Change the url of the LDAP VIO 2.0


I'm unable to use ldaps: / / for the AD authentication

(I get an error 'Can t Connect to LDAP' Message). It works if I change endpoint to LDAP://.x.x.:389 manually on the controller nodes.

However, every reboot of the deployments it gets reset with LDAPS: / / configuration.

Export the JSON configuration provides the Protocol LDAPS: / / but the Openstack 'Edit' deployment I webclient is "gray".

How can I change endpoint LDAP_URL permanently?




On 2.0.1 or later, you can use the procedure below.

1 Please check OpenStack integrated VMware 2.0.1 Release Notes under the Section 'increased personalization.

2. in the section of Keystone in the config file (custom.yml), you can set the ldap_url to a custom value.

3. run "viocli - v deployment configure - limit controller" to push the config for the controllers.

After that the config should be preserved reboots.

Let us know if that helps.

Tags: VMware

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