As instances of the interface in schedule task

Hi all

Is it possible to get the OIMClient session just as we have a method in 10g api based on which we will have the instance of interfaces to 11 g API plan the task.

Kind regards

Use oracle.iam.platform.Platform.getService

Tags: Fusion Middleware

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  • I get the message that Scheduler tasks not preformed tasks does not

    Original title: error messages
    I get the message that Scheduler tasks not preformed tasks does not

    You have can not be programmed tasks, but one or several applications that you have installed probably made (without bothering to tell you).  Google is a likely culprit, but certainly not the only one.

    Most of these tasks are "phone home" search for updates of applications.  If you ask me, you're better off with tasks not running - but I'm sure that you don't like the error message at every startup.

    Rather than starting at the end with the section of the "Troubleshooting" section, begins to run and find out what's on demand - so you can decide whether you care or not that it is not performed.

    Click Start > Accessories > system tools > scheduled tasks

    The window tasks planned opens and you can see the list of tasks.  If you want the tasks to be performed, but they are not, then follow «troubleshooting» article  If you don't want the task to run, do a right click and 'delete '.

    Or, if you do not want to risk to delete something you don't know, but don't want the error of "missed tasks", right-click on a task, select properties and then uncheck the box in the tab 'Task' that says 'Enabled '.  This will give time to what the job is all about and why he could not be executed but will prevent the message "some tasks have been missed" to come whenever you start the search.

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    Thank you

    That is why ignoreEvent() API is provided in the interface of the IOM.

    But he does this method comapare ignoreEvent() values with IOM user profile user or users process form values?
    Yes, it works for both. The input of this API argument is the name of the resource object and the Office of receiver can be approved / target you created. SO for your resource target reconciliation, it works for you.

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    1. what task is scheduled when you receive this error message?
    2. what kind of files were copied during the error 0 x 3?
    System error codes.
    Method 1
    Step 1
    Run a scan of system files Checker
    Step 2
    I use a robocopy command, then try to re-register Robocopy.exe, you must:

    1) click Start

    (2) click on run

    (3) type regsvr32 Robocopy.exe

    (4) press on enter

    (5) restart your computer
    If you are still facing questions, please go to.
    Method 2
    Download copy tools Robo (original file intended to be produced server, but the files specified robocopy applies to Windows 7 included in the KIT)
    Note: If a compatibility Manager appears, click on the program, the installation can be dormant however it is tested to be a successful installation of Windows 7.
    Please post the results of the resolution of the problems.
    Hope this helps
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    I need to upgrade my VM to the latest version of VMware Tools (9.0.10 since 5.1.0 Update 2).

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    I wonder if there is a way to create tasks scheduled using the Scheduler of vSphere.

    Thank you very much in advance for your help.

    Best regards, Werner

    Hi Werner,.

    PFB the process to install VMtool without restarting the machines.

    1. click on any virtual machine that needs the tools updated

    2. right click on the vm and hover over the comments and select Install/Upgrade VMware tools

    3. click on automatic tools upgrade and Advanced Options enter the command of follow-up

    "/S /v" /qn REBOOT = R.

    VMware KB: Install VMware Tools in a Windows virtual machine



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    Could someone here explain what means this task?
    The manual says:
    This scheduled task performs the operation specified by the UserOperation attribute on the user specified by the attribute UserLogin account

    Anyone here have an example scenario that this task could be useful?


    Pretty simple. This Scheduler is used to perform actions on the user IOM account according to a predefined schedule. This means that you can perform the actions ENABLE, DISABLE or DELETE any user of IOM. And the attribute values can be:

    UserLogin - IOM User Login
    UserOperation - ENABLE

    The scheduler run above will allow the user if the people with reduced mobility. Now the utility part. Consider the following use cases:

    (* 1) * cancelled at any user tell User001 you and that you want to disable this user and all resources provisioned at 18:00 hours once he finished all the work desktop, and if you turn off the user to the user to disable the button the user directly and all of its resources would be left immediately. So you can assign to this scheduler to run at 18:00 hours, with values User001 and DISABLE

    (* 2) * you're a Helpdesk guy / IOM and Director of IOM does not want you to have access to the item of menu users because he doesn't want you to have a look at the personal data of the user IOM but he want always that you can actually run enable - disable actions on IOM. In this case, that it will give you access to the menu item manage schedule the task so that you can perform the daily activity of the operations. It is a solution for the use case.

    Thank you


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    Thank you



    It will be interesting to see what other solutions the Foglight user community found for this.

    A simple option I can think of is having the task cron/writing to a file log and this logfile with LogFilter monitoring officer


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    FYI, sfc/scannow reported no integrity violoations with system files.  I also reconfigured my PC there is to make sure that it is clean, fresh and perfectly up-to-date before reinstalling all my apps, and it's been updated for about 2 months then.

    How this application problem "manages scheduled tasks" can be fixed?  If you don't know, where can I get an answer?  Neither Google nor Bing seem to show any reference to the exact phrase "" manages scheduled tasks has stopped working stopped working '. "

    Craig in New Jersey

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    Craig in New Jersey

    Update 7/27 edit: Since disabling component HP Digital Imaging Monitor (hpqtra08.exe) drivers HP printer/scanner more than a week ago, I have not seen error messages 'has stopped working and was closed"breed, and Windows Update seems to operate normally.

  • Windows 7 Professional x 64 Task Scheduler crashes when you click on a scheduled task

    When I start Scheduler of tasks on my Windows 7 Professional x 64 workstation it takes over an hour to load the list of scheduled tasks. Once jobs are shown I can't change them because soon, you click the Task Scheduler task is suspended. The Application log shows an event ID 1002 and the source is Application Hang. The operating system is Windows 7 Professional x 64 SP1. Y at - it a fix for this problem?  The details of the event are:

    Event ID 1002

    Source Application Hang

    Task category: 101

    General Secription:

    The program version 6.1.7600.16385 mmc.exe ceased to interact with Windows and was closed. To see if there is more information about the problem, check the history of the problem in the control panel of the center of the Action.

    Process ID: a 19-0

    Start time: 01ce9f354dba29f6

    Termination time: 0

    Application path: C:\Windows\system32\mmc.exe

    Report ID: 39e8e630-0b39-11e3-bd93-002713cabcab


    This computer is on a domain network?

    You can perform the steps described in the article and see if it helps.

    Troubleshooting Task Scheduler

    If the computer is in a domain network, I recommend you post the question in the Technet forums to get help.

    Hope this information helps.

  • only scheduled task action


    I wonder when a scheduled task is running if it has only the name and action?

    Thanks, Ido


    Thank you for choosing to post in the Microsoft community.

    Unfortunately, the question is not clear. The issue to better understand let us know a few things.

    a. What is exactly the question that you challenge?

    b. is the utility of scheduled task does not?

    Check out the link:

    Suggestions for a question on the help forums

  • How to grant map to IOM CSF a scheduled task


    I need to give a reference card for the store of credentials to the IOM a scheduled task. I was trying to grant access but no success yet.

    I tried to grant access to $OIM_HOME/server/plugins /- but still access denied.

    Could you please you shared your suggestions on this.

    Thank you


    You can create a class to access your CSF and put it in a jar in your folder of $DOMAIN_HOME/lib. After that just create a system policy to allow this vial to read the key from your CS

  • How to upgrade a custom scheduled task setting?


    I develop a scheduled task that has a setting called 'Last Run Timestamp'.  I want to this field allows to limit my reconciliation events to those that happened after the timestamp of last Run.

    From my java code, how can I change this field with sysdate/time stamp of the last race?

    I'm running on IOM 11gr2ps2.

    Thank you


    Example of Code using SchedulerService.

    SimpleDateFormat time = new SimpleDateFormat ("yyyy-MM-DD hh: mm: zzz");

    Start date = new Date();

    LOGGER.log (Level.INFO, "start time:" + (start) time.format);

    Update the Timestamp of scheduled task setting

    JobDetails job = getSchedIntf () .getJobDetail (getName ());

    HashMap attributes = job.getAttributes ();

    JobParameter = attributes.get ("last Run Timestamp") jobparam;

    String timestamp = (time.format (start));

    jobparam.setValue (timestamp);

    Attributes.put ("last Run Timestamp", jobparam);

    job.setAttributes (attributes);

    getSchedIntf () .updateJob (job);


  • Import-Module via a scheduled task results in different $env: modulepath

    Just upgraded to PowerCLI 6.0 R3

    Anyone encountered this?  I was updating my scripts of scheduled to begin importing the module rather that to add the snap-ins, but for some reason when Task Scheduler is running scripts, it basically-error w / unable to find valid module.

    When the position of Scheduler task as service account runs it, $env: modulepath looks like this:

    C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\;D:\Program files (x 86) \Microsoft SQL Server\110\Tools\PowerShell\Modules\; C:\Dell_PSCmdlets; C:\Program Files (x 86) \AWS Tools\PowerShell\; C:\Program Files (x 86) \Microsoft SDKs\Azure\PowerShell\ServiceManagement

    When I run interactively as service account, I noticed that the module is properly in the modulepath environment variable.

    C:\Users\svcLDAPVMware\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules; C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules; C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\;D:\Program files (x 86) \Microsoft SQL Server\110\Tools\PowerShell\Modules\; C:\Dell_PScmdlets. C:\Program Files (x 86) \AWS Tools\PowerShell\; C:\Program Files (x 86) \Microsoft SDKs\Azure\PowerShell\ServiceManamanagement; D:\Program Files (x 86) \VMware\Infrastructure\vSphere PowerCLI\Modules

    I thought about it.  The Task Scheduler service is not actually update the path of the module variable until it is restarted.  If anything like that launched by there only everything that is entered in the modulepath @ start time system.  Installation PowerCLI 6.0R2 aftermath, fills all new sessions, just not all that has been actively running in time.

    I had to reboot the virtual machine to the Task Scheduler picking up the new addition to the modulepath of the system.

    It was specifically related to Windows 2008 R2, do not know if the versions are affected.  In any case, hope this is helpful to anyone who may run into the same situation.

  • Scheduled task check Coldfusion updates gets 403 error

    I am running Coldfusion10 on RedHat Linux6. ColdFusion Administration scheduled task runs that a check for Coldfusion updates every 30 days. This month the access_log had the following entry.[16/Feb/2016:12:32:15 - 0600] "GET /CFIDE/administrator/updates/task/checkupdates.cfm HTTP/1.1" 403 316 "-" "CFSCHEDULE.

    If I run it manually scheduled task, I see the message "this scheduled task has been completed successfully" but still see the error in the log.

    There is nothing in the application.log

    When I click on updates to the title of the update of the server, the hourglass turning for a long time, and it times out with the following error.

    Could someone tell me what is the problem?

    Thank you

    2-16-2016 1-15-15 PM.png

    We rebooted the server, and everything went back to normal.

    Thank you very much for helping us.

  • Difference bw schedule task Xellerate organization and AD organization Reco


    What is the diffence bw schedule task Xellerate organization and organization Recon AD?
    I went to the docs of connector AD bt doesn't have undestood the difference properly


    -No worries.
    - OU Announces does not all defined rules and that's fine.
    - Organization of Xellerate is the receiver Office which is used as a basis for the creation of organizations IOM through reconciliation trust or, for example, recon AD organization in this case.
    -I don't see a rule but ut should be Xellerate organization in any case because it is a Number of trust and not vice versa

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