Calendar of the apex; limit values for each day/cell

Apex 4.2

I'm working on a calendar widget to my page. The calendar will be specific sectors (using the abbreviation of sector space maximze) for each day. When you use the calendar, I noticed the sectors more you have, the cell for this day will begin to stretch down / vertically. I tried to change this so that a specific day / cell would show only a number of areas. For example, maybe one day 20 sectors are attributed to him, however, I only want to show 5 of them and then a text saying 'See more'. The text 'see more' will eventually be a link, but it's far from being the problem.

Initially, the request for this was along the lines of:

the_id, the_date, the_sector, the sector_abbrev
from Table
where this = that

It would show all sectors for all the days on the calendar. Yet once, I wanted to limit the output every day as some days would indicate all 20 sectors (their abbreviations), and some would be 3 or four in function. So to say that there are 30 sectors (10 1st), 4 of the 15, 12 on 20-4 on November 29. I want to allow only five abbreviations of sector which must appear in a cell until the link "see more" appears. I came up with the following query:

the_sector_abbrev, the_id, the_date, the sector
from Table
where rownum <= 5 and (this = that)
union all
Select 'View More', null, null, null
from dual

I found that it would be limiting my calendar for showing that four areas throughout the month of November and not for each day / cell on the calendar. I am to discover that 'rownum' is perhaps not the way to go. I don't know how to specify for each of the calendar days rownum. I don't know how to capture every day / the Calendar cell. Maybe I need a more complicated or a subquery where clause. But overall, from my example above, the 1st show four of the sectors and then the link "See more", the 15th would show the four sectors and thats all, the 20th century would show four sectors and her "see more" link and so on.

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

NewApexCoder wrote:

I had no idea of the possible application of solution would be too complex.

It is not the case:

with calendar_data as (
      , sch.hwe_inspection_scheduling_id
      , sch.inspection_date
      , sch.instructions
      , sch.inspection_sector_id
      , sch.high_water_event_id
      , ins.inspection_sector_name
      , hwe.event_name
      , row_number()
            over (
              partition by sch.inspection_date
              order by sch.inspection_date, ins.inspection_sector_name) day_sector_rn
        hwe_inspection_scheduling sch
          left join inspection_sectors ins
            on sch.inspection_sector_id = ins.inspection_sector_id
          left join high_water_events hwe
            on sch.high_water_event_id = hwe.high_water_event_id
        (   sch.high_water_event_id = :p0_high_water_event_id
         or :p0_high_water_event_id is null))
  , inspection_date
  , inspection_sector_name
  , sector_abbrev_name
  , ...
  , null -- Generate URL for sector links here
    day_sector_rn <= 5
union all
  , trunc(the_date) + 1 - interval '1' second
  , null
  , 'View More…'
  , ...
  , null -- Generate URL for "View More..." links here
group by
    count(*) > 5

Tags: Database

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    Date 2-3


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    I have the me_result of the table as below,

    SELECT * FROM me_result;

    ID     ||| ELITE     ||||||||||| FREQ_ITEM | COMBINED_STR | SUP
    1     ||; 1; 10; 2; 3; 4; 5; 7; 8. 1     ||||||||||||||; 1; 10; 2; 3; 4; 5; 7; 8 ||| 2
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    5     ||; 1; 10; 2; 3; 4; 5; 7; 8. 5     ||||||||||||||; 1; 10; 2; 3; 4; 5; 7; 8 ||| 2
    6     ||; 10; 2; 3; 4; 5; 8; 9. 1     ||||||||||||||; 10; 2; 3; 4; 5; 8; 9; 1 ||| 1
    7     ||; 10; 2; 3; 4; 5; 8; 9. 2     ||||||||||||||; 10; 2; 3; 4; 5; 8; 9 ||| 2
    8     ||; 10; 2; 3; 4; 5; 8; 9. 3     ||||||||||||||; 10; 2; 3; 4; 5; 8; 9 ||| 2
    9     ||; 10; 2; 3; 4; 5; 8; 9. 4     ||||||||||||||; 10; 2; 3; 4; 5; 8; 9 ||| 2
    10     ||; 10; 2; 3; 4; 5; 8; 9. 5     ||||||||||||||; 10; 2; 3; 4; 5; 8; 9 ||| 2

    I need to find the first COMBINED_STR max for each element of the ELITE,
    I mean, max value is the max REGEXP_COUNT (combined_str,' ;')))

    really, I try to write down, but I had a lot of values for each ELITE and I need only the first, that
    SELECT * from me_result
    WHERE (ELITE, REGEXP_COUNT (combined_str,' ;')))) IN

    I need the result to be as below.

    1; 1; 10; 2; 3; 4; 5; 7; 8-1; 1; 10; 2; 3; 4; 5; 7; : p
    6; 10; 2; 3; 4; 5; 8; 9 1; 10; 2; 3; 4; 5; 8; 9; 1 1

    any help please,.

    Published by: user11309581 on July 10, 2011 22:03

    Can be

    with t as
    (select 1     ID, ';1;10;2;3;4;5;7;8'     ELITE, 1     FREQ_ITEM, ';1;10;2;3;4;5;7;8' COMBINED_STR, 2 SUP from dual union all
    select 2     ,';1;10;2;3;4;5;7;8'     ,2     ,';1;10;2;3;4;5;7;8'     ,2 from dual union all
    select 3     ,';1;10;2;3;4;5;7;8'     ,3     ,';1;10;2;3;4;5;7;8'     ,2 from dual union all
    select 4     ,';1;10;2;3;4;5;7;8'     ,4     ,';1;10;2;3;4;5;7;8'     ,2 from dual union all
    select 5     ,';1;10;2;3;4;5;7;8'     ,5     ,';1;10;2;3;4;5;7;8'     ,2 from dual union all
    select 6     ,';10;2;3;4;5;8;9'     ,1     ,';10;2;3;4;5;8;9;1'     ,1 from dual union all
    select 7     ,';10;2;3;4;5;8;9'     ,2     ,';10;2;3;4;5;8;9'     ,2 from dual union all
    select 8     ,';10;2;3;4;5;8;9'     ,3     ,';10;2;3;4;5;8;9'     ,2 from dual union all
    select 9     ,';10;2;3;4;5;8;9'      ,4     ,';10;2;3;4;5;8;9'     ,2 from dual union all
    select 10     ,';10;2;3;4;5;8;9'     ,5     ,';10;2;3;4;5;8;9'     ,2 from dual
    from (
      FROM t
      WHERE (ELITE,REGEXP_COUNT(combined_str,';')) IN
    ) where RN=1
    order by id
    ID                     ELITE             FREQ_ITEM              COMBINED_STR      SUP
    ---------------------- ----------------- ---------------------- ----------------- ----------------------
    1                      ;1;10;2;3;4;5;7;8 1                      ;1;10;2;3;4;5;7;8 2
    6                      ;10;2;3;4;5;8;9   1                      ;10;2;3;4;5;8;9;1 1     
  • Select the last value for each day of the table


    I have a table that contains several measures for each day. I need two queries on this table, and I'm not sure how to write them.

    The table stores the rows (sample data)
    *DateCol1                 Value       Database*
    27.09.2009 12:00:00       100           DB1
    27.09.2009 20:00:00       150           DB1
    27.09.2009 12:00:00       1000          DB2
    27.09.2009 20:00:00       1100          DB2
    28.09.2009 12:00:00       200           DB1
    28.09.2009 20:00:00       220           DB1
    28.09.2009 12:00:00       1500          DB2
    28.09.2009 20:00:00       2000          DB2
    Explanation of the data in the sample table:
    We measure the size of the data files belonging to each database to one or more times a day. The value column indicates the size of the files of database for each database at some point (date in DateCol1 European model).

    What I need:
    Query 1:
    The query must return to the last action for each day and the database. Like this:
    *DateCol1       Value      Database*
    27.09.2009        150          DB1
    27.09.2009       1100          DB2
    28.09.2009        220          DB1
    28.09.2009       2000          DB2
    Query 2:
    The query should return the average measurement for each day and the database. Like this:
    *DateCol1       Value      Database*
    27.09.2009       125          DB1
    27.09.2009      1050          DB2
    28.09.2009       210          DB1
    28.09.2009      1750          DB2
    Could someone please help me to write these two queries?

    Please let me know if you need further information.

    Published by: user7066552 on September 29, 2009 10:17

    Published by: user7066552 on September 29, 2009 10:17

    Why two queries when it suffice ;)

    SQL> select dt
      2       , db
      3       , val
      4       , avg_val
      5    from (
      6  select dt
      7       , val
      8       , db
      9       , row_number () over (partition by db, trunc (dt)
     10                                 order by dt desc
     11                            ) rn
     12       , avg (val) over (partition by db, trunc (dt)) avg_val
     13    from test)
     14   where rn = 1
     15  order by dt
     16  /
    DT        DB           VAL    AVG_VAL
    --------- ----- ---------- ----------
    27-SEP-09 DB2         1100       1050
    27-SEP-09 DB1          150        125
    28-SEP-09 DB2         2000       1750
    28-SEP-09 DB1          220        210
  • SQL - last selection query save values for each date in term


    Can anyone help me please with my problem.

    I'm trying to get the last balance recorded for each day of specific box (1 or 2) in a given period of days of the database ms access using ADOTool.

    I'm trying to get this information with SQL query but so far without success.

    My table looks like this:

    Name of the table: TestTable

    Date         Time      Location  Box  Balance
    20.10.2014.  06:00:00     1       1    345
    20.10.2014.  12:00:00     1       1    7356
    20.10.2014.  18:45:00     1       1    5678
    20.10.2014.  23:54:00     1       1    9845
    20.10.2014.  06:00:02     1       2    35
    20.10.2014.  12:00:04     1       2    756
    20.10.2014.  18:45:06     1       2    578
    20.10.2014.  23:54:10     1       2    845
    21.10.2014.  06:00:00     1       1    34
    21.10.2014.  12:05:03     1       1    5789
    21.10.2014.  15:00:34     1       1    1237
    21.10.2014.  06:00:00     1       2    374
    21.10.2014.  12:05:03     1       2    54789
    21.10.2014.  15:00:34     1       2    13237
    22.10.2014.  06:00:00     1       1    8562
    22.10.2014.  10:00:00     1       1    1234
    22.10.2014.  17:03:45     1       1    3415
    22.10.2014.  22:00:00     1       1    6742
    22.10.2014.  06:00:05     1       2    562
    22.10.2014.  10:00:16     1       2    123
    22.10.2014.  17:03:50     1       2    415
    22.10.2014.  22:00:10     1       2    642
    23.10.2014.  06:00:00     1       1    9876
    23.10.2014.  09:13:00     1       1    223
    23.10.2014.  13:50:17     1       1    7768
    23.10.2014.  19:47:40     1       1    3456
    23.10.2014.  21:30:00     1       1    789
    23.10.2014.  23:57:12     1       1    25
    23.10.2014.  06:00:07     1       2    976
    23.10.2014.  09:13:45     1       2    223
    23.10.2014.  13:50:40     1       2    78
    23.10.2014.  19:47:55     1       2    346
    23.10.2014.  21:30:03     1       2    89
    23.10.2014.  23:57:18     1       2    25
    24.10.2014.  06:00:55     1       1    346
    24.10.2014.  12:30:22     1       1    8329
    24.10.2014.  23:50:19     1       1    2225
    24.10.2014.  06:01:00     1       2    3546
    24.10.2014.  12:30:26     1       2    89
    24.10.2014.  23:51:10     1       2    25

    Let's say that the period is 21.10.2014. -23.10.2014. and I want to get the last balance recorded for zone 1. for each day. The result should look like this:

    Date         Time      Location  Box  Balance
    21.10.2014.  15:00:34     1       1    1237
    22.10.2014.  22:00:00     1       1    6742
    23.10.2014.  23:57:12     1       1    25

    So far, I managed to write a query that gives me the balance so that a SINGLE date (date more time in the table), but I need balance for EACH date in a specific period.

    My incorrect code (has not managed to implement "BETWEEN" for the dates...):

    SELECT TestTable.[Date], TestTable.[Time], TestTable.[Location], TestTable.[Box], TestTable.[Balance]
    FROM TestTable
    WHERE Time=(SELECT MAX(Time)
    FROM TestTable
    WHERE Location=1 AND Box=1 );



    Here's the correct query (just copy - paste):

    FROM TestTable T1
    MAX(Time) AS Max_Time
    FROM TestTable
    WHERE Location=1 AND Box=1 AND Date BETWEEN #10/27/2014# AND #11/1/2014#
    GROUP BY Date) T2
    ON T1.Time=T2.Max_Time;

    The problem is in the SELECTION within the INNER JOIN. This SELECTION selects the time max for each date, because we want this and then the entire table, we choose filelds we want, but now we have only fields with the time max.

    Here is a really good explanation of INNER JOIN if anyone is interested--> JOINT INTERNAL


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    I've already solved the problem the solution is below

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  • How to assign the ID of group for each group in the SQL query.

    Hi all

    I want to assign the ID of group for each group (group ID of series). I tried with the row_number function but did not work for my requiredment. Here is my sample data and my requirement.


    I want to get number of each column with ID group assign to it value. Here is my example output

    Col1 County Group ID
    A 5 1
    A 5 1
    A 5 1
    A 5 1
    A 5 1
    B 1 2
    C 1 3
    D 4 4
    D 4 4
    D 4 4
    D 4 4
    E 3 5
    E 3 5
    E 3 5
    F 1 6
    G 3 7
    G 3 7
    G 3 7

    Select col1, count (1) NTC (col1 partition).

    ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by col1 by col1 order) tbl_test grp_id.

    Please help me solve this problem.







  • The FRA diskgroup separate for each prod database?


    Env: Oracle 11 g 2 EE (, 6.2 RHEL 64 bit

    Storage: file system

    Databses: ten databases on the PROD and 20 on the DEV

    I have two existing servers with above configuration - a DEV and a single PROD. I have to move all of the databases from two servers to new servers.

    I have two options. Configure the servers again exactly the same way (same software oracle, same mounts-points, directory structures, etc.) and move/copy the databases above. The other option is to use ASM for storage instead of file system.

    Customer asks a diskgroup FRA separate for each DBA database. His reason is that if the FRA gets filled by archivelogs because of some process in the databases, all databases stops responding.

    • It's a legitimate concern and what is the best way to deal with this kind of situation?
    • Should I create a diskgroup FRA separate for each database?

    The archivelogs are backed up every 20 minutes for each PROD database.

    Please advise!

    Best regards

    You can limit FRA for each database with the parameter DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST_SIZE.


    Hello everyone;

    I have a question about PGA.


    What I got from google...

    Even if information analysis of SQL or PL/SQL is already available in the library of shared pool cache,

    the value that the user want to execute the statement select or update cannot be shared.

    I can't realize that someone can show an example of clear, if possible?

    DB version is

    OS: oracle linux 5.5

    Thanks in advance...

    PGA is memory private belonging to a specific user. This private memory contains of these pieces that is not supposed to be shared with others. For example, when you sort a part of the data, that does not mean all he wants too. If Oracle retains the sorted data requested by you in your own PGA. Similarly, if you want to query a table with a value of 10, it does not mean that all want the same thing. If these structures are stored in the PGA. For a more detailed description, read the link given by Hoek.



  • PSE8 - "date taken" set a fixed value for each edited image

    I've been monkeying with PSE8 for 6 months or more - not using the Organizer, but straight in the edition.

    In general, I'll create a template to a certain size (e.g., 1800 x 1200 pixels for printing 6 x 4 photos) and place an image on the template.

    After editing, I'll save the file under a new name in a new folder... and have noted recently that the "Date" property changed to exactly the same value for each image editing. 25/09/2010... Maybe it was the date of installation, I am not sure.

    In any case - it of annoying and has been touching to find help (which makes sense) online.

    Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.

    Possibly the date the template was created? PSE respects the camera EXIF data and always displays the date taken, but for digital images and new documents created in the program, it will use the file date.

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    Use this module.

  • Need to find the version number referring to the last name change for each emplid.

    emplIDName ageVersion
    --------   -----------

    Need to find the version number referring to the last name change for each emplid.

    As indicated by the version number change when there is change in age as well, but I need a query that gives the version number referring to the last name change for each emplid.


    DATA_TABLE (EmplId, Name, Age, version) as

    (select 1, 'abc', 25, 2 double Union all

    Select 1, 'abc', 26, 5 Union double all the

    Select 1, 'def', 27, 9 double Union all

    Select 1, 'def', 28, 15 double Union all

    Select 1, 'def', 29, 18 double Union all

    Select 2, 'jkl', 15 5 Union double all the

    Select 2, 'mno', 16, 8 double Union all

    Select 2, 'mno', 17, 11 double Union all

    Select 2, 'pqr', 18, 20 double


    Select emplid,

    Max (Name) name of Dungeon (dense_rank last order by version).

    Max (Age) age of Dungeon (dense_rank last order by version).

    version Max (version)

    from (select emplid, name, version,)

    -case where name! = lag(name,1,name) on (emplid version order partition)

    then "renamed".

    end change

    of data_table


    where the change is not null

    Emplid group

    1 def 27 9
    2 PQR 18 20



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    Is it possible to create a tag that lists the individual labels [keywords] for each position? The current {tag_blogtaglist} creates an endless list of tags.

    If you can get hands on with the ID of blog post that you can list the tags assigned to this post particularly blog using module_data. It would be only possible with the new BC. Active following rendering engine. Here are some resources to point you in the right direction: how to activate the BC. Next - how to use module_data - odule_data install app BC API discovered to get you started on the syntax - module data that lists the tags assigned to a blog post looks like this: {module_data = 'blogposts' version = "v3" field resource = subresource 'tag' = "tags" resourceId = collection "303870" = "myData"} resourceId is the blog ID to render tags for. Hope this helps, Mihai

  • Delete based on specific hours for each day


    I have a table with a field of date DD-MM-YYYY HH:MIN:SS
    Table contains date since 2006 and I just need to keep the entries with date DD-MM-YYYY 00:00 (midnight only registers for each day)

    Thanks in advance for any help.

    drbiloukos wrote:

    14-JAN-13 12:01:00
    14-JAN-13 12:01:05
    14-JAN-13 12:02:03
    14-JAN-13 12:01:55
    14-JAN-13 12:02:13
    15-JAN-13 12:01:00
    15-JAN-13 12:01:05
    15-JAN-13 12:02:03
    15-JAN-13 12:01:55
    15-JAN-13 12:02:13

    just need to keep accounts with

    14 JANUARY 13
    15 JANUARY 13

    LUN-JJ-AA 00:00


    delete from table where date_col != trunc(date_col);
    or to keep the data
    update table set date_col = trunc(date_col)

    or you can add the new column

    alter table table_name add (new_date date);

    and update

    update table table_name set new_date = TO_DATE(TO_CHAR(old_date,'DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI')||':00', 'DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI' )

    Published by: Bawer on 16.01.2013 12:03

Maybe you are looking for

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