Call the SQL of a script problem

I have a script for example
#! / bin/sh
sqlplus-s ${ORACLE_USER} < < HIC
set the position
NewPage set to none

SELECT 'ALTER TABLE' |' TEST_TABLE' | 'ADD PARTITION' |' P' | To_char (trunc (sysdate + 7), "IYYY"). » W'|| To_char (trunc (sysdate + 7), 'IW') | ' VALUES LESS (TO_DATE('''||) To_char (sysdate + 14, 'YYYYMMDD') | " ((', "YYYYMMDD")); "FROM DUAL;

This will actually give me: ALTER TABLE TEST_TABLE add PARTITION P2010W46 VALUES LESS THAN (TO_DATE('20101122','yyyymmdd'));

I'll do this output of the second script. for example

#! / bin/sh


sqlplus ${ORACLE_USER} < < EOF
Set serveroutput size 1000000
set the position


FO %

When I run the 2nd script I get:

SQL > SQL > SQL > SQL 2 > ALTER TABLE test_table add a SCORE from P2010W46 LESS THAN VALUES (TO_DATE ('20101122 ',' yyy))
ERROR on line 1:
ORA-01861: literal does not match the format string

I suspect that the output of the 1st script encapsulates a second line, and it defective runs correctly.

East of Oracle 9i

Please suggest a way to overcome this problem.

Thank you in advance.

In the first script, add the VALUE LINESIZE 1000

Tags: Database

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    I don't think, but we can go for it instead side BI. Try to transfer the same features side shell script so that the script can identify your report using the tail of the log nqquery and execute the rest of your lines in shell script.

    This can done and works as expected. If you identify your report instead of this long logical query at all with my suggestion that you can go for a little keyword.

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    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + '  [mine_policy_no] VARCHAR(50), '     
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    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' FROM [SUMYOLAP0001].aetnaildb.dbo.agentprofile'+ @ProfileYYYYMM +' AgtProfile '    
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    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' AND (Amname not like ''%COMPANY%'' OR Amname not like ''%DIRECT%'' OR Amname not like ''%MARKETsmp%'') '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' AND agencynumber not in (''ILS'',''PLS'',''99999'') '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' AND LEFT(agencynumber,2) not in (''CD'',''DR'') AND LEFT(agencynumber,3) <> ''DIR'' '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' AND RIGHT(RTRIM(agencynumber),2) not in (''CD'',''DR'') AND RIGHT(RTRIM(agencynumber),3) <> ''DIR'' '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' AND companycode = ''IL'' '    
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    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' SELECT company_code, mine_policy_no, Annl_premium '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' FROM odsmine_policy '    
    IF @CompanyCode = 'All'    
     SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' WHERE company_code IN (''IL'',''AL'') '    
     SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' WHERE company_code IN ('''+ @CompanyCode +''') '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' AND cont_status = ''S'' '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' AND YEAR(effective_date) BETWEEN '+ @StartYY +' AND '+ @EndYY +' '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' SELECT @CompSurrenderCount = COUNT(1), @CompSurrenderAP = SUM(Annl_premium) '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' FROM @tblmineSurrender S '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' INNER JOIN odsagent_role R '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' ON S.company_code = R.company_code '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' AND S.mine_policy_no = R.mine_policy_no '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' INNER JOIN @tblAgentNumber A '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' ON R.servicsmpagent_code = A.AgentNumber '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' INSERT INTO @tblmineInforce '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' SELECT company_code, mine_policy_no, Annl_premium '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' FROM odsmine_policy '    
    IF @CompanyCode = 'All'    
     SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' WHERE company_code IN (''IL'',''AL'') '    
     SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' WHERE company_code IN (''' + @CompanyCode + ''') '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' AND cont_status = ''I'' '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' AND YEAR(effective_date) BETWEEN '+ @StartYY +' AND '+ @EndYY +' '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' SELECT @CompInforceCount = COUNT(1), @CompInforceAP = SUM(Annl_premium) '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' FROM @tblmineInforce I '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' INNER JOIN odsagent_role R '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' ON I.company_code = R.company_code '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' AND I.mine_policy_no = R.mine_policy_no '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' INNER JOIN @tblAgentNumber A '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' ON R.servicsmpagent_code = A.AgentNumber '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' SET @CompAvgCount = ROUND(ISNULL(@CompSurrenderCount,0) * 100 / ( ISNULL(@CompSurrenderCount,0) + @CompInforceCount),2) '     
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' SET @CompAvgAP = ROUND(ISNULL(@CompSurrenderAP,0) * 100 / ( ISNULL(@CompSurrenderAP,0) + @CompInforceAP),2) '     
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' DECLARE @tblODSmine_Policy TABLE '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' ( '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + '  [AgentName] VARCHAR(255), '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + '  [AgentNumber] VARCHAR(9), '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + '  [AgentRank] VARCHAR(10), '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + '  [Company_Code] VARCHAR(4), '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + '  [mine_Policy_No] VARCHAR(10), '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + '  [Cont_Status] VARCHAR(1), '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + '  [Annl_Premium] DECIMAL(15,2), '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + '  [No_count] NUMERIC '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' ) '    
    SET @SQLStr2 = 'INSERT INTO  @tblODSmine_Policy '    
    SET @SQLStr2 = @SQLStr2 + ' SELECT DISTINCT AgtProfile.AgentName, AgtProfile.AgentNumber, '    
    SET @SQLStr2 = @SQLStr2 + ' AgtProfile.AgentRank,mine.company_code, mine.mine_policy_no, mine.cont_status, mine.Annl_Premium, 1.0 as no_count '    
    SET @SQLStr2 = @SQLStr2 + ' FROM @tblAgentNumber AgtProfile '    
    SET @SQLStr2 = @SQLStr2 + ' INNER JOIN [SUMYOLAP0001].aetnaildb.dbo.COMAGH COMAGH '    
    SET @SQLStr2 = @SQLStr2 + ' ON AgtProfile.AgentNumber = COMAGH.AHAGTN '    
    SET @SQLStr2 = @SQLStr2 + ' AND (AHAMNO = ''' + @AgentCode + ''' OR AHUMNO = ''' + @AgentCode + ''' OR AHAGNO = ''' + @AgentCode + ''') '    
    IF @CompanyCode = 'ALL'    
     SET @SQLStr2 = @SQLStr2 + ' AND AHCO IN (''AL'',''IL'') '    
     SET @SQLStr2 = @SQLStr2 + ' AND AHCO = ''' + @CompanyCode + ''' '    
    SET @SQLStr2 = @SQLStr2 + ' INNER JOIN odsagent_role Role '    
    SET @SQLStr2 = @SQLStr2 + ' ON AgtProfile.AgentNumber = Role.servicsmpagent_code '    
    SET @SQLStr2 = @SQLStr2 + ' INNER JOIN odsmine_policy mine '    
    SET @SQLStr2 = @SQLStr2 + ' ON Role.company_code = mine.company_code '    
    SET @SQLStr2 = @SQLStr2 + ' AND Role.mine_policy_no = mine.mine_policy_no '    
    SET @SQLStr2 = @SQLStr2 + ' AND mine.cont_status IN (''S'',''I'') '    
    IF @CompanyCode = 'ALL'    
     SET @SQLStr2 = @SQLStr2 + ' AND mine.company_code IN (''AL'',''IL'') '    
     SET @SQLStr2 = @SQLStr2 + ' AND mine.company_code = ''' + @CompanyCode + ''' '    
    SET @SQLStr2 = @SQLStr2 + ' AND YEAR(mine.effective_date) BETWEEN '+ @StartYY +'  AND  '+ @EndYY +' '    
    SET @SQLStr3 = 'SELECT AgentName, AgentRank, AgentNumber, '    
    SET @SQLStr3 = @SQLStr3 + ' CONVERT(INT,SUM(CASE WHEN cont_status = ''S'' THEN no_count ELSE 0 END)) AS Surrrender_Count, '    
    SET @SQLStr3 = @SQLStr3 + ' CONVERT(INT,SUM(CASE WHEN cont_status = ''I'' THEN no_count ELSE 0 END)) AS InForce_Count, '    
    SET @SQLStr3 = @SQLStr3 + ' SUM(CASE WHEN cont_status = ''S'' THEN Annl_premium ELSE 0 END) AS SurrenderAP, '    
    SET @SQLStr3 = @SQLStr3 + ' SUM(CASE WHEN cont_status = ''I'' THEN Annl_premium ELSE 0 END) AS InForceAP, '    
    SET @SQLStr3 = @SQLStr3 + ' CASE WHEN count(*) = 0 THEN 0 ELSE CONVERT(DECIMAL(38,2),(SUM(CASE WHEN cont_status = ''S'' THEN no_count ELSE 0 END) * 100 / count(*))) END AS AgtSurrenderCount, '    
    SET @SQLStr3 = @SQLStr3 + ' CASE WHEN SUM(Annl_premium) = 0 THEN 0 ELSE CONVERT(DECIMAL(38,2),(SUM(CASE WHEN cont_status = ''S'' THEN Annl_premium ELSE 0 END) * 100 / SUM(Annl_premium))) END AS AgtSurrenderAP, '    
    SET @SQLStr3 = @SQLStr3 + ' CONVERT(varchar(100),@CompAvgCount) AS CompAvgCount, '    
    SET @SQLStr3 = @SQLStr3 + ' CONVERT(varchar(100), @CompAvgAP) AS CompAvgAP '    
    SET @SQLStr3 = @SQLStr3 + ' FROM @tblODSmine_Policy '    
    SET @SQLStr3 = @SQLStr3 + ' GROUP BY AgentName, AgentRank, AgentNumber '    
    EXEC (@SQLStr1 + @SQLStr2 + @SQLStr3)    
    --PRINT (@SQLStr1 + @SQLStr2 + @SQLStr3)    


    1. the scrap code.
    2. get the specification of the requirements of business origin.
    3. learn PL/SQL.
    4. write the PL/SQL code to meet the requirements of the company.

  • Help me convert after the SQL Server Oracle script script

    could someone help me conversion following script in oracle script

    Create procedure Insert_profilebasicdetail
    @isubprofileid as int,
    @Copyisubprofileid as int,
    @itranno as int,

    Declare @IncKeyId as int
    Declare @tempkeyId as int
    Set @IncKeyId = (select isNull (Max (ikeyId), 0) as profilebasicdetail MaxKeyId)

    Declare TempInsert cursor for select ikeyId - iprofileid, iquestionid, vquestionans, cstatusindi, dmodifyon, imodifyby, iyear
    of profilebasicdetail where isubprofileid=@Copyisubprofileid and itranno=@itranno
    Open TempInsert
    the extraction of TempInsert in @tempkeyId
    While @fetch_Status = 0

    Set @IncKeyId = @IncKeyId + 1

    Insert into profilebasicdetail
    (ikeyid, iprofileid, iquestionid, vquestionans, cstatusindi, dmodifyon, imodifyby, itranno, iyear, isubprofileid)
    values (select @IncKeyId, iprofileid, iquestionid, vquestionans, cstatusindi, dmodifyon, imodifyby, '1',
    profilebasicdetail iYear,@isubprofileid where ikeyId=@tempkeyId)

    extract the following TempInsert in @tempkeyId


    Kind regards

    You always seem to be missing the semicolon (;) in the end of your CURSOR, as Aman has pointed out in his last message.

    CURSOR TempInsert IS
      SELECT ikeyid, iprofileid,iquestionid,vquestionans,cstatusindi,dmodifyon,imodifyby,iyear
        FROM profilebasicdetail
       WHERE isubprofileid=723 and itranno=58*;*

    (Note that the * are simply to point out where the change needs to be done.) You don't want those in your actual code)


  • Call the file sql plsql

    I'm stuck for several days in this issue. Hope someone help me.

    I'm using Oracle 11.

    I am writing a utility to purge the data from the database based on certain criteria.
    We do not have physical (actual) the partitions present on our system (since we do not use Enterprise edition).
    We have 57 paintings representing 57 partitions. Then, we create a view of all of these 57 tables-

    Select [column_names] from table1
    Select [column_names] in table2
    Select [column_names] in table 3
    Select [column_names] of table57

    This superior query is saved in the 'body' of user_views.

    Now when a user wants to delete a partition-
    -I read the body of the request in the .sql file.
    -Edit the .sql file that is, remove the unwanted ' select * from many '
    -Loss of vision.
    -Recreate the view from the edited .sql file.

    The question is in the creation of the view on the fly of the procedure-
    -I'm not EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'CREATE VIEW... ' and ' DBMS_SQL. PARSE' the request body exceeds 32,767 characters.

    So I chose the option of filing to write. In the file, I write the query VIEW and then I want to create the view from this file.

    Now, I'm not able to call the .sql that contains

    Length of character of this file is about 90000.

    Please guide me in this issue.
    Any new idea to manage very large display in the long term is also welcome...

    Thanks in advance
    ARGE view at run time is also welcome...

    Thanks in advance

    When you use DBMS_SQL, the declaration must not end with a semicolon, or you will get ora - 911.

    Sybrand Bakker
    Senior Oracle DBA

  • How to get the log file for the .sql file?


    OS: RHEL AS 3
    DB: 9iR2

    I have a file as sql...
    the olback.sql is to have the user manage backup scripts.
    I saved the code above as weeklybkp.sql
    I have that I call the sql above.
    When I type the olback.sql in the sqlplus manually... I can able to see the result.
    now after the automation... I have to see the output of the script above in a log file.
    How can I save the output of the script above in a log file?

    Thank you

    Slight change in your .sql file.
    coil /u02/weeklybkp.log
    ............ (Here begins your code)
    ............ (Here ends your code)
    spool off

  • How to execute the sql statement in the file beats?

    I want to execute after the statement
    C:\ > sqlplus/nolog
    SQL > conn scott/tiger
    SQL > select * from tab;

    I know I can achieve it following test.bat and testdb.sql file
    test.bat is:
    sqlplus/nolog @testdb.sql

    TestDB.SQL is:
    Conn scott/tiger
    Select * from tab;

    Now I don't want to use the sql file, I want only use bat file, as follows:
    test.bat is:
    Conn scott/tiger
    Select * from tab;

    When I run test.bat, I find only one sqlplus /nolog execute statement, do not execute other statements.
    (1) I want to know if there is a method to run the SQL file by fighting without a sql file? How to make it happen?
    (2) if I call the sql file, how to hide the password of user? Because I don't want other people to know scott password, if I use conn scott/tiger in testdb.sql, other person can see testdb.sql and the password. Is there a good way to avoid?

    Thank you!

    It works a bit different in Windows. Create a file is like this:

      echo conn scott/tiger@orcl
      echo spool c:\temp\list.txt
      echo select sysdate from dual;
      echo spool off
      echo exit
    ) | sqlplus -s -l /nolog
  • Call the PL/SQL shell script

    Hi all

    I've seen several links and options for calling a PL/SQL shell script. I was wondering if there is something like DBMS_SCHEDULER. CREATE_PROGRAM-> executable that calls an external program in 11 GR 2.

    Here's what I have to. I have 11 GR 2 database with Dataguard. I have START triggering who begins a DBMS_SERVICE when the role becomes PRIMARY. In the same instance, I would stop the VIP on the former primary database and start the VIP on the new primary database.

    Thanks for the advice and assistance.

    Jan S.

    The URL below links to ask Tom. Inside, he talks about creating a Java procedure in your database that allows you to execute commands from the host OS (PL/SQL calls the proc of Java that runs the host command). There are several ways to run the OS commands, but this one is very flexible. I needed to use it for a task that I have who didn't fit one of the other methods very well.

  • Need to call the Shell script that uses SQL loader in APex4.1 / 11g


    I have a requirement in which I need to call a shell script that connects to an external server, FTP to a file and then use sqlloader to load data into our table. We have now the ftp script that accomplishes this task to another program, but is a scheduled task. I wanted to call the script ftp in the APEX. Any suggestions on how this can be done, what is the logic of PL/SQL can we use? I saw online some people using DBMS Scheduler for this?

    Thank you


    Create some sh script on your computer host oracle where you can join in the external server and run the process.
    something like:

    ssh ext_user@ext_host ./sqlloader/import/

    Then create an external TASK to call it via ORACLE (PL/SQL)

    -Shell Script call.

      DBMS_SCHEDULER.create_program (
        program_name        => 'external_call_sh',
        program_type        => 'EXECUTABLE',
        program_action      => '/local_host/call_external/sh/',
        number_of_arguments => 0,
        enabled             => TRUE,
        comments            => 'Call external SH script');

    You can now create a regular / or unplanned WORK
    -Job defined by the calendar and an existing program.

      DBMS_SCHEDULER.create_job (
        job_name      => 'jb_external_call_sh',
        program_name  => 'external_call_sh',
        schedule_name => 'external_call_scheduler', -- created scheduler
        enabled       => TRUE,
        comments      => 'Job defined by an existing external_call_sh program and schedule.');

    You can now call the WORK in the APEX in the process of PL/SQL.

      -- Run job synchronously.
      DBMS_SCHEDULER.run_job (job_name            => 'jb_external_call_sh');

    J :D

  • call a batch file in the sql scripts

    Hi friends,
    I'm looking for a way to call any batch file in sql scripts. I avoid using the DBMS_SCHEDULER package because my application server and database server are deparaments.
    I use the sql script using the server.plz application.

    Ah, I see. Of course, this explains everything.

    Now to be serious: there is no way to run a batch SQL script. The Tools that present SQL statements to the database are often able to do; host in SQL * Plus may issue commands to the OS, the host of builtin forms is it too and with dbms_scheduler , you can run a shell script on the database server.

    So depending on the tools you use, there are several ways to run the OS commands. So far you didn't tell us what you want to do with what tools in the version you want to do. So to only answer is: it is not possible. You cannot run a simple SQL command script.

    see you soon

  • Get this error on pages MuseJSAssert: error calling the function switch: TypeError: $(...). museMenu is not a function. Have read and did what I could find to solve problems.

    Hi I keep getting the error MuseJSAssert: error calling the function switch: TypeError: $(...). museMenu is not a function on my Web site which is not published, but I am downloading in British Colombia through muse.

    I'm on a PC.

    I tried export to HTML and still have the same problems locally.

    I saw that someone had a problem with mailchimp forms in one of a previous post. I removed the a widget of external source? for reservation and it was always happening.

    I created a new project like this and downloaded BC site all the files again to see if she could make a difference but still have the error.

    It's my URL BCdraft - home

    I tried to look at the site in the section "console" (where you can see the code of pages) to see if I could see the error that people had already advised but I get nothing... maybe not completely published because?

    I have reloaded the site through the muse in British Colombia with "all files" and is always the same.

    Here are some pictures that can help...

    Once on the home page, it may come with the error immediately or not... If you choose to say the title of the FAQ

    choose faq.png

    You must then (or choose other titles until it is) have this error coming...


    Note that the title you have previously chosen as 'FAQ' now as 'price '.

    Changes to old title pricing.png

    This title is for some time and seems strange appears again.

    Here is a picture of scripts/css in the admin of BC as I've seen that this can be a problem but I don't know if this is normal or not and how to fix...


    I had taken a break from building the site for about a month and I had added on changes, but not them uploaded to the server just left saved on my PC.

    In the hope of an easy solution; p

    See you soon,.


    I published BC... what I wanted to say is that I did not live.

    Export HTML was to check if the error occurred in the HTML files locally.

    It ended up being a code of the external widget that was causing the problem. With him removed the pages work fine. (I had removed what I thought of them while troubleshooting, but I forgot to a separate embedded image)

    Specifically, it is because it was a pop-up overlay widget made for reservations. When I put it to then start a new page in the tab it works now. Seems that muse has changed to something allowing overlays?

    My thanks to Neha in support

  • Choose the text file calling the Script DataMerge

    I have to write a script that calls the script DateMerge, I find how the it (using: app.activeDocument.dateMergeProperties.mergeRecords ();).

    But problem: the scipt call script DataMerge, but use it with the last text file that I use.

    I would choose as a text file when I call the script DataMerge.

    I hope you understood my question, I'm not a pro in English: S

    Tank you for your help

    It is in the same line. The location of the merger will in parentheses immediately following the mergeRecords() for example

    app.activeDocument.dateMergeProperties.mergeRecords (FILELOCATIONGOESHERE);

    It doesn't have to be a file written in full either location, it can be a variable that has been declared elsewhere for example

    var csvFile = File.openDialog('select TXT file');


  • ORA-900 sql not valid reporting error while calling the optimize_index pl/sql procedure

    Hi Experts,

    I'm on Oracle on Linux and I have installed in my database Oracle text. I want to configure annex dbms_job to optimize my oracle text index. So first, I created a pl/sql procedure to optimize indexes. It gives me error ORA-900, but the sql even if I run in sqlplus works very well! Can you please help me the question is to find:

    Here is the procedure:

    (Either incidentally CTXAPP role has been granted in the schema where these Oracle text indexes are created and where the below procedure to optimize the index is running.)

    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE optimize_ora_txt_indexes_debug
       CURSOR cur_context_indexes
            SELECT index_name
              FROM user_indexes
             WHERE index_type = 'DOMAIN'
        AND ROWNUM<2  
       v_user         VARCHAR2 (30);
       v_pod          VARCHAR2 (30);
       v_start_time   TIMESTAMP;
       v_end_time     TIMESTAMP;
       v_elapsed      VARCHAR2 (40);
       v_msg   VARCHAR2 (1000);
       v_error_code      NUMBER;
       v_error_msg   VARCHAR2 (1000);
       v_sql VARCHAR2 (1000);
       FOR c IN cur_context_indexes
            v_sql:= 'ctx_ddl.optimize_index (idx_name =>'||chr(39)|| c.index_name||chr(39)||', optlevel => '||chr(39)||'FULL'||chr(39)||')';
            execute immediate v_sql;
             WHEN OTHERS
                v_error_code := SQLCODE;
                v_error_msg := SQLERRM;
                v_msg :=
                      'Error while optimizing the index '
                   || c.index_name
                   || ' '
                   || TO_CHAR (v_error_code)
                   || ' '
                   || v_error_msg;
                DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (v_msg);
       END LOOP;
          v_error_code := SQLCODE;
          v_error_msg := SQLERRM;
          v_msg :=
                'Error while in the optimize index procedure'
             || ' '
             || TO_CHAR (v_error_code)
             || ' '
             || v_error_msg;
          DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (v_msg);
    END optimize_ora_txt_indexes_debug;
     --the procedure compiles successfully. 
     Now when I run it , I get the error:
    SQL>exec optimize_ora_txt_indexes_debug;
    ctx_ddl.optimize_index (idx_name =>'ACCESS_CLNT_IDX04', optlevel => 'FULL')
    Error while optimizing the index ACCESS_CLNT_IDX04 -900 ORA-00900: invalid SQL
     --When I run the same command from sqlplus as execute statement , it works fine:
    SQL>exec ctx_ddl.optimize_index (idx_name =>'ACCESS_CLNT_IDX04', optlevel => 'FULL');
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

    If everything runs from sqlplus, but fails in plsql... I'll be very grateful for pointers solve the problem.




    It is a problem of pl/sql syntax. A call with EXEC is the same using BEGIN... Code of... END of block;

    SO, you need to include a beginning and an end to your call:

     v_sql:= 'BEGIN ctx_ddl.optimize_index (idx_name =>'||chr(39)|| c.index_name||chr(39)||', optlevel => '||chr(39)||'FULL'||chr(39)||'); END;';

    That's all.

    Herald tiomela

  • Export problems for the creation of insert script

    Version 3.0.04 Build HAND - 04.34


    I'm trying to use SQL Developer to create an insert script for only a certain number of columns in a table, but it does not work for me. That's what I do;

    Step 1. View current table with the DATA tab
    Step 2. Right-click in one of the columns and choose 'export' in the menu dropdown.
    Step 3. Export Wizard - step 1 of 3 dialog allows me to choose the Format to INSERT and save it as a single file.
    Step 4. Export Wizard - step 2 of 3 in the column named "Columns" I change the symbol asterix at the columns I want in my export file, using the rocking on broad dialogue.
    Step 5. Wizard - step 3 of 3 hit finish Export

    Open my export file, and has a script to insert with all of the included columns, not what I wanted or determined through the wizard process.

    Is this a bug or I do something wrong?

    See you soon

    Published by: benton on Sep 3, 2012 15:54

    I downloaded and installed Version 3.2.09 build HAND - 09.30 the SQL Developer.

    The same problem occurs.
    Try to "unload" in the navigation tree. Right click on the table and get him out of there, instead of from the data tab.

    Display the results.

  • Call a pl/sql package unix script


    With the help of on AIX.

    Is it possible to call the pl/sql package unix script?

    I am cretaing a file in a directory but would like it to automatically write to a directory to archive as well.

    Could use either 2 utl_file.put_lines to 2 separate directories or 1 utl_file and cal script to archive files in another directory. ?


    Thank you

    user5716448 wrote:


    Use UTL_FILE. FCOPY copy the file you created in the directory of the archive.


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