Access Variable from class MovieClip

I have a class,, which is related to a few different clips, each with a healthPointsTotal:uint of the property to their respective deadlines, and all these have different values. I need to get the MovieClip healthPointsTotal and use it in code. How do I do that?

has each different enemy extend from the same class of the enemy.

Tags: Adobe Animate

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    Normally, I use MovieClip (this.parent) to access a variable that is outside the movieclip I am writing code in. However, this does not work in both functions.

    For example:

    function editMainText (e:Event) {
         MovieClip(this.parent).headline.text = "Hello"



    function editMainText (e:Event) {
         function editText (e:Event){
              MovieClip(this.parent).headline.text = "Hello"

    does not work

    There is probably some small errors in my code, but I need mainly to learn how to change MovieClip (this.parent) to work within the second function.

    Thank you!


    does not work.

    In most all cases I've seen, nested functions will stand on their own

    function () {} editText
    MovieClip (this.parent).headline.text = 'Hello '.

    function editMainText (e: Event) {}

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    < object classid = "clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase =" ", 0,0,0 "width = '312' height = '319' id ="rot14-07-09"align ="middle"> "
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    < param name = "allowFullScreen" value = "false" / >
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    Kind regards


    You must add the flashvars to your AC_FL_RunContent() function, too.

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    trace (VariableString);

    and also

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    No work

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    I appreciate this has probably been discussed before on this forum but I can't find an answer of difinitve that seems to work.

    Thank you

    When I put "MovieClip (root)" I tried that literally... not MovieClip1 (root).  You will need to cast to the class of the root object, who, most often using MovieClip() enough (among others, like object).

    What I don't see is happening is that you be able to get the value of the text of MovieClip1 the way that you say you do.  If MovieClip1 contains a text input component, then to get the value of this text you need to target the text property of the element inside the MovieClip1, as in...

    VariableString1 = MovieClip1.textInputName.text.

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    I found the solution to this. My problem was similar to cheftimo was seen in this post: = 1367784 & enterthread = y

    The answer is to import the component you are trying to access the variable from and then call using mx.core.Application ' Application.application.'

    Thanks to Greg Lafrance!

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    I found the problem. In the main.swf file, when I loaded the other 2 files, I didn't specify the LoaderContext. So now, I changed the context loader so that all files will be responsible for their class definitions in the same field. Here is a small example from senocular and the link.

  • Bug? Tags accessibility conversion from Word 2007

    This seems to be a minor problem, but it is one that could create a lot of frustration for a disabled person using a screen reader to read tabular data in a PDF document.

    As you know, Acrobat plays well with applications Office allowing users to create (structured) tags, accessible PDFs from MS Office files. I just created a simple docx file with a (attached) table, and when I converted it to PDF, I noticed a difference in the tags that it creates from the conversion of Word XP. As see you in the Word file, the table is very basic, but one of its column headings is divided into two cells. It's actually a very common technique for the presentation of the data in the table. To automatically mark as cells of table header < TH > header lines in the PDF file, I put the first two lines of "Repeat header lines."

    Conversion from Word 2007 with the "Save as Adobe PDF", or any other method that uses the Acrobat plugin, creates a tree of tag that is missing a < TH > tag. I found the problem when I was testing a file with the JAWS screenreading software. Using the JAWS "active cell" command (Ctrl-Alt-Numpad 5) to announce the column headings. It reads the wrong header for the active cell because of the < TH > missing. So, in my example file, he announced $2 and $5 as amount 2010 rather than 2009. This could be quite confusing for a user, to say the least screen reader.

    Then, I compared the result to the new feature "Save as PDF or XPS" from Word 2007. This feature of the tag of the file properly and header to the height columns.

    Compare the joint "save-as-adobe - pdf.gif" to "Save-as-pdf - xps.gif. Note the < TH > tag empty (but necessary) in the image of the latter.

    As a validation test, I had a colleague with Word XP the file convert. These tags were right too. So this must be a problem between Acrobat and Word 2007.

    Someone at - it further comments on this? I'll conduct accessibility training and at the present time, it seems that the use of the Word 2007 conversion feature is the way to go.

    I'm using Acrobat 9 Pro.

    Thank you


    Hey Joe,

    I feel your frustration. For any organization that needs or wants to commit to providing accessible information online
    a serious logistics problem raises its head. PDF, HTML, what is the right way to do (and it's possible)
    requires more resources (training, knowledge, hardware, software, changes to work flow, perhaps some staff members more).
    Is not "work smarter with less & pump more" in this place.

    Yes, it is useful (and necessary) for 'being one' with the 'paragraphs' - WCAG 1.0 - WCAG 20 S508.
    However, as soon as someone starts to provide PDF files which must be 'accessible' the first, most important reference is ISO 32000.
    The references of PDF from Adobe, which preceded the PDF becomes an ISO standard are useful; but ISO 32000 is the norm.
    In this documentation, there is a full discussion of what he * needs to be done to provide an accessible PDF.
    Without a good understanding of this content, other information tend to bring about a de-escalation of focus opacity, which can
    contribute to conceptual errors important view accessible PDF.

    Entry blog of Leonard Rosenthol AUC provides a link to the ISO standard permitted version Adobe (free) of the ISO 32000-1.

    You will find additional information useful in these two documents:
    (1) - PDF Accessibility QAnywhere (from the Acrobat SDK add-on)

    (2) - reading the PDF through MSAA

    On the JAWS - Yes, very used. However, not the exclusively used on demand.
    If I use Windows Eyes, NVDA, a braille reader or something else then what?
    JAWS * not * defined 'is available '...

    Re: (1) (1)
    "Match and if...". »
    Consider "Stop front right on red".
    '' Respect '' is stop on Red - turn right
    'Intent' (aka usability) is stop on Red - Look Good to come from traffic that has the right of way - performance - when clear, turn right.

    But, at least, we don't talk of the "left on red" 8 ^)

    Re: (2). (2)
    Just an observation. A defective product that claims to be 'everything' may enter a sticky wicket entities (individuals/businesses).
    Put a high volume of defective products on its same does increase the probability that a "shadow".
    Quantity replaces quality just isn't a precursor to success.
    Target species - and national judicial action class action that has been taken against him with regard to the "accessibility" of services information online.
    Resolved now - see the web site of the NFB.

    Re (3) (3)
    Ah, but what would say Judy justice or judge Marily?
    Efficiency does not provide a product of the "whole".
    I doubt it will ever be a "one-click" seamless between the dominant products of one of the software houses.
    They are competitors intense. That it is not others providing provide a product of 'whole', right?
    For example, if the organization wants to 'make accessible PDFS' label then it pays transport costs - Adobe Pro, training, workflow appropriate, etc.
    which allow the delivery of PDF files meet the standards to which formed a well containing the tag output is PDF (accessible is a subset of this).
    There is no other way for PDF.
    If this cannot be done so there are always HTML as an acceptable method (for some it's the way privileged and only 'true').

    However, HTML is 'right' for accessiblilty is just as demanding in its own way.

    With each version of TA / dot release, JAWS - Windows Eyes - NVDA & others hone in on using PDF ISO 32000 Standard closer.
    This means that if you deploy "accessible" PDF, you will need to provide PDFS who live ISO.
    Do not forget that the paragraphs of S508 began when, in fact, HTML was 'it '. In terms of software that has been there are geological ages.
    For contemporary AT effectively analyze the PDF, the PDF file must be a PDF containing the tag well trained with a format/layout that reflects a logical hierarchy.
    Creation of all that it should start in the environment of creation with the author of the content.
    PDF post-processing output then ensures that the elements (tags) PDF are of the correct type, have the required attributes, etc..
    Without this, AT will not be able to provide the use of effect for the end user of the PDF file.

    So, for AT correctly 'work' the PDF file, elements of * must * have set the Scope attribute, values of row value and scope of column defined, etc..

    Scope, line Span, range column, ID of the Table and headers must be added in the framework of the post-processing in a PDF using Acrobat Professional.
    An alternative is the plugin Netcentric CommonLook for Acrobat Professional. What it does, Acrobat Pro can do; However, the CommonLook
    provides a robust user interface. Disadvantage: some 1 k $ per seat is not 'cheap' and it has a * steep learning curve * (Sitka Pass?).

    Two related table resources run this AUC thread (in post 3 and 4). They can be of some use.

    When the "smelly things" feeds into the Lair of the fan, it is prudent to not be directly downstream, huh.
    Consider the target and the situation, in which they began.
    Consider delivery of the PDF accessible agencies fedgov or stategov.
    They won't be in front of the fan if the ease of use of PDF files becomes a problem.
    It will be rather those submitting. After the Agency said "accessible".

    Better to slow down and right or loading ramp of resources in support of "Annex" as to the stake themselves as someones 'feed' tomorrow, no.?

    Ultimately, PDF, HTML, or any 'format', accessibility is the ease of use + compliance.

    Needed improvements in the professional development and training, software/equipment, * time *?
    Yes. But, all of this boils down to 'where the rub the road' - what tires are you on?
    It can be done. I do a little bit at a time all day. Often, this is what it takes.
    Products to be delivered are provided; but, with no bad labeling and advancement is identified, celebrated and everything continues until the
    the 'road' is filled correctly.
    Won't wash outs, bridge collapse or what not tomorrow .
    (But then I'm a fan of "Holmes on Homes", which can go a long way toward understanding my point of view when it comes to accessible PDF).

    Re: function() {Return...
    Good question.
    Write my guess - either to leave the cut & paste that I made at the start of the application I used to assemble and captures screen or something related to the Adobe Forum application.
    It may be that I am "special"; If that were the case we my Lotto occasional quick choice would have been a big winner $ ago.

    You will find a number of "Accessible PDF" related to resources in discussions at the Forum of the accessibility of the AUC.

    Two PDF Accessible related on demand seminars are also available.
    Search for Duff Johnson and Charlie Pike (at page 2) seminars.

    Be well...

  • Problem passing variable from PHP to Flash

    I'm moving a single variable from PHP to Flash. However, I can't quite make it work.

    In a PHP file named data.php, I use:
    "$query = SELECT SUM (Debt) As Total OF THE debtclock;
    $result = mysql_query ($query);
    $debt = mysql_result ($result, "Total");
    Print "debttotal = $debt";

    In Flash 8 Actionscript, I use:

    If I understand correctly, this should make the variable available in Flash debttotal.

    Can someone tell me where I'm wrong?

    Try this:
    loadVariables ("data.php", _level0);
    The 2nd parameter specifies the target that receives variables, '0' is not a valid value for this. With _level0, variables will be found in the root timeline, so you can access it with _root.debttotal (from _level0) or _level0.debttotal (on a different level than _level0).


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    My sincere apologies, my Mcafee came via the Optimum/Cablevision, not Mozilla. I now managed to solve my problem and appreciate the 2 above responses. Thank you.

  • Cannot access my Comcast mail since the last update. I can access it from Safari and Microsoft Windows, but generally do not either of these browsers use

    Cannot access my Comcast mail since the last update. I can access it from Safari and Microsoft Windows, but generally do not use either of these browsers. I chatted with Comcast and they are the ones who asked me to try to gain access to other browsers. And, as noted, I managed. Only my opening my email to inhibits the Firefox, the browser that I use on a regular basis because of this problem I can't use Firefox.

    The reset Firefox feature can solve a lot of problems in restaurant Firefox to its factory default condition while saving your vital information.
    Note: This will make you lose all the Extensions, open Web sites and preferences.

    To reset Firefox, perform the following steps:

    1. Go to Firefox > help > troubleshooting information.
    2. Click on the button 'Reset Firefox'.
    3. Firefox will close and reset. After Firefox is finished, it will display a window with the imported information. Click Finish.
    4. Firefox opens with all the default settings applied.

    Information can be found in the article Firefox Refresh - reset the settings and Add-ons .

    This solve your problems? Please report to us!

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    What do you mean by "disconnect"? If you mean stop using an access code then settings > password (enter your current password) > disable password

  • Flatten XML bug with unit variables in classes


    I just spent 5 hours trying to understand why some of my data class kept itself set to zero.  It turns out that the part that kept resetting is the part that had a variable of the unit in it, and who fails to load correctly of the VI XML Unflatten.  It works very well if it's just a cluster, it is to be in a class that is the problem.

    I attached the zip file with the example of screw

    Can I ask someone with LV 2014 try this to see if the bug exists?

    Right now we are running 2011, but we anticipate a change of scale of the company until 2015, as soon as he gets out (and so, 2011 drops of extended support).  I would like to know if I can just wait for the upgrade and then it will work, or if I need to redo everything ~ 15 variables in classes with units on them that I had counted on the loading and saving by using built-in XML functions.

    For the benefit of future people who have the same problem and find this post, NOR contacted me and told me fact knowledge as a workaround if a digital solution is placed in a cluster in the private class data control, it will flatten and unflatten successfully.  I have confirmed that it works by adding a 3rd member to my example.

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    How can I solve this problem? Please help me.

    Hello yazid.

    I recommend posting your question on our TechNet site for remote desktop connection problems located here:
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    It's a scam! Don't do anything they ask. Microsoft never call people unawares. A search on these forums and you will find MANY people asking.

    I hope this helps.

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    The messages on your computer now, you would have to back to yourself, and then they would be on the server.  For the future, go to tools | Accounts | Mail | Properties | Advanced and check the leave a copy of messages on the server.  Do it with another machine in order to get the messages on both machines.  Then also set one of them to delete messages from the server after a few days, so that they accumulate and fill the mailbox you.


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