Can someone help with the scripts on this file?

Hi, I hope someone with a bigger brain can help me here.

I have an existing Flash CS3 file that makes up the result to .

The customer asked if I could add an extra tab at the top after that 'group' called 'Contact us' with link to an additional page. The design was done in ActionScript 2 with references to XML files for dynamic content because it has been done in other languages.

I modified the XML file with the correct references to a new page and a .swf file that accompanies it to play in the field of animation.

I tried a .fla version where I duplicated one of the existing tabs script, changed the XML references and changed the variables if necessary to "con or"Con"(which is to reach us). Unfortunately, he made the menu tab go completely off the page and was patently false in some way.

Can someone give me a clue as to what to change here on the original file that I am a novice with ActionScripts, so ask me.

For reference, I have attached the HTML files with scripts of original file and my incorrect version. The chronology is 103 images with the scripts placed in frame 1 and 102

Thank you.


The buttons are all created using the same library object (but MC), except for the code you have in the revised file does not call on it for the con button.

You calling on something with a name of 'con' link, which tells me that a quick check is not - then it is undefined in the code when you try to use it.  I found this by using trace (newConBut._x); After its _x value was assigned, as I said, you should try.   So the first thing you want to do is to change the following line from...

var newConBut = _root.attachMovie ("con", "conbut", _root.getNextHighestDepth ());


var newConBut = _root.attachMovie ("but", "conbut", _root.getNextHighestDepth ());

so that it uses the but MC who is used to this end in the library.  So, you want to correct the assignment _x of the buttons and I think that you had previously...

newConBut._x = 650 - newConBut._width;
newRecBut._x = newConBut._x - newRecBut._width;

Here is a picture of what these changes (note, without the XML file, I had to finagle things just to work, then the labels of biutton are not what they will be)...

Tags: Adobe Animate

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    end lib_01;

    create or replace package body lib_01 as

    procedure lib_proc01 (p_user_id in numbers, p_user_name in varchar2) as

    number of v_user_id;

    v_user_name varchar2 (50);

    number of v_avl_books;

    number of v_avl_days;

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    dbms_output.put_line (' username is not.) Please submit full name ');

    end if;

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    dbms_output.put_line ("' user not found");


    on the other

    validate_issuedbooks (p_issuecount);

    end if;

    If v_issuecount < v_avl_books then


    on the other

    Number of return of late_fee (p_mem_id, p_extradays, p_latefee_total);

    end if;

    If paid_flag = "Y" then


    on the other

    dbms_output.put_line ("' book may be issued due to its maximum reached late fees");

    end if;

    end lib_proc01;

    procedure validate_userLogin is

    procedure reg_proc is

    procedure user_validate (p_id_proof in varchar2, p_id_no out varchar2) is

    v_id_proof varchar2 (20);

    v_id_no varchar2 (20);


    Select user_name, id_proof, id_no, v_user_name, v_id_proof, v_id_no of user_registration where id_proof = p_id_proof;

    If v_id_proof = "Adhar_Card" then

    dbms_output.put_line ('user a valid proof of ID');

    dbms_output.put_line (' and the id no. :'|| is p_id_no).

    on the other

    dbms_output.put_line ('Invalid ID evidence.) Please submit valid proof of ID ');

    end if;


    When no_data_found then

    dbms_output.put_line ('No Data found');

    end user_validate;

    procedure member_validate (p_mem_id series)

    v_mem_flag char (1);

    curr_date date: = sysdate;

    date of v_mem_enddate;


    dbms_output.put_line('Mem_flag:'|| v_mem_flag);

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    on the other

    Select mem_id in the v_mem_id of user_login where user_id = v_user_id;

    dbms_output.put_line ('the user has membership');

    v_mem_id: = p_mem_id;

    Select mem_enddate in the member_login v_mem_enddate where mem_id = v_mem_id;

    If v_mem_enddate < curr_date then

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    on the other

    dbms_output.put_line ('User a validity again' | v_mem_enddate);

    end if;

    end if;


    When no_data_found then

    dbms_output.put_line ("' no data found");

    while others then

    dbms_output.put_line (' another error.) Please find");

    end member_validate;


    insert into user_registration values ('& first_name ',' & last_name', null, ' & user_type',)

    address_ty ("& bldg_no",

    '& bldg_name',

    '& Street',

    ' & city ",

    '& State',

    '& zip'


    user_phone ',' & user_mail ',' mem_idproof', ' & id_no');

    Dbms_output.put_line ('user is properly registered');


    When no_data_found then

    dbms_output.put_line ("' data not found");

    end reg_proc;


    Dbms_output.put_line (' enter ID or user name ');

    Dbms_output.put_line (' username: ' | p_user_name);

    If v_user_name is null then

    Dbms_output.put_line ('user not found');


    Insert user_login SELECT user_id_seq. NEXTVAL, user_name, NULL, mem_id_seq. NEXTVAL, user_type FROM user_registration WHERE user_name is lower (p_user_name);

    Dbms_output.put_line (' because the user wants to have the membership? ");

    Dbms_output.put_line ('If Yes, please pay dues");

    INSERT INTO member_login SELECT mem_id_seq. CURRVAL, SYSDATE, SYSDATE + avl_days, 500, 'Y' of user_login ul, bl book_loan WHERE ul.mem_type = bl.mem_type AND user_name = p_user_name;

    END IF;


    When no_data_found then

    dbms_output.put_line ("' no data found");

    When too_many_rows then

    dbms_output.put_line (' too many lines).

    END validate_userLogin;

    procedure validate_issuedbooks (p_issuecount series)

    number of v_issuecount;


    Select user_login u, bl book_loan, avl_days, avl_books in v_avl_days, v_avl_books where bl.mem_type = u.mem_type and user_id = p_user_id;

    SELECT count (case when end_date < end return_date then p_mem_id) as invalidcount in v_issuecount from book_count where mem_id = p_mem_id;

    v_issuecount: = p_issuecount;

    dbms_output.put_line (' no. books that the user contains the :'|| p_issuecount);

    end validate_issuedbooks;

    procedure issuebooks is

    procedure book_avl (p_avl_now_flag in p_avl_date Boolean, date) is

    v_avl_now_flag char (1);

    date of v_avl_date;

    procedure reader_bookissue is


    insert into values drive (p_user_id, v_book_id, sysdate, sysdate, null);

    insert into book_count values(p_mem_id,v_book_id,sysdate,sysdate,null);

    Update book_availability set issued_to is "Reader" where book_id = v_book_id;.

    end reader_bookissue;


    Select book_name, b.book_id avl_now_flag v_book_name, v_book_id, v_avl_now_flag of the book b, book_availability b where b.book_id = ba.book_id and ba.book_id = p_book_id;

    If v_avl_now_flag = "Y" then

    dbms_output.put_line ('the book is available for issuance' | v_book_id);

    on the other

    Select mem_type in the v_mem_type of user_login where user_id = (select user_id from book_availability where avl_now_flag = 'n' and book_id = p_book_id);

    If v_mem_type = "Reader" then


    dbms_output.put_line (' the book is with Reader.) Please try tomorrow.') ;

    on the other

    dbms_output.put_line ('the book is member');

    end if;

    Select avl_date in the book_availability v_avl_date where book_id = p_book_id;

    v_avl_date: = p_avl_date;

    dbms_output.put_line (' the available date is: ' | p_avl_date);

    end if;

    end book_avl;


    insert into book_count values(p_mem_id,p_book_id,sysdate,sysdate+v_avl_days,v_return_date);

    Update book_availability set book_id = p_book_id, avl_now_flag = 'n', avl_date is to_date (sysdate + v_avl_days,' dd-mm-yyyy ""), issued_to = v_mem_type, user_id = p_user_id where mem_id = p_mem_id;


    dbms_output.put_line ("' the book published successfully");

    end issuebooks;

    Number of function return late_fee (p_mem_id in number, p_extradays series, p_latefee_total number) is

    number of v_extradays;

    number of v_latefee_total;

    number of v_latefee_per_book;

    number of v_latefee_per_day;

    number of v_book_count;


    Select trunc (sysdate) - v_end_date in v_extradays from book_received where mem_id = p_mem_id and book_id = p_book_id;

    p_extradays: = v_extradays;

    v_latefee_per_book: = v_latefee_per_day * v_extradays;

    v_latefee_total: = v_latefee_per_book * v_book_count;

    p_latefee_total: = v_latefee_total;

    dbms_output.put_line ('The total AMT for not returned books' | p_latefee_total);

    end late_fee;

    end lib_01;


    I checked the first 10 lines after the beginning and I could count already several errors.

    Is it an exercise or a real code, you must provide?

    Kind regards.


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    vcyman , March 9, 2016 13:16

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    09/03/16 12:05:22.644 PM cloudd [429]: error SecOSStatusWith:-[50] error Domain = NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code =-50 'query lack the class name' (paramErr: error in user parameter list) UserInfo = {NSDescription = query missing class name}

    09/03/16 12:05:22.648 PM DCs [365]: securityd_xpc_dictionary_handler cloudd [429] copy_matching error Domain = NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code =-50 'query lack the class name' (paramErr: error in user parameter list) UserInfo = {NSDescription = query missing class name}

    09/03/16 12:05:22.648 PM cloudd [429]: error SecOSStatusWith:-[50] error Domain = NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code =-50 'query lack the class name' (paramErr: error in user parameter list) UserInfo = {NSDescription = query missing class name}

    09/03/16 12:05:22.649 PM Mail [634]: cannot load the draft for documentID: C265D900-C6A3-48B9-AF60-C83FE29A7AED

    09/03/16 12:05:22.705 PM Mail [634]: cannot load the draft for documentID: E1D3029B-C2BF-425E-8F67-32C190B420CF

    09/03/16 12:05:23.142 PM Mail [634]: CFNetwork SSLHandshake failed (-9807)

    09/03/16 12:05:23.144 PM Mail [634]: CFNetwork SSLHandshake failed (-9807)

    09/03/16 12:05:23.417 PM Mail [634]: CFNetwork SSLHandshake failed (-9807)

    09/03/16 [501 12:05:23.432 PM]: looking for iCDP status IDDM 61149625 (checkWithServer = 0)

    09/03/16 [501 12:05:23.435 PM]: error XPC while checking if iCDP is enabled for IDDM 61149625: error Domain = NSCocoaErrorDomain Code = 4099 "the connection to the service named was invalid." UserInfo = {NSDebugDescription = the connection to the service named has been invalidated.}

    09/03/16 [501 12:05:23.435 PM]: connection Daemon invalidated!

    09/03/16 [501 12:05:23.436 PM]: [AOSAccounts]: [__49-[ACAccountStore (iCloudAccount) icaAppleAccounts] _block_invoke]: accountsWithAccountType returned the error: Domain = error Code = 9 '(null) '.

    09/03/16 12:05:23.446 PM Mail [634]: CFNetwork SSLHandshake failed (-9807)

    09/03/16 12:05:23.716 PM Mail [634]: CFNetwork SSLHandshake failed (-9807)

    09/03/16 12:05:24.076 PM sandboxd [139]: (501) ([501]) deny mach-search

    09/03/16 12:05:24.626 PM Mail [634]: CFNetwork SSLHandshake failed (-9807)

    09/03/16 12:11:40.263 Safari [624] PM: KeychainGetICDPStatus: key :-25300

    09/03/16 12:11:40.263 Safari [624] PM: KeychainGetICDPStatus: status: power off

    09/03/16 12:49:52.821 PM Mail [634]: * the Assertion failure in French-[IMAPParseContext _parseStatusResponse], /Library/Caches/ IMAPParseContext.m:956

    09/03/16 12:49:52.821 PM Mail [634]: exception IMAP response analysis: tried to parse a response from status without knowing the separator character.

    I'd appreciate any suggestions.

    Is your IMAP account?

    You have stored messages slot "on my Mac"?

    If create you your account in a new user, it works correctly?  (see below)

    See my answer in a similar debate. Let me know if you need more assistance.

    Re: The first time to open opens the window Import Mail Message - crashes during the infinite-import cycle how to break it?

    Re: Certificate error. When the message appears you must choose "see the certificate", then select "always Trust ' in keychain."


    Go to system-> Preferences, create a new user in users and groups.

    Place in the new user by logging in under the Apple in the menu bar.

    Log in to the new user.

    You can skip the connection with an Apple ID, unless you want to test an iCloud account. Select continue, then jump.

    Open Mail and add your account. If it's a POP account, make sure that you do not select "remove copy from server after retrieving a message," on the Advanced tab.

    You still see the issue?

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    I try to write code to do drag and drop.  I'm the class of and following directions.  I use a mac 10.x and animate the current edition of the edge.  I'm going to and download the latest library, version 11.x.x.  I then unzip it and import it into scripts by using the button +.  The final result shows js/jquery-ui.min.js under scripts in the library. recommended I run the following action point under creationComplete code.

    {if (jQuery)}

    Alert ("Loaded");


    I'm doing this, but when I tells the browser (chrome last) I don't get the alert.

    To check:

    I write the following code.

    SYM.$("h"). Draggable();

    I do not get the expected results in both cases; No warning and no draggable 'h' symbol

    Any advice would be appreciated.

    WWhat version to animate?

    If you later need to load jquery first, then jquery ui - .the order is important.

    Check out my sample on simple called draggable.

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    I really hope this is easily fixed as I can't bear the thought of go everywhere.

    I would be very grateful for a quick answer because I'm going on vacation in 48 hours...

    Thank you


    PS - Thanks to Peter Spier for answering a previous question a few weeks; For some reason, I couldn't answer (say thank you). 'No available actions' was the message, or something in that sense.

    Is it set up as a page three in the ID? If so, check the double option during export.

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    Contact Compaq support.

  • Can someone help with this statement?

    SELECT count (*) from document_master
    where PROJ_id = "888"
    and doc_status = 'I '.
    and rec_update_date like ' % 08'.
    rec_update_date desc order

    This gives result numbered for a column that ends in 08.
    Can someone tell me how to generate a list of 09, 08, 07, 06, etc...

    I tried
    and rec_update_date like ' %-08' or rec_update_date like ' %-09'.
    I also tried
    and rec_update_date like ' % 08'.
    and rec_update_date like ' %-09'.

    neither work.

    I appreciate all help.

    Thank you

    What is the rec_update_date column data type? It if DATE, right? If so, you question is completely wrong. Condition rec_update_date like ' %-08' force the implicit conversion from DATE to string using default data format that's in your case, be MON-JJ-AA and dependent client session.» So if the user whose session has different default date format runs your code it will not get the expected results:

    SQL> alter session set nls_date_format = 'DD-MON-YY';
    Session altered.
    SQL> select sysdate from dual;
    SQL> select sysdate from dual where sysdate like '%-09';
    SQL> alter session set nls_date_format = 'MM/DD/YYYY';
    Session altered.
    SQL> select sysdate from dual;
    SQL> select sysdate from dual where sysdate like '%-09';
    no rows selected

    Looks like you want to select counties of line for each year. If so, use:

    select trunc(rec_update_date,'YYYY'),count (*) from document_master
    where PROJ_id = '888'
    and doc_status = 'I'
    group by trunc(rec_update_date,'YYYY')
    order by trunc(rec_update_date,'YYYY') desc


  • Help with the scripts of "event handler".

    Ok. I am new to using event handler and the Listener Script for I have not every little thing down yet.

    What I'm trying to do is set up an event handler to activate a script when I select a layer. As I have now, the active script no matter what I choose and I'm unable to limit it to only activate when I select a layer. The ScriptListener output was:

    var idslct = charIDToTypeID ("TPCV");
    var desc10 = new ActionDescriptor();
    var idnull = charIDToTypeID ("null");
    ref19 var = new ActionReference();
    var idLyr = charIDToTypeID ("Lyr");
    ref19.putName (idLyr, 'Face');
    desc10.putReference (idnull, ref19);
    var idMkVs = charIDToTypeID ("MKV");
    desc10.putBoolean (idMkVs, false);
    executeAction (idslct, desc10, DialogModes.NO);

    I used TPCV under the name of the event during the creation of the new event in the event handler. However, this same ID is used when a tool is selected. This isn't a huge problem, but for the fact that my reason for setting this up is so that when I select a layer, first I want to implement a predefined specific tool to use on it. If I can change the tools (select another tool) and have always the same layer selected in the script automatically selects the initial tool to the layer which is always selected this layer is always the active layer.

    Example: Suppose I have the following layers...







    These are not my normal layers, but for example when I select the layer "Cure" I would like to start with the Healing Brush tool. However, sometimes I want to use clone on this layer as well. Using the event at this time, Heal would still be the active layer when I make the choice to the clone tool so the script would then return the selected tool, Healing Brush tool.

    So, is it possible to limit the selection event ID to activate only when a layer is selected? I noticed that the line above in bold/red is the event ID of layer. I don't know how to do this in the event handler or the script.

    Thanks for any help.


    Here ya go...

    // SelectLayerHandler.jsx
    function _selectLayerHandler(desc) {
      // do whatever when a layer is selected
      var doc = app.activeDocument;
      var layer = doc.activeLayer;
      alert("Layer " + + " selected");
    cTID = function(s) { return app.charIDToTypeID(s); };
    sTID = function(s) { return app.stringIDToTypeID(s); };
    try {
      if (arguments.length >= 2) {
        var desc = arguments[0];
        var event = arguments[1];
        if (event == cTID('slct')) {
          var ref = desc.getReference(cTID('null'));
          var cls = ref.getDesiredClass();
          if (cls == cTID('Lyr ')) {
    } catch (e) {
      alert( "Error: " + e + ":" + e.line );
    // EOF
  • Can someone help me how to do this effect?


    I'm not really that new to photoshop, but I can't figure out how to make this background effect. I'm sure that the noise filter was used and I thought that the wind one as well. I am referring to the grainy groundswell or anything either. Also how are the waves of light made of? than just a blur?


    I've recreated a background...

    I painted on the back with soft brushes to generate a light model not unlike that of the original image.  Then I added a little noise, it fades a little, then used the feature of blur to give streaks.  Then a few extra paint, burning, dodging, USM to taste.  Work slowly, subtly.  Set your brush at a low rate and use the screen blend mode when adding light to a stack of image or layer.

    Make the foreground reflection I did a new layer with just the car, blurred motion, he, then hidden so just that at the bottom would show.  We can do more, as the overlay to an image of car returned with a very low opacity and progressive blur using the Gallery of Blur and something like the tilt/shift function.

    I've included the PSD here so you can see how I have layers there.


  • Need your help with the problem of SWF file swapping


    I have two SWF Flash files I want to download in the same HTML file. But I would like to load only one at the time and would like to have a button on each Flash SWF file that causes the other SWF to load.

    Hmmm... I don't know if I managed to make sense. (: o) I would like to try it once more. (: o) I would like to exchange a SWF file to another SWF file by clicking on the buttons that are placed on the SWF files! : o).

    I was wondering if it is possible, or should I think of another way to work around this problem of mine.

    Thank you very much for your help and have a great day.

    See you soon,.


    Khoramdin wrote:
    > Hello,
    > I have two SWF Flash files I want to download in the same
    > HTML file. But I would like to load only one at a time and would
    > like to have a button on each Flash SWF file that causes the other SWF to be
    > load.
    > hmmm... I don't know if I managed to make sense. (: o) I would try one more
    > times. (: o) I would like to exchange a SWF file to another SWF file by clicking
    > on the buttons that are placed on the SWF files! : o).

    make a swf as a holder. call the main.fla file main.swf.
    Embed this file in your html document. This button in place of the file with the
    the following measures:

    on (release) {}
    loadMovieNum ("second.swf", 1);

    in this file have a button with the action to load the 3rd file:

    on (release) {}
    loadMovieNum ("3rd.swf", 1);

    by charging them at the same level (1), they replace each other.
    Pretty simple... uh?




    Happy new year guys - all the best there is in the 2006 :)

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    Wednesday, January 7, 2015 07:10:36-0800, ~ graffiti wrote:

    I USE






    created by

    ~ graffiti in Adobe Reader - view full discussion


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    Welcome to the Microsoft Answers Community Forum site!

    The question you have posted is related to Microsoft Word and would be better suited to the community of the Office Applications.

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    I hope this helps!

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  • Can someone help with this request please

    I have a table something like below

    Characteristic of things float value
    Element 1 red color
    1 packaging
    Point 2 square shape
    Point 2 brand Spunk

    Now I want to reterive an element with any of its tank as Null values. Using the query 'select distinct things from things_t, where there is no char value' fetch element 1 also with point 2. I want to retrieve a record of the thing for which none of the tank, the values are Null as point 2. Can you please help me with this request.

    Try this:

    WITH t AS
    (SELECT 1 item_id, 17436 chr_id, 14225034 chr_val_id FROM dual UNION
     SELECT 1 item_id, 39 chr_id, 14276173 chr_val_id FROM dual UNION
     SELECT 1 item_id, 17774 chr_id, NULL chr_val_id FROM dual UNION
     SELECT 1 item_id, 265 chr_id, 20502978 chr_val_id FROM dual UNION
     SELECT 1 item_id, 16978 chr_id, 797233 chr_val_id FROM dual UNION
     SELECT 1 item_id, 13092 chr_id, 5666917 chr_val_id FROM dual UNION
     SELECT 1 item_id, 15228 chr_id, 1209758 chr_val_id FROM dual UNION
     SELECT 2 item_id, 112 chr_id,  12705342 chr_val_id FROM dual UNION
     SELECT 2 item_id, 6945 chr_id, NULL chr_val_id FROM dual UNION
     SELECT 2 item_id, 70 chr_id, 12597376 chr_val_id FROM dual UNION
     SELECT 2 item_id, 16832 chr_id, NULL chr_val_id FROM dual UNION
     SELECT 2 item_id, 7886 chr_id, 9588619 chr_val_id FROM dual UNION
     SELECT 2 item_id, 6986 chr_id, 2659351 chr_val_id FROM dual UNION
     SELECT 3 item_id, 9531 chr_id, 8910943 chr_val_id FROM dual UNION
     SELECT 3 item_id, 9798 chr_id, 8717531 chr_val_id FROM dual UNION
     SELECT 3 item_id, 17446 chr_id, 12266441 chr_val_id FROM dual UNION
     SELECT 3 item_id, 4830 chr_id, 13683090 chr_val_id FROM dual UNION
     SELECT 3 item_id, 9518 chr_id, 834772 chr_val_id FROM dual UNION
     SELECT 3 item_id, 11031 chr_id, 20233753 chr_val_id FROM dual UNION
     SELECT 3 item_id, 12564 chr_id, 2282478 chr_val_id FROM dual)
    FROM   t
    FROM   t
    WHERE  chr_val_id IS NULL

    Or this:

    SELECT item_id
    FROM  (SELECT   item_id,
                    MIN(NVL(chr_val_id, -1)) min_chr_val_id
           FROM     t
           GROUP BY item_id)
    WHERE  min_chr_val_id != -1

    Published by: lee200 on October 15, 2012 09:22

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