Conditional font color?

On the iOS version of numbers, is there a way to make the color of the font in a given cell depends on certain conditions?

Hypothetical example, suppose you have a set of estimators of risk from 0 to 10 and whatever it is 8 or higher, you want the number appears in the 5 - 7.9999 red, yellow, below 5 in green.

Hi mr88cet,

What you ask the subject is conditional highlighted. Unfortunately, you cannot create conditional formatting in the iOS. However, if you have configured your forrmatting number on a Mac the forrmatting will show in iOS.


Tags: iWork

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    Thank you

    Well, I used to put html tags in the select text, getting the value of depending on the CASE, so I had to change the display column attribute in the report as "Display in text form (space special characters...)".

    I found an old post here: and this method still worked for me in APEX 5.0

    Thanks anyway

  • Problem with font color in the report formatting


    I set up a script that reports on data warehouses of various code examples and Get-FriendlyUnit of LucD finction.

    The output formats the red color for the space put into service when it is larger than the Capactiy, but for some reason, in some cases, the police are still red even when Provisoned space is not greater than the capacity:


    This code I use to change the font color:

    If ($Capacity - gt $Provisioned)
    {$tableEntry = "< tr > < td > < font ="Tahoma"> $Name < / font > < table > < td > < Center > < font ="Tahoma"> $Capacity < / police > < / center > < table > < td > < Center > < font ="Tahoma"> $Provisioned < / police > < / center > < table > < td > < Center > < font ="Tahoma"> $FreeSpace < / police >"} "< / center > < / TD > < td > < Center > < / police > < / center > < table > < /tr >".
    Add-Content, $fileName $tableEntry
    Write-Host $tableEntry}

    ElseIf ($Capacity - lt $Provisioned)
    {$tableEntry = "< tr > < td > < font ="Tahoma"> $Name < / fonts > < table > < td > < Center > < of police ="Tahoma"> $Capacity < / police > < / center > < table > < td > < Center > < font ="Tahoma"color ="red"> $Provisioned < / font > < / center > < table > < td > < Center > < font ="Tahoma"> $FreeSpace < / fonts"} ' > < / center > < table > < td > < Center > < / police > < / center > < table > < /tr > ".
    Add-Content, $fileName $tableEntry
    Write-Host $tableEntry}

    Here's the complete code:

    If ((Remove-Item "DS-Report.htm»-ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) - eq $null)
    {Remove-Item "DS - report.html"-ErrorAction SilentlyContinue}

    #Connect to vCenter Server
    $vC = "VC1.
    SE connect-VIServer $vC - WarningAction SilentlyContinue

    $date = (get-Date). ToString('yyyy/MM/dd')
    $Title = "report on the use of the data store.
    $DC = "Datacenter1".

    $DateStamp = get-date - uformat "%Y-%m-%d@%H-%M-%S."

    New course in the #Create file
    New-Item ItemType - file "DS - report.html.
    $fileName = "DS - report.html.

    #HTML header for the output
    Function writeHtmlHeader
    Param ($fileName)

    Add-Content $fileName "< html >".
    Add-Content $fileName "< head >".
    Add-Content $fileName "< meta http-equiv ="Content-Type"content = text/html"; " charset = iso-8859-1 "" > ""
    Add-Content $fileName '< title > $Title < /title >'
    "Add-Content $fileName ' < STYLE TYPE =" text/css">"
    Add-Content $fileName "<!--
    Add-Content $fileName "td {}.
    Add-Content $fileName ' do-family: Calibri;
    Add-Content $fileName "-font size: 13px;
    Add-Content $fileName "border-top: 1px solid #999999;"
    Add-Content $fileName "border-right: 1px solid #999999;"
    Add-Content $fileName "border-bottom: 1px solid #999999;"
    Add-Content $fileName "border-left: 1px solid #999999;"
    Add-Content $fileName "padding-top: 0px;"
    Add-Content $fileName "padding-right: 0px;"
    Add-Content $fileName "padding-bottom: 0px;"
    Add-Content $fileName "padding-left: 0px;"
    Add-Content $fileName '} '.
    Add-Content $fileName 'body {} '.
    Add-Content $fileName ' left margin: 5px; "
    Add-Content $fileName "margin-top: 5px;"
    Add-Content $fileName ' margin-right: 0px; "
    Add-Content $fileName "margin-bottom: 10px;"
    Add-Content $fileName «»
    Add-Content $fileName "table {}.
    Add-Content $fileName ' border: thin solid #000000; "
    Add-Content $fileName '} '.
    Add-Content $fileName "->".
    Add-Content $fileName "< / style >.
    Add-Content $fileName "< / head >.
    Add-Content $fileName "< body >".
    Add-Content $fileName ' < table width = 60% ">".
    Add-Content $fileName "< tr bgcolor ="#FFFFFF">."
    Add-Content $fileName "< td colspan = '7' height = '25' align ="center">"
    #Edit title below
    #Add - Content $fileName "< font ="Tahoma"color = 'red' size = '3' > < strong > criticism - < facilities > < / font >.
    #Add - Content $fileName "< police ="Tahoma"color = 'gold' size = '3' > WARNING < strong > - < facilities > < / font >.
    Add-Content $fileName "< police ="Tahoma"color =" #003399 ' size = '3' > < strong > $Title - $Date < / strong > < / police >»»

    #Edit title above
    Add-Content $fileName "< table >.
    Add-Content $fileName "< /tr >".
    Add-Content $fileName "< / table >.


    # Function to write the HTML header to the file
    Function writeTableHeader
    Param ($fileName)
    Add-Content $fileName ' < table width = 60% ' > < tbody >.
    Add-Content $fileName "< tr bgcolor = #003399 >.
    Add-Content $fileName "< td align ="center"> < of police ="Tahoma"color ="#FFFFFF"> < b > data store name < /b > < / police > < table >.
    Add-Content $fileName "< td align ="center"> < of police ="Tahoma"color ="#FFFFFF"> < b > capacity < /b > < / police > < table >.
    Add-Content $fileName "< td align ="center"> < police ="Tahoma"color ="#FFFFFF"> < b > space configured < /b > < / police > < table >.
    Add-Content $fileName "< td align ="center"> < of police ="Tahoma"color ="#FFFFFF"> < b > free space < /b > < / font > < table >.
    #Add - Content $fileName "< td align ="center"> < of police ="Tahoma"color ="#FFFFFF"> < b > % free < /b > < / police > < table >.
    Add-Content $fileName "< /tr >".


    # Function to write the HTML footer
    Function writeHtmlFooter
    Param ($fileName)
    Add-Content $fileName "< / table >.
    Add-Content $fileName "< / body >".
    Add-Content $fileName "< / html >".

    #---Fonction Get-FriendlyUnit-
    Function Get-FriendlyUnit {}
    < #.
    . Numbers converted small binary multiples SYNOPSIS
    . DESCRIPTION the function accepts a value and him will convert
    in the largest available binary unit.
    . Author NOTES: Luc relaxing
    . Value of the PARAMETER
    The value to convert.
    This number must be positive.
    A switch to indicate whether the function should return the CIS
    Unit, or the names of the units most commonly used names.
    The default is to use the commonly used unit names.
    PS > Get-FriendlyUnit-value 123456
    PS > 123456 | Get-FriendlyUnit - CIS
    PS > Get-FriendlyUnit-value 123456,789123, 45678
    PS > Get-Datastore-name DS1 |
    Select Name,@{N="Capacity; E = {}
    Get-FriendlyUnit-value ($_.) CapacityMB * 1 MB) |
    % {"{0, 7:f2} {1,2} ' f $_"} Value, $_. Unit}}
    # >
    [parameter (mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
    [double []] $Value,.
    [switch] $IEC

    Begin {}
    $OldUnits = "B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB", "ZB", "YB".
    $IecUnits = 'B', 'KiB', 'MiB', "GiB", "TiB", "PIF", "BANK", "ZiB", "YiB".
    If ($IEC) {$units = $IecUnits} else {$units = $OldUnits}

    {in process
    $Value | %{
    If ($_ - lt 0) {}
    Write-Error "Numbers must be positive."
    If ($value - gt 0) {}
    $modifier = [math]: Floor([Math]::Log($_,1KB)))
    else {}
    $modifier = 0
    New-object PSObject-property @ {}
    Value = $_ / [math]: Pow(1KB,$modifier)
    Unit = & {if ($modifier - lt $units. {Count) {$units [$modifier]} else {'1KO E {0}' f $modifier}}
    #---Fin of the Get-FriendlyUnit function-

    Function GetDS {}
    $report = get-data center $DC | Get-Datastore.
    Where-Object {$_.} {Name - notlike "DataStore1 *"} | %{
    New-object PSObject-property @ {}
    Name = $
    Capacity = Get-FriendlyUnit-value ($_.) CapacityMB * 1 MB) |
    % {"{0, 7:f2} {1,2} ' f $_"} Value, $_. Unit}
    Put into service = Get-FriendlyUnit-value ($_.) ExtensionData.Summary.Capacity - $_. ExtensionData.Summary.FreeSpace +.
    $_. ExtensionData.Summary.Uncommitted) |
    % {"{0, 7:f2} {1,2} ' f $_"} Value, $_. Unit}
    FreeSpace = Get-FriendlyUnit-value ($_.) FreeSpaceMB * 1 MB) |
    % {"{0, 7:f2} {1,2} ' f $_"} Value, $_. Unit}

    } | Sort-Object-property name
    $report | %{
    WriteData $_. Name $_. Capacity $_. Provisioned $_. FreeSpace

    # Function compiles the data transmitted by the GetDS function in HTML table format
    Function writedata {}
    Param ($Name, $Capacity, $Provisioned, $FreeSpace)

    If ($Capacity - gt $Provisioned)
    {$tableEntry = "< tr > < td > < of police ="Tahoma"> $Name < / font > < table > < td > < Center > < of police ="Tahoma"> $Capacity < / police > < / center > < table > < td > < Center > < fonts"}

    "face ="Tahoma"> $Provisioned < / police > < / center > < table > < td > < Center > < font ="Tahoma"> $FreeSpace < / police > < / center > < table > < td > < Center > < / police > < / center > < table > < /tr >".
    Add-Content, $fileName $tableEntry
    Write-Host $tableEntry}

    ElseIf ($Capacity - lt $Provisioned)
    {$tableEntry = "< tr > < td > < of police ="Tahoma"> $Name < / font > < table > < td > < Center > < of police ="Tahoma"> $Capacity < / police > < / center > < table > < td > < Center > < fonts"}

    face = "Tahoma" color = "red" > $Provisioned < / police > < / center > < table > < td > < Center > < font

    "face ="Tahoma"> $FreeSpace < / police > < / center > < table > < td > < Center > < / police > < / center > < table > < /tr >".
    Add-Content, $fileName $tableEntry
    Write-Host $tableEntry}

    < #.
    ElseIf ($_.) PercFree - $Warning lt)
    {$tableEntry = "< tr > < td > < of police ="Tahoma"> $Name < / font > < table > < td > < Center > < b > < of police ="Tahoma"> $Capacity < / police > < / b > < / center > < table > < td > < Center > < b > < fonts"}

    face = "Tahoma" > $Provisioned < / police > < / b > < / center > < table > < td > < Center > < b > < of police = "Tahoma" > $FreeSpace < / font > < / b > < / center > < table > < td > < Center > < b > < fonts

    "face ="Tahoma"color ="Orange"> $PercFree < / police > < / b > < / center > < table > < /tr >".
    Add-Content, $fileName $tableEntry
    Write-Host $tableEntry}
    # >

    VCenter server ##Disconnect
    Disconnect-VIServer-confirm: $False

    The script ##End

    Hello, AGFlora-

    It seems that comparisons of the value (the "-lt" and "-gt") you here are values after they were formatted to units 'friendly' and then processed into strings.  Comparison operations then do not give the results you expect, because comparisons are these strings, instead of the actual numbers.  Illustration:

    PS C:\> "600.00 MB" -lt "594.75 GB"
    PS C:\> "600.00 MB" -gt "594.75 GB"

    Clearly not what you expect if the comparisons are numbers instead of strings.

    Then, you'd better keep the values of size in the form of numbers until it is time to display them (or write HTML code).  That way comparison operations (numbers) will be behave as desired/expected, and your conditional formatting should work.  The key to making comparisons of real numbers, and then use the values of string shaped numbers for the HTML output.  Make sense?

  • Change the font color in a report by using the SQL query


    I'm changing the font color based using a BOX the query in the form below:
    select "ORDER_ID", 
         when order_status = 1 then '<font color="red">'|| order_status||'</font>'
         '<font color="blue">'||order_status||'</font>'
    end order_staus,
    from "ORDERS" 
    I can get this working by selecting the Standard report column in the type of the column header . However this to say that I can't use the LOV LOV options involve removing the HTML characters.

    Is there a way I can conditionally change the font with the above query and use LOV as well? Thank you.


    Apex 4.1.1 to
    Theme 13

    Published by: taepodong on June 3, 2012 07:28

    I'm sure that not looking the application form first before posting this question.

    Your solution would be:
    Please edit your report column under > report attributes > and select the property view as as a Standard report column

  • I need to change my font color and background color are both black

    I chose accidentally black for my font color and background.
    Since everything is black, I can't see the text in my window from the preferences (or modules) to restore.

    Any ideas on how I could do this?

    Thank you!

    Thank you for the update. If you notice anything important missing, as the parameters for an add-on, you can open this prefs.old file in a text editor and probably find it in there. We'll be there if you need help in this sense.

  • How to reset the default font color

    I want to change my font color by default from black to dark green.

    Try this addon:

    the download link is at the bottom of the Web page.
    This addon allows you to keep the original colors of the quoted text.

    How to install the addon:

    Download the file to your ex as: desktop

    In Thunderbird
    'Tools' > 'Addons' OR "Menu icon" > "Addons".
    Click the gear icon and select "install the addon from file".
    Find the downloaded as file and click 'open '.
    You may have to restart Thunderbird.

    Note the author says that the email you want to answer must be selected in the list and does not appear in the Message pane below. then click on answer.

  • How to change the font colors in the communities of support?

    How to change the font colors in the communities of support?

    Thank you

    Press or click on use the Advanced Editor in the upper right of this text block which will take you to it.

  • I need to read some Chinese site and one thing that bothers me is the color of the font. When I visited a website with Firefox, the font color is too light to read. I can't find this problem with safari. How to solve it? Thank you & cat_id = 1 & title_id = 469611 & RTD = 27344

    If this site is accessed by Safari, the font color is more 'black' and more pleasant to read.

    Do you mean that greenish (color: rgb (113,155,47)) text in the sidebar on the right side?

    You can attach a screenshot?

    Use a type of compressed as PNG or JPG image to save the screenshot and make sure that you do not exceed the maximum file size (1 MB).

  • How change font color of bookmark toolbar in FF 5.0?

    Hi, I've just updated to 5.0 and have made some customization, but I need to change the font color of bookmarks toolbar. I can't locate the directory of Chrome or the UserChrome.css file. Then... How can I change?

    You may need to create the chrome of your profile directory. You can find your profile by searching for cookies.sqlite. It will be in this directory. Create a subdirectory there, named "chrome" and create the userChrome.css file a text editor and put it in there. The application is case-sensitive, then use the model of upper and lower case letters THST I just used. The userChrome.css file must start with this line:

    @namespace url ("");

  • How can I change the font color on incoming emails

    I would like to change the font color from black (default color) to a blue color on incoming and outgoing emails.


    1. What mail client do you use? Is - this client is Microsoft outlook e-mail or on the web?
    2. who is the operating system that you are using?

    If you use Microsoft Outlook client see this link for more information:
    Automatically change the colors of incoming message and fonts based on the sender, subject and beneficiaries
    I suggest you to give us more information, so that we can better help you.

    I hope this helps.
  • Change the font color in a response email

    I would like to respond to an email and in the quoted text, add my answers in a different font color so that recipients can easily differentiate my answers to the original e-mail.

    Did I miss an option for this? Or suggestions on applying different email that has this feature would be great.

    Thank you

    MailDroid seems to be what I was looking for.

    Thanks for all the tips...

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    also what is the way to write in languages forgen what type of fonts is accepted in the paint when I try to type in the language forgen is all what I get question marks? ... Please help me.


    ·        What version of the operating system is running on your computer?

    Step 1: Try to edit a different image.

    Windows Vista:

    Windows 7:

    Step 2: Register a new user account.

    Windows Vista:

    Windows 7:

  • Change the font color on IE8 + XP

    I need to change the font color from blue to black on my computer XP WIN8 + that my wife is legaly blind and can't read light blue lettering

    Hi alkfmn,

    You will not be able to change the color of the font in internet explore.

    See the Microsoft article below to change the fonts or font on various components of Windows.

    How to change the appearance of items on the desktop in Windows XP

    Customize your system with Windows XP

    How to set accessibility features for people who are blind or who have low vision in Windows XP

    How to control accessibility features for visually impaired users by using Utility Manager in Windows

    I hope this helps!

    Halima S - Microsoft technical support.

    Visit our Microsoft answers feedback Forum and let us know what you think.

  • Does anyone know if there is a way to name a folder by using a font color?

    You can use a font color to name a folder?

    Sorry, no.  The folder names is not the color or font attributes.

  • Cannot change the font color on the desktop icons

    I am running windows vista. I can't change the font as in windows xp. No matter if the background is dark or the police is always black... Help!


    Thanks for posting the question in Microsoft Answers.

    I apologise for the inconvenience.

    Unfortunately, you cannot change the font color of desktop.

    Because desktop wallpaper images have different colors, it is easy for the colors of unreadable fonts if they are on top of the same color in a background image to display. For example, a black font on top a dark part of the background image or a white font on a white part of a background image.

    The desktop icon fonts are dynamic and show white on dark background and change in white with a shadow effect black on a light background.

    In previous versions of Windows, it did not matter what color you chose to fund policies, some would still make invisible because of the background color of a desktop wallpaper. The user was constantly moving icons around the desktop computer to another colorful area where the police could be read. This was the source of a large number of complaints from users asking for a policy that was still visible, regardless of the color that was behind the police.

    However, you can change the theme and see if that helps:

    Change desktop theme:

    Hope this information helps. Let us know if you need additional assistance. We are happy to help you.

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