How to get the Awesome bar with Mac

I have a new Mac Mini. No great bar / location appears. How can I get it?

NB510 - graphics driver is not compatible with Windows 10

Like many others, I now have the chance at a free upgrade for Windows (from the pre-installed Windows 7 Starter) 10. Unfortunately, the laptop has a custom graphics manufacturer driver and I can't find a new version of Intel® Graphics Media Accelerat

Page Forward and Reverse buttons do not work and are "grayed out" after upgrading to, as it is the elements of main Menu like file-Edit-view etc...

After the upgrade to Firefox 3.6.12 features appear to be intact. Then, after a few days he lost the ability "page forward" or "back" and are "grayed out". In addition, the elements of main menu like File, Edit, View, history, Favorites, tools, and a

610y Office

610y XP desktop running can be upgraded to windows 7? Or should I buy a new pc? Thank you

Control power supply 405 IPS by Labview

Hi all I need to configure a 405 FPS of power Iso-tech and controll it via a LabVIEW code.Can I use NI-VISA to control this power via RS - 232?I looked everywhere but could not find the LabView drivers for this power supply. Can I ask you what to do?

VI is paused and while loop has highlighted

I'm in parallel while loops and for some reason when it should start to run loops, it pauses for the VI and highlights one loops. It was not last week when I ran it so I don't know what is the issue. I've included a screenshot of the beginning of the

I have a home wireless network that is not safe. Need step by step instructions on how to secure.

I have a home wireless network which is not safe, the instructions need step by step how to secure.

G72-66us recovery does not

Hello, recently one of the windows files does not so I had to recover. The disks that I created did not run, saying he not for the specefied system. I bought a new hard drive and also tried on the old hard drive. So I ordered disks from HP for my spe

Backup failures

I bought two identical hardrives of TB 1/5; both are formatted.  The reason for two was to allow me to my itunes library backup capability, which currently includes about 500 MB.  The files are divided into five separate files.  When I "drag and drop

in WRT54GC 5dBi antenna - how to tie

Hi all I recently bought a 5dBi antenna for my WRT54GC router. However, I don't check if the router's original antenna is detachable and unfortunately is not. Does anyone know if there is another way to attach the new antenna or if I'm missing someth

E4200 comments via LAN network

I have wireless comments upward and running very well. But I have to also connect to the network to search for the router via one of the ethernet ports. Can I simply specify the LAN-conencted PC a static IP address of 192.168.3.x for access to the ne

I have several blue screens

original title: I got nearly every BSOD on my old Sony RT2SY allinone desktop of 1 year.   Not a day goes by without multiple failures on my Sony, which is running Vista Ultimate 64-bit. It has been ongoing for over a year and I'm desperate to find t

ProBook 470, windows 8.1 - missing driver for: PCI simple communication controller

Hello I installed on my new laptop windows 8.1. from the Device Manager, it shows that miss me the PCI controller driver simple communications. What does this product do? and how do I install the driver for it? could not find any solution yet.

my list of files hotmail don't "still" while I'm trying to put an email in the folder.

my list of files hotmail don't "still" while I'm trying to put an email in the folder. He pulls to the where it was before I dropped it down,. When I move the cursor to click on the folder I want to put in. can u help me with this?

OfficeJet 4630 does not print

OfficeJet 4630 when the sent item to print continues to try to fax it instead of print

failure to communicate with the image drum?

My m175nw is only 2 weeks... Everything worked great until I did the Firmware update.  Now, I get the following error and I think I printed only one (1) page since I bought this thing 10.0004 power error10.1004 supply memory error There is a failure

How to remove PCKEEPER

Impossible to uninstall PCKeeper from my computer. Tried in the usual way, but can not go beyond the first drop-down list, asking if I want to this to make changes to my computer.

Porting your app BB10

Hello I recently published my BB 10 app for which I used the sdk webworks. What are the different platforms can I port to use the same code. Can it be worn on titanium appaccelarator so that I can reuse this code to develop a version of iOS from that

An invalid certificate has been declined. Jabber - Android

I have - 9 CUCM and CUPS - 16 When I installed Jabber for Android version 10.6 everything was fine. When I upgraded Jabber by play store and I installed version 11.7 once I connect and I accept 2 times the certificates, I have