AtEnd ScrollView

Hi, I would like to know when the user reach the end of a ScrollView.

In a ListView control, we use ListScrollStateHandler to treat onAtEndChanged, is there a way to achieve this whitin a ScrollView?

Thanks in advance

I figured out that viewableArea and included content height compare ScrollView

Tags: BlackBerry Developers

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    import bb.cascades 1.2
    Sheet {
        id: sheetSection
        property string myTitle
        Page {
            id: pageSection
            titleBar: TitleBar {
                title: qsTr("Acerca de")
                id: titleSection
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                    onTriggered: {
            Container {
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                    horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
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                    textStyle.base: SystemDefaults.TextStyles.BigText
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                    imageSource: "asset:///images/info.png"
                    horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
                Label {
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                    horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
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                Label {
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                    textStyle.textAlign: TextAlign.Center
            } //contSection
        } //pageSection
    } //sheetSection

    Not raise or lower... I want the screen to scroll up and down

    If you wish that the capacities of zooming and scrolling, you must use the ScrollView control.

     ScrollView {
       Container {
         //your ui elements
  • Add a dynamic control to scrollView in QML

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    You need ComponentDefinition

    attachedObjects: [
     ComponentDefinition {
         id: itemDefinition
         MenuItem {
             id: item

    And inserted dynamically

     var tmpList = Array();
     for (var i = 0; i < 8; i ++) {
         var tmp = itemDefinition.createObject();
         tmpList[i].itemLabelText = (i + 1).toString();
         tmpList[i].translationX = getPositionX(i);
         tmpList[i].translationY = getPositionY(i);
     itemsList = tmpList;

    Example above maintains the reference to each item in the list, so that you can edit them after. Here is a complete project:

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    Have you tried scrollToPoint (0, 0, ScrollAnimation.Default)?

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    Kind regards

    assign none to the scroll mode should do the trick

    ScrollView {
        id: scrollView
        scrollViewProperties {
            scrollMode: ScrollMode.None
            pinchToZoomEnabled: true
        layoutProperties: StackLayoutProperties { spaceQuota: 1.0 }
        Container {
            background: Color.LightGray
            WebView {
                id: webViewScrollable
                url: ""
                onMinContentScaleChanged: {
                    scrollView.scrollViewProperties.minContentScale = minContentScale;
                onMaxContentScaleChanged: {
                    scrollView.scrollViewProperties.maxContentScale = maxContentScale;

    What could you do, create the view Web and then put a scrollview inside just scrolling through the content you need.  Let the object of the camera outside the scrollview

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    import bb.cascades 1.0
    Page {
        Container {
            background: style.bgColor
            Container {
                preferredWidth: Infinity
                TopBar {
                    id: bar
                    layoutProperties: StackLayoutProperties {
                        spaceQuota: -1
                layoutProperties: StackLayoutProperties {
                    spaceQuota: -1
            ScrollView {
                id: scrollView
                verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center
                Container {
                    leftPadding: 20
                    rightPadding: 20
                    bottomPadding: 20
                    topPadding: 20
                    layout: StackLayout {
                        orientation: LayoutOrientation.TopToBottom
                    TextField {
                        inputMode: TextFieldInputMode.NumbersAndPunctuation
                        hintText: qsTr("accountNumber") + Retranslate.onLocaleOrLanguageChanged
                    TextField {
                        inputMode: TextFieldInputMode.NumbersAndPunctuation
                        hintText: qsTr("accountNumber") + Retranslate.onLocaleOrLanguageChanged
                    TextField {
                        inputMode:  TextFieldInputMode.NumbersAndPunctuation
                        hintText: qsTr("customerId") + Retranslate.onLocaleOrLanguageChanged
                    TextField {
                        inputMode:  TextFieldInputMode.PhoneNumber
                        hintText: qsTr("mobileNumber") + Retranslate.onLocaleOrLanguageChanged
                    TextField {
                        inputMode:  TextFieldInputMode.Text
                        hintText: qsTr("dateOfBirth") + Retranslate.onLocaleOrLanguageChanged
                    TextField {
                        inputMode: TextFieldInputMode.Text
                        hintText: qsTr("userName") + Retranslate.onLocaleOrLanguageChanged
                    Button {
                        text: qsTr("submit") + Retranslate.onLocaleOrLanguageChanged
                        preferredWidth: Infinity
                        onClicked: {
                scrollViewProperties {
                    scrollMode: ScrollMode.Vertical

    I have this form, which the user must fill. My problem here is I want the scrollview in the middle of the screen.

    Q10, it makes no difference there top and padding 20. But the z10 since the screen is large, it takes top padding low 20.but padding it takes the entire bottom of the screen. I won't be centered vertically in z10.

    Solved this way

     Container {
                layout: DockLayout {
            ScrollView {
                id: scrollView 
                verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center
  • WebView in ScrollView zoomed in policy number

    Hey all.

    When I put a webview in a scrollview and have pinch zoom active, by zooming in on the content translated by extremely fragmented and out of the text development. The text does not refocus when you zoom in or zoom out as it does in the browser of the phone.

    How can I enable the same behavior that is on the default browser, inside a webview? I couldn't find anything in WebSettings that goal, although I could have missed something.

    Hi Brennan12325, this problem no longer exists on the OS Version 10.1.0. See the screenshots for your referenct:

  • Key capture within a ScrollView

    I have a check that when I get a touch, I followed the touch() signal when the user moves upwards and downwards, to change the value there is a. Like in this video , but in the vertical direction.

    If I put the control inside a ScrollView, control no longer works, because I get a TouchEvent Cancel.

    I tried to change all the ancestors of TouchPropagationMode view touchPropagationMode:assThrough button down event and bring back them into the contact upwards / button cancel event (so the ScrollView should stop running events for the scrollbar, when this control has captured the touch event), but it does not work, and I keep getting the Cancel event.

    I also had a look at this thread , that he says makes the turn of events, but I don't understand leave a control within the view, but from the outside.

    No hint of how to capture key events and prevent the ScrollView parent of during my control is the capture of the touch event!

    Finally found a way to solve this problem. Sorry for the 'spam' in the forum :/

    The path is the same used in the post I mentioned in my first post.

    I put a signal handler for my touch event.

    QObject::connect( counterLabel, SIGNAL( touch(bb::cascades::TouchEvent*) ),
                          this, SLOT( onTouchEvent( bb::cascades::TouchEvent* )));

    So when I get a touch down in my counterLabel, I call the hijackTouchEvents:

    void TouchCounter::onTouchEvent( bb::cascades::TouchEvent* touchEvent )
        TouchType::Type eType = touchEvent->touchType();
        if( eType == TouchType::Down ){
            initialY = touchEvent->windowY();
            counterUpdateIncrement = 0;
            timerIntervalAccum = 0;

    and I get the "oldest ancestor" to install a touchCapture Manager and block all events key to its immediate children (save mode to restore them later).

    void TouchCounter::hijackTouchEvents()
        blockedNode = NULL;
        capturingTouchesNode = this;
        VisualNode* next;
        while( (next = qobject_cast(capturingTouchesNode->parent() ) ) != 0){
            blockedNode = capturingTouchesNode;
            capturingTouchesNode = next;
        QObject::connect( capturingTouchesNode, SIGNAL( touchCapture(bb::cascades::TouchEvent*) ),
                              this, SLOT( onTouchCaptureEvent( bb::cascades::TouchEvent* )));
        if( blockedNode != NULL ){
            blockedNodeOriginalPropagationMode = blockedNode->touchPropagationMode();
            blockedNode->setTouchPropagationMode( TouchPropagationMode::None);

    I also have the function to disconnect from the touchCapture:

    void TouchCounter::freeTouchEvents()
        QObject::disconnect( capturingTouchesNode, SIGNAL(  touchCapture(bb::cascades::TouchEvent*) ),
                                  this, SLOT( onTouchCaptureEvent( bb::cascades::TouchEvent* )));
        capturingTouchesNode = 0;
        if( blockedNode != NULL){
            blockedNode->setTouchPropagationMode( blockedNodeOriginalPropagationMode );
            blockedNode = NULL;

    And I call the freeTouchEvents function in the onTouchCaptureEvent, when I get a touch up or touch cancel event.

    void TouchCounter::onTouchCaptureEvent( bb::cascades::TouchEvent* touchEvent )
        TouchType::Type eType = touchEvent->touchType();
        VisualNode* tgt = touchEvent->target();
        if( eType == TouchType::Move && capturingTouchesNode != 0 ){
            float a = touchEvent->windowY();
            float diff = a - initialY;
            counterUpdateIncrement = getUpdateRateMilliseconds( diff  );
            if( diff > 10.0f ){
                valueDirection = -1;
            }else if( diff < 10.0f ){
                valueDirection = 1;
                valueDirection = 0;
        }else if( eType== TouchType::Up || eType == TouchType::Cancel ){
            initialY = 0;

    I hope this is help someone!

  • How to disable scrollview

    I have a list.xml he has 6 points and does not need to scroll upwards or downwards.

    How can I disable scrollview. See below the code nothing eles on my page a scrollview

    ListView {
                    id: listView
                    // set object name to let listView to be discoverable from C++
                    objectName: "listView"
                    layout: GridListLayout {
                        cellAspectRatio: 0.79
                        orientation: LayoutOrientation.BottomToTop
                        dataModel: XmlDataModel {
                            source: "models/items.xml"
                        listItemComponents: [
                            // define component which will represent list item GUI appearence
                            ListItemComponent {
                                type: "item"
                                // list item GUI appearence component is defined in external MyListItem.qml file
                                WebItem {

    Thanks in advance.

    In this case, why are you even using a list or grid? If you don't want the advantage of the scroll at any time, do not use them at all... Don't you extend the components in a different way?

  • ImageView ScrollView scaling

    Hi all, my picture is much bigger than the size of the screen and is the scale good onPinchUpdated signal (), but after that it's normal size. How correct scale in the ScrollView? Because without ScrollView, it works fine. Here is my code:

    ScrollView {
      id: myScroll
      ImageView {
        id: myImage
        property double initialScale: 1.0
        property double scaleFactor: 0.8
        imageSource: "asset:///images/bigpic.jpg"
        gestureHandlers: [
          PinchHandler {
            onPinchUpdated: {
              myImage.scaleX = myImage.initialScale + ((event.pinchRatio - 1) * myImage.scaleFactor);
              myImage.scaleY = myImage.initialScale + ((event.pinchRatio - 1) * myImage.scaleFactor);
      scrollViewProperties {
          ScrollMode: ScrollMode.Both

    You can use the pinchToZoomEnabled property... and let the scaling to the BONE

     ScrollView {
                scrollViewProperties {
                    scrollMode: ScrollMode.Both
                    pinchToZoomEnabled: true
  • How ScrollView + gestureHandler (pinch) work together?

    I'm need ScrollView + gestureHandler (pinch) to large image scaling.

    If I use:

    Container {
        ScrollView {
            gestureHandlers: [
                PinchHandler {
                    // scaling code here

    It does not together (ScrollView simply handle scroll events, but other gistureHandler do not work)

    I found the solution.

  • ScrollView do not scroll

    Hi all

    Anyone can point out what I'm doing wrong...

    ScrollView {
                            scrollViewProperties.scrollMode: ScrollMode.Vertical
                            scrollViewProperties.initialScalingMethod: ScalingMethod.Fill
                            layoutProperties: AbsoluteLayoutProperties {
                                positionY: 187.0
                            scrollViewProperties.overScrollEffectMode: OverScrollEffectMode.OnScroll
                            touchPropagationMode: TouchPropagationMode.Full
                            overlapTouchPolicy: OverlapTouchPolicy.Deny
                            Container {
                                Container {
                                    id: mContainer
                                    ImageView {
                                        imageSource: "asset:///images/m.png"
                                Container {
                                    id: pContainer
                                    ImageView {
                                        imageSource: "asset:///images/p.png"

    Thank you

    The problem is the tank this ScrollView contained in. Put a ScrollView within a DispositionAbsolue can cause the behavior you're seeing.

    If you can paste code that contains your code above, which may help us to help you.

  • Hide the Scrollbar in ScrollView

    Hi all

    is it possible to hide the scroll bar in a scrollview?

    Kind regards.

    You expect that there is a property as in the ListView, but it seems that they who left on Beta 3 so for now, in my view, there is no way to do it. A new update is scheduled for late November, so with a bit of luck we will see it then.

    If you really want to maximize the chances that this situation is treated, create a feature request in Jira incident manager. See link to developer Issue Tracker at the bottom of

  • Can anyone tell my why my scrollview and pinch and zoom don't work... the webview load very well...

    ActionItem {
                        onTriggered: {
                            var pageWebPage = visitWebPage.createObject();
                        imageSource: "asset:///icons/134.%20Crystal%20ball.png"
                            ActionBar.placement: ActionBarPlacement.OnBar
                id: visitWebPage
                    property alias webView: webView
                    Container {
                        ScrollView {
                        scrollViewProperties.pinchToZoomEnabled: true
                        scrollViewProperties.scrollMode: ScrollMode.Both
                            WebView {
                                id: webView
                                url: ""


    in fact it was working properly, I pushed the incorrect action button to test .

    Its been a long night...

    Thank you..

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