Call data from Ctrl: Vals node

I am trying to extract the individual elements of the Ctrl Vals invoke node.

The front of the VI being called is a string and 4 double rooms:

I am calling the VI and try to read the values as follows:

The error I get is:

Could someone please explain what I'm doing wrong here?  I want to just correct the 5 variables from the front of the VI (string and 4 double rooms).  I try to extract it as a cluster only because that context-sensitive help mentions that data Variant is a cluster.  I would ideally unbundle this as well, but I can't even the cluster again.

The code is also incredibly simple, so I attached the VI.  If someone wants the acutal VI, I can attach it to a future post.  Everything I do called two nodes Invoke to run then get the values of the façade.  And finally try to extract the variables based on Variant type.

The data type of "val Ctrl. Get all the ' is an array of clusters containing ctrl name (String) and ctrl (option) value.

You can not (AFAIK) convert these data directly to a cluster of string and double rooms.

Are the names (labels) and the called VI controls fixed and known data types? If they are, you can select each by name and convert the correct data type.

I once stumbled on a VI (openG, I believe) who would get the data type of a Variant, but I can't find right now...

Tags: NI Software

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  • Extract data from a different node in SQL

    Hi friends,

    First of all:
    1     Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    2     PL/SQL Release - Production
    3     CORE     Production
    4     TNS for Linux: Version - Production
    5     NLSRTL Version - Production
    I have a small but annoying problem. I have create a Bank application that needs to retrieve data in a file entry, and, according to this information, to execute some stored procedures (create a new customer, create a new account, create a transaction for an account).
    For example: the input file contains a few new customers (FirstName, LastName, SocialSecurityNumber, birthday, address and PhoneNo), for each customer account at least 1 create 1 or more operations (the amount of the transaction) for each account.

    Let me be more precise. It is a XML in an input file:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
        <address>Principal, 15</address>
        <address>FirstAvenue, 20</address>
    This input file must start the following:

    -create 2 new clients (using a stored procedure Pr_Add_New_Cust):
    1 John Doe / 1800325171545 / 25.03.1980 / main, 15 / 0040722222222
    2 Smith Pop / 2851211173377 / 11.12.1985 / FirstAvenue, 20 / 0040744444444

    -for John Doe I create 3 new account (using a stored procedure Pr_Add_New_Account):
    -account 1 - for this account, I have to create 3 new operations (using a stored procedure Pr_Create_New_Trans): DEPOSIT $ 200, $ 150 DEPOSIT, WITHDRAW $ 23
    -account 2 - for this account, I need to create 1 new operations (using a stored procedure Pr_Create_New_Trans): DEPOSIT $ 450
    -count of 3 - for this account, I have to create 3 new operations (using a stored procedure Pr_Create_New_Trans): DEPOSIT $ 800, DEPOSIT $ 320, WITHDRAWAL $ 125

    -for Smith Pop I create 3 new account (using a stored procedure Pr_Add_New_Account):
    -account 1 - for this account, I need to create 2 new operations (using a stored procedure Pr_Create_New_Trans): DEPOSIT $ 444, DEPOSIT $ 550
    -account 2 - for this account, I have to create 3 new operations (using a stored procedure Pr_Create_New_Trans): DEPOSIT $ 113, WITHDRAW $50, DEPOSIT $ 89
    -count of 3 - for this account, I need to create 1 new operations (using a stored procedure Pr_Create_New_Trans): DEPOSIT $ 300

    Well, I think to do that by loading this XML into a table of staging pre - INS_STG1 - (the part of loading is not an issue at the moment) and by analyzing the XML code in order to get my (insert) in the second staging table INS_STG2 the information required to initiate these procedures.
    Something like that (at the moment I only insert customer information since I do not know how to get on the floor):
       TYPE ty_rec_1    IS RECORD (v_cust_firstname       VARCHAR2(32),
                                   v_cust_lastname        VARCHAR2(32),
                                   v_cust_persnumcode     VARCHAR2(32),
                                   v_cust_birthday        VARCHAR2(32),
                                   v_cust_address         VARCHAR2(32),
                                   v_cust_phoneno         VARCHAR2(32));
       TYPE ty_cur_1       IS REF CURSOR RETURN ty_rec_1;
       TYPE ty_arr_rec_1   IS TABLE OF ty_rec_1 INDEX BY PLS_INTEGER;
       cur_1               ty_cur_1;
       arr_rec_1           ty_arr_rec_1;
       my_xml              xmltype;
       N_BULK_SIZE         NUMBER := 1000;
      SELECT xml_column INTO my_xml FROM INS_STG1;
      OPEN cur_1 FOR
        SELECT extractvalue(column_value, '/PERS_INFO/firstname')          "v_cust_firstname",
               extractvalue(column_value, '/PERS_INFO/lastname')           "v_cust_lastname",
               extractvalue(column_value, '/PERS_INFO/social_security_no') "v_cust_persnumcode",
               extractvalue(column_value, '/PERS_INFO/birthday')           "v_cust_birthday",
               extractvalue(column_value, '/PERS_INFO/address')            "v_cust_address",
               extractvalue(column_value, '/PERS_INFO/phoneno')            "v_cust_phoneno"       
        FROM TABLE(XMLSequence(my_xml.extract('/doc/PERS_INFO'))) t;
           FETCH cur_1 BULK COLLECT INTO arr_rec_1 LIMIT N_BULK_SIZE;
           EXIT WHEN arr_rec_1.COUNT() = 0;
           FORALL n_idx1 IN 1..arr_rec_1.COUNT()
             INSERT INTO INS_STG2
               (cust_firstname, cust_lastname, cust_persnumcode, cust_birthday, cust_address, cust_phoneno)
              (arr_rec_1(n_idx1).v_cust_firstname, arr_rec_1(n_idx1).v_cust_lastname, 
               arr_rec_1(n_idx1).v_cust_persnumcode, arr_rec_1(n_idx1).v_cust_birthday, 
               arr_rec_1(n_idx1).v_cust_address, arr_rec_1(n_idx1).v_cust_phoneno);
         END LOOP;
       CLOSE cur_1;  
    This procedure is based on the SQL query that I'm starting to fold with in order to understand how to get the information from XML using SQL (the XML is hardcoded)
    SELECT extractvalue(column_value, '/PERS_INFO/firstname')    "First Name",
           extractvalue(column_value, '/PERS_INFO/lastname')     "Last Name",
           extractvalue(column_value, '/PERS_INFO/social_security_no')  "Social Security No",
           extractvalue(column_value, '/PERS_INFO/birthday')     "Birth-day",
           extractvalue(column_value, '/PERS_INFO/address')      "Address",
           extractvalue(column_value, '/PERS_INFO/phoneno')      "Phone No"
      FROM TABLE(XMLSequence(
                 '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
                      <address>Principal, 15</address>
                      <address>FirstAvenue, 20</address>
                  </doc>').extract('/doc/PERS_INFO'))) t;
    My problem is that this query will only at the first level (the level of the customer). I don't know how to get to the second and third level (transactions/account).
    Now, this query return:
    Doe     John     1800325171545     25/03/1980     Principal, 15     0040722222222
    Pop     Smith     2851211173377     11/12/1985     FirstAvenue, 20     0040744444444
    and I want him back like this:
    Doe     John     1800325171545     25/03/1980     Principal, 15     0040722222222  1   200
    Doe     John     1800325171545     25/03/1980     Principal, 15     0040722222222  1   150
    Doe     John     1800325171545     25/03/1980     Principal, 15     0040722222222  1  -23
    Doe     John     1800325171545     25/03/1980     Principal, 15     0040722222222  2   450
    Doe     John     1800325171545     25/03/1980     Principal, 15     0040722222222  3   800
    Doe     John     1800325171545     25/03/1980     Principal, 15     0040722222222  3   320
    Doe     John     1800325171545     25/03/1980     Principal, 15     0040722222222  3  -125 
    Pop     Smith     2851211173377     11/12/1985     FirstAvenue, 20     0040744444444  1   444
    Pop     Smith     2851211173377     11/12/1985     FirstAvenue, 20     0040744444444  1   550
    Pop     Smith     2851211173377     11/12/1985     FirstAvenue, 20     0040744444444  2   113
    Pop     Smith     2851211173377     11/12/1985     FirstAvenue, 20     0040744444444  2  -50
    Pop     Smith     2851211173377     11/12/1985     FirstAvenue, 20     0040744444444  2   89
    Pop     Smith     2851211173377     11/12/1985     FirstAvenue, 20     0040744444444  3   300
    What I do for this SQL query to get the result at the transaction level (as in the second table)? This XML can be improved as well. If another structure service for my purpose, please let me know.

    Thank you!

    Like [url] extractvalue is frowned upon in your version, you need to switch to another method, as shown in the documentation.

    Go further with that, here's a starter SQL which gives you the desired result

    Principal, 15
    0040722222222 200 150 -23 450 800 320 -125
    Smith Pop 2851211173377 11/12/1985
    FirstAvenue, 20
    0040744444444 444 550 113 -50 89 300
    ') xml_column FROM DUAL ) -- The above simulates your table. Only the below matters. SELECT xt.First_Name, xt.birth_day, xt2.acc_rn, xt3.trans FROM INS_STG1, XMLTable('/doc/PERS_INFO' PASSING INS_STG1.xml_column COLUMNS First_Name VARCHAR2(20) PATH 'firstname', Birth_day VARCHAR2(10) PATH 'birthday', acc_xml XMLType PATH 'acc') xt, XMLTable('/acc' PASSING xt.acc_xml COLUMNS acc_rn FOR ORDINALITY, tran_xml XMLTYPE PATH 'transaction') xt2, XMLTable('/transaction' PASSING xt2.tran_xml COLUMNS trans NUMBER PATH '.') xt3;


    FIRST_NAME           BIRTH_DAY      ACC_RN      TRANS
    -------------------- ---------- ---------- ----------
    Doe                  25/03/1980          1        200
    Doe                  25/03/1980          1        150
    Doe                  25/03/1980          1        -23
    Doe                  25/03/1980          2        450
    Doe                  25/03/1980          3        800
    Doe                  25/03/1980          3        320
    Doe                  25/03/1980          3       -125
    Pop                  11/12/1985          1        444
    Pop                  11/12/1985          1        550
    Pop                  11/12/1985          2        113
    Pop                  11/12/1985          2        -50
    Pop                  11/12/1985          2         89
    Pop                  11/12/1985          3        300

    Now... There are probably a better way to XQuery to shoot that turned off, but I'll keep this better than me for someone of XQuery example.

    I'll also include is it possible that all this work could be done in a single SQL statement, as indicated by
    [url] How to: Load XML data in multiple tables

  • Extract data from complex XML of XMLType with nodes parents containing several internal nodes


    I use Google geocoding XML Web Service to try to enrich some geo data in the database. I've kept all the Google result in an XMLType column, the result is something like this:

    <? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? >

    < GeocodeResponse >

    < status > OK < / status >

    < result >

    Zip_code < type > < / type >

    < formatted_address > 76279, Saudi Arabia < / formatted_address >

    < address_component >

    < > 76279 long_name < / long_name >

    < > 76279 short_name < / short_name >

    Zip_code < type > < / type >

    < / address_component >

    < address_component >

    < long_name > Northern Frontier Province < / long_name >

    < short_name > Northern Frontier Province < / short_name >

    administrative_area_level_1 < type > < / type >

    < Type > policy < / type >

    < / address_component >

    < address_component >

    < long_name > Saudi Arabia < / long_name >

    < short_name > SA < / short_name >

    country of < type > < / type >

    < Type > policy < / type >

    < / address_component >

    < geometry >

    < location >

    < lat > 29.1214197 < / lat >

    < LNG > 44.3945656 < / LNG >

    < / location >

    < location_type > APPROX. < / location_type >

    < window >

    < Southwest >

    < lat > 29.1016132 < / lat >

    < LNG > 44.3654665 < / LNG >

    < / Southwest >

    < Northeast >

    < lat > 29.1400926 < / lat >

    < LNG > 44.4116001 < / LNG >

    < / Northeast >

    < / window >

    < limits >

    < Southwest >

    < lat > 29.1016132 < / lat >

    < LNG > 44.3654665 < / LNG >

    < / Southwest >

    < Northeast >

    < lat > 29.1400926 < / lat >

    < LNG > 44.4116001 < / LNG >

    < / Northeast >

    < / delimits >

    < / geometry >

    < place_id > ChIJcy767DIAYxURohAm-DLSunw < / place_id >

    < / result >

    < result >

    locality < type > < / type >

    < Type > policy < / type >

    Foucart, France < formatted_address > < / formatted_address >

    < address_component >

    < long_name > Foucart < / long_name >

    < short_name > Foucart < / short_name >

    locality < type > < / type >

    < Type > policy < / type >

    < / address_component >

    < address_component >

    < long_name > Seine-Maritime < / long_name >

    < > 76 short_name < / short_name >

    administrative_area_level_2 < type > < / type >

    < Type > policy < / type >

    < / address_component >

    < address_component >

    < long_name > upper Normandy < / long_name >

    < short_name > upper Normandy < / short_name >

    administrative_area_level_1 < type > < / type >

    < Type > policy < / type >

    < / address_component >

    < address_component >

    < long_name > France < / long_name >

    < short_name > EN < / short_name >

    country of < type > < / type >

    < Type > policy < / type >

    < / address_component >

    < geometry >

    < location >

    < lat > 49.6131170 < / lat >

    < LNG > 0.5951040 < / LNG >

    < / location >

    < location_type > APPROX. < / location_type >

    < window >

    < Southwest >

    < lat > 49.6019770 < / lat >

    < LNG > 0.5731880 < / LNG >

    < / Southwest >

    < Northeast >

    < lat > 49.6329760 < / lat >

    < LNG > 0.6081609 < / LNG >

    < / Northeast >

    < / window >

    < limits >

    < Southwest >

    < lat > 49.6019770 < / lat >

    < LNG > 0.5731880 < / LNG >

    < / Southwest >

    < Northeast >

    < lat > 49.6329760 < / lat >

    < LNG > 0.6081609 < / LNG >

    < / Northeast >

    < / delimits >

    < / geometry >

    < place_id > ChIJQdTiHHJc4EcRUIO2T0gUDAQ < / place_id >

    < / result >

    < / GeocodeResponse >

    Here are practically two entries from geo (the /result of xml nodes), and each entry has multiple secondary entries of type address_component and a secondary entrance to the geometry of type.

    I can get the entries in the result of this query:

    SELECT xt.*

    OF zip_tree_sort_xml x,.

    XMLTABLE ("' / GeocodeResponse/result")

    PASSAGE x.google_geodata_xml


    Path of 'FORMATTED_ADDRESS' VARCHAR2 (200) "formatted_address".

    ) xt;

    The subnodes XML type address_component and type geometry of teas and those below:

    SELECT xt.*

    OF zip_tree_sort_xml x,.

    XMLTABLE ('/ GeocodeResponse/result/address_component ')

    PASSAGE x.google_geodata_xml


    Path of "LONG_NAME' VARCHAR2 (200)"long_name. "

    'SHORT_NAME' VARCHAR2 (500) PATH 'short_name ',.

    Path ACCESS VARCHAR2 (200) from 'TYPE_1' 'type [1]. "

    Path ACCESS VARCHAR2 (200) to 'TYPE_2' 'type [2].

    ) xt;

    SELECT xt.*

    OF zip_tree_sort_xml x,.

    XMLTABLE ("/ GeocodeResponse/result/geometry/location")

    PASSAGE x.google_geodata_xml


    "latitude" NUMBER PATH 'lat ',.

    "longitude" NUMBER PATH 'LNG '.

    ) xt;

    But y at - it anyway to join the two subnodes XML below with the parent that above? So I can only get correct result attributes?

    Best regards


    But y at - it anyway to join the two subnodes XML below with the parent that above? So I can only get correct result attributes?

    You can do chaining XMLTABLE another that will handle the address_component expandable nodes.

    Data from the geometry node can be extracted at the same level as a result.

    SQL> select x1.formatted_address
      2       , x2.long_name
      3       , x2.short_name
      4       , x2.type_1
      5       , x2.type_2
      6       , x1.latitude
      7       , x1.longitude
      8  from zip_tree_sort_xml t
      9     , xmltable('/GeocodeResponse/result'
     10         passing t.google_geodata_xml
     11         columns
     12           formatted_address   varchar2(200) path 'formatted_address'
     13         , address_components  xmltype       path 'address_component'
     14         , latitude            number        path 'geometry/location/lat'
     15         , longitude           number        path 'geometry/location/lng'
     16       ) x1
     17     , xmltable('/address_component'
     18         passing x1.address_components
     19         columns
     20           long_name   varchar2(200) path 'long_name'
     21         , short_name  varchar2(500) path 'short_name'
     22         , type_1      varchar2(200) path 'type[1]'
     23         , type_2      varchar2(200) path 'type[2]'
     24       ) x2 ;
    FORMATTED_ADDRESS       LONG_NAME                   SHORT_NAME                   TYPE_1                         TYPE_2       LATITUDE  LONGITUDE
    ----------------------- --------------------------- ---------------------------- ------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ----------
    76279, Saudi Arabia     76279                       76279                        postal_code                               29,1214197 44,3945656
    76279, Saudi Arabia     Northern Borders Province   Northern Borders Province    administrative_area_level_1    political  29,1214197 44,3945656
    76279, Saudi Arabia     Saudi Arabia                SA                           country                        political  29,1214197 44,3945656
    Foucart, France         Foucart                     Foucart                      locality                       political   49,613117   0,595104
    Foucart, France         Seine-Maritime              76                           administrative_area_level_2    political   49,613117   0,595104
    Foucart, France         Upper Normandy              Upper Normandy               administrative_area_level_1    political   49,613117   0,595104
    Foucart, France         France                      FR                           country                        political   49,613117   0,595104
    7 rows selected.
  • Getting data from the nodes of event data

    Hi all

    I have a while loop with a Structure of the event and a Structure of case inside. The Structure of the event a lot of cases, and each of them is controlled by a different object (buttons, sliders, graphics, etc.). Sometimes, I have to use data from the nodes of event data to power a Business Structure that works like a State Machine in my code. To clean the block diagram, I want to 'export' data nodes using a single wire event data, but this is not possible because there is a conflict of data, since I get data of CtlRef in one case and Coords in others (for example).

    To resolve this problem, I'm feeding a beam to create a cluster and feed it to the box Structure data. However, the process is so painful, because I have to feed the Bundle function with constants of all sorts of data connected to him.

    Find attached an example. It is not the actual code but shows what I have to do.

    Thank you


    Why you do not pass a Variant to the structure of the case. In your case case simply make a variant of the appropriate data that you want to pass. I guess the case appropriate business structure will be to get called for the event. Given that you need to know the data type this case awaits can use the variant data VI and now you have the data you want.

  • How can I transfer my data from Microsoft Money 2001 to a newer version? What we call the new version?


    original title: MISROSOFT MONEY VERSION2001
    original title: How can I transfer my data from Microsoft Money 2001 to a newer version?


    Check in the Microsoft Money Forum.

    Microsoft Money - Forum

    Microsoft Money Solution Center - suggests alternatives

    What is Microsoft Money Plus sunset

    BING - microsoft money replacement

    Google - microsoft money replacement,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=dcc84c4c7dd2e143&biw=1024&bih=681

    I hope this helps.

    Rob Brown - Microsoft MVP<- profile="" -="" windows="" expert="" -="" consumer="" :="" bicycle=""><- mark="" twain="" said="" it="">

  • Can I extract data from AR invoice of merger Financials with a call of Service Web ADF?

    Can I recover data AR invoice of merger Financials (SAAS) by using a call to Service Web ADF?

    How that is done?

    Thank you!


    Hi Arie

    There is no available web services to query the data from invoices AR.

    Hope this helps

    Thank you!


  • Programatically register values of control only works with Ctrl Val.Get all (not recommended)


    I just downloaded "programmatically save 86 vi of control values.

    This works.  In the recording, but there an invoke with Ctrl Val.Get All (deprectated) node structure of the event.  I thought that I would get rid of the obsolete reselecting the control method get all.  Of course it was more an (outdated) at the end and the top of the page, little changed from pink to yellow.  However when I run and load a file that is saved I get: error 116 took place to Unflatten chain... Possible reasons:

    LabVIEW: Unflatten or stream of bytes read operation was in pain due to corrupted, unexpected or truncated data.

    A few questions:

    If I were writing this thing without having to download the example it wouldn't work.  Any ideas how I would work in LabVIEW 2011?

    The example is quite old, people would use another method of loading and storage of the parameters in a VI these days?

    This VI crashes after a while.  Is it because he has two event Structures in a loop or because there is no case of timeout or what? (I am not really concerned about why it crashes but if someone knows the answer without wasting time running it I'd appreciate it)

    Thanks for the tips, things that I can draw from this

    The old ways worked with a data type that was {name, type descriptor, flattened data}. The use of new methods {name, variant}, to adapt the code to work with this data type. Also, you cannot use the old data with the new code files.

    I'm assuming that the VI is lock because you have two structures of event in a loop simple (it would make sense, since each structure must wait for an event is to occur), but I'm not the code itself, I can't be sure.

    With respect to the other options, I generally without saving all the controls on a front panel, but when I want to record a bunch of controls, I usually use something like this, which can also work if you collect all the controls of the FP. There are also links to other similar things in the more 'like this' section with the page.

  • How to copy the data from Palm Desktop on a PC running Windows 8.1

    If like me you still find the Palm Desktop data (addresses, calendar, notes, etc.) handy and use it long after throwing the combined capacity and 'sync', you can see this is useful.  I bought a new PC running Windows 8.1 and had problems with data transfer due to a problem as I understand it, which does not exist in Windows XP, Vista or 7 versions.  Here is a summary of a way to easily transfer data from these earlier versions if you have a USB flash drive (or Dropbox, Google Drive, whatever) very convenient:

    (1) Download Palm Desktop 6.2 or 6.2.2 to your new PC.  Give a user name exactly as it exists in the database from your old PC.  This name will serve as Office Automation to create a folder name of six letters (an abbreviated version of your name) to hold the data that Palm Desktop will turn upward.  Wait a few seconds for this to happen, and then close the application on your new desktop.

    (2) in your old PC you want to transfer data from, find the folder named "Palm OS Desktop" which should exist in 'Documents' under path of folder and subfolders 'Users' as > your subfolder name > Documents in Windows 7 (can also be Vista) or may be under "Documents and Setting" folder in Windows XP.

    (3) in this folder "Palm OS Desktop" search this subfolder of six letters of your name and select this whole subfolder and select 'Copy' or Ctrl-C

    (4) locate the same name of subfolder in your new PC (which will have data zero), delete and then 'paste' the subfolder you "copied" in the exact same location.  If you did it right, Viola!  Your new desktop PC should display all the transferred data, once you open the application again.

    Most of the same procedure works with PC Windows 8.1 (probably also Windows 8).  What I found different is that the subfolder of data created under "Palm OS Desktop} had 7 instead of 6 characters with a"0"(zero), added as the last character.  When finally, you copy and paste this subfolder in the new PC there so rename and add "0" for the Palm Desktop to locate these data.

    I hope this helps.

    Data in XP is located in C:\Program Files\Palm (or PalmOne) \ < your HotSync name truncated > \Backup.

    HotSync for Win8 has been available for quite a while now!  See the post at the beginning of this section called "64-bit Windows USB drivers for Palm Desktop" for instructions and driver downloads.

    Palm Desktop 4.x and 6.2.2 use different database formats - 6.2.2 went to .mdb as an extension.

    Best way to migrate data is to perform a HotSync on the new machine, or use the built-in in Palm Desktop Export/Import option.  Export the addresses and calendar files, and then copy those of the new machine.

    The import option to retrieve data.


  • How to transfer data from a DLL Delphi pascal class to a LabView data cluster?

    Hi all

    I have the following problem:

    I use a dll written in Delphi Pascal to transfer data to LabView by using the "Call library function node".

    My Delphi dll contains this class:

    TFlash = class
    Fi: TFileInfo;
    constructor Create;
    procedure LoadFi (Filedir_and_nametring);

    TFileInfo = record
    IdxLstSpl:array [0.4] of longint;
    Ms: Word;
    [0.4] SP:array of the word;

    I created the record datastructure of TFileInfo in a cluster of LabView to have the 'same' variable.

    My plan was to call a DLL Deplhi function with the "call library function node" and pass the address of the folder TFileInfo, so the data would be transmitted to the cluster of LabView.

    When I do a simple delphi dll function as this works because I only spend a small integer to Labview (without reference to the data structure):


    var data: TFlash;


    function GetNrOfRows(FilePath:_string):integer; STDCALL;
    Data: = tflash. Create;
    Data.LoadFi (FilePath); This function returns the number of lines in the selected file.
    Result: = Data.Fi.Idx;

    When I try to use this procedure instead of the above function, in order to pass the address of the data set structure complex 'Data' (TFileInfo), I am unable to get the information of 'Data' in my Labview cluster:

    procedure LoadFileInfo (FilePath: string;) DataPointer: Pointer); STDCALL;
    Data: = tflash. Create;
    Data.LoadFi (FilePath);

    Parameters of call library function node:

    -stdcall (WINAPI)

    -Run in the UI Thread

    -Function prototype: void LoadFileInfo (PStr FilePath, void * DataPointer);

    * DataPointer--> Type: "adapt the type" and the format of the data: "pointers to the sleeves.

    * FilePath--> Type: 'string', format of the string: "pascal string pointer.

    I'm struggeling with this problem for almost a week now and I can't really find a solution on the forum or google.

    I also read the following posts:

    (or did I miss something in these messages?)

    Hope my explanation is clear.


    A little further:

    Seems like it's not possible to pass data from Delphi to Labview through a DLL when I create a cluster with 2 bays in it in Labview.

    This part of Delphi, I've had to make in Labview:

    TFileInfo = record
    IDX:smallint; {integer; Convert tool}
    IdxLstSpl:array [0.4] of longint;
    Ms: Word;
    [0.4] SP:array of the word;

    Instead of using 1 cluster with all the different data in it, I did a unit (1) with my 2 items (smallint and word).

    To pass my data in my tables from delphi to labview, I created another group (2) in the unit (1) with 5 elements of longint (because my delphi is going to 0.4) and another group (3) in the unit (1) with 5 Word elements.

    Right-click on the unit (1) and the clusterorder in the right order. First the smallint, then the longint table, then the word and the Word table.

    When I then use this code in my dll Delphi, IT WORKS! :

    procedure LoadFileInfo (FilePath: string;) DataPointer: PtrTFileInfo); STDCALL;
    Data: = tflash. Create;
    Data.LoadFi (Copy (FilePath, 2, length (FilePath)-1));         --> I need to cut the first part of the pascal string because it's length, and I only need the string itself
    DataPointer ^: = Data .fi;       --> pass the record structure to the cluster of Labview

    Thanks for the info Ralf!

  • How to extract data from the APEX report with stored procedure?

    Hi all

    I am doing a report at the APEX. the user selects two dates and click on the GO button - I have a stored procedure linked to this region of outcome for the stored procedure is called.

    my stored procedure does the following-

    using dates specified (IN) I do question and put data in a table (this painting was created only for this report).

    I want to show all the data that I entered in the table on my APEX report the same procedure call. can I use Ref cursor return? How to do this?

    Currently, I use another button in the APEX that basically retrieves all the data from table. Basically, the user clicks a button to generate the report and then another button for the report. which is not desirable at all :(

    I m using APEX and Oracle 10 database.

    pls let me know if you need more clarification of the problem. Thanks in advance.

    Kind regards


    Published by: porobashi on May 19, 2009 14:53

    APEX to base a report out of a function that returns the sql code... Your current code goes against a Ref cursor returns the values...

    See this thread regarding taking a ref cursor and wrapping it in a function to channel out as a 'table' (use a cast to cast tabular function vale)...


    Re: Tyring to dynamically create the SQL statement for a calendar of SQL

    Thank you

    Tony Miller
    Webster, TX

  • Unable to delete the data from the Safari Web site...


    I need help with my Safari browser on my Mac.

    Im trying to remove all Web site data with the following procedure:

    Safari-> Preferences-> privacy-> Remove All Data Web site...

    His does not work. Before clicking on the button I have 108 Web sites stored cookies or other data, I click the button, and nothing happens... I'm still 108 cookies.

    I also did the following:

    . - activate the Menu developer and Cache empty and tried again... nothing

    . - used CleanMyMac v3 and it says I don't have cookies.

    . - order iCloud Sync of Safari on the computer and try again... same problem

    . - removed manually Safari. Secure

    Any help will be great. Please let me know if you need any additional info.

    Thank you.

    Hello DZanvettor,

    Thank you for using communities of Apple Support.

    If I understand your message that nothing happens when you try to remove the Safari Web site data. I know how it is important for you to be able to remove the Safari Web site data. I recommend that you restart your Mac into safe mode and see if you can remove the data from the Web site in secure mode.

    Here are the steps to restart your Mac in safe mode:

    Safe mode (sometimes called secure boot) is a way to start up your Mac so that it performs certain checks and prevents certain software from loading automatically or opening.

    From your Mac in safe mode does the following:

    * Check your startup disk and attempts to fix problems if necessary directory
    * Loads only required kernel extensions
    * Prevents the elements start and the login items open automatically
    * Disables installed user fonts
    * Delete font caches, hiding the kernel and other files of the system cache
    * Together, these changes can help resolve or isolate issues related to your startup disk.

    Follow these steps to start in safe mode.

    1. start or restart your Mac.
    2. as soon as you hear the startup tone, hold down the SHIFT key.
    3. release the SHIFT key when you see the Apple logo appears on the screen.

    After you delete data from the Web site in safe mode restart your Mac and allow it to start up as usual. Then test the issue again.

    Best regards.

  • problems after upgrading firefox. reset this is ugly. created the new profile, but can not recover data from old profile.

    I use firefox on a MacBook pro. Mac OS X version 10.7.5. There was an update of firefox on a day or 2 ago. Since this was done, I was getting 'syntax error' 5 times, each time that a page has been loaded. Some research has suggested that an application or a plug-in called "social fixer" might be the problem but I could not understand how to get rid of it so decided to try to reset Firefox. Minutes passed and a message was on the screen saying the old files of firefox have been been "cleaned" or something, but it seems to be 'stuck' because the progress bar was little jerky. Doesn't it usually doesn't. So I clicked on "Cancel". After that, I couldn't even firefox to start. Looks like my profile is unavailable or inaccessible. Following the instructions found on the support site, I created a new profile and I thought I copied the files from the previous firefox on the new profile, but when I run firefox, it's a blank slate. None of my bookmarks or passwords are there. It must be here somewhere, but I can't seem to understand.

    Looks like there was a problem with updating the profiles.ini file.

    You can try to remove the current profiles.ini file to force Firefox to create a new default profile where Firefox has not done that.
    You can check if there is a profile folder with a number of attached time stamp and in this case, you can set the location of a profile created in this folder.

    If you need to recover data from an older profile, always in the default location, or as a folder of old data of Firefox on the desktop then see:

  • I'll lose data from the drive of the partition during recovery?

    Hi all

    If I use the toshiba recovery CD to format my system, I'll lose data from the disks partition as well or just the C:?

    Hi Justin

    Well, what recovery CD you want to use?
    As much as I know several months Toshiba uses a new version of the CD recovery called Reco.
    You will find the settings option and there you can choose the option when you want to recover the operating system. I think that the first partition is erased.

    The old version of the recovery CD has supported two different options: standard and expert mode. Here it is important to use the expert mode if you want to choose the partition where the OS must be installed

  • Extract data from files of the NRF


    So, I'm working on a project where I have files of data that are written on 12 channels in a .nrf file.  As the NRF seems to be a pretty unique file format I don't come with a better than DIAdem Software for open data.  I'm looking for a way to take data from each of the channels and enter the values programmatically every x number of data points.  I use Visual Studio, written in c#, using the Library COM DIAdem.

    At this point I wrote a very basic program that uses CmdExecuteSync ("DataFileImport (" "+ file.)") FillName + "')"); to import the .nrf file in DIAdem, but from there, I'm lost.  I tried to export the data using the DataFileSaveSel function, but unfortunately the CSV output ends up being almost a gigabyte in size, which is too big for my needs.  I hope there is a way to perform the operation, that I need in tiara and if so someone could help get me pointed in the right direction.

    Thank you very much in advance for any help.

    Hi Kub,

    I recommend you use the loading capacity reduced by tiara, like this:

    n = 10
    SectionBegin = 1
    SectionEnd = 1000
    Call DataDelAll
    Call DataFileLoadRed (FileDlgName, "", "", "IntervalWidth", N, 1, SectionBegin, SectionEnd)

    This will load every nth value from value 1 to the value 1000.

    Brad Turpin

    Tiara Product Support Engineer

    National Instruments

  • VI do not transfer data from the instrument.

    Hello to all who are interested.  I'm working on an instrument driver for an Agilent D3000A generator of signal (E4432A) trying to get the generator to sweep the amplitude of - 30dBm to-75dBm and then come back in a loop.  The loop is in a structure of the event and is called by a switch on the front panel.  When the switch is selected event triggers and loop information is passed to the VI.  The problem is the 'Sweeping Steps' VI does not use data from the number of points in the sweep and pause at each time and the tracks of the loop as the amplitude is just switching between the min and Max amplitude levels.  But once I have stop the generator program will continue sweeping (only in a sense) but the correct time and the number of points.  When I use the spy "measurement and Automation Explorer" program AND I do not see that the data are transferred in the instrument.  I don't know if the Subvi the execution order is correct and was amazing if someone could take a look and let me know if I have them in one order incorrectly.  Could not find an example of this type of program examples of the driver so there is little help.  I joined the program and the driver of instruments for your comment, then please take a look and send any information you think will help me to get this working properly.  I have also tried to run the single sweep mode sweep and have just the change of direction for the sweep to the other side of the ramp, but I still get the same results.

    The generator has 15th and ONU3 options.

    I, m using LabVIEW 2010 on a Dell Dimension 2400 running Windows XP and service pack Version 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3 Build 2600.
    Please let me know if you need other information.

    Thank you

    Just for the short term, right click on the structure of the event, select Configure the events managed by this case and uncheck the lock front panel.  Also, I don't know if you caught my edit.  I think your problem is your expectation (or lack of).  At your expectations to be slightly more than the number of steps to multiply by the pause time.  You must leave the instrument perform its scanning after all.

Maybe you are looking for

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  • GPS on or off and why?

    The obvious answer with a brief history of the sons of battery life is to turn it off to save power. What I was wondering if this function is different from that used in Google Maps? I ask this question, because when I use google maps or any other lo