Certificate of ISE chain is not the confidence of Clients WLAN

We run ISE 1.1.3 using Entrust cert signed by Entrust sub CA L1C, which is signed by Entrust.net 2048, which is in all the major BONES stores in the approved form (Windows, Android, iOS).

We have installed a file PEM concatenated with all certificates in the chain, as shown in the records of ISE. The ISE GUI shows all certificates in the chain individually after importation (i.e. the chain works and is good). However, we are not sure if the ISE sends the entire chain to WLAN clients during the EAP authentication or just the ISE cert due to the error message we get on client all types that stipulate that the certifiicate is unreliable.

So the question is if the ISE really sends the entire chain or just his own cert with the rest of the cert in the string (which would explain why the WLAN clients complain related to approval of certificate.)

Anyone out there know if the ISE code isn't up to the shipment in the chain of certs in version 1.1.3 yet or if there is an explanation? Screenshot attached of the iPhone to request verification of cert.


I'm having the same problem with ISE 1.1.1 and I have discussed this thing with Cisco (Expert ISE) and he suggested that the best practice is to use the single certifiacte device and then download intermediate root certificate and certificate root in the ISE certificate store. The ISE will send to the full certificate chain - device > mid-range > root. But the problem is with Apple iOS even when the root signature is already approved, it will ALWAYS ask certificate known either accepted. When I use Windows, it works very well what this means that ISE sends the entire string. For Windows, you must explicitly trust CA under the wireless profile properties > Security > Micrsoft PEAP > settings > validate the server certificate, and then select your CA server.

I always find out why iOS not accepting is not the string and we find some related discussion on the apple support forum. I'll put you on this.

I hope this helps.

Tags: Cisco Security

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    MIIGbjCCBFagAwIBAgIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADCBgTELMAkGA1UEBhMCQ0Ex DzANBgNVBAgTBlF1ZWJlYzERMA8GA1UEBxMITW9udHJlYWwxDTALBgNVBAoTBEhv bWUxGzAZBgkqhkiG9w0BCQEWDGFkbWluQGpiLmxhbjESMBAGA1UEAxQJSkJfTGFu X0NBMQ4wDAYDVQQLEwVJVFNlYzAeFw0xNjExMDYxMTQzNTJaFw0zNjExMDExMTQz NTJaMIGBMQswCQYDVQQGEwJDQTEPMA0GA1UECBMGUXVlYmVjMREwDwYDVQQHEwhN b250cmVhbDENMAsGA1UEChMESG9tZTEbMBkGCSqGSIb3DQEJARYMYWRtaW5AamIu bGFuMRIwEAYDVQQDFAlKQl9MYW5fQ0ExDjAMBgNVBAsTBUlUU2VjMIICIjANBgkq hkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAg8AMIICCgKCAgEAtRfmJ8HhxD6OeBSTdiK36DF/Gw7HmOIO CN9LktUCcnXZfsbkyPwGq8AtLTURfYU1VKHw066g0XD0hEbFEaYIWvVKijiqaPZg Pc / pIAj + M7vzojeCnv6QiRTcC9q5rY9 + Ff7MuTkWKEPzjuXpHd + IoS4To3sVZgsy YcxrdRndcirxm6aFjGXIYaImPm3hLuMteSagacsjduGEDOpJ5hJoMIIX4kHE/x8J DFBvlllXIGiOgCHU + 8hcN1IadNFqQcWA3eFB5SgLPFxOOmR4xpB1LsrESC4Zgk/E XmZYBCsYHzg58Cq6r4xuwckutcd5Gjo9ujaafCfAlUFHFJxqLxyy + N0nd3P + i5Kd zPpwpyIAzOCPeZvM2chspspl3pER + RlqZODLoU3gSAz4z + knxKxeyyiK8cttMHkV Di5veqSRIxYeYtJqu0asEaBiQ0ZpdqsNcQEU3rwzo6uoxxgvRr2Ujb6csr8CqhuA 2Sz0W1upgcpZhuL0VMTkMS8P8fgzZZeIU85v7drldXsvpjzaMwHdm/MKGewA0eCZ fUTI6V + uY9oaT9GH8MPzGWzB4oYb3sRgKgLkvWGckyHe3YVwUpb4z/MXRFB3bN/Z qxIyochY8pJMcJe2jrTw79Sf9FAR/txonPBAxuNtGLIdcL4ElGjlXPDXlQrI8XbI n/Abbs3iFHsCAwEAAaOB7jCB6zAdBgNVHQ4EFgQUSCZRE7GhUky3HJa/KknjBwXw HZEwga4GA1UdIwSBpjCBo4AUSCZRE7GhUky3HJa / KknjBwXwHZGhgYekgYQwgYEx CzAJBgNVBAYTAkNBMQ8wDQYDVQQIEwZRdWViZWMxETAPBgNVBAcTCE1vbnRyZWFs MQ0wCwYDVQQKEwRIb21lMRswGQYJKoZIhvcNAQkBFgxhZG1pbkBqYi5sYW4xEjAQ BgNVBAMUCUpCX0xhbl9DQTEOMAwGA1UECxMFSVRTZWOCAQAwDAYDVR0TBAUwAwEB /zALBgNVHQ8EBAMCAQYwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQADggIBAHVLp0nsXNHjvcjWado0 v1M167gEv8SnLMzDRJ7rOwfQlG0JWIXgrMk + 9bLQixFPbClG2MzOGhq2gyXbTFEH PYLfOxRy5gsrYhBYKso4PNrP8ouBaedl / + huobFtd1SR4bNrZ5Be3crQkZhULmlv hSVWklOC + o0rdfPnDffDRtoWH1x1 / + ZRS0N0MSwXqeoQTEgu9CYRCEeLnidcdd1v e6XR + Qw2qLfPqBCKzCVNGZvpVjqakERxaLgWPqwixIQ4sdPjvtnUJxsUEo5hN + 6 / + os/HZ1iO3Bgi6DgAGToTSmsf5 + pI/z + o2FjDrDvbBhvf4FulvvOCsRBNkA5BK NgisFXP / FN3WlkrbM1OZjWIan1phQAw5mDLfqwxJE + BuedK1HqLRNTay9eOGSRSu TRIi26fwwMAdsPnDj3X7/aUCWslVrvZPRmsIOgykLuHlCgYD99mpzF0v + t8y05iE V3115CCve + qFHH52j078jxo1aKyfQTnRGvdGehWI77Pd/l9CMgNJ7K0ZRx6RUoEV 9CMH6kgqagkXU7eT2CXszxrGHAgybnNaJ/z4BjxDme0TH3bgLc4AOIiP8doe7KlJ lYvrG8UMtCkL1jhYFX4Rz/BH5yte7aqzwBVUZrcmvM2gU9ZyPNaAfCDygCUMeMqt OWQEicvGZtRj2ZK6PKv5hk0a


    In Firefox, a list of other names of the non-empty object overrides and replaces the common name field. If you need to list all the relevant host names in the field of SAN in your certificate.

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    Ekran Resmi 2012-12-05 08.44.26.jpg

    I load this certificate to dps generator app and the on-screen display is here.


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    Hello world

    My question is about EAP - TLS and EAP chaining. I know that EAP - TLS is used for certificate based authentication. I think using EAP chaining which employees computer and user authentication. So if you use EAP - TLS with chaining EAP, this would mean that ISE will validate the computer certificate and user certificate? I do not know if there is something called user certificate. Not a guy from Microsoft.

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    Thank you


    Yes, with EAP-chaining, you can make user and computer certificate authentication at the same time.

    Yes, you can also use EAP - TLS and PEAP/MSCHAPv2 authentication even in, what's special on EAP-chaining, and therefore requires anyconnect nam. When you set your anyconnect configuration, you will be asked if you wan't do user, computer, or user and machine authentication, and you will get two separate configuration settings, one for the user and the other for the machine and you can select any EAP method in those, they are not the same.


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    You just need to install the certificate root certification authority that signed the certificate of CASs. If the CASE certificate is self-signed, you just need CASE certificate and have that installed in the stores of the root of the client machines.

    Please check with your client is supported on its machines and how. Check on an affected machine to see if they have the certificate root in their store or not.



  • Cisco ISE 1.2 and the ad group


    I have Cisco ISE installed on my EXSi server for my test pilot. I added several ad groups at ISE as well.

    I created a condition of authorization policy, that is WIRELESS_DOT1X_USERS (see screenshot)
    Basically, I just replicate the default Wireless_802.1X and added Network Access: EapAuthentication, Equals, EAP - TLS.

    My problem is, I have been unable to join the wireless network, if I added my ad group to the authorization strategy (see screenshot). The user I is a member of WLAN USERS. If I removed the authorization policy group, the use is able to join the wireless network.

    I have attached the screenshot of ISE newspapers as well. I checked the ISE, AD/NPS, WLC, laptop computer time and date, and they are all in sync.

    I also have the WLC added as NPS client on my network.

    I checked the newspaper AD and I found it, it was the local management user WLCs trying to authenticate. It is supposed to be my wireless user Credential is not the WLC.

    It's the paper I received from the AD/NPS

    Access denied to user network policy server.

    Contact the server administrator to strategy network for more information.


    Security ID: NULL SID

    Account name: admin

    Domain account: AAENG

    Account name: AAENG\admin

    Client computer:

    Security ID: NULL SID

    Account name: -.

    Full account name: -.

    OS version: -.

    Called Station identifier: -.

    Calling the Station identifier: -.


    NAS IPv4 address:

    NAS IPv6 address: -.

    NAS identifier: RK3W5508-01

    NAS Port Type: -.

    NAS Port:                              -

    RADIUS client:

    Friendly name of client: RK3W5508-01

    The client IP address:

    Information about authentication:

    Connection request policy name: Windows authentication for all users use

    The network policy name: -.

    Authentication provider: Windows

    Authentication server: WIN - RSTMIMB7F45.aaeng.local

    Authentication type: PAP

    EAP Type:                              -

    Identifier for account: -.

    Results of logging: Accounting Information was written in the local log file.

    Reason code: 16

    Reason: Authentication failed due to incompatibility of user credentials. The provided username is not mapped to an existing user account or the password is incorrect.


    The problem is with what ISE name, it's choosing to search of the AD. If you look in the ISE newspapers down, you'll see the username that use ISE (firstname, lastname) to search for the AD.

    In your certificate template see what attribute containst name AD (possibly the dns name or email or the name of principle of RFC 822 NT), go to your profile to authenticate cerificate and use this attribute for the user name.

    Thank you

    Tarik Admani
    * Please note the useful messages *.

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    I see more and more pages on several site where firefox will load only the text version of the page, not the graphics. I won't be able to click a button and get a reaction. Even on support of mozilla page button to click to contains the wouldn't do anything. I had to simply press the Enter key to get it to do anything. I have reset FF default values and also load it in safe mode and the same things happening.

    the link below says "try these manual steps", but clicking on it does nothing.

    Hi soboku, ESET filtering characteristic can be adjusted to avoid problems with secure sites, either by disabling the filtering of SSL connections or by importing certificate ESET in Firefox. I don't know if you have already tried these things, but if not, you can consult the manual for your version. I looked the other day, but don't know if yours is the same: https://support.mozilla.org/questions/1006414#answer-592501

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    iOS 9.2.1

    certificate is daily horoscope

    wwhat the devil is and why it has expired?

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    Hi RF R,.

    Frustrating indeed sounds and it looks to me that you have two step of checking enabled for your Microsoft Account. Here are some instructions on how to disable it:

    On the two-step verification - Windows help

    I hope this helps!

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    Now, I try to analyse the file name, so in my analysis of code I can reassociate the value 64 bits with the time of day using the string functions to separate the file name.  With a few regexes (which I've never used in real life before), I've broken down the chain and got the base time as a timestamp, and the counter value as a 64-bit integer.  The VI works very well in 2013 LV.

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    Please run the attached VI in LV 2012.  Confirm if it fails for you.  Then open it in 2013 LV and see if it works for you.

    I am trying to make it work in LV 2012 because this project is locked in this version of LV for now.  I can probably do something to reorganize the time string to get something that will scan a digital time stamp if I have to.

    Hi Bill,

    Sorry to be a bit late on this point, I just came across this thread after the hunt for the CAR for a separate issue. The fix for 300375 CAR is what causes the difference in behavior between versions of LabVIEW. It appears on the list of known issues of LabVIEW 2013, although the description focuses more on the fixed number than other possible differences between the versions.

    The thoughts in this thread died on what happened in the difficulty. LabVIEW 2013 now pick up the string of year 2 or 4-digit number when you use the %y or %Y tags, respectively. Previously, the behavior was more forgiving in the year format, leading to incorrect behavior that you have observed strings of 4 digits in the year the %y tag. The original problem, you pointed out (2012 incorrectly string manipulation of tagged %y (2 digits) 2-digit year is precisely what has been fixed in the CAR.

    Regarding your strange result over the years with the tag %Y-2 digit, this is a limitation of the type of data Time Stamp itself. The year will always be converted to between 1600 and 3000. So no time extreme travel journaling. Yet.

    See you soon,.

Maybe you are looking for