Create procedure/functions by Transformations Public customized by using OMB


I need to create a global procedure by the Public Transformations. How then?
I am able to create specific, but also global projects.
I tried to create it after OMBCC "PUBLIC_PROJECT", but it says that I have to change my context...

Can someone help me with this please.

Thanks in advance...

Check out these links for the references.

Tags: Business Intelligence

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  • Difference of procedure & function

    Hi all

    After citing some tutorials, I got to know that the difference between the procedure and the function is that the procedure may or may not return a value as the function must return a value to the calling program. Given below is my procedure. & He would compare the lower of the two numbers would be smaller than

    create or replace procedure findmin


    x in number,

    there in numbers,

    z series




    if(x<y) then

    z: = x;

    on the other

    z: = y;

    end if;



    c number;


    findmin (23,45,c);

    dbms_output.put_line (c);


    Here's my function even if it does the same thing.

    create or replace function findmin_fun


    x in number,

    y number


    Return number


    number of z;


    if(x<y) then

    z: = x;

    on the other

    z: = y;

    end if;

    Return z;




    dbms_output.put_line (findmin_fun (56,28));


    I would like to know under what are all the scenarios of the procedure and function would be used. And also I want to know could do dml as insert, update, and delete operations

    If so, could you guys explain me with some examples to expose DML operations on functions

    After citing some tutorials, I got to know the difference between the procedure & function is that the procedure may or may not return a value as the function must return a value to the calling program.

    Not quite.

    A procedure does NOT return a value - it can fill in the parameters OUT or INOUT but which is NOT considered to be "of return values.

    A function ALWAYS returns a value that can be null. The only exception is if the function throws an exception.

    My procedure is given below. It would be to compare the lower of the two numbers & would mean that smaller

    Not quite - the procedure returns NO value. You use it to try to fill one OUT parameter, but it's NOT the same.

    I would like to know under what are all the scenarios the procedure & function would be used.

    Functions can be used in SQL; procedures cannot be used in SQL.

    The functions return a value; procedures of does NOT return a value.

    Use the functions when you need to return a value; Use the procedures when you do NOT need to return a value.

    It is not possible to list 'all scenarios' for one or the other, because there may be ANY NUMBER of possible scenarios.

    And also I want to know could do dml as insert operations, update & delete

    What happened when you tried?

    The best and fastest, to learn is to actually TRY THINGS. Don't be afraid to break the Oracle by actually writing code and tests of things yourself.

    If so, could you guys explain me with some examples to expose DML operations on functions

    The Oracle documentation have a LOT of examples of using functions and procedures and include the code of the example.

    The internet has even more examples of code.

  • How to find recently created procedures in the current schema?

    Hi all

    in which oracle table I find recently created procedures with data timestemp as well?

    Thank you.

    Kind regards


    Hi Robert,.

    Watch dba_objects or all_/user_objects.

    Something like that for the last day:

    select *
      from dba_objects
     where LAST_DDL_TIME > sysdate -1
       and owner = '';



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    Attract sincerely

    944768 wrote:

    the answer lies in a few cases only,

    The response illustrates the basic concept of how customers need to use cursors created using PL/SQL as a layer of abstraction - SQL and this concepts adapts to ALL cases where the customer wants to Oracle via PL/SQL cursor.

    a case is,
    If my function returns only a single value, then I can use oracle 'create function' with the return type as types predefined as a whole, varchar2 etc?
    with regard to performance.

    With regard to this performance problem? And why now suddenly change the question to want to use a function to return data type number or string? How does this relate to PL/SQL to return a cursor now?

    A function can return scalar values, not scalar. A function may return atomic values (such as a unique number, or a non-scalar list of numbers). A function can return a complex data structure consisting of scalar values, not scalar.

    However, in PL/SQL function must NOT be used to read the lines of the database to cache lines in a memory of the server PL/SQL (PGA), then back to the client.

    He does not. It does not fit. It is too bloody dangerous to the overall health of the server as such code plays silly blighters with very expensive server memory.

    A PL/SQL function can also be used as guideline, returning data via expensive PGA, but via the SQL engine instead and using its slider interface (which allows output data to be "gradual" and not to return all data with a single copy of croustilleur mass of the call stack) directly. IT IS, HOWEVER, AN EXCEPTION. There is very rarely the need to make the functions PL/SQL pipeline table - and is often victims of abuse and bad demonstrated with examples of absurd code here.

  • Updated APEX collection error ORA-04044: procedure, function, package, type

    Hi all

    I am trying to update the APEX MEMBER of the COLLECTION and encounter errors:

    1 error has occurred
    ORA-06550: line 9, column 8: PL/SQL: ORA-04044: procedure, function, package or type is not allowed here ORA-06550: line 7, column 3: PL/SQL: statement ignored

    The PLSQL code are as below

    entire x;
    v_date_started VARCHAR2 (255);
    v_date_finished VARCHAR2 (255);
    SELECT c.seq_id
    WHERE collection_name = "PHASE_COLLECTION."
    AND c001 =: P41_MPM_ID
    and rownum = 1;
    v_date_started: =: P41_DATE_STARTED;
    v_date_finished: =: P41_DATE_FINISHED;

    p_collection_name = > 'PHASE_COLLECTION '.
    , p_seq = > x
    , p_c004 = > v_date_started
    , P_c005 = > v_date_finished

    The process will take place after SUBMIT and validation.

    The code I used to add a colletion APEX will work perfectly and is as below

    -Initialization Collection PHASE_COLLECTION
    END IF;
    -Add members to the COLLECTION PHASE of table PHASE_MEMBERSHIP
    FOR x IN (SELECT mpm_id, mpm_eng_id, phase_number, date_started, date_finished, date_created
    OF phase_membership
    WHERE mpm_eng_id =: P41_MPM_ENG_ID
    AND active = 1
    ORDER BY date_created)
    (p_collection_name = > 'PHASE_COLLECTION')
    , p_c001 = > x.MPM_ID
    , p_c002 = > x.MPM_ENG_ID
    , p_c003 = > x.PHASE_NUMBER
    , p_c004 = > x.DATE_STARTED
    , p_c005 = > x.DATE_FINISHED
    , p_c006 = > x.DATE_CREATED

    END IF;
    Logger.Error (p_message_text = > SQLERRM)
    , p_message_code = > SQLCODE
    , p_stack_trace = > dbms_utility.format_error_backtrace

    What I tried to use APEX_COLLETION to check the overlap between the date_range.
    The requirement is just to display a warning if the user adds a record to the new phase or update record of current phase may overlap between the order of phase together.
    Table PHASE_MEMBERSHIP script is

    'NOTES' VARCHAR2 (2000 BYTE),

    So, basically, I want to fill the documents associated with a particular to a collection of APEX called PHASE_COLLECTION MPM_ENG_ID.
    Then when the user specify date_started and date_finished, it will update/insert the APEX collection first.
    Then the rank based on audit collection date
    then display the warning to ask the user to confirm message.

    But then I'm stuck at the step of updating COLLECTION of APEX.

    If anyone has any ideas on what is wrong, please help.

    Thanks in advance.


    Your syntx error line number should give you the trick - it is not a member of the update, rather the SQL - you are referring to apex_collection, not apex_collections view dictionary.


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    Hai All

    How can we create a function for the date function two and to return the number of hours between two dates

    For example

    1 January 2010 0815' - '01-jan-2010 1715' and I need to calculate the time between two dates

    How can I create a procedure

    Thanks I advance


    What have you tried?

    Here is an example (untested):

            pDateStart      IN DATE
    ,       pDateEnd        IN DATE
            RETURN (pDateEnd - pDateStart) * 24;
  • Build a complicated procedure/function

    Hello world

    I am creating a complicated procedure.

    I have three columns:
    line     A          B        C
    1       5.5       3.2       -
    2       1.05     6.1       -
    3        0.6      7.8       -
    4        6.4     4.13      -
    5         -         -        8.98
    Column C contains a result. So, I need to find how this result was built. In other words, this procedure/function must answer the question:
    What are the numbers in columns A and B, which has contributed to achieve this result.
    In this example, we found that:
    C = B(1) + A(2) + A(3) + B(4) = 3.2 + 1.05 + 0.6 + 4.13 = 8.98
    (there is a condition: we cannot do so one number per line is selected.: A(1) + B(1).)


    Published by: zakaria84 on May 22, 2009 15:25

    Published by: zakaria84 on May 22, 2009 15:49

    Hello Zakaria,

    Here is a right solution with SQL:

    SQL> create table giventable (a,b,c)
      2  as
      3  select 5.5, 3.2, null from dual union all
      4  select 1.05, 6.1, null from dual union all
      5  select .6, 7.8, null from dual union all
      6  select 6.4, 4.13, null from dual union all
      7  select null, null, 8.98 from dual
      8  /
    Tabel is aangemaakt.
    SQL> create table resulttable as select * from giventable where 1=0
      2  /
    Tabel is aangemaakt.
    SQL> insert into resulttable
      2  select a
      3       , b
      4       , null
      5    from ( select case mod(trunc(l/power(2,line)),2) when 0 then a else null end a
      6                , case mod(trunc(l/power(2,line)),2) when 1 then b else null end b
      7                , sum(case mod(trunc(l/power(2,line)),2) when 0 then a else b end) over (partition by l) x
      8             from ( select a
      9                         , b
     10                         , row_number() over (order by null) - 1 line
     11                      from giventable
     12                     where c is null
     13                  )
     14                , ( select level - 1 l
     15                      from dual
     16                   connect by level <= power(2,(select count(*) from giventable where c is null))
     17                  )
     18         )
     19   where x = (select c from giventable where c is not null)
     20   union all
     21  select null
     22       , null
     23       , c
     24    from giventable
     25   where c is not null
     26  /
    5 rijen zijn aangemaakt.
    SQL> select * from resulttable
      2  /
             A          B          C
    ---------- ---------- ----------
    5 rijen zijn geselecteerd.

    Kind regards

  • Adobe Stock: How to create a sub account for a customer?


    I have the following problem: I found a beautiful picture on Adobe Stock what my client wants to use for graphics work I've created for him (commercial use).

    I am a graphic designer and I have the account - my client must create their own account and download the image itself?

    Or can I create a sub account for him and legally use the image for the work? If so, HOW?
    I don't find really no useful response to this question... I hope so, you can help me!

    Thank you very much and I hope to hear from you!


    Hey Ute

    You can picture the license and use it to create work for your client.

    Please check the terms of the license for more information on the use of the customer:

    Royalty-free images, pictures and graphics. Adobe Stock .pdf

    Thank you


  • Automatic assignment of record parent registration RN when created by OPA and involve a custom object

    The question that we face, it's what seems to be the forced transfer of the child for parent records records when she is using OPA integrated with RightNow to create records. This scenario is a little complex, so I put try it below with a structure to make it easier.

    • Scenario: creating records in RightNow across an interview of the OPA
    • OPA setting of mapping:
      • Personal contact Center (account)
      • At the beginning of the interview, load data related to an individual: Incident
      • At the end of the interview, update Incident
    • Data models:
      • OPA: Global-> [object custom-1] > [custom object 2]
        • all containment relationships
      • RN: Incident-> 1-> object custom object custom 2
        • All relationships of association
    • Detailed description: in Takeovers we are inferring creating two records personal 2 object with a Custom single object 1. In these registers Custom object 2, we put directly the field that contains the link PK 1 custom, object so that each personal object 2 is actually assigned in RN for different Custom object 1s. Some examples of data to explain:
      • Custom 1 object associated with the Incident, read in the OPA
        • ID is set to 123
      • 2 custom object created in OPA under instance of Custom 1 object with ID = 123
        • Link to PK for 1 item 123-custom
      • 2 custom object created in OPA under instance of Custom 1 object with ID = 123
        • PK link for 1 custom object on 345 (different from the Custom object 1 read OPA)
    • Expected behavior: the object two custom 2s are created and assigned to their respective different personal 1 item RightNow records.
    • Actual behavior: the object two custom 2s are created and assigned to the Custom object with ID 123 1

    To continue the investigation, we then tested using a different set of objects, standard objects, but with the same rules:

    • Data models:
      • OPA: Global-> contact-> the incident
        • all containment relationships
      • RN: Organization-> (current) Contact-> Incident (custom object)
        • all relationships of association
      • Detailed description: same logic as the previous
      • Customer expected: same as previous
      • Actual behavior: Matches expected behavior. The Incidents have been correctly assigned to their two different respective Contacts

    This behavior of divestiture now seems specific to custom objects, but can ayone confirms that this is the case and the behavior expected please?

    In addition, we are confident that when you test this feature about 2 weeks ago, we received the expected behavior in BOTH cases to 80%. Maybe it's because changing the configuration in our RN environment that we are not aware of, so we are investingating cela, but are there changes to the OPA / connectors deployment for customer environments in recent weeks that could have caused this please?

    Finally, if this could be affected by a change of configuration of RN, nobody knows what this configuration can be please?

    I can confirm that this is the expected behavior. A few more details are given in the article of doco hierarchies entity Understand - he explains how the containment relationships mapped determines the assignment to the parent.

    The reason for this behavior is that most of the time, it makes sense that the registration of the new entity instances to 'work', feel that they are saved in exactly the same hierarchy of containment that was present in the OPA, and in a way that ensures referential integrity (we support in particular the case where the whole hierarchy of objects is created at the same time if the parent does not yet exist at the time of the creation of the rule (, so you couldn't possibly know its ID). Otherwise, as Matt says, is up to the author of the rule to make sure that, for example, 345 is a valid foreign key.

    This behavior should be the same for the built-in objects as well as custom objects, and as Brad says he has not changed recently. If you see this behavior in some cases but not in others, what this means is that probably in cases where it works as expected, there are multiple relationships between the parent and the child object, and it happens that the foreign key that you set manually is different from the foreign key of the mapped containment relationship.

  • HI, I'm wanting the form tool allows you to create multiple copies of documents with customized in each information fields. From excel data. Is this possible?  Thank you, Charlotte


    I am keen on the form tool allows you to create multiple copies of documents with customized in each information fields. From excel data. Is this possible?

    Thank you


    This is called a fusion and mailing. There is a possibility of Embedment in some versions of Excel (via the Acrobat PDFMaker plugin), or it can be done using a script.

  • Installation: An error occurred while attempting to create the directory C:\Users\Public\Desktop

    When I try to install the software for my HP Officejet Pro 8500 has more, I get a read error "an error has occurred" while trying to create the directory C:\Users\Public\Desktop

    First I thought it was a permissions issue, even if I am registered as an administrator.  I've even passed the Public folder and gave myself all permissions.  Then I see that the 'Office' folder is already there, so I don't understand why she is trying to create the directory.  Don't know where to go next.

    Problem solved!  Changed name of folder of the Office of "Public Desktop" to "Desktop".  A given SYSTEM and everybody full permissions to the folder.  One of these changes have made a difference.  Subsequently renamed "Desktop" back to "Public Desktop", just in case.

  • reporting invalid-ORA-00900 error while creating a function


    can someone guide me to what is doing the worng...

    error! sql statement not valid 00900 - ORA-.

    your help is greatly appreciated.

    FUNCTION test_irc (num in NUMBERS, varsql IN VARCHAR2)

    type of v_key_type temp2_irc.key_type %;
    v_key_type1 temp2_irc.key_type1%type;

    INSERT INTO temp2_irc (key_type, key_type1)

    RETURN 1;

    dbms_output.put_line ('down in test');
    dbms_output.put_line (' SQL error: ' |) SUBSTR (SQLERRM, 1, 1000));
    RETURNS - 1;
    END test_irc;

    temp2_irc / / desc:

    KEY_TYPE varchar2 (1 byte),

    key_type1 varchar2 (1 byte)

    If you create a database function, you must include the keyword of CREATE or REPLACE

    for example

    Create the FUNCTION replace or test_irc (num in NUMBERS,
    varSTMT VARCHAR2 (32767): = NULL;
    v_key_type temp2_irc.key_type%type;
    v_key_type1 temp2_irc.key_type1%type;
    INSERT INTO temp2_irc (key_type, key_type1)

    RETURN 1;
    dbms_output.put_line ('down in test');
    dbms_output.put_line (' SQL error: ' |) SUBSTR (SQLERRM, 1, 1000));
    RETURNS - 1;
    END test_irc;

  • I am trying to create a function that would be on the table type returns.


    I am trying to create a function that returns a table nested with 3
    columns in a table as a guy.

    my query is like

    Select col1, col2, col3 from table_1;

    I am a bit newbie in Oracle and have never used collections.
    Can you please guide?

    I am a bit newbie in Oracle and have never used collections.
    Then you should start with the documentation

    Chapter 5 is all about collections using PL/SQL and examples
    I am trying to create a function that returns a table nested with 3
    columns in a table as a guy.
    This isn't enough of a description to know what you're trying to do, or how you plan to use the service. The query you provided is completely irrelevant to the question you are asking.

    You ask about functions in pipeline? Here is an example of this

    -- type to match emp record
    create or replace type emp_scalar_type as object
      (EMPNO NUMBER(4) ,
       ENAME VARCHAR2(10),
       JOB VARCHAR2(9),
       MGR NUMBER(4),
       SAL NUMBER(7, 2),
       COMM NUMBER(7, 2),
    -- table of emp records
    create or replace type emp_table_type as table of emp_scalar_type
    -- pipelined function 
    create or replace function get_emp( p_deptno in number )
      return emp_table_type
        emp_cv EmpCurTyp;
        l_rec  emp%rowtype;
        open emp_cv for select * from emp where deptno = p_deptno;
          fetch emp_cv into l_rec;
          exit when (emp_cv%notfound);
          pipe row( emp_scalar_type( l_rec.empno, LOWER(l_rec.ename),
              l_rec.job, l_rec.mgr, l_rec.hiredate, l_rec.sal, l_rec.comm, l_rec.deptno ) );
        end loop;
    select * from table(get_emp(20))
  • I want to create the function for the function create for ODD or EVEN (NUMBER)

    I want to create the function for the function create for ODD or EVEN (NUMBER) also
    If number is odd, multiply by 5
    If there is an even number, multiply it by 10;

    Not tested,

    create or replace function fnc_env_odd(p_number in number)
    return number as
     if p_number>0  -- Remove if you want to consider negative numbers also
       if mod(p_number,2)=0 --Means even
          return p_number*10;
       else                 --Means odd
          return p_number*5
       end if;
     end if;


  • Instance create the function


    I need some help with a game that I do. I have a list of instances, and I want to make a function that will create another symbol, similar to that was just clicked. The problem is that I don't know how to create the new instance... In my library, they are like 'next' link + name of the instance. Thank you for your help ^^,

    square_mc.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_CLICK, Create);

    circle_mc.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_CLICK, Create);


    triangle_mc.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_CLICK, Create);

    function Create(event:MouseEvent):void


    var name: String = "next" +;

    var temp: Name = Name();

    addChild (temp);

    lines of code

    removeChild (temp);


    Here's the right way to dynamically call an instance of the current class.

    var ClassRef: Class = Class (getDefinitionByName ("className");
    var classInstance: * = new ClassRef();
    addChild (classInstance);

    In your case, 'className' would be your "next" +;

    and you can use to be safer.  If your objects contain other objects in their midst, 'target' can point to them instead.  "currentTarget" will always point to the object with the listener who are entrusted to him.

Maybe you are looking for

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