade on the spot is a repair of the operating system installation. You can perform the upgrade on the spot if you have disks of Windows Vista retail.

    Note: Run a repair installation will not damage files and applications that are currently installed on your computer. However, before you perform an Inplace upgrade, you can take a backup of important data. In case of a worst case scenario, you may have to reinstall all the programs. Make sure that you back up personal data to disks or other external storage devices before performing an upgrade on the spot.

    For more information, please see the link:

    How to perform an upgrade on the spot on Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 & Windows Server 2008 R2

    After the Inplace upgrade, you must activate your copy of Windows Vista.

    For more information, see the following article:

    How to activate Windows Vista?

    Hope this information is useful.

  • CS5 update does not work?

    just reinstalled photoshop cs5 and update does not work?

    Try to manually download updates

    Adobe - Photoshop: For Windows

    Adobe - Photoshop: For Macintosh

  • Filling of updated by and the last Date of update in Wizard generated shape tab



    I have a wizard generated shape tab and I have to fill two columns last updated by and last Date of update.

    I have a horrible time to do something which should be easy enough.

    I created a page process:




    UPDATE high_level_estimate

    SET last_updated_date = SYSDATE

    , last_updated_by =: APP_USER

    WHERE high_level_estimate_id = APEX_APPLICATION.g_f03 (i);



    But the columns are not updated.

    The primary key column and the primary key column appears in do not appear that's why I think the columns are not updated.

    So when a new row is added or an existing row is updated when the user clicks on the button submit these two columns need to be updated.

    Can someone help me get this to work?

    Can what information I provide?

    Thank you



    Wow! Thanks for checking back!

    I had finally it works. Sorry I didn't update the post.

    I used the trigger approach, although I do not like but it is.

    What I did try to find out which of these two areas were the origin of the problem. So said the two fields in the query and ran the page and update the page and there is no error of course since I commented on the columns.

    Then I've uncommented a column, repeated updates, and worked, and this column has been updated.

    I uncommented the other column, repeated that updates and work again and again update the two columns.

    I have NO IDEA why. Somehow something has been corrupted, and comment and uncomment the columns set.

    I have no change to relax during this process. The relaxation I posted earlier is the same code.

    Thank you very much for your help Jen!

    Thank you


  • Compare multiple columns and update a column based on the comparison

    Hi all

    I have to update the column STATUS of the slot structure of the table.

    Status should be 'P' if all the columns count are equal on the other should be "F".

    The value of the column can be "NA'. If the value is NA, then avoid this comparison column; compare only other 3 columns.

    My output should look like below.

    State of cnt1, cnt2 cnt3 ID cnt4

    1   4       4       4     4       P

    2   4       5       4     4       F

    3 4 4 NA 4 P

    NA 4 4 3 4

    I tried with the statemnt with BOX WHEN conditions and DECODE UPDATE, but could not succeed, can someone please help

    To do this, if you use my statement in response #11 box (Re: Re: comparison of multi-column and update a column based on the comparison of)

  • What is the best compatible microSD and the maximum capacity for a Tablet android Iconia 10 One?

    Could someone tell me what is the best compatible microSD and the maximum capacity for a Tablet android Iconia 10 One?

    Two possibilities: perhaps the message is that your actual RAM is low, which means that you are trying to run applications too at the same time. Closing some should help a lot. The other is more likely, and that is the internal memory which is running low. There is a lot that can be done to help that, but it is especially dependent on what is causing the space to fill. If this is a case of too many installed applications (when applications are installed by default, they are going to the internal storage, the SD card is generally used only for data), one or more of the app that fills with things very with log files or personal always data in memory instead of on the DD of the.

    Check first for the last. Make sure that your photos, videos and music are all on the SD card. If you find tham in the internal memory, move them. Make sure you say the applications that use where is the new location.

    Then find the application specific data when it shouldn't be. Many file managers will do for you, you are looking for by flying over or logfiles extra-large. Parameters; Applications; Application Manager (or similar, names depend a bit on OS version) should allow you to look at each application data and cache. Those compensation where appropriate will free up the space.

    Finally, look at the applications that you have downloaded. Are there any that you do not use? If so, uninstall them. Note that the system and preloaded apps in general cannot be uninstalled, but you can often remove updates and then disable them in order to free some space.

    Storage on a device Android always tends toward the back of his head and gets the older unit the problem seems to be. If I were a type of plot I would suggest that Google is encouraged to keep buying us new machines every two years... None.

  • The Microsoft/Windows Update errors and updates failed.

    I just had to make YET ANOTHER Destructive full restore my win Vista PC, regular and continuous errors and problems caused by who knows what and the fact that the system restore never worked once in 10 years of friggin! My PC tries to run Win' Vista (SP2) and all the new updates that are applied after SP2. I also run Norton Internet Security (fully updated). I would like to re - install Office 2007 again once more, but I'm reluctant to until I get an answer to the following problem, because whenever I have re-installed Office 2007 I get Office update errors as well. I do not yet have enough away with this recovery to even think about re - install "other apps" again. My problem is that a heck of a lot more than several updates that were 'available' over time since I bought this pc (which didn't even have SP1 on it when I bought it new), do not have more than several times. Finally, it seems that these updates failed stop appearing as 'available '. Currently failed updates are: IMPORTANT: KB974468; KB2729449; KB2742595; RECOMMENDED: Windows Live Essentails 2001. OPTIONAL: Bing Office 1.3.1. also failed (the current version is 1.3.3...).

    My concern about all these multiple failed updates is that if these updates ARE important, whereas they should, and at the very least, not failed to install the first time which must be installed with success the next time. There are at least 40 + other these updates on my pc (of all types) who failed the first time, but succeeded (according to Windows Update), the second time. After doing a search and try to install these updates above manually from the Microsoft Download Center, I got a response that these updates "are not" or "are blocked by another condition on my computer. What 'State' is probably I wonder? Makes me think anyone or whatever decide an update IS important for a particular system is wrong either (and the update is NOT important at all) and so it does not yet appear in the list of "update available", or it IS important and there is another unknown or error "NO that does NOT exist. preventing the update to be applied. I say no because maybe this unknown error also cites a number of error that is not found by the completely useless online "windows help and support!

    If an update is NOT or is no LONGER available, then why hell is he always recommended! ??? In all cases, "Windows Live Essentials 2011" settles, and looking for 'help' by selecting "get help with this error" I am taken to the "windows help and support" line (which doesn't help at all). That's because this 'aid' shows only 26 'results' and NONE of them include error numbers (800706... and two instances of 66A) city. ANY help will be VERY much appreciated (epecially on the part of MVP, who have been a great help in the past) cordially Andy Bob :) :) :) :)

    Let's start from the beginning.

    Lets first see what happened with your drive.

    Start - All Programs - Accessories - right on command prompt and choose run as administrator. Type (or copy and paste by clicking in the command prompt window and choose Paste).
    change c:\bootex.log
    What is this file exist with something in it?
    The following commands query the event logs.
    To start verification by using the name of the source for any version of Windows (because it varies).
    WMIC /append:"%userprofile%\desktop\DiskEvents.html" PATH Win32_NTLogEvent where (sourcename = "Autocheck" or sourcename = 'Winlogon' or sourcename = "WinInit") get format:HForm
    To run chkdsk in Windows.
    WMIC /append:"%userprofile%\desktop\DiskEvents.html" PATH Win32_NTLogEvent where (sourcename = "Chkdsk") to / format: HForm
    For warnings about disk problems detected during normal operations and automatic repairs by Windows at the time where the problems were discovered.
    WMIC /append:"%userprofile%\desktop\DiskEvents.html" PATH Win32_NTLogEvent where (sourcename = "NTFS" or Sourcename = 'Disc') to / format: HForm
    Then to view the created file.
    Start "" "% userprofile%\desktop\DiskEvents.html"

    Copy and paste it here. Again run the commands again after doing the below.

    Then to test the equipment.

    Standard hardware troubleshooting
    First to test we can the material. Material defects can appear as many software defects, that's why we need to test the material first...

    Follow these steps in order. Defects of memory can cause disk corruption, disk failures can cause corruption of the disk. Damaged disc causes corrupted files (which SFC may be able to fix). If you get a stop error and after return. Do not run chkdsk with faulty memory.

    Diagnosis of memory
    If you have not run a diagnosis of memory, please do. Click on Start - Control Panel - choose Classic view in the left pane - choose Administrative Tools - then memory diagnostic tool.

    Start - All Programs - Accessories - right on command prompt and choose run as administrator. Type (or copy and paste by clicking in the command prompt window and choose Paste).
    Disk in Windows drives monitor for impending failure. The function is called S.M.A.R.T. It detects an imminent failure, 30% of the time. In a type elevated command prompt (it's a single line)
    WMIC PATH MSStorageDriver_FailurePredictStatus /namespace:\\root\wmi get active, predictfailure, reason List
    If it is on will be true, otherwise on enable in the BIOS of the computer.
    Predict the failure must be False if everything is ok.
    In Vista and later if SMART failure predicted Windows prompts the user to run the backup.
    Run chkdsk
    In computer all your drives right click and choose Properties, then the Tools tab, and then click check now. Check the TWO boxes and then start. Reset. This will take from one day to the next.

    Check the alteration of the file by clicking on Start - All Programs - Accessories - right on command prompt and choose run as administrator. Type (or copy and paste by clicking in the command prompt window and choose Paste).
    Heat can lead to problems of this kind, and sudden restarts without crashing. Make sure that your fans are not clogged with dust.
    For memory diagnostic results
    Click on Start - Control Panel (and select Classic view in the left pane), select Administrative Tools and then Event Viewer , and then look in the event (Local) - Applications and Services - Microsoft - Windows - MemoryDiagnostic-results Viewer entered.
    Look for EventID is 1201 or 1101 and Source is MemoryDiagnostic-results

    Double-click the entry for more details on this entry.

    For results of Chkdsk
    You can ignore this if you performed the first series of commands again.

    Click on Start - Control Panel (and select Classic view in the left pane) choose Administrative Tools and then Event Viewer , and then look at the Application and the System will connect (under Windows logs) for entries.
    Look for EventID is 7 and Source disk
    Look for EventID is 11 and the Source disk
    Look for EventID is 50 , and the Source is disk
    Look for EventID is 51 and Source disk
    Look for EventID is 52 and Source disk

    Look for EventID 55 and Source is NTFS
    Look for EventID is 130 and Source is NTFS
    Look for EventID is 134 and Source is NTFS
    Look for EventID is 137 and Source is NTFS
    Look for EventID 1001 and Source is Autochk
    Look for EventID 1001 and Source is Winlogon
    Look for EventID 1001 and Source is WinInit
    Look for EventID 1001 and Source is Chkdsk
    Look for EventID is 26212 and Source is Chkdsk
    Look for EventID 26213 and Source is Chkdsk

    Look for EventID 26214 and Source is Chkdsk
    Double-click the entry for more details on this entry.
    PS 7 and 55 are auto repair codes where windows repair disk errors silently on the fly. 52 is the SMART warning.
    If the results are transferred to the startup time events logs chkdsk, then the results are probably in the following file c:\Bootex.log. This file is removed when the results are placed in the event logs.

    For the results of the SFC
    Start - All Programs - Accessories - right on command prompt and choose run as administrator. Type (or copy and paste by clicking in the command prompt window and choose Paste).
    findstr/c: "[SR] cannot" %windir%\logs\cbs\cbs.log|more "
    It will be able to see which files are corrupted.
    To see if there
    findstr/c: "[SR] repair" %windir%\logs\cbs\cbs.log|more

    There are often false positives for small text files that Windows uses like settings.ini and desktop.ini. Ignore these.
    You say that you have had continuous problems. But if you want to jump the gun to fire a bit.

    More details about the error

    To decode 0 x 80070002. X 0 means that it is a hexadecimal number, 8 , error, the first 7 means it a windows error and the rest of Eastern 2, the number, the Windows error.
    To search for the error message we need to decimal format. Start the Calculator (Start - All Programs - Accessories - calculator) and choose the menu display - scientific, then the menu display - Hex. Enter 2 Menu display - decimal. It will say 2.
    Start an command prompt (Start - All Programs - Accessories - command prompt) and type
    net helpmsg 2
    and it will say
    The system cannot find the specified file.
    Use Notepad to search for FATAL and and the specific error code (for example, 80070002) in C:\Windows\Windowsupdate.log.
    Windows errors (smallish numbers) and COM HRESULT values (in general, but with exceptions, start with an 8 as 0 x 80040154) are defined in WinError.h, except 8007nnnn where you are looking for the error Window number it contains.
    As a general rule, Windows errors are less than 65 535 (0xFFFF). Errors from 0 x 80000001 are HResults Component Object Model (COM). Errors from 0 xC0000001 NTStatus results.
    NTStatus errors (usually, but not always to start with a C as 0xC0000022) are defined in NTStatus.h.
    the .h files are the best source because it includes the symbolic name of the error that can give clues such as the source of the error
    . FormatMessage does not have the symbolic name as the description.
    You get these files by downloading the kit of Development Platform (that's gigabytes)
    If you just want the two files I have them on my skydrive so I can reference anywhere I want.


    Run Microsoft Fixit

    Microsoft has a range of automatic programs to solve common problems. To see Windows Update problems


    For the visit of the list the most comprehensive


    When you choose to download, choose the option to run on another computer. You can then save it to a folder on your hard drive. Open the folder, open the folder fix this laptop and run Run Fix It. It will contain all 27 FixIt.

    Which helps with Windows Update.

    The system update tool

    Also run the system update readiness tool

    For 32-bit Windows


    For 64-bit Windows


    To view the results click on start - all programs - accessories - right click on command prompt and choose Run as administrator. Type (or copy the below line and a line empty below and right click in the command prompt window and choose Paste).

    Notepad %SYSTEMROOT%\Logs\CBS\CheckSUR.log

    Repair and defragment the database

    Start - All Programs - Accessories - right on command prompt and choose run as administrator. Type (or copy and paste by clicking in the command prompt window and choose Paste).

    Esentutl.exe /p c:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\DataStore\DataStore.edb

    Esentutl.exe /d c:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\DataStore\DataStore.edb


    Each of the three towers of programs, services, and drivers in increasing amounts. So restrict the possible culprits.

    Clean boot

    Click Start - all programs - Accessories - run and type
    Then go to the Startup tab uncheck everything. Then go to the Services tab check hide all Microsoft Services and uncheck everything that is left.

    Reset. If this resolves your wake problem ½ of services / of startup items until you find that one.

    Tip clean boot

    If the above does not help.

    Download Autoruns http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb963902.aspx

    Start the program by right-clicking and choosing run as administrator and click on the menu Options - Filter Options and check hide Microsoft entries and disable include the empty slots. Uncheck the box just to the left.

    Reset. If this resolves your wake problem half of the items until you find the one that.

    Safe mode

    If the above does not help. Windows Update does not work in safe mode.

    Use safe mode with Networking if you need internet access.

    Click Start - all programs - Accessories - run and type
    Go to the Startup tab, and then click Start secure (also check network if necessary). Reset. Come back here and uncheck the box secure start to return to normal mode.
    If your computer has a single operating system installed, repeatedly press the F8 key as your computer restarts. You need to press F8 before the Windows logo appears. If the Windows logo appears, you need to try again. [Correction to start - Help and Support]


    Determine the Version of Windows Installer

    Windows Vista comes with version 4. Version 4.5 is available for download. To determine the version,

    Click Start - All Programs - Accessories - right on command prompt and choose run as administrator. Type


    If you have Version 4.5 try reinstalling from


    If you have Version 4 continue with the other steps below.

    Reregister Windows install

    That you re-register Windows Installer.

    Click Start - all programs - Accessories - right click on command prompt and choose run as administrator. Type

    regsvr32 c:\Windows\System32\msi.dll
    regsvr32 c:\Windows\System32\msihnd.dll
    regsvr32 c:\Windows\System32\msimtf.dll
    regsvr32 c:\Windows\System32\msisip.dll



    Microsoft has a range of automatic programs to solve common problems. To see Windows Installer problems


    For the visit of the list the most comprehensive


    When you choose to download, choose the option to run on another computer. You can then save it to a folder on your hard drive. Open the folder, open the folder fix this laptop and run Run Fix It. It will contain all 27 FixIt.


    Reinstall the Services registry entries

    Download MsiServer_Vista_32.reg from https://skydrive.live.com/redir?resid=E2F0CE17A268A4FA 121

    Click Start - All Programs - Accessories - right on command prompt and choose run as administrator. Type Regedit menu and file - import , import the MsiServer_Vista_32.reg.

    Restart the Service and dependent services

    Click Start - All Programs - Accessories - right on command prompt and choose run as administrator.
    SC start DCOMLaunch
    SC start RpcSs
    Start msiserver sc config = request
    SC start msiserver
  • Can I change amortization and distribute the calendar in the window controls of book?

    Hi all

    I use the FA module.
    I tried to find it on the documentation, but I found it. I need to know if I can change the depreciation and distribute the calendar on the book controls window?
    If it is possible to change this information, please tell me how I can do this, or if there is any option to profile for this purpose.

    Thank you and best regards

    Impossible to change depreciation and distribute the calendar at the level of the book, in this way is not taken in charge and I think that a hard-coded update does not work.
    If you change these, you must put in place a new asset book and migrate existing data in this book

  • sharing multiple calendars?

    I've implemented several calendars, thinking they were all a calendar with multiple events or categories.

    Now, I want to share them.  Is there a way to share them at the same time, or should I share each separately, in which case it would receive 7 different invitations she would have to accept?

    If you have created multiple calendars there is 2 things you can do. You can share each of them separately or move all the events in a calendar and share it on its own.

  • Add ons said display Adobe Flash Player RealNetworks (tm) RealDownloader PepperFlashVideoShim plugin out date even after I have download and update. It s

    I have the version Adobe Flash Player RealNetworks (tm) RealDownloader plugin PepperFlashVideoShim., which is obsolete. I click "update now" and go through the process installation, but after that it says always "obsolete" and "update now".

    Also have Adobe Flash Player Shockwave Flash 18.0 r0, which was recently updated.

    Should I just delete the RealDownloader?

    Thank you.

    Pepper plugins are not used by Firefox.

    This API is for Chrome and Opera browsers, and it should not even appear in a list of Firefox Plugins or the Manager of the Addons > Plugins. It is a 'fault' or a Bug in the installer and must be fixed by Real Networks. My advice is to just ignore it.

    Now, if you see this message here - http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/plugincheck/ - can provide you with a screenshot of what you're watching?
    He could help us if or when that happens in the future.

    See this support article.
    How to make a screenshot of my problem?
    It is best to use a type of compressed as PNG or JPG image to save the screenshot and make sure you do not exceed a maximum file size of 1 MB.

    Then use the button Browse... below the text message response area to download the screenshot.

    This Plugin Check page was performed on all browsers of 'service', but has recently Mozilla Firefox only and they cannot switch off analysis for API extensions for other non - Mozilla of. IOW, do not allow a person who uses IE to use the Web page (as I just experienced when I used IE here), but the scan stiil looking for ActiveX and pepper API 'plugins' in the registry?
    Perhaps "other browsers" are disabled temporarily because of the recent eruption of updates Flash and Mozilla blocking the exploited, older versions of Flash, and once things return to normal on this page loads they intend to allow "other browsers" to access this page?

  • I have to ios9.3.3 a 6s and updated iPhone and cannot retrieve old messages

    I have a 6 s iphone and updated to 9.3.3 iOS and now cannot retrieve old messages. I receive mail. I have not updated my ipad and can't receive old emails on this bequest is

    It is a POP email account? Have you set up things so that the device stores messages on the server for a certain period or until you remove them? If this isn't the case, message may have been deleted once delivered, so cannot be delivered again. See get help if you have any questions using a POP with multiple devices - Apple Support email account.


  • Wake up the Qosmio F50 - 10G system mode 'sleep' and boots account locked window

    Why when the laptop is put to sleep and left for a while, flashing light and stops when you press the power button / laptop will wake up showing the BIOS screen then boots in the window account locked?

    Why I get this is event viewer? Source ACPI
    The embedded controller (EC) data returned when none was requested.
    The BIOS may try to access the European Community without synchronization with the operating system.
    These data will be ignored. No further action is necessary; However, you should check with the manufacturer of your computer for an updated BIOS.

    When Windows 7 starts, the icons on the desktop, menu start and records are white then start then normal fill when seen once again, any reason why?

    I used Windows 7 drivers.

    Thank you

    Hey mate,

    I have too many Qosmio F50 and you can change the option if, after hibernate or stand-by the account should be locked or not. As far as I know that this can be changed in power management.

    About this window of Event Viewer, I never heard talk about this and my Qosmio F50 works fairly well with Windows 7. You have installed all the drivers for it? You have yellow exclamation marks in Device Manager?

    I also used Windows 7 drivers, but did you download from the Toshiba page? These drivers are pre-tested and normally should work pretty well.

  • Drag point MCLB and update a particular cell of an another MCLB

    I am a very new LabVIEW Developer who has worked on a feature to implement the ability to move an element from one MCLB to another and update a particular cell (depending on where you drag the element) with the information contained in the trail. I was able to get a very gross put solution implemented and it illustrates my problem and the solution very well.

    I was unable to find any other way to do it, if it causes a question now to continue adding features for drag and drop interactions. As an example would be eager to reorganize the data of one of the MCLB.

    There are some problems with this implementation, if it works apparently to provide drag I want. However, it must be a better way to do it by programming, should not rely on "hard-coded" values

    Hi nsecrist,

    the structure of your event with the events dragging blocks an original feature of MCLB to move and copy lines. Please find attached the modification of your code. I used the double click event to slide instead of the event and the value stored in the string 'element '. If you double-click MCLB, the value of the cell to copy to 'element' and if you double click with the 'Shift' key, value of 'element' copy to the cell of MCLB. I know that's not as simple as drag and drop, but I hope this helps you.

    Best regards


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