Adding feeds to "feeds.xml".

Hello everyone, I am currently in programming as a hobby. I love the Blackberry OS 10 and I'm interested in coding for the platform.

I use the waterfalls (QML and C++), and I'm doing a podcast, as BPod and PodcastAddicts (Android) downloader. I designed the user interface of the application, but I'm running a certain problems and I hope that people don't mind help out me.

So first of all: I have a screen that has the controls to be added to the library. I'm storing flows in an xml file called "feeds.xml", but I'm stuck on how to write to the file. So, I want to when the button is clicked, then it gets added to the "feeds.xml" file and library updates showing the newly added podcast stream.

Currently I have this code:

import bb.cascades 1.0

Page {
    id: myPage
    Container {

        topPadding: 10
        background: Color.Black
        Container {
            id: addFeedContainer
            layout: StackLayout {
                orientation: LayoutOrientation.LeftToRight

            TextField {
                id: feedUrl
                hintText: qsTr("Add feed url") + Retranslate.onLanguageChanged
                inputMode: TextFieldInputMode.Url
                clearButtonVisible: true
                layoutProperties: StackLayoutProperties {
                    spaceQuota: 1
                input {
                    submitKeyFocusBehavior: SubmitKeyFocusBehavior.Lose
                    submitKey: SubmitKey.Submit
                    onSubmitted: {


            Button {
                text: qsTr("Add") + Retranslate.onLanguageChanged
                preferredWidth: feedUrl.focused ? 20 : undefined
                onClicked: {
            function addFeed() {

                // Reset the TextField to its original state
                feedUrl.text = ""
        ListView {
            topMargin: 50
            dataModel: XmlDataModel {
                id: rss
                source: "feeds.xml"

            listItemComponents: [
                ListItemComponent {
                    type: "item"

                    SettingsListItem {



Thanks in advance

XMLDataAccess but there are limits on the XML, you can write on, so if you decided to complicate later then you can consider using QXmlStreamWriter now.

However, I use them both in my application and so there is nothing that prevents using XMLDataAccess now and then glancing QXmlStreamWriter when you need more complexity.

Tags: BlackBerry Developers

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  • Adding sensitive Images of XML

    I have people,

    I'm working on my first Web Site responsive.

    I work in XML (two dogs databases that contain the details for each dog and the paths to the image files).

    The site is made with Bootstrap3, HTML5 and CSS3. I already have all the data connections that is not a problem.

    What is the best way to insert my images from XML in my Bootstrap-HTML pages using Dreamweaver to make them responsive and optimized properly?

    I hope that's not too complicated!

    Thanks to anyone who can help me.


    That's what I've tried so far-

    It's my XML

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
       <url><img src="/images/boys/dog_profile.jpg" width="530" height="607" alt="Photo of Dog " class="img-responsive image-holder"/></url>

    HTML code of the page

    var dogsImageName = dog.find('url').html ();

    $("#dogsImageHolder").empty ();

    $("#dogsImageHolder").append ("< html >" + dogsImageName + '< /html >');

    < div class = "col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-5 col-lg-5" >

    < div class = "image door-img-reagent" id = "dogsImageHolder" > < / div >

    < / div >

    In Photoshop, I know how to make generator export Adobe and the process of Extraction of the PSD.

    IN Dreamweaver CC, I tried the following three methods to insert images.

    According to W3C When you use the bootstrap information what I have to do is - this

    Then add the .img-responsive class in my CSS. It applies display: block; and max-width: 100%; and height: auto; to the image:

    It works well, but what is the size of the image export from the src =? If I use the larger size, I have a heavy page. The smallest looks terrible during the enlargement process.

    There is the < image > method. Apparently, it's better for when you need to do the art direction, I need this.

    And finally the SRCSET method

    < img src = "small.jpg"

    srcset = "large.jpg 1024w medium.jpg 640w, 320w small.jpg"

    Dimensions = "(min-largeur: 36em)" 33.3vw, 100vw ""

    ALT = 'A rad Wolf' >

    It is difficult to say without seeing the site itself, what size you should take your images.

    You should almost never allow an image to expand it beyond its size native pixel.

    Using max-width: 100% instead of width: 100% in your css will allow the image to cater for smaller devices. It will shrink with your page as the browser window is made smaller, but it will get not much larger than its native pixel dimensions.

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         <TagB description = "example"/>

    How, using JavaScript, add an attribute to the TagB to modify Xml.xml to include the following:

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    N ° forget the docs from Adobe on this. You will get the docs a lot better on the web. Mozilla (for example) has some very good tutorials...

    Search on Google.


  • Adding items to an XML list

    I have 2 tables, one of the images, the other links.  I would like to create an XML list using the values of these berries.  My code is similar to:

    public function savecards (): void
    var coverflow:XML = new XML (< coverflow / >);
    var coverage: XML = new XML (< coverage / >);

    for (var j: Number = 0; j < 2; j ++)
    Cover[j].@image = _image [j]
    Cover[j].@link = _link [j];
    coverflow.appendChild (cover [j]);
    trace (CoverFlow);

    However, the resulting trace statement produces the following data.

    < coverflow >

    " < = cover image" "link =" " "/>

    " < = cover image" "link =" " "/>

    " < = cover image" "  link=" "/>

    < / coverflow >

    that is all three XML nodes are identical and match the final value in the two tables.

    I would like suggestions.  I guess I have to make the variable of coverage in a table, but in all the examples I've seen of reading XML E4X you don't seem to need to declare the variable.

    This should work:

    public function savecards():void
         var coverflow:XML = new XML();
         var cover:XML;
         for (var j:int = 0; j < 3; j++)
              cover = new XML();
              cover.@image = _image[j]
              cover.@link = _link[j];
  • Adding namespace to the XML output


    I have a requirement to generate an XML document for the columns in the table. I use DBMS_XMLgen.getXML inside my procedure to get the XML document.

    The result I get after my procedure is:

    <? XML version = "1.0"? >
    < EMP >
    < EMPLOYEE_NO > 000017 < / EMPLOYEE_NO >
    Mini < NAME_LAST > < / NAME_LAST >
    < NAME_FIRST / >
    < / EMP >

    But I also need to prefix and uri of namespace in the xml output. Is it possible to add the prefix and namespace uri to the xml output.

    So what I need, is something like below one:

    <? XML version = "1.0"? >
    < xs:EMP > xmlns: out = "http://xmlns:out="http:/">
    < xs:EMPLOYEE_NO > 000017 < / xs:EMPLOYEE_NO >
    Mini < xs:NAME_LAST > < / xs:NAME_LAST >
    < xs:NAME_FIRST / >
    < / xs:EMP >

    Any solutions or examples of code on it would be a great help.

    Thanks in advance.


    OK, back to the basics:

    What is your version of db (all four digits please)?

    The following gives the expected result?

    select xmltype('
    from dual;
  • Namespace added to already existing XML


    I created an xml using XMLTYPE (object, oracle). Now, I want to add a namespace at the root. How can I achieve this?

    < RESPONSE >
    Jack < TAG1 > < / TAG1 >
    < TAG2 > < TAG2 > LUN
    < / ANSWER >

    Desired ouput
    < xmns RESPONSE = "" >
    Jack < TAG1 > < / TAG1 >
    < TAG2 > < TAG2 > LUN
    < / ANSWER >

    Thank you

    Published by: AKVK on October 11, 2009 14:44

    michaels2 wrote:
    In addition to a simple REPLACEMENT, you can also do

    SQL>  SELECT XMLELEMENT (response,
    xmlattributes ('' "xmns"),
    xmltype ('jackmon').EXTRACT ('RESPONSE/*')) resp
    1 row selected.

    I thought about something like that than I am, but my purist mind was telling me "no, you can't retrieve the subelements of ANSWER because who wouldn't return an XML document valid. Sheesh, I wish I had tried it now. ;)

  • Parsing XML feed

    I have codes as follows:
    feedURL VARCHAR2 (500);
    xmlparser parser. Analyzer;
    feedXML xmldom. DOMDocument;
    titles xmldom. DOMNodeList;

    titles_found NUMBER;
    curNode xmldom. DOMNode;
    textChild xmldom. DOMNode;


    feedURL: = '3Aproject % & v = query-meta & query = HOOD & render.function = xml-feed-display & content-type = text/xml';

    Parser: = xmlparser.newParser;
    feedXML: = xmlparser.parse (feedURL);
    xmlparser.freeParser (parser);

    titles: = xmldom.getElementsByTagName(feedXML,'*');

    FOR j IN LOOP 1.xmldom.getLength (titles)
    curNode: = xmldom.item(titles,j-1);
    textChild: = xmldom.getFirstChild (curNode);

    dbms_output.put_line ('('||) LPAD(j,2) |') '|| xmldom.getNodeValue (textChild));

    xmldom.freeDocument (feedXML);


    Above codes generate result:
    (11) 150
    * (12) H0OH18101 *.
    (13) < span class = "vivbold qt0" > </span > HOOD, RONALD E
    (16) 155
    * (17) H8OH07073 *.
    (18) < span class = "vivbold qt0" > </span >, RONALD EDWARD HOOD
    (23) H0oh18101, hood, Ronald
    (25) Edward, Hood, Ronald
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

    You can see by browsing, oracle shows all items in the feed url. From the results above, I need to display only items 12 and 17, and ignore the rest. I also provide XML feed below:

    <? XML version = "1.0"? >
    -vce >
    < param name = "v: sources" value = "cansumtest" / >
    < param name = "v: project ' value = 'query-meta' / >
    < param name = "query" value = "HOOD" / >
    < param name = "render.function" value = "xml-feed-display" / > "
    < param name = "content-type" value = "text/xml" / >
    -added source = test-strictly 'test-strictly"name ="cansumtest"type ="vse"modified"1355412925"="1.3"over-request = num = '200' status 'questioned' = asked ="200"query-xml-Jack in charge ="query-xml-support' vse - vse = 'vse - vse"total-results = '2' admin-url ="http://velocity/vivisimo/cgi-bin/admin"stem"depluralize"stem2 = 'none' = list of stopwords = 'none' search-ms ="1"recovery-ms = '0' total-results-with-duplicates = '2' retrieved '2' = >
    < parse url = " & mode = normal & strength-binning binning = 0 & max = 300 & start = 0 & num = 200 & staging = 0 & collection = cansumtest & r-o-p = 0 & sort keys = 1 & shingles = 1 & sum = 1 & = 1 & cache-data cache = 0 & score = 0 & show-duplicates =" 0 & gen - key = 0 & n-collapse = 0 & is is collapsed binning = 0 "start time"57"end of time = = http ="64"status" 200 OK"status =" "read treated analysis ' recovered '2' = / >" "
    < / source added >
    -< path list = "" num = "2" level = '0' start '0' by = '10' = > "
    -document url = "oracle:// / orcl /?" key - val = 9' rank = '0' source = "cansumtest" score = "0.111111" truncated url = "oracle:// / orcl /?" key - val = 9"context =" 3astate % & v = % 28root % 29% 7croot & v % 3aframe = tree & subquery = id % 3aNdoc0 & % active 3d = root & v % 3asubsearch = 1 & ">
    < = "size" type = "text" > 150 happy name < / content >
    < happy name = "CAND_ID" type = "text" > H0OH18101 < / content >
    < happy name = "CAND_NM" type = "text" > < span class = "vivbold qt0" > </span > HOOD, RONALD E < / content >
    < happy name = "extract" type = "html" / >
    < / document >
    -document url = "oracle:// / orcl /?" key - val = 4015"="1"source ="cansumtest"rank score = '0.1' truncated url =" oracle:// / orcl /? " key - val = 4015"context =" 3astate % & v = % 28root % 29% 7croot & v % 3aframe = tree & subquery = id % 3aNdoc1 & % active 3d = root & v % 3asubsearch = 1 & ">
    < happy name = "size" type = "text" > 155 < / content >
    < happy name = "CAND_ID" type = "text" > H8OH07073 < / content >
    < happy name = "CAND_NM" type = "text" > < span class = "vivbold qt0" > </span >, RONALD EDWARD HOOD < / content >
    < happy name = "extract" type = "html" / >
    < / document >
    < / list >
    -< tree base-url = "" & v: state = ' recluster-base-url = " &" > "
    -< node type = 'high' level = '0' Sindocs = '2' active = '1' subnodes = '0' ts = "|" root' ls = "root |" root' bs = "|" root">
    -< node type = 'document' level = '1' Sindocs = '1' ts = "(root) |" root' ls = "root |" N0"bs =" (root) | " N0 ">"
    < description > H0oh18101, hood, Ronald < / description >
    < / node >
    -< node type = 'document' level = '1' Sindocs = '1' ts = "(root) |" root' ls = "root |" N1"bs =" (root) | " N1 ">"
    < description > Edward, Hood, Ronald < / description >
    < / node >
    < / node >
    < / tree >
    < / vce >

    The easiest way is probably to apply a regular expression, either by post-processing of the column:

    SQL> select cand_id
      2       , regexp_replace(cand_nm, '<[^>]+>') as cand_nm
      3  from xmltable(
      4         '/vce/list/document'
      5         passing xdburitype('/public/feed.xml').getxml()
      6         columns
      7           cand_id   varchar2(30)  path 'content[@name="CAND_ID"]'
      8         , cand_nm   varchar2(80)  path 'content[@name="CAND_NM"]'
      9       )
     10  ;
    CAND_ID                        CAND_NM
    ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    H0OH18101                      HOOD, RONALD E
    H8OH07073                      HOOD, RONALD EDWARD

    or directly in XMLTable:

    SQL> select cand_id
      2       , cand_nm
      3  from xmltable(
      4         '/vce/list/document'
      5         passing xdburitype('/public/feed.xml').getxml()
      6         columns
      7           cand_id   varchar2(30)  path 'content[@name="CAND_ID"]'
      8         , cand_nm   varchar2(80)  path 'ora:replace(content[@name="CAND_NM"], "<[^>]+>", "")'
      9       )
     10  ;
    CAND_ID                        CAND_NM
    ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    H0OH18101                      HOOD, RONALD E
    H8OH07073                      HOOD, RONALD EDWARD
  • I have post Podcast RSS feeds the posts back to subscribers, but NOT in the iTunes store... why?

    I have an account for my Podcast. I publish the RSS and posts go to the each subscriber of iTunes accounts but do not publish in the iTunes store. I changed servers recently and have, in my opinion, done all correct use for my stream change... help


    If you choose a new workflow, you must:

    redirect subscribers to your new workflow

    notify the iTunes Store, you have a new stream.

    The two steps above are complemented by a redirect:

    Set up a 301 redirect on your server for your old power supply.

    Add the itunes: new-feed-url tag to your old feed. Example:

    Know how to do that in the section "Change your RSS Podcast Feed URL" here:

    Please share:

    The old RSS feed

    The new RSS feed

    URL of your iTunes.

    It seems that this has happened:

    First RSS feed-> Submitted to iTunes > user subscribed--> user gets new episodes

    Second RSS feed-->? iTunes has been notified? --> iTunes doesn't new episodes.

    Second RSS feed--> users get new episodes

    I recommend the deletion of your podcasts in the box my Podcasts in iTunes Desktop (to avoid confusion).

    Then, search the iTunes Store for the podcast put you to the test and you subscribe.

    In my Podcasts, click on the podcast > copy the link.

    Is this link, your NEW diet or your old diet?


  • Passing object XML in Flash to ASP.

    Hi guys...

    Is it possible to pass a Variable of object/array of Flash XML to ASP?

    If it is, how to obtain and analyze the object/table XML variable in the ASP file?

    I intend to go with ASP to create an external XML file, and then I'll feed XML to Falsh data.
    Incase of additions or Corrections in the data, once again I'll pass the details of flash to ASP and replace the existing XML file.

    Please help me...

    Thanks in advance...

    - ****

    Thanks in advance...

    - ****

    The XML in Flash class has multiple ways to send data to pages of script on the server side. . Send(),. sendAndLoad(), etc..

    If you want the data sent in the form of XML object and not as a pair key/value as a form post, check if you set the contentType to "text/XML" before using the send() or sendAndLoad() controls.

    Read the XML code directly in ASP will require you to use the Request object.

    Set xml_dom = Server.CreateObject ("MSXML2. DOMDocument')
    xml_dom. Load (request)


  • Link a file the LiveCycle XML

    Currently, we use a .dat file to fill a .docx file, but we have problems with the layout and formatting, and I want to switch to the use of a PDF file.

    I found a lot of information about adding a data connection XML to a PDF document, but nothing to do with the troubleshooting. I created a simple XML file with 3 fields and I was able to connect to a dynamic PDF file and then generate the fields in the document. Now, when I saw the PDF values fill, nor when I open it in the drive.

    I tested on Designer ES2 and ES3 and Reader X.

    I can't seem to find a way to join the XML and PDF, but I'll include the XML reference:

    <? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? >

    < project >

    < number > 100040 < / number >

    18/02/2015 of < entry > < / enter >

    < name > < / name >

    < / project >

    Hi, you can simply add the data file to the form, in the form of properties... Preview?

  • R12 payment process Request Status Report add additional columns to the XML data.

    In 11i, we had modified the preliminary report of payment to include additional columns (distributions of invoice). R12, this report is obsolete and Oracle introduced a new report 'Payment process Request Status Report'. This query uses BI Publisher to generate the release of the final report. I can't edit the template for the output XML to the report has not
    contains data for distribution invoice account. We need to know how we can modify the XML data to include additional columns.

    For the disbursement of funds (payment instructions file) process, Oracle provides extensibility IBY_FD_EXTRACT_EXT_PUB package to build the custom XML element structure that can be added to the extracted XML payment generated by the Oracle payments. Do we have something similar to this report? Are there other options available?

    Thank you


    The same "IBY_FD_EXTRACT_EXT_PUB" package also works for the payment request process status report. Please add the logic to get the distribution data in this package, and you'll see the new XML tags in this report also.

    I hope this helps.

  • XML list XML index to 0 knots

    I added a bit of XML primitive to my existing XML file.

    The XML looks like this

      <name><![CDATA[1st Special]]></name>
      <name><![CDATA[2nd Special]]></name>
      <name><![CDATA[3rd Special]]></name>
      <name><![CDATA[4th Special]]></name>

    When I try to iterate over the nodes after assigning each special node in an XML list, it fails when I check, it seems he only sees at index 0. Rather than 0, 1, 2, 3. I know that I can use a for each loop on this, but the problem is that I think I should be able to distinquish between the various nodes

              private function specialProcess(x:XMLList):void {
                   var specialsObject:Object;
                   var specialsList:XMLList;
                   var specList:XMLList;
                   var dataCopy:XMLList;
                   dataCopy = x;
                   for (var a:int = 0; a < 4; a++) {
                        specialsObject = {
                             specials: []
                        specialsList = dataCopy[a].special;

    Thanks in advance

    Try this:

    private void specialProcess(list:XMLList):void {}
    var specialsObject:Object;
    var specialsList:XML;
    var specList:XMLList;
    var dataCopy:XMLList;
    dataCopy = list;
    for (var a: int = 0; a)< 4;="" a++)="">
    specialsObject = {}
    specialsList = dataCopy [a];
    trace (a + ":" + specialsList.children () [0]);

  • Expressions of namespaces, e4x XML

    I have some WebService result of e4x formatted data I'm trying to access. Here's a bit of it:
    "" "" "" "< GetWeatherByZipCodeResponse container =" ' xmlns:soap = ' ' xmlns = "" xmlns: xsi = "" > "
    < GetWeatherByZipCodeResult >
    < latitude > 33.57975 < / Latitude >
    < longitude > 85.08121 < / Longitude >
    < name of place > CARROLLTON < / PlaceName >

    It has properties of xmlns 4 is set, the default value is.

    The namespaces I don't delclare/use and how to reference the node < PlaceName > using e4x? I can get by using the index:
    sPlaceName = xmlResultNode.children () [2] .text ();
    but not using the name of the node:
    sPlaceName = xmlResultNode.PlaceName.text)

    It is clearly a matter of namespace, but what namespace?

    Thank you

    OK, I found this deal.

    Note that the xml elements have no namespace prefixes. This means that they use the default namespace. So adding this directive:
    default xml namespace = "" "; "
    allows me to reference nodes without any problem of namespace.

    A related question: I tried to use this xml file in a datagrid, but found that I could not use dataField, perhaps because of the problem of the namespace? In any case, that the solution was to use a labelFunction.

    I posted the example integer webservice on


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