Access the variable in different class

Hey guys,.

So I make a program that generates circles where you click, and I want to apply some physics. I was thinking about creating a new class that contains all of the physical code and then apply to the circles that are created, which is the way to do it?

I can't use the name of the variable of the circle in the physics class. And some stuff on the web that is said to make the variable public, and static, but I create the variable inside of a function, and it wont let me make public or static it. Even if I put it in the class, I get the same error (access from the circle of property not defined). Here is the code:

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------

package {}

import flash.display.Shape;


import flash.display.MovieClip;



Import fl.transitions.Tween;

Fl.transitions.easing import. *;

Import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;

import flash.utils.Timer;


SerializableAttribute public class Main extends MovieClip


var pop: PopSound;

var soundChannel:SoundChannel;

var circleReady:Boolean = new Boolean;

var coolDown:Timer;

public void Main()


stage.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouse click);

pop = new PopSound();

soundChannel = new SoundChannel();

circleReady = true;

cooldown = new Timer (500, 1);


function mouseClick(e:MouseEvent):void


If (circleReady is true)


var theX:Number = mouseX;

var they: number = mouseY;

var circle: Shape = new Shape(); ((Math.random () * 0xFFFFFF), 1.0); (0, 0, ((Math.round (Math.random () * 40)) + 20)); ();

Circle.x = definition x;

Circle.y = they.

stage.addChild (circle);

var xTween:Tween = new Tween (circle, "scaleX", Bounce.easeOut, 0, 1, 0.5, true);

var yTween:Tween = new Tween (circle, "scaleY", Bounce.easeOut, 0, 1, 0.5, true);

soundChannel = ();

circleReady = false;

coolDown.addEventListener (TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, timeDone);

coolDown.start ();


function timeDone (e:TimerEvent): void


circleReady = true;







------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------

Any help would be great, thanks

How can ensure me that the compiler finds

According to the file format that you are using:

1. . FLA: must live in the same folder as the FLA

2..XFL: has to live at a higher level the. XFL file (on the same level as the folder with the same PREFIX as your xfl)

Tags: Adobe Animate

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                      Option {id: o1o2; text: "Two"; }
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                                console.log(" -->App: Option 1 Selector, On");
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                                console.log(" -->App: Option 1 Selector, Off");
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    When you call the second page, SettingsPage.qml, set it as an object.

    Don't do the following:

    attachedObjects: [
        ComponentDefinition {
            id: settingsPageDefinition
            source: "SettingsPage.qml"

    Follow these steps:

    attachedObjects: [
        // Definition of the second Page, used to dynamically create the Page above.
        ComponentDefinition {
            id: settingsPageDefinition

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    You've declared the variable twice. Variable can be declared only once in any scope. So, your code should be:

    var myXML:XML = new XML();
    myXML = XML (event.currentTarget.root.data_xml); Note there is no before var

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    You are welcome.

    using a method to expose parts of your class makes it easier to read and debug your classes.

    p.s. If your issue is resolved and that you are able, please mark this thread as answered.

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    Personal data are always private, you can never set public. Unbundle cluster function can be used only on the thread of class when he is in the class. If you need to access private data, you must create accessors.

    It of simple, just the class right click and select new, VI for access data members. He invites you to a dialog box to fill you with what you want to create, elements of data and if you want them available through property nodes (recommended). Once completed, this will generate the Afterward screw., you can use in any other VI. The nice thing about making them nodes of property is that you can plop down a property node and it thread class, and all the created accessor functions will appear in the list.

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    function editMainText (e:Event) {
         function editText (e:Event){
              MovieClip(this.parent).headline.text = "Hello"

    does not work

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    Thank you!


    does not work.

    In most all cases I've seen, nested functions will stand on their own

    function () {} editText
    MovieClip (this.parent).headline.text = 'Hello '.

    function editMainText (e: Event) {}

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    Start select user in: user name of double; end;

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    You're confusing SQL * more variable substitution (those with '&') and bind variables.

    Replace the "& username" with: username as shown below:

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    SQL> begin select user into :username from dual; end;
      2  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> print username;
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    > I want to change a class to use the data stored in a public collection ArrayCollection
    > named myData was populated in an mxml file. I want to fill
    > the
    > variables newLat and newLng with data in myData. For example, if
    > myData
    > contains var1 and var 2, I'd like to be able to create the next loop
    > who
    > seems to be illegal:

    You can either pass data as an argument to the constructor, or a
    property (preferred), or you can watch using a Singleton class.

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  • Different users accessing the data with different rights

    I just started with Oracle and I don't know if
    This is the right way for what I was intending.

    I want to allow access to the data (tables, views,...) to different users with different rights.
    For example a user with select only the rights and another with select and insert rights.

    Database Oracle 10 g Express Edition is.

    Here are the steps I did:

    -This user will be allowed to select only
    create user UserSelectOnly...;

    -This user will have select and insert privileges
    create user UserSelectAndInsert...;

    -This user only contains data
    create user BaseDB...;

    -creation of test in BaseDB data
    create the table tdTest (...);

    -definition of role in BaseDB for right to select
    create the role RoleSelectOnly;

    -granting SELECT privilege for RoleSelectOnly
    Grant select on tdTest to RoleSelectOnly;

    -select grant (role) to the user UserSelectOnly
    grant RoleSelectOnly to UserSelectOnly;

    -definition of role in BaseDB to select and insert privileges
    create the role RoleSelectAndInsert;

    -grant select and insert privilege for RoleSelectAndInsert
    Grant select, insert on tdTest to RoleSelectAndInsert;

    -grant select and insert (role) to the user UserSelectAndInsert
    grant RoleSelectAndInsert to UserSelectAndInsert;

    My problem is that the definition of user (BaseDB) works as a database.
    Are there more effective ways in Oracle 10 g Express?

    Thank you

    Hello Wilfried and welcome to the forum.

    First of all, it's a property that you have given time to review the security of the database.

    My immediate comments:

    You have 3 users:

    -This user only contains data
    create user BaseDB...;

    Very well, good thing. Use an administrative account/data owner.
    You might consider locking when you do not have administrative tasks in the schema.

    -This user will be allowed to select only
    create user UserSelectOnly...;

    -This user will have select and insert privileges
    create user UserSelectAndInsert...;

    OK, but no need to take account of their privileges in the names. You could simply call their


    You have two roles

    -definition of role in BaseDB for right to select
    create the role RoleSelectOnly;

    -definition of role in BaseDB to select and insert privileges
    create the role RoleSelectAndInsert;

    Seems ok, it's a good thing here for the description of privileges in the role itself.

    Maybe I would call them something like
    RoleSelect or RoleRead or BaseDBSelectRole
    RoleInsert or RoleWrite or BaseDBUpdateRole

    Should be updated (and DELETE), as well?

    Another approach would be to separate between the tables.

    For a group of tables, select, insert, update, delete are granted to a role.

    For another group of tables, different privileges are granted to another role.

    That is, there is no general answer, correct, it depends on your application.

    Often the roles are used for ease of maintenance. In other words, if you have several users who need
    the same set of privilege, these are maintained by a role.

    Maybe you don't want to use roles, but I like them.
    But attention not only

    Select on all tables to a single role
    Insert on every table to another role
    Update on all tables to a third party role.

    Unless, of course, it gives meaning to your scenario.

    My problem is that the definition of user (BaseDB) works as a database.
    Are there more effective ways in Oracle 10 g Express?

    Not sure what you mean. Schema in Oracle and user are often used for the same thing.

    In your case, BaseDB is the owner of (all) the tables, no problem.
    As mentioned, you might choose to block the account.

    The main thing is, no application, or ad-hoc user should log in as BaseDB

    And the users of your system should be exactly the privileges they need to do their jobs
    nothing more, nothing less.


  • Access the Variable Var in a Collection model

    Hi all

    Guess I used an iterator which traverses a collection template.
    The var attribute, which in this case is 'line' is used.
    <af:iterator id="i1" value="#{bindings.Departments.collectionModel}"
        //call a managed bean method during iteration and used the var="row"???
    Is it possible in a managed bean method where I could get a handle on this variable?
    My goal is to influence the way in which the GUI is being developed, while the JSF iterator is an iteration?

    Thank you


    I'm NOT clear for your use case. Why do you do this?

    But here's the sample, which can be used to achieve the same thing:
    The example assumes that you have ministries and Instances of the employees View object where employees are the child of the departments.


    ID = "tt1" >
    ID = "ot2" / >


    version = "" id = "MultiIteratorPagePageDef".
    Package = "View.pageDefs" > "

    DataControl = "AppModuleDataControl" id = "DepartmentsIterator" / >

    import java.util.List;

    Import javax.el.ELContext;
    Import javax.el.ExpressionFactory;
    Import javax.el.ValueExpression;

    Import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;

    Import oracle.jbo.Row;
    Import oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlHierNodeBinding;

    public class MultiIteratorSampleBean {}
    public MultiIteratorSampleBean() {}

    private String departmentValue;

    {} public void setDepartmentValue (String departmentValue)
    this.departmentValue = departmentValue;

    * public String getDepartmentValue() {*}
    RootNode = JUCtrlHierNodeBinding
    * (JUCtrlHierNodeBinding) This.evaluateEL("#{node}"); *
    * if (rootNode! = null) {*}
    Line currentRow = rootNode.getRow ();
    * if (currentRow! = null) {*}
    departmentValue =
    * (String) CurrentRow.GetAttribute ("DepartmentName"); *
    List children = rootNode.getChildren ();
    * if (children! = null) {*}
    * for (node JUCtrlHierNodeBinding: children) {*}
    * if (node! = null) {*}
    Line childCurrentRow = node.getRow ();
    * if (childCurrentRow! = null) {*}
    System.out.println (childCurrentRow.GetAttribute ("FirstName"));
    Return departmentValue;

    Private Object evaluateEL (el String) {}
    FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance ();
    ELContext elContext = facesContext.getELContext ();
    ExpressionFactory expressionFactory =
    facesContext.getApplication () .getExpressionFactory ();
    ValueExpression exp =
    expressionFactory.createValueExpression (elContext, el,
    Return exp.getValue (elContext);

    Thank you

  • access the variable got on another timeline

    I have a variable declared in the CODE in the main timeline, I want to access it from the timeline of a movieclip underlying. How can I do this?

    Yes, AS3 is using 'root', and you must type references as you found it.  Then

    MovieClip (root) .yourVariable

    If get you there.

  • to access the variables and functions between external loaded SWF?

    Using AS 3.0: say I have a menu.swf which loads a content.swf below using the following

    var newContent:Loader = new Loader();
    newContent.load (new URLRequest ("fowContent.swf"));

    Now I have an image tag in newContent do it is an animation ending to this swf display. When you click another menu key in menu.swf, can I access sequence at the end of this content by:

    newContent.gotoAndPlay (newContent.endingSequence);

    Alternatively, you can use while loops in AS 3.0? I would like to have a Boolean variable "completed" in the newContent don't which evaluates to true after that end animation played.

    While (newContent.ended! = true)

    then to have it perform the function to load and display the new content.swf


    PS you can not use a loop for and you can't use a while loop to perform any time. They both run from end to end before something is updated on stage and no other code can run outside of these loops (except if it is called from in the loop).

  • Remotely to access the variables of the cRIO

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    Thank you!

    If you use variables published shared network and host them on the target (make sure that the library is below the target in the Project Explorer), variables will be deployed when you start the host VI. This way you will not interrupt the program of control over the cRIO.

    See the knowledge base article: How can I deploy a compiled executable shared network Variables? for more information.

    Hope this helps,

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