Adobe Photoshop 7.0 installs not on Windows 10

I have recently upgraded to Windows 10 and for a few weeks, Photoshop 7.0 worked without problem. Last week, he refused to open so I tried to reinstall from the original disk. However it is not re - install. Anyone know of a solution - I know it's an old program but it meets my needs. Thank you.

Because the PS 7 allows to work on your system Windows 10.

The first thing to try is 7 PS preferences reset.   Use the Task Manager and see what process is running on your system.  Do sture there is no Photoshop running on your system Windows 10.  If there is away with the Task Manager.

Then try you reset the Photoshop preferences.  Try to run PS 7 and press immediately on and hold down the Shift + Ctrl + Alt.  If you do it quickly while Photoshop should prompt you want to remove your preferences.  If you get this quick answer, Yes. Delete your preferences to create a new default set of preferences of your user ID and start Photoshop.

If you do not get this prompt.  Repeat the first use step the Task Manager to ensure that no Photoshop turns...

To remove your user id Photoshop preferences, you must find them.  To do that you must use the control panel Windows 10 to set Windows mode file Explorer setting default Microsoft who hides files and folders from your view.   Like this

Then use windows file Explorer to find a folder named something like this I do not have installed ps7 name you may be different from what some.

"C:\Users\Your user ID\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 7.


"C:\UsersYour user ID\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Photoshop\7.0.

If you rename or delete this folder.

Then try to launch PS 7

Tags: Photoshop

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