Configuration of ESX 5 problems

Should I worry, and how do I delete these...

See atatched:

Thank you is advanced...

You should not be worried :-), it's normal.

You can disable these settings by going to Configuration-> advanced-> UserVars (left menu) (under software) and in the right menu to change the end of the 'UserVars.SuppressShellWarning' to 1.

Warnings will be gone.

Tags: VMware

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    Thank you and best regards.


    I guess that all the gurus as Al and Luke are slumming at VMworld - so I'll have a bash at it.

    (Of course change the IP address and VLAN to suit your environment)...


    Get-VirtualSwitch-name "vSwitch0 | Game-VirtualSwitch - Nic, vmnic0, vmnic1 - confirm: $false

    Get-VirtualSwitch-name "vSwitch0 | Get-NicTeamingPolicy | Game-NicTeamingPolicy - MakeNicActive "vmnic0".

    Get-VirtualSwitch-name "vSwitch0 | Get-NicTeamingPolicy | Game-NicTeamingPolicy - MakeNicStandby 'vmnic1.

    New-VMHostNetworkAdapter - "vMotion Network" PortGroup VirtualSwitch - vSwitch0 - IP '' - subnet mask "" - VlanId '2' - VMotionEnabled

    New-VMHostNetworkAdapter - PortGroup vSwitch0 "Service Console" - VirtualSwitch - IP "" - subnet mask "" - VlanId '3' - ManagementTrafficEnabled


    New-VirtualSwitch-name vSwitch1 - nic 'vmnic2', 'vmnic3 '.

    New-VirtualPortGroup - VirtualSwitch vSwitch1-name "VM Network" - VlanId '4 '.


    Get-VMHostNetworkAdapter | SetVMHostNetworkAdapter-Duplex 'complete' - BitRatePerSec 1000


    Get-VMHost | Get-View | %{(Get-View-Id $_.) {ConfigManager.MemoryManager). ReconfigureServiceConsoleReservation (800 * 1 mb)}

    Hope that helps.


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    First of all, you need to work on your ESX: create the vmkernel for iSCSI (one for each network) interfaces, enable iSCSI on ESX firewall, turn it on and get into the target.

    At this point, you can create the configuration of the host and the virtual disk link.

    See also:


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    Check the DNS configuration. Make sure that the vCenter THAT FQDN can be resolved on the Service Console of your ESX and also vice versa.

    If that doesn't help, ask your FW guys again! This solves a lot of problems in the past


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    Thank you in advance.

    PIO Massaro

    just because you disconnect will not remove the license.  You must go to the ESX host, under the configuration tab and the features under license.  Change your license source.

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    The new Airport Extreme (renovated) is in my studio/Office - directly connected to our internet broadband wireless (WAN port)

    What is the number and the model of the modem or modem/router that your ISP has provided you?

    Should we assume that you use a Mac with the help of a current or recent operating system?

    If you get out of the Capsule of time and leaves disabled for now, the network AirPort Extreme continue to run at full speed for a few hours and not slow down?

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    · You receive an error message or error code?

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    After the upgrade to vmware server. I am not able to use the guest only network interface.

    In the configuration interface tcp/ip v4 network, the IP address is, but if I run ipconfig, IP assigned to vmnet 1 is 169.254.x.x (invalid IP)

    Anyone has an idea on how to solve it?

    Thank you!


    After the upgrade to vmware server

    Just an info, Windows 7 is not a host for VMware Server operating system.

    I am not able to use the guest only network interface. In the configuration interface tcp/ip v4 network, the IP address is, but if I run ipconfig, IP assigned to vmnet 1 is 169.254.x.x (invalid IP)

    Unfortunately starting with VMware Player 3, without a valid reason, I've never seen explained, VMware has stopped installing the virtual network Editor.  What I would try to solve the problem is to install manually and then use the restore default in the virtual network Editor to try to fix any problem with network cards virtual VMware.


    To install the missing virtual network Editor, the command prompt:

    VMware-player-*.exe -e c:\vmptmp

    Then in the c:\vmptmp folder find the file c:\vmptmp\ and extract (double-click on the .cab file) vmnetcfg.exe (virtual network editor) file in the working directory of VMware Player usually 'C:\Program VMware Player' or ' C:\Program Files (x 86) \VMware\VMware Player.  You can create a shortcut and place it with the shortcut of VMware Player, if you want to access it more easily.  Note: there are some for all the files to be extracted to then access the file.

    Post edited by: WoodyZ - posted: July 5, 2012 09:10

  • script to find configuration of esxi host problems.

    Need a script to find if all configuration host on all issues the esxi host in the vCenter...

    example: alert, warning.

    Hello, nareshunik-

    You can consult the properties TriggeredAlarmState and ConfigIssue to display HostSystem for the VMHost objects, such as:

    Get-View -ViewType HostSystem -Property Name,TriggeredAlarmState,ConfigIssue | ?{$_.TriggeredAlarmState -or $_.ConfigIssue} | `    select name,         @{n="NumConfigIssues"; e={($_.ConfigIssue | Measure-Object).Count}},        @{n="NumAlarms"; e={($_.TriggeredAlarmState | Measure-Object).Count}}

    This will return just all hosts with a triggered alarm, a configuration problem or two (and the course of each):

    Name       NumConfigIssues  NumAlarms
    ----       ---------------  ---------
    myHost001                1          0
    myHost122                2          0
    myHost212                1          1

    How does do for you?

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    Check out "Blue Gears - 2 with VMware ESX physical NIC" of Edward Haletky for some good info on it.

    Good luck!

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    AppSpeed creates groups of new promiscuity port dedicated for the selected vSwitches. Please note that in all cases, it does NOT change the configuration of the physical network adapters or any other port groups existing settings.

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    Examine the logs in/var/log

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    Thank you

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