a loop on a select statement

I'm doing a loop on a select statement, I give as input to select a string with a list of numbers, separated by "," (I call it projectIdList)
but in the loop it iterates only on the first element
for example, if I give a string 1,2,3,4,5
just 1 iteration happen

Here's the head

I'm in (select substr (the_string, decode (level, 1, 1, instr(the_string,',',1,level-1) + 1), decode (instr(the_string,',',1,level), 0, length (the_string), instr(the_string,',',1,level) - decode (level, 1, 0, instr(the_string,',',1,level-1))-1)) (select projectIdList from double the_string) ProjectID connect by level < length (replace (translate (the_string,'01234567890 ', ' 00000000000') '0')) + 2) loop

does anyone have an ideal?


I don't have a version 9i database to test on (as he has not supported), but I think it works on 9i if you wrap the link by select in another selection...

SQL> ed
Wrote file afiedt.buf

  1  declare
  2    v_projectlist varchar2(100) := '2,8,5,4'; -- This is my "parameter"
  3    cursor cur_v is
  4      select projectID
  5      from (
  6        select substr(the_string, decode(level, 1, 1, instr(the_string,',',1,level-1)+1),
  7                                  decode( instr(the_string,',',1,level), 0, length(the_string), instr(the_string,',',1,level)
  8                                - decode( level, 1, 0, instr(the_string,',',1,level-1))-1) ) ProjectID
  9        from (select v_projectlist the_string from dual )
 10        connect by level < length(replace(translate(the_string,'01234567890','00000000000'),'0')) + 2
 11        );
 12  begin
 13    for i in cur_v
 14    loop
 15      dbms_output.put_line('Row: '||cur_v%ROWCOUNT||' - Value: '||i.ProjectID);
 16    end loop;
 17* end;
SQL> /
Row: 1 - Value: 2
Row: 2 - Value: 8
Row: 3 - Value: 5
Row: 4 - Value: 4

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


Just give it a go.

Tags: Database

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    I'm sorry, I made a mistake

    cursor xbtable is select * from user_tables where table_name like 'XX_ % ';
    String VARCHAR2 (200);
    for everything in the loop of xbtable
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    end loop;


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    You can use code below

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    Look at this thread
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    Kind regards

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    I thought about PL/SQL loop. But no matter what example with timekeeping.

    I don't care?

    Thank you and best regards.


    As John said, you can use DBMS_SCHEDULER for this. That being said, you just can't run a query and do nothing with its result. You must do something with it.

    Here is an example showing how to create a task that runs every minute for a total of 30 min


    DBMS_SCHEDULER. Create_Job (job_name-online 'MY_JOB',

    job_type-online "PLSQL_BLOCK."

    job_action => ' DECLARE val1 number; val2 number; BEGIN SELECT 1, 2 INTO val1, val2 FROM DUAL; END;',

    start_date => SYSDATE,

    End_date => SYSDATE + 30 /(24*60),

    repeat_interval => ' FREQ = MINUTELY ",

    auto_drop => TRUE,

    enabled-TRUE online




    It will start immediately and end 30 minutes later (it will be automatically abandoned). As you can see, the result of the query is placed in the variables. Thus, this work is useless.

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    Best regards

    Klaus Mogensen

      c       number;
      d       number;
      col_cnt integer;
      rec_tab dbms_sql.desc_tab;
      col_num number;
      c := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
      dbms_sql.parse(c, 'select dummy, 33 x, sysdate now from dual', dbms_sql.native);
      dbms_sql.describe_columns(c, col_cnt, rec_tab);
      col_num := rec_tab.first;
      while col_num is not null
        dbms_output.put_line( rec_tab(col_num).col_name || ' ' ||
                              case rec_tab(col_num).col_type
                                when 1 then 'varchar2'
                                when 2 then 'number'
                                when 12 then 'date'
                                else '???? ' || rec_tab(col_num).col_type
        col_num := rec_tab.next(col_num);
      end loop;
    DUMMY varchar2
    X number
    NOW date
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    A possibility I thought at was to use a REF CURSOR. The following example works but binds me to a specific table (in the example of the "customers" table). However, I need the ability to specify arbitrary tables in the select statement parameter.
      TYPE my_cur IS REF CURSOR;
      query_cursor my_cur;
      OPEN query_cursor FOR 'SELECT * FROM customers';
        record_type customers%ROWTYPE;
            FETCH query_cursor INTO record_type;
            EXIT WHEN query_cursor%NOTFOUND;
            DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('some output ... ');
         END LOOP;
      CLOSE query_cursor;
    My idea was to modify this example to work in the following code, but it does not work (I get a compile error):
      TYPE my_cur IS REF CURSOR;
      query_cursor my_cur;
      OPEN query_cursor FOR 'SELECT * FROM customers';
        record_type query_cursor%ROWTYPE;
            FETCH query_cursor INTO record_type;
            EXIT WHEN query_cursor%NOTFOUND;
            DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('some output ... ');
         END LOOP;
      CLOSE query_cursor;
    Does anyone has an idea how can I solve my problem?

    Thank you very much!
    (I'm using Oracle 11 g)

    This can help.
    Re: Dynamic Extraction on dynamic Sql

  • to find the number of records retrieved in the select statement in the cursor

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    with the cursor, I'm selecting select statement together and writing in the .txt file.
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    pls help me.

    Thank you...

    Don't understand what you're trying to say, but maybe it's...

       vCounter NUMBER;
       -- Other variables...
       FOR .. IN cursor LOOP
        IF vCounter=0 THEN
          -- Here open file...
          -- Here write one time data...
        END IF;
        -- Here write cursor data...
       END LOOP;


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    For example, try something like the following:

    TYPE t_record () IS RENDERING
    ID TABLEA.ID%type,
    NO TABLEA.NO%type

    v_record t_record;
    T_table TYPE IS the v_record TABLE % TYPE;
    v_table t_table;

    -Code to fill the values of v_table here.

    SELECT ID, NO, COLLECT in BULK IN < some other table variabes here > FROM TABLEA
    WHERE ID IN (i) v_table USER.USER;

    I want to know how to use the Type of Oracle Table values in the Select statement.

    Something like this:

    create or replace type t_record as  object (
    id number,
    no number
    CREATE or replace type t_table AS TABLE OF t_record;
    set serveroutput on
      v_table t_table := t_table();
      v_t1 t_table := t_table();
      v_table(1).ID := 1;
      v_table(1).No := 10;
      v_table(2).ID := 2;
      v_table(2).ID := 20;
      SELEC t_record (ID,NO) BULK COLLECT INTO v_t1
      from TableA
      WHERE ID IN (select t.ID from table(v_Table) t);
      for i in 1..v_t1.count loop
      end loop;

    No test!


    Published by: bluefrog on March 5, 2010 17:08

  • Details by e-mail to the people found in the select statement


    I managed to send me an e-mail to test base for the first time.

    However, I now require a method to be found via a SQL select with their information only email people.

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    Fred.Bloggs request2 details
    Fred.Bloggs request4 details
    Jim.Blair request3 details

    I should concatenate the field IE @company.com


    [email protected] receiving an email
    "request2 details" completed
    "request4 details" completed


    [email protected] receiving an email
    "Details of the request3" completed

    I need help for the loop enter the full e-mail address of each person, and then send them only their data.

    Thanks in advance for your help.

    Wire UPDATE with news (previously the report erroneously) select sql statement

    your Reported

    Published by: user11962502 on December 1st, 2009 01:56

    Published by: user11962502 on December 1st, 2009 02:02

    I don't have easy access to an Oracle instance to check it works and get the syntax right right right now but my first reaction would be to use a combination of rpad() and width as the column to be constant. This can be a you hard-code (IE, if you know what type of query will always say less than 8 characters) or ideally, first select the maximum length of the table:

    SELECT MAX(LENGTH(request)) + 3  INTO l_max_length FROM my_table WHERE clauses;
    /*Added the three to give a bit of extra space - modify to suit your needs*/

    Then when you are out of the field, do something like:

    message:=message || rpad(i.request,l_max_length - LENGTH(i.request));

    This will ensure that everything is aligned. Of course, it only works if the email is sent in plain text and that the user is using a font to width fixed to read emails in plain text. Most people do, but do not count on it.
    As before, the other option is to use an HTML table, however HTML emails are not very nice - try to stick with the plaintext if possible! :)

  • How to store the output of a statement select * statement in a file?

    How to store the output of a statement select * / statement of dsc in a file?

    As user sys:


    As myuser:

                                         ,p_dir IN VARCHAR2
                                         ,p_header_file IN VARCHAR2
                                         ,p_data_file IN VARCHAR2 := NULL) IS
      v_finaltxt  VARCHAR2(4000);
      v_v_val     VARCHAR2(4000);
      v_n_val     NUMBER;
      v_d_val     DATE;
      v_ret       NUMBER;
      c           NUMBER;
      d           NUMBER;
      col_cnt     INTEGER;
      f           BOOLEAN;
      rec_tab     DBMS_SQL.DESC_TAB;
      col_num     NUMBER;
      v_fh        UTL_FILE.FILE_TYPE;
      v_samefile  BOOLEAN := (NVL(p_data_file,p_header_file) = p_header_file);
      d := DBMS_SQL.EXECUTE(c);
      DBMS_SQL.DESCRIBE_COLUMNS(c, col_cnt, rec_tab);
      FOR j in 1..col_cnt
        CASE rec_tab(j).col_type
          WHEN 1 THEN DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN(c,j,v_v_val,2000);
          WHEN 2 THEN DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN(c,j,v_n_val);
          WHEN 12 THEN DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN(c,j,v_d_val);
        END CASE;
      END LOOP;
      -- This part outputs the HEADER
      v_fh := UTL_FILE.FOPEN(upper(p_dir),p_header_file,'w',32767);
      FOR j in 1..col_cnt
        v_finaltxt := ltrim(v_finaltxt||','||lower(rec_tab(j).col_name),',');
      END LOOP;
      --  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(v_finaltxt);
      UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(v_fh, v_finaltxt);
      IF NOT v_samefile THEN
      END IF;
      -- This part outputs the DATA
      IF NOT v_samefile THEN
        v_fh := UTL_FILE.FOPEN(upper(p_dir),p_data_file,'w',32767);
      END IF;
        v_ret := DBMS_SQL.FETCH_ROWS(c);
        EXIT WHEN v_ret = 0;
        v_finaltxt := NULL;
        FOR j in 1..col_cnt
          CASE rec_tab(j).col_type
            WHEN 1 THEN DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE(c,j,v_v_val);
                        v_finaltxt := ltrim(v_finaltxt||',"'||v_v_val||'"',',');
            WHEN 2 THEN DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE(c,j,v_n_val);
                        v_finaltxt := ltrim(v_finaltxt||','||v_n_val,',');
            WHEN 12 THEN DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE(c,j,v_d_val);
                        v_finaltxt := ltrim(v_finaltxt||','||to_char(v_d_val,'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'),',');
            v_finaltxt := ltrim(v_finaltxt||',"'||v_v_val||'"',',');
          END CASE;
        END LOOP;
      --  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(v_finaltxt);
        UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(v_fh, v_finaltxt);
      END LOOP;

    This allows the header line and the data to write into files separate if necessary.

    for example

    SQL> exec run_query('select * from emp','TEST_DIR','output.txt');
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

    Output.txt file contains:

    7369,"SMITH","CLERK",7902,17/12/1980 00:00:00,800,,20
    7499,"ALLEN","SALESMAN",7698,20/02/1981 00:00:00,1600,300,30
    7521,"WARD","SALESMAN",7698,22/02/1981 00:00:00,1250,500,30
    7566,"JONES","MANAGER",7839,02/04/1981 00:00:00,2975,,20
    7654,"MARTIN","SALESMAN",7698,28/09/1981 00:00:00,1250,1400,30
    7698,"BLAKE","MANAGER",7839,01/05/1981 00:00:00,2850,,30
    7782,"CLARK","MANAGER",7839,09/06/1981 00:00:00,2450,,10
    7788,"SCOTT","ANALYST",7566,19/04/1987 00:00:00,3000,,20
    7839,"KING","PRESIDENT",,17/11/1981 00:00:00,5000,,10
    7844,"TURNER","SALESMAN",7698,08/09/1981 00:00:00,1500,0,30
    7876,"ADAMS","CLERK",7788,23/05/1987 00:00:00,1100,,20
    7900,"JAMES","CLERK",7698,03/12/1981 00:00:00,950,,30
    7902,"FORD","ANALYST",7566,03/12/1981 00:00:00,3000,,20
    7934,"MILLER","CLERK",7782,23/01/1982 00:00:00,1300,,10

    The procedure allows for the header and the data to separate files if necessary. Just by specifying the file name "header" will put the header and the data in a single file.

  • SQL select statements

    Hey everybody,

    First of all, Yes, I searched through the 8.5 database schema guide.  As I went through the scheme, I've developed some ideas on how to collect the data you want.  However, if someone has already developed or found the SQL statements (which I'm sure that someone already has) it would help by reducing to the minimum of the buggs in my data collection program.

    All these statistics must be grouped by CSQ and selected for a certain time interval ( and ).  That is, levels of 1 hour.  I have no problem to get a list of results and then perform v.f. to achieve the desired final result.  Also, if I need to run several select statements for tables of essentially two join, please include two statements.  Finally, I saw the RtCSQsSummary table, but I need to collect data for the past, not at this time.

    1 total calls presented by the CSQ

    2. total number of calls answered by the CSQ

    3 total number of calls abandoned by the CSQ

    4. percentage of calls abandoned by CSQ (if it is not stored in the database, I think: /)

    5. average abandon time in seconds (if it is not stored in the DB, I think: sum () /)

    6. service level - % calls answered in 90 seonds by a set of skills (I have seen metServiceLevel in the ContactQueueDetail table; however, I need to find how to configure this threshold for application)

    7. average speed of response by CSQ

    8 average conversation by CSQ calls

    9. the aggregates connected full-time resources or agents CSQ

    10. resources/agents of CSQ ready time

    I realize that some of them should be easy to find (as I always am search in the guide of db schema), but I was reading how a new record is created for each step of the call so I could easily see how I could get inaccurate information without properly developed select statements.

    Any help will be greatly appreciated.



    I read your message very well.

    You have the schema of database with tables and description. each table has its associated tables (connected with primary and foreign keys). I think you should start the tables to determine what you need.

    Cisco uses the stored procedure to prepare the reports. the stored procedure is 'sp_csq_interval' to create the report.

    Activity report of Queue Service contact"



    Please note all useful posts

  • uniol all in the select statement

    Hi I have a situation where I have to return the value based on the if statement, is it possible to put union all in the select statement

    My use case is

    IN the column State

    If column01 > 0 to condtion 't'

    IF column02 > 0 that the condition of 'Y '.

    Condition IF COLUMN03 > 0 THAN 'w '.

    If COLUMN04 > 0 that the condition of "Z".

    Select 't'


    where column01 > 0

    Union of all the

    Select "y".


    where column02 > 0

    Union of all the

    Select 'W '.


    WHERE COLUMN03 > 0

    I have what it takes to show value as it

    EmpName, condition, empno

    Jerry, T, 0158754585

    TOM, Y, 0054789568

    Am in oracle database 11 g 2

    Yes you can put all THE UNION here

    Select empname, 't' State, empno from tablename where column01 > 0

    Union of all the

    Select empname, 't' State, empno from tablename where column02 > 0

    Union of all the

    Select empname, condition of "W", empno FROM tablename WHERE COLUMN03 > 0

    Union of all the

    Select empname, condition of "Z", empno FROM tablename WHERE COLUMN04 > 0

    and if you are looking for how to remove duplicates because your line might have satisfied all the conditions and my happen 4 times in your result set, you just need to give them an order and filter it.

    For example, you want this

    If column01 > 0 to condtion 't'

    ELSE IF column02 > 0 that the condition of 'Y '.

    Another condition of THAN > 0 IF COLUMN03 'w '.

    otherwise if COLUMN04 > 0 that the condition of "Z".

    Select empname, condition, empno, in


    Select a.*, row_number() over (partition by empno arrested by myorder) rn



    Select empname, 't' State, empno, 1 myorder tablename where column01 > 0

    Union of all the

    Select empname, 't' State, empno, 2 myorder tablename where column02 > 0

    Union of all the

    Select empname, condition of "W", empno 3 myorder FROM tablename WHERE COLUMN03 > 0

    Union of all the

    Select empname, empno, condition of 'Z', 4 myorder FROM tablename WHERE COLUMN04 > 0

    ) a

    ) where rn = 1

  • Skip and capture the Oracle SQL record dirty in a select statement


    I have the Oracle Oracle database when I run a select query.


    10 columns have given Date format. When I try to execute this query into a FROG he says, a month not valid. Since the records are billion in nature, I am not able to know which line has this problem.

    Is there a way I can capture the failed row and add it to other tables and continues with the select statement regardless of this error

    OK, you have several TO_DATE functions fed a string that is built on the fly.  At least part of the time, the chain that is built does not match the date format mask used.

    For example:


    "SQ_W_PURCH_CYCLNS_ORA. LAST_SUBMITTED_ON_DTTM_WID' does not have a string where characters 5-6 are in the range 01-12.  You'll have to do an analysis on this column.  From its data and how that is managed by to_char.  What ARE the data type of ' SQ_W_PURCH_CYCLNS_ORA. LAST_SUBMITTED_ON_DTTM_WID' and what is a typical value?

    As others have said, this is simply an impossibility for a column of a table to actually have invalid month (or day, or year, or hour or minute or second).  ONLY, you get this error during the conversion of a string to a date with the TO_DATE function.

  • SELECT statement

    Dear all,

    We hope that all are doing well.

    I need your help once again, my requirement is to write a trigger for "select statement" on a particular table, the name and the date of the user who executed.

    your help will be appreciated.

    Thanks in advance.

    OS: RHEL 6.1


    Trigger is not possible on the SELECT statement, you can audit only by database.

    Or can save your select queries to application level.

Maybe you are looking for

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