ColdFusion 7 and Isapi_rewrite

Hi, I have a problem with Coldfusion 7 used in combination with Isapi_rewrite for IIS software. In CF5 I am equipped with a cgi.http_x_rewrite_url variable which contains the original URL before any rewriting took place. But CF7 it disappeared completely.

The Rewriter software is always the first thing that runs in IIS, so I don't think it's that I ran a quick test with an asp page and the http_x_rewrite_url variable still exists. Which leads me to think that for some reason any Coldfusion 7 ignored or hid it somewhere.

Anyone have any idea?

I even tried going in through the coldfusion.runtime.CgiScope java object and checking the values here, but they are no different.


In fact I just tracked down the problem, but thanks for the suggestion anyway. For anyone interested...

It appears that for some strange reason, can't think of a valid one myself, Coldfusion 7 is either hide certain CGI variables or they are accessible via a different method, which means that they are hidden some functions.

This is the case of my cgi.http_x_rewrite_url, but also for cgi.request_uri

I do not see it in the debug output, , StructKeyList (cgi) or StructKeyArray (cgi).
But I can check if there are using StructKeyExists (cgi, "request_uri") or IsDefined("cgi.request_uri")
And I can use it as any normal variable

Anyone know why it is like that?
It isn't really a problem for me now, I know, but I'm just curious to know the reason why and how I would get a list of all variables, including hidden like these.

See you soon

Tags: ColdFusion

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    faultCode: {} Server.userException


    faultString: java.lang.RuntimeException: could not generate keypairs DH




    {}} stackTrace:javax .net .ssl .SSLException: java.lang.RuntimeException: could not generate keypairs DH








    to org.apache.axis.transport.http.HTTPSender.getSocket (HTT... ''


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    Hi, frank000000,

    I know that we had a serious problem with any Java 7 after update 25.  They are off a lot of network permissions and other things, for safety, that used to be available in versions prior to the update 25.  But it's while we were in CF Server 9.

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    It seems strange to me that the upgrade to 1.8 host while your server is 1.6 would cause problems.  It could very well be something else.  I would like to ask the host for documentation describing exactly how/why their 1.8 may cause interference with your 1.6.



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    I have a windows 2008 Server.

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    Adam, the web service consumption will also be affected. The version decides what framework is used to generate the client-side stubs.

    DmitriD, could you please post the code used for the test. Where did you try to set the version? Set the version in CreateObject() or CFInvoke to consume. If you change the wsversion of server level, it is used by publishing only.

    WS = createObject ("Web service", "", {wsversion = "1"} ");

    WriteDump (ws);

    I tried the above code and it works fine for me. Please check and let me know.

    Thank you


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    Thank you

    My resources: 8080/Ord/EF.html on 8 - to ColdFusion 9

    MLogan997 wrote:

    (1) from what I've read, it is highly recommended to run only one instance of CF on a server.  Anyone able to confirm or dispel this suggestion?

    I don't know who suggested that, but I know a lot of people (including us) run multiple CF instances on a server.  Running multiple instances of different versions of ColdFusion is a little more difficult, but quite possible.

    MLogan997 wrote:

    (2) I have changes in tag since version 5 and higher than my first resource link below.  If we move to strict CF 9, should be relatively easy to upgrade?

    Relatively easy, Yes.  But not easy enough that you don't want to do the upgrade in a development environment first and thourghly examine your base before you do in production code.  One of the biggest witch hunt is to have functions defined user (UDF) in the code with a function name that is now a function integrated into the new version.

    MLogan997 wrote:

    (3) if I was going to have 9 CF and CF 7 running silmuntaneously on the same server, it was suggested to install the new version first, then the old version.  Well this server already has CF 7 running on it.  I don't think it would be wise to CF 7 just to install the CF 9 first to uninstall.  Do you agree?

    It is quite possible to have multiple versions of ColdFusion running side by side.  But we have to plan for it from the beginning.  To do this, you must use the 'multiple' server configuration of ColdFusion Enterprise (or developer) an installation of ColdFusion license.  If your CF 7 is not that, it's very common choice of a stand-alone business or a license of ColdFusion Standard, you will need to uninstall and reinstall in the «Multiple server» configuration

    MLogan997 wrote:

    (4) if the versions are performed side by side, which is the indicator that says an application or a site running what version of CF?  My initial and limited experience with CF 9, is that it is resting site.

    This is done through the web server connectors.  It is quite easy to define an instance of ColdFusion spefic and connect to a specific site on the Web server.  GUI Web Server Connector tool makes it really easy to implement.

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    Thank you in advance!


    In fact, you don't have to get the messages, you just have to get the most recent and to show the first post, instead of add, to make a prefix.

    It will be much faster and easier, you don't really have JSON to do this, return the plain format will do.

    with returnformat = json, you can return anytype, query or table or structure. To see what returns coldfusion, use Firebug plugin in firefox

    Add this line to the callback function

    Console.log (Data)

    It will show the data object in the console, you can extend it to see what it has and how to use it;

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    Any help much appreciated.

    komrad78 wrote:
    > Any help much appreciated.

    This question shows a misunderstanding of what ColdFusion is and does.
    ColdFusion is a dynamic language that generates the output to send to a web site
    client using a web browser. The most common and the most ancient of the output
    generates is HTML.

    Then of course, you can have ColdFusion pass or build the HTML code
    tag that you were sending a browser that he ask a Flash object.
    This is no different then do build a tag ask
    an image object or a table tag or a tag paragraph or other HTML elements.

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    Thanks in advance!


    You can find the list here:

    As a side note, my company has a service called HackMyCF that helps you stay on top of what updates to install: it is a free scanner and a paid subscription that gives you more in-depth reports like this one:

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    Thank you!


    The only difference - for all purposes useful - between the two versions of the BFC is that the a "stand-alone" has Eclipse bundled with it. While the plugin version is intended for those who already have Eclipse installed and want to install CFB in this.

    "Built on top of the Eclipse infrastructure" is marketing-speak because "it's a plugin Eclipse" ;-)



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    The components Panel in Dreamweaver 8, which has exactly the same information, works very well.

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    If anyone has had similar problems and was able to solve them, I would be grateful little light on the subject.


    Well, I could solve this problem by CF UN-installing and reinstalling.

    I did some more tests (UN/reinstall once again) and it seems that this problem occurs when CF is installed in devnet version mode and not if in developer mode.

    To check if CF is installed in devnet mode look in the administrator of the CF under "server settings-> analytical settings-> version information", you will see a notation for devnet.

    I also did a little poking around and it happens whenever you install CF using a certain range license keys. The keys of this range are valid keys for installation, but they alter some critical parameters in CF (watermark paper/pdf flash and apparently some RDS stuff), the solution is to install with a key dev-net or in developer mode.

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    I have a few books of CF.

    I need to start my tutorials


    They said that the prereq is the mx Server
    place of origin,

    1. I downloaded mx 7 and chose edition mx developer.
    My problem is that when it is that auto configure. (the second option without apache or iis)

    It is reall taking much time to configure 2 h. I it did not finish so I stopped the process.
    what I am doing wrong in the implementation process.

    2. do I need for apache to run CF. ran Apache .org and I went on a mirror site. but I don't know that you down load.
    any tips?

    3. can I use my tutorials with apcahe or IIS?

    2: the book also mentioned homesite / dreamweaver as a Publisher.
    where and how can I put this in my own PC?

    I really appreciate your help in advance

    I'm really eager to know if I can develop for my work, I tell myself that if I get a head start at home, I won't have to rely on others.

    Thanks if anyone can help me configure CF at home.

    1. Install apache
    2. install CF7

    If your Explorer CF7 just forget Apache for now and use of CF7 built in server. Running through the tutorials provided with CF7, then try a few others since the support coldfusion pages.

  • ColdFusion 8 and Java

    I'm not a java programmer, in fact, my knowledge of java is a java course intro, I took about 8 years ago.
    On my application for cf on the other hand, there is a tiny section where the previous programmer created a feature using the java programming.
    When user download a file from our CF interface, the form action can point to a location of java servlet, a server of tomkat (?), who treats the file downloading and checking this file in java programming on this server.

    We are trying to get rid of this server of tomkat and instead of re-writing the functionality of exact same in CF, I think to integrate these java codes and classes. I understand that CF is based on java, so this idea should be possible.
    The question is whether this task will be hard for me who has no experience knowing only very tiny who died mostly of java programming.
    Should I forget about this integration plan and all re - write the functionality in CF instead? or
    How easy it is to integrate CF and java to avoid the re-writing of the code, are there examples or instructions somewhere that is more to the point, or step by step?

    The question is whether this task will be hard for me who has no experience knowing only very tiny who died mostly of java programming.

    Not difficult at all. In the majority of cases, it is would we to apply the Java functionality in Coldfusion.

    Should I forget about this integration plan and all re - write the functionality in CF instead?

    N ° it might be that it is better to do with some Java.

    How easy it is to integrate CF and java to avoid the re-writing of the code, are there examples or instructions somewhere that is more to the point, or step by step?

    Pretty easy. Most of the time. Java is not a big deal in Coldfusion today. Using createobject(), for example, will give you direct access to a Java class. I hope that this forum could help you solve any problems you may encounter.

  • Error Coldfusion.Navigate and IE7 (Javascript)


    I have a page with a form containing a cfinput. When the user submits, Coldfusion.Navigate is called 3 times to update the various sections of the page. Everyone has his own called .cfm, it's own JS reminder and it's own cfdiv. I can get the correct data in each section, but I still have this error in IE7: error: 'document.getElementById (...)' is null or not an object... in reference to the callback JS function.

    The callback function, I get good data at the time when looking for an item id, which is something else the cfdiv id or an id of the div in the .cfm page called. If I have the div ID at all in .cfm called page, I get no data. If I make reference to the cfdiv ID within the callback, I get no data.

    I don't understand what is happening with the callback function. View source shows generated html div is named exactly as I name in the cfdiv, and yet if I search in the callback, nothing is displayed.

    I hope that you can see what I mean.

    This data gives back but IE7 error code:

    Why you even have that getElementById line in your function so it
    does nothing? just get rid of it. have and empty the js function to
    all of your reminders, if you need to keep the reminders at all...

    Azadi Saryev
    SABAI -

  • Adobe Coldfusion Enterprise and Developer

    Where actually develop a web application? Company or developer? Do I need developer?

    Yes, I would recommend Coldfusion Builder.

  • ColdFusion 8 and AMD Turion X 2 64


    My HP laptop running Vista Home Premium 64. The chip is an AMD Turion X 2 64. ColdFusion system requirements say "lntel® Pentium® II or AMD Athlon processor." Does anyone know if there is a possibility to make it work with the Turion processor I have?

    Thank you!

    "reveuse9" wrote in message news:[email protected]...
    > Hello.
    > My HP laptop running Vista Home Premium 64. The chip is an AMD Turion X 2 64.
    > ColdFusion system requirements say ' lntel? Pentium? II or AMD Athlon
    > processor. "Does anyone know if it is possible to operate with the
    > Turion processor I have?
    > Thank you!

    Yes, it should work on your CPU

    Ken Ford
    Adobe Community Expert - Dreamweaver/ColdFusion
    Adobe Certified Expert - Dreamweaver CS3
    Adobe Certified Expert - ColdFusion 8
    Fordwebs, LLC

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