Accent in my mail form - PHP


This my problem,.

I find a PHP script which leaves me able to create an email form in flash. User enters information in a flash form, and after that the form of this page contact php:

<? PHP

$sendTo = " " [email protected] "; "
$subject = "a message from your Web site."
$headers = "from: MESSAGE <
[email protected]> \r\n";
$headers. = "reply-To:". "." $_POST ["item4"]. « \r\n » ;
$headers. = "return-path:". "." $_POST ["item4"];

$item1 = mb_convert_encoding ($item1, "iso-8859-9", "utf - 8");
$item1 = $_POST ['item1'];

$item3 = mb_convert_encoding ($item3, "iso-8859-9", "utf - 8");
$item3 = $_POST ['item3'];

$item4 = mb_convert_encoding ($item4, "iso-8859-9", "utf - 8");
$item4 = $_POST ["item4"];

$item6 = mb_convert_encoding ($item6, "iso-8859-9", "utf - 8");
$item6 = $_POST ['item6"];

$item7 = mb_convert_encoding ($item7, "iso-8859-9", "utf - 8");
$item7 = $_POST ["item7"];

$scevap = mb_convert_encoding ($scevap, "iso-8859-9", "utf - 8");
$scevap = $_POST ['scevap'];

$body = ' name or company: \nE-mail $item1: $item4 \nTelephone: $item3 dog \nRace: $item6 \n\nMESSAGE: \n$item7 '; "

$message = stripslashes ($message);

mail ($sendTo $subject, $body, $headers);

? >

Then I perfectly the message in my Inbox mail but focus caracter as e ' ect... does not work, they are replaced by the odd character.

Someone has an idea of what I need to do to see accent perfectly?

Thanks for everyone who will help me!

Your PHP script is trying to convert utf - 8 encoding iso-8859-9, but everything is backwards. For example:

$item1 = mb_convert_encoding($item1 ,"iso-8859-9","utf-8");
$item1 = $_POST["item1"];

$item1 does not exist in the time you are trying to convert it. To make it work, the lines should do the reverse:

$item1 = $_POST["item1"];
$item1 = mb_convert_encoding($item1 ,"iso-8859-9","utf-8");

However, it is not necessary to convert UTF - 8. Simply make the email encoded in UTF - 8. To do this, you must add the encoding for headers. However, your current script has a serious security flaw in it. You should never include an email address from a form in the headers without checking first that it is not trying to inject a relayed spam in your email.

Change this section:

$headers = "From: MESSAGE \r\n";
// include the email in the headers only if safe
if (!preg_match('/Content-Type:|Cc:|Bcc:/i', $_POST['item4'])) {
  $headers .= "Reply-To: " . $_POST["item4"] . "\r\n";
  $headers .= "Return-path: " . $_POST["item4"] . "\r\n";
// send the email as UTF-8 encoding
$headers .= 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8';

Tags: Dreamweaver

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    I have a form on my web page developing, written by a programmer at the top of the page.

    Of all the labels, I received emails with attachments.

    Except in the label 'College Sports' I will receive 2 values

    Football and Basketball.

    The three values, I CAN'T receive are:

    ((1) baseball, Softball) 2 and 3) of others.

    It seems to me that php script is written in a dynamic

    and structured way.

    SEND-FORM FILE - START-> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

    <? PHP

    PEAR library includes

    You should have the installed pear lib

    include_once ('Mail.php');



    $max_allowed_file_size = 10000000; size in KB

    $allowed_extensions is array ("jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "bmp");.

    $upload_folder = "files /';" <-this folder must be writable by the script

    $your_email = ' [email protected] ';//<<-- this day to your email address

    $errors = ";

    If (isset($_POST['submit']))


    //Get the uploaded file information

    $name_of_uploaded_file = basename($_FILES['uploaded_file']['name']).

    //get the file extension

    $type_of_uploaded_file = substr ($name_of_uploaded_file,)

                                                                                          strrpos($name_of_uploaded_file, '.') + 1);

    $size_of_uploaded_file = $_FILES ['uploaded_file'] ['size'] / 1024;

    ///---Do validations.

    if (empty($_POST['name']) |) Empty($_POST['email']))


    $errors. = '\n name and Email are required.';     


    if (IsInjected ($visitor_email))


    $errors. = "\n bad email value!"


    if($size_of_uploaded_file > $max_allowed_file_size)


    $errors. = "\n file size must be less than $max_allowed_file_size";


    / /-Validate file extension.

    $allowed_ext = false;

    for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof ($allowed_extensions); $i ++)


    if (strcasecmp($allowed_extensions[$i],$type_of_uploaded_file) == 0)


    $allowed_ext = true;                





    $errors. is "\n the loaded file only is not supported file type.".

    "Only the following file types are supported:".implode(',',$allowed_extensions); "


    //send email

    if (empty ($errors))


    //copy the temp. file uploaded to the uploads folder

    $path_of_uploaded_file = $upload_folder. $name_of_uploaded_file;

    $tmp_path = $_FILES ['uploaded_file'] ['tmp_name'];

    if (is_uploaded_file ($tmp_path))


    if (! copy($tmp_path,$path_of_uploaded_file))


    $errors. = "\n error during the copy of the downloaded file";



    //send email

    $name = $_POST ['name'];

    $visitor_email = $_POST ['email'];

    $user_message = $_POST ['message'];

    $to = $your_email;

    $subject = "new submission of form."

    $from = $your_email;

    $text = "a user $name sent you this message: \n $user_message";

    $message = new Mail_mime();

    $message-> setTXTBody ($text);

    $message-> addAttachment ($path_of_uploaded_file);

    $body = $message-> get();

    $extraheaders = array ('From' = > $from, 'Topic' = > $subject, "Reply-To" = > $visitor_email);

    $headers = $message-> headers ($extraheaders);

    $mail = Mail::factory ("mail");

    $mail-> send ($à, $headers, $body);

    //redirection to ' thank you page

    header ('Location: .html thank you ');




    Function to validate against any attempt to electronic fuel injection

    function IsInjected ($str)


    $injections = array ('(\n+)',




                  '(% + 0D)',

                  '(% 08 +)',

                  '(% + 09)'


    $inject = join ('|) (', $injections);

    $inject = "/ $injecter / I";

    if (preg_match ($inject, $str))


    returns true;




    return false;



    ? >

    <! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional / / IN" "" > ""

    < html >

    < head >

    download < title > file < /title > form

    <! - define some elements of style - >

    < style >

    label, one, body


    are-family: Arial, Helvetica, without serif.

    are-size: 12px;


    < / style >

    <! - a script for vaidating help shape - >

    < script language = "JavaScript" src = "scripts/gen_validatorv31.js" type = "text/javascript" > < / script > "

    < / head >

    < body >

    <? PHP

    If (!) Empty ($Errors))


    echo nl2br ($errors);


    ? >

    < are method = "POST" name = "email_form_with_php".

    action = "<?" PHP echo htmlentities($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);? ' > ' enctype = "multipart/form-data" >

    < p >

    < label for 'name' = > name: < / label > < br >

    < input type = "text" name = "name" >

    < /p >

    < p >

    < label for = "e-mail address" > Email: < / label > < br >

    < input type = "text" name = "email" >

    < /p >

    < p >

    < label for 'message' = > Message: < / label > < br >

    < textarea = 'message' name > < / textarea >

    < /p >

    < p >

    < label for = "uploaded_file" > select a file to download: < / label > < br >

    < input type = "file" name = "uploaded_file" >

    < /p >

    < input type = "submit" value = "Submit" name = "submit" >

    < / make >

    < script language = "JavaScript" >

    For the validation of the code of

    / / Visit html

    For more information

    var frmvalidator = new Validator ("email_form_with_php");

    frmvalidator.addValidation ("name", "req", "Please enter your name");

    frmvalidator.addValidation ("email", "req", "Please enter your email address");

    frmvalidator.addValidation ("email", "email", "Please enter a valid email address");

    < /script >

    < noscript >

    < small > < a href =' ml '

    > How to attach the file to email in PHP < /a > article page. < / small >

    < / noscript >

    < / body >

    < / html >

    -END SEND FORM-> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

    -FORM BEGINNING-> ACTION > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

    <? PHP

    require_once ('recaptchalib.php');

    $privatekey = "6LfwwsISAAAAAAPShkJ6nV3qkgLDHCe2uXj9RTWw";

    $resp = recaptcha_check_answer ($privatekey,


    $_POST ["recaptcha_challenge_field"],

    $_POST ["recaptcha_response_field"]);

    if (! $resp-> is_valid) {}

    die ("the reCAPTCHA has not been entered correctly. Go back and try again. ».




    include_once ('Mail.php');


    $errors = ";

    $max_allowed_file_size = 10000000; size in KB

    $allowed_extensions is array ("jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "bmp");.

    $upload_folder = "files /';"

    $name_of_uploaded_file = basename($_FILES['uploaded_file']['name']).

    $type_of_uploaded_file = substr ($name_of_uploaded_file,)

                                                                                          strrpos($name_of_uploaded_file, '.') + 1);

    $size_of_uploaded_file = $_FILES ['uploaded_file'] ['size'] / 1024;

    if($size_of_uploaded_file > $max_allowed_file_size)


    $errors. = "\n file size must be less than $max_allowed_file_size";


    $allowed_ext = false;

    for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof ($allowed_extensions); $i ++)


    if (strcasecmp($allowed_extensions[$i],$type_of_uploaded_file) == 0)


    $allowed_ext = true;                





    $errors. is "\n the loaded file only is not supported file type.".

    "Only the following file types are supported:".implode(',',$allowed_extensions); "


    if (empty ($errors))


    $path_of_uploaded_file = $upload_folder. $name_of_uploaded_file;

    $tmp_path = $_FILES ['uploaded_file'] ['tmp_name'];

    if (is_uploaded_file ($tmp_path))


    if (! copy($tmp_path,$path_of_uploaded_file))


    $errors. = "\n error during the copy of the downloaded file";



    $Business = Trim (stripslashes($_POST['Business']));

    $ProfessionalSports = Trim (stripslashes($_POST['ProfessionalSports']));

    $Humor101 = Trim (stripslashes($_POST['Humor101']));

    $CollegeSports = Trim (stripslashes($_POST['CollegeSports']));

    $Politics = Trim (stripslashes($_POST['Politics']));

    $EmailToBusiness = $Business. "";

    $EmailToProfessionalSports = $ProfessionalSports. "";

    $EmailToHumor101 = $Humor101. "" ";

    $EmailToCollegeSports = $CollegeSports. "[email protected]"; "

    $EmailToPolitics = $Politics. "";

    $EmailTo = "[email protected]"; ""

    $EMailSubject = Trim (stripslashes($_POST['Subject']));

    $First = Trim (stripslashes($_POST['First']));

    $Last = Trim (stripslashes($_POST['Last']));

    $Email = Trim (stripslashes($_POST['Email']));

    $Suggestions = Trim (stripslashes($_POST['Suggestions']));

    $Body = "was filled the following form;

                            $Body. = "\n";

                            $Body .= "-------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------";

                            $Body. = "\n";

                            $Body. = "\n";

    $Body. = ' First name: '; "

                            $Body. = $First;

                            $Body. = "\n";

    $Body. = ' last name: '; "

                            $Body. = $Last;

                            $Body. = "\n";

                            $Body. = "email:";

                            $Body. = $Email;

                            $Body. = "\n";

    $Body. = ' business: '; "

    $Body. = $Business;

                            $Body. = "\n";

    $Body. = "Professional sports: «;»»

    $Body. = $ProfessionalSports;

                            $Body. = "\n";

    $Body. = ' humor 101: '; "

    $Body. = $Humor101;

                            $Body. = "\n";

    $Body. = "College sports: «;»»

    $Body. = $CollegeSports;

                            $Body. = "\n";

    $Body. = ' policy: '; "

    $Body. = $Politics;

                            $Body. = "\n";

    $Body. = ' suggestions: «;»»

    $Body. = $Suggestions;

                            $Body. = "\n";

                            $Body. = "\n";

                            $Body .= "-------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------\n";

    //$Body. = "e-mails sent to:". "." $EmailToBusiness. « / ». $EmailToProfessionalSports. « / ». $EmailToHumor101. « / ». $EmailToCollegeSports. « / ». $EmailToPolitics. « » ;

    $to = "[email protected]"; ""

    $subject = $EMailSubject;

    $from = "[email protected]"; ""

                            $text = "\n $Body";

    $message = new Mail_mime();

    $message-> setTXTBody ($text);

    $message-> addAttachment ($path_of_uploaded_file);

    $body = $message-> get();

    $extraheaders = array ('From' = > $from, 'Topic' = > $subject, "Reply-To" = > $Email);

    $headers = $message-> headers ($extraheaders);

    $mail = Mail::factory ("mail");

    $mail-> send ($à, $headers, $body);

                            If ($Business! = "")


    $mail-> send (strtolower ($EmailToBusiness), $headers, $body);


    if ($ProfessionalSports! = "")


    $mail-> send (strtolower ($EmailToProfessionalSports), $headers, $body);


                            If ($Humor101! = "")


    $mail-> send (strtolower ($EmailToHumor101), $headers, $body);


    if ($CollegeSports! = "")


    $mail-> send (strtolower ($EmailToCollegeSports), $headers, $body);


                            If ($Politics! = "")


    $mail-> send (strtolower ($EmailToPolitics), $headers, $body);



    print "< meta http-equiv =-"refresh\"content =------"0; " URL = Form.php? suc = y\ "' >"; "


    ? >

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------  END FORMACTION  FILE---

    $Body. = "College sports: «;»»

    I see a space between the College and the sport. Also, make sure that your form fields are named exactly as the names of variables.

  • Issue of form/PHP email


    I was wondering if someone could help me add the necessary PHP script for a little more than fields in my form of e-mail. At the present time it captures name, Email and comments. However, I need to add a place for phone, city, and registration to the Newsletter (radio button). Have added the form fields in my html file, I'm not sure how to add to the script.

    Thank you in advance!

    This is the page:

    Here is the PHP script:

    <? PHP /

    $mailto = ' [email protected] ' ;

    $subject = "Web site feedback form.

    $formurl = " " " ;

    $thankyouurl = " " " ;

    $errorurl = " " http://www.americangardensinc.HTML/site/error.html " ;

    $email_is_required = 1;

    $name_is_required = 1;

    $comments_is_required = 0;

    $uself = 0;

    $forcelf = 0;

    $use_envsender = 0;

    $use_sendmailfrom = 0;

    $smtp_server_win = ";

    $use_webmaster_email_for_from = 0;

    $use_utf8 = 1;

    $my_recaptcha_private_key = ";

    define ("MAX_LINE_LENGTH", 998);

    $headersep = $uself? "\n" : "\r\n" ;

    $content_nl = $forcelf? "\n": (defined ('PHP_EOL')? PHP_EOL: "\n");

    $content_type = $use_utf8? ' Content-Type: text/plain; charset = "utf-8" ': ' Content-Type: text/plain; charset = "iso-8859-1" ';

    If {($use_sendmailfrom)

    ini_set ("sendmail_from", $mailto);


    If (strlen ($smtp_server_win)) {}

    ini_set ('SMTP', $smtp_server_win);


    $envsender = "-f$ mailto;

    $fullname = isset($_POST['fullname'])? $_POST ['fullname']: $_POST ['name'];

    $email = $_POST ['email'];

    $comments = $_POST ['comment'];

    $http_referrer = getenv ('HTTP_REFERER');

    If (! isset($_POST['email'])) {}

    Header ("Location: $formurl");



    If (($email_is_required & & (($email) empty |! preg_match ('/ @/ ', $email))) |) ($name_is_required & & empty ($fullname)). (($comments_is_required & & empty ($comments))) {

    Header ("Location: $errorurl");



    If (preg_match ("/ [\r\n]/ ', $fullname): preg_match (" / [\r\n]/ ', $email)) {}

    Header ("Location: $errorurl");




    If (strlen ($my_recaptcha_private_key)) {}

    $resp = recaptcha_check_answer ($my_recaptcha_private_key, $_SERVER ['REMOTE_ADDR'], $_POST ["recaptcha_challenge_field"], $_POST ["recaptcha_response_field"]);

    If (! $resp-> is_valid) {}

    Header ("Location: $errorurl");





    If (empty ($email)) {}

    $email = $mailto;


    $fromemail = $use_webmaster_email_for_from? $mailto: $email;

    If (function_exists ('get_magic_quotes_gpc') & & get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {}

    $comments = stripslashes ($comments);


    $messageproper =

    "This message was sent by: $content_nl.

    '$http_referrer '. $content_nl.

    "------------------------------------------------------------" . $content_nl.

    "Name of sender: $fullname. $content_nl.

    "The sender email: $email. $content_nl.

    "------------------------- COMMENTS -------------------------" . $content_nl. $content_nl.

    WordWrap ($comments, MAX_LINE_LENGTH, $content_nl, true). $content_nl. $content_nl.

    "------------------------------------------------------------" . $content_nl;

    $headers =

    "" From: \"$fullname\" < $fromemail > ". $headersep. "" Reply-To: \"$fullname\" < $email > ". $headersep. "X-Mailer: chfeedback.php 2.16.12.

    $headersep. "MIME-Version: 1.0 '." $headersep. $content_type;

    If {($use_envsender)

    mail ($mailto $subject, $messageproper, $headers, $envsender);


    else {}

    mail ($mailto $subject, $messageproper, $headers);


    Header ("Location: $thankyouurl");


    ? >

    Add telephone, city and newsletter variable to the block of code below (indicated in red) php

    $envsender = "-f$ mailto;

    $fullname = isset($_POST['fullname'])? $_POST ['fullname']: $_POST ['name'];

    $email = $_POST ['email'];

    $comments = $_POST ['comment'];

    $phone = $_POST ['phone'];

    $city = $_POST ['city'];

    $newsletter = $_POST ['radio'];

    $http_referrer = getenv ('HTTP_REFERER');

    Then add the following php code block (shown in red)

    $messageproper =

    "This message was sent by: $content_nl.

    '$http_referrer '. $content_nl.

    "------------------------------------------------------------" . $content_nl.

    "Name of sender: $fullname. $content_nl.

    "The sender email: $email. $content_nl.

    "Phone number of sender: $phone. $content_nl.

    "City of the sender: $city. $content_nl.

    "Option of the sender newsletter: $newsletter. $content_nl.

    "------------------------- COMMENTS -------------------------" . $content_nl. $content_nl.

    WordWrap ($comments, MAX_LINE_LENGTH, $content_nl, true). $content_nl. $content_nl.

    "------------------------------------------------------------" . $content_nl;

  • E-mail form works does not correctly

    I created an electronic feedback form.  However, even if I get e-mails sent from the form, any text entered in the comments box is not displayed on the e-mail messages.  I have included the code, could someone please tell me if I have something wrong

    < do action = "form.php" >

    < fieldset class = "first" >

    < h4 > contact me < / h4 >

    < class = "labelOne" label for 'name' = > name: < / label >

    < input name = "name" / >

    < label for = "email" > Email: < / label >

    < input name = "email" / >

    Comments of < label for 'comments' = >: < / label >

    < textarea name = 'Comments' > < / textarea >

    < / fieldset >

    < fieldset >

    < input class = "btn" name = "submit" type = "submit" value = "Send Email" / >

    < Input class = "btn" name = "reset" type = "reset" value = "Clear form" / >

    < / make >

    I mean that you must set the attribute method of the form tag:

  • GoDaddy shared Linux - Mail form

    I need a processor of form PHP or CGI that will send the contents of a form to users on some of the areas subordinate on a GoDaddy Linux shared host.  I would be very grateful if someone could help me with this problem.

    FYI, GoDaddy offers two scripts PHP, 'gdform.php' and "webformmailer.php", which seems unnecessary on a host to several subordinate areas because each allows the e-mail address only a single target for all forms on the host.  (So far, no no to GoDaddy has an explanation or a justification for this.).

    They may have value if you have a form on the host computer.

    I had two past with PHP code until GoDaddy 'helped' earlier today, not to send anything * nothing * even though I know they are running.  GoDaddy said that PHP "break" and that it was a coincidence that they worked and the two broke today.

    I am very happy with

  • Problems with my e-mail form...

    Here is my HTML form:

    < do style = "do-size: 12px;" do-family: "Arial" action = "form.php" method = "post" > "

    < span class = "style18" > name: </span > < br / >

    < input style = "color: #FFFFFF;" do-size: 12px; do-family: Verdana; Type = "text" size = "25" name = "Name" / >

    < br / >

    < br / >

    < br / >

    < span class = "style18" >

    Phone: </span > < br / >

    < input style = "color: #FFFFFF;" do-size: 12px; do-family: Verdana; Type = "text" size = "25" name = "Phone" / >

    < br / >

    < br / >

    < br / >

    < span class = "style18" > Email: </span > < br / >

    < input style = "color: #FFFFFF;" do-size: 12px; do-family: Verdana; Type = "text" size = "25" name = "Email" / >

    < br / >

    < br / >

    < br / >

    < span class = 'style18' > comments: </span > < br / >

    < textarea style = "color: #FFFFFF;" do-size: 12px; do-family: Verdana; name = cols 'Comments' = "23" rows = "7" > < / textarea >

    < br / >

    < br / >

    < br / >

    < input type = 'submit' class = 'style18"value ="Submit"/ >

    < / make >

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------

    Here's my PHP:

    <? PHP

    $Name = $_POST ['name'];

    $Phone = $_POST ['phone'];

    $Email = $_POST ['email'];

    $Comments = $_POST ['comment'];

    $msg. = "name:". "." $Name. "\n";

    $msg. = "Phone:". "." $Phone. "\n";

    $msg. = "e-mail:". "." $Email. "\n";

    $msg. = "Comment:". "." $Comments. "\n";

    $headers = "from:". "." $Email. "\r\n".

    "Reply-To:". "." $Email. « \r\n » ;

    mail (' [email protected]', "baseline survey", $msg, $headers);

    Header ('Location: confirm.html "");

    ? >


    The problem I have is all sends the information to my email address very well, however, the comments come not through. The e-mail told of 'Comments', but the comment that has been typed in does not send via email.

    Help, please...

    Thank you


    Try adding quotes of closure after the attribute style (after Verdana);.

    See "red below"

    name = cols 'Comments' = "23" rows = "7" >

  • E-mail form values

    Hi guys,.

    I already started this process, but wanted to open as Frank... I got lost.

    Albert suggested a way for me to have a form of e-mail e-mail to selected recipients.  The process of having a dynamic list that contains the e-mail addresses and of course some boxes and then moving to a real e-mail form which gets the values for the dynamic list e-mail addresses. (if necessary).

    I created the dynamic list.  I now need to create the form that inherits the e-mail addresses of the list.  Just create a form of regular contact with the Wizard update of records? And then tell send Email to get its values from the previous list? (If yes - how!)

    Albert tried to explain this to me a few weeks ago and has been great, but I have a problem - like as much input as possible.

    If something must explain more please let me know, this is my last hurdle

    Hi Nathan,

    So the reason why your page refreshes just rather than the sendcvform.php is you broke the dynamic list. As you have deleted items you deleted something that shouldn't have been deleted. I tried to manage your page via the "Manage the dynamic list" option and there were a lot of mistakes. So I had to remove all the code from your list dynamic and rebuild. He has worked after that, you may want to consider everything works before breaking apart to get the form to have your desired appearance. So for the current solution delete all dynamic list code and rebuild the dynamic list. It took only a few minutes, then you can test your form and get all the workers.

    When I created the initial list and the form and then you release the idea I had the idea that you get the concept and work your magic from there. DWinfo is to give advice on his last post, you could make your list like this. The only advantage of a dynamic list is the ability to sort and filter option. If you want these functions then go with a simple list. And really you need to get the concept as DWinfo suggested before going willy nilly with code, I present to you.

  • How can I create a button to an e-mail form is completed

    I created a form using Adobe Acrobat DC.  I want to be able to provide a button so that the user can simply click on the button and have saved and sent by e-mail form

    out to our purchasing manager after they fill it out.  Is this possible?

    I managed to do it in the shape tool prepare.  Add a button (click the OK button in the top menu), and then double-click the button you have space in your pdf file.  Under Actions, select Action, scroll to submit a form.  Change the submit the form and add a mailto link: [email protected].  Check document PDF The Complete to send the entire form.

    Options: Put the text in the section of the label (such as submit or email).

    Save the PDF file.

    When your users click this button, it will prompt you to use their e-mail application and also give them an option to save the document.

    This is different from the distribution function which I hope to figure out soon.

  • I used an e-mail form badly my desktop application; How can I change it?

    I used an e-mail form badly my desktop application; How can I change it?


    Please contact adobe help support:

    Contact the customer service

    * Be sure to stay connected with your Adobe ID before accessing the link above *.

  • PHP form script is missing from the web server or PHP is not properly configured on your web hosting provider. Help - I get this message on my site when the form is filled out and you press send... Check if the form PHP script has been downloaded correctl

    PHP form script is missing from the web server or PHP is not properly configured on your web hosting provider. Help - I get this message on my site when the form is filled out and you press send... Check if the form PHP script has been downloaded correctly, contact your host about the configuration of PHP.

    Hi Graham,

    If you, please add your site to this link ( ) and make sure that all green checkmarks are appearing. If they don't, let us know what errors you seem to receive and include the link to your site.

    In addition, check out this guide on the forums of Muse troubleshooting: Troubleshooting Muse form used on the servers of third party Widgets

    I hope this helps!


  • I don't receive e-mails form widget

    I do not receive e-mails form widget. I did everything what the document 'Troubleshooting form Widgets Muse' used on third-party servers is suggested, but still does not.

    Hi Spai pharmaceutical son,

    Your site is hosted on a third-party host? If Yes, then you will need to contact them and get more information on what is required from there end in order to send emails.

    - Abhishek Maurya

  • E-mail form

    Read the PDF of British Colombia document on charging and I want some clarification. There was one notes that web forms webBasic and webBasic + are "e-mail form.

    What exactly is the difference between web forms in the basic plan and the plan of action?

    For these plans the form that you just create information in a basic html email (cannot apply a template to him) emails and the information is not stored in the CRM as complete web custom shape is Lynda.

    AS the name it sends just the content of the form.

    Make sense?

  • PHP mail form doesn't work do not

    Can someone let me know if they notice why the email is not received? I would really appreciate the help. I have included my code below.

    < are method = "post" name = "ClientInterest" action = "sendEmail.php" >

    < class p = "name" >

    < input name = "name" type = "text" class = "validate [required, custom [onlyletter], [0,100] length] entry-feedback" placeholder = "Name" id = "name" / > "

    < /p >

    < class p 'email' = >

    < input name = "email" type = "text" class = "validate [required, custom [email]] entry-feedback" id = "email" placeholder = "Email" / > "

    < /p >

    < class p = "text" >

    < name textarea = "text" class = "validate feedback-comments [, length [6,3000]]" id = "comment" placeholder = "Comment" > < / textarea > "

    < /p >

    < div class = "submit" >

    < input type = "submit" value = "SEND" id = "button" / >

    < / div >

    < / make >

    <? PHP

    $name = $_POST ['name'];

    $email = $_POST ['email'];

    $text = $_POST ['text'];

    $forward = 1; redirect #? 1: Yes. 0: no

    $location = "index.html";

    ? >

    <? PHP

    $email_from = "$email";

    $email_subject = "customer interest."

    $email_body = "you have received a new message from $name. $email '.»

    "The message is: $text.

    $to = ' [address removed by the moderator email"; "] ".

    $headers = "from: $email_from \r\n";

    $headers = "reply-To: $email \r\n";

    mail ($to, $email_subject, $email_body, $headers);

    If ($forward = 1) {}

    Header ("' Location: $location '");


    else {}

    ECHO ("thank you for submitting our form. We will answer you as soon as possible. ») ;


    ? >

    Your web server supports PHPl?

    Have you checked your spam folder?

    BTW, your script is not sure. I wouldn't use it.  See the link below for a safe script.

    ALT-Web Design & Publishing: sensitive Contact form with 3.2 Bootstrap and PHP (part 1)

    Nancy O.

  • Why my contact form/php page sends an e-mail on page load?

    Hi all

    If all goes well, can point out the error of my ways here.

    I have a website with a contact page and he sends me an email everytime the page loads. The last site I've built, I used a separate page for the PHP so users then had to sail back to a page in the site, but this time I just want to send the data and stay where they are on the contact page. In short, I want just the php to send me mail with the form data in and not an empty one every time someone loads the page!

    I'm pretty new to this so much good advice would be much appreciated.

    Thank you very much



    You found the email when loading the page because you didn't check to see if the form and its data have been deposited before sending the email.  This is normally how it's done such a treatment script.  So at least you could do this-


    If (isset($_POST['submit']) & $_POST ['submit'] == 'Contact Matrix Web') {}

    $to = "[email protected]";

    $subject = 'Matrix Web - customer survey';

    $message = "customer name:". "." $_POST ['name']. "\r\n".

    "Email:                   " . $_POST ['email']. "\r\n".

    "Phone: & nbsp;     " . $_POST ['phone']. "\r\n".

    "survey: & nbsp;.      " . $_POST ['investigation'];

    $from = $_POST ['email'];

    $headers = "from: $from". « \r\n » ;

    mail ($to, $Subject, $message, $headers);



    Know that your script process is completely vulnerable to attack by injection - which means that someone could use your script to send spam to thousands of email addresses...

    A simple way to fix this would be to change-

    $from = $_POST ['email'];

    on this subject.

    $from = "contact@,";

    This means that you could not simply hit 'reply' to respond to one of these emails of contact, but it's a small price to pay for this security.

  • Contact e-mail form: error in Script form PHP


    Just finished creating my site and it is now online. This is my first time doing a Web site and uploading it to a server. I have a contact form on the site and when I tested it, I got this warning (name of the Web site a few blocks blue box for safety):

    Screen Shot 2014-12-02 at 12.28.17 AM.png

    So, when I exported the code HTML of Muse, so I could upload it to the server, I received this warning (blue blocks just email and website for safety boxes):

    Screen Shot 2014-12-02 at 12.25.30 AM.png

    I don't know how to solve this as something very important for me to have this contact page. I use Gmail for my email that will receive the form of contact entries. I went to and it came with a few questions.

    Thank you


    I got it actually work! I am in contact with my server and they seem to have solved the problem!

    I had downloaded to the catalyst for business initially and this problem was not happening.

    Thanks for your help though,


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