TB has worked fine until yesterday when I needed to send a message to more than 100. I divided the AddressBook into pieces and sent about 50 when TT502 came.

I use TB 31.7.0, PC Windows 7. Had no problems until now. I divided the 100 addresses in groups of about 20 and sent to 3 groups. The 4th was wrong and I got the message: "too many recipients, TT502. I cut down the number of addresses, but the proble

Thunderbird no longer works after installing security update

After installing 24.4.0 Thunderbird security update (20140316131045) cannot retrieve or send messages of any of my e-mail servers. There is no error message. I can see new messages through webmail.Is it possible to uninstall this security update?

Another installation is in progress; You must complete this setup before it--NO other installation IS in progress and using Windows 8.

Some plug-ins must be updated. When I click on "update now" and download the update, I get a message "another installation is in progress. You must complete that installation before continuing this one. "I use Windows 8. There is NOTHING else being d

Problem in configuring IP address in the target of RT PC desktop

Hello I use PC industrial (IMB Q670 R21) than my goal of RT. It has two ethernet ports, which is compatible with LabVIEW RT. I created the USB Utility with LabVIEW 2012 and formatted HARD disk drive. The PC boots into safe mode, but the IP settings a

given to zero meter when = 0

Hi guys I need to restart the counter to 0 when is = to 10 (only the first time that she starts between-1 as in the shift register), I tried with a case structure, but I failed, please help me! 9.0 LB Thank you all

Display resolution in Safe Mode and its registry settings

How can I find and change settings to the registry display resolution? And also is it possible to change the display mode without failure resolution?

LaserJet m127fn

bought 3 days ago. I installed it with a lan cable to a router as a network printer. The printer works fine and printing connect 2 computers. I tried to connect to web services according to the instructions, activated on To start with the c

Attempt to repair loop

My 2000 series laptop is stuck on a loop of tempting repairs. What should I do?

Convert a laptop with windows xp home edition in Turkish in English?

I bought a samsung np-nc10 netbook in Turkey while he's on vacation in September 09 to access my desktop and need to change the operating system in English, now that I'm back in the States.  It came with windows xp edition em ulcpc in Turkish family.

MBSA version 2.2 test reports can be due to the error of WF 0x00000001.__WHAT IS CAUSE/HOW to FIX?

I am running Vista Home Edition, worm 6.0.6002, sp 2 build 6002.  MSBA run the same system. IT IS IE 8.0 MSBA ver 2.2 (2.2.2170.0) Thank you!!!

Printer will not connect to color cartridge

I have a HP Deskjet F4235 all-in-one and it says that the ink cartridge has a problem. I just printed on it a few minutes ago and it is a new cartridge. It printed in color, but he had horizontal bars of colour in the pictures. I took out the cartrid

number of dll files is corrupt... How can I fix tham

There are 37 warnings etc. in my conf site... all are listed as .dll errors and I'm not able to get responses from any6 still thank you how repair, remove and replace mike thank you etc.

Printing a PDF in Windows Mail

I can't print a PDF from Windows Mail without first save and then find and print.  Is there a setting I can change to fix this?  I am running Windows Vista on my computer and I have Internet Explorer 9.

I get a certificate warning expired only on one of my computers before going on a Web site

Can someone help me with this problem.  I go to the site even on other computers right newspaper with without giving computer only problem me certificate expired message warning Web site.

Video recording with RCA inputs

I have a HP m8300f, who has connections audio/video composite (RCA - yellow, white, red) to the front panel. I hooked up a video camera using RCA cables, but now I can not know what my Windows Vista setup software which will allow me to capture/recor

Vista's Movie Maker requires a codec

I just did a film completed and saved as a file "MSWMM.I then tried to recall it in Movie Maker to make a few changes and it says I need a codec. Anyone can help to the "where can I find an and what's his name?

use 64-bit for what is faster our pc or games? using 64-bit 4 GB ddr3 ram can I fast performance or using 32-bit 4 GB ddr3 ram also gives the same speed?

Hello! I am a bigger fan of microsoft and want to work with you all but my age is not perfect for working with you all, so, for now I just know every thing about windows... (1) use 64-bit 4 GB ddr3 ram me gives better performance than 32-bit... (2) i

SecEvent newspaper missing file - access denied error (5) through the event viewer

After you save and clear logs (more precisely the security log file), I stop the PC.  It is started the next time, I went to read the log through the event viewer, I encountered this error: could not open the event to the event log viewer or custom v

Highway 2013

I have been using Highway 2006 for a while and have a large number of registered cards.  I just upgraded to motorway 2013 and find that my old maps are currently incompatible.  Is it possible to convert my cards to the new format?  Thank you.