Creating dynamic form

Hi guys,.

I was wondering how I could create a dynamic form in pl/sql (region).

For example: I have a table with the different departments, and each Department, I would like to see a dynamically generated form in the area.

How can I do?

Any help is appreciated.

Thank you

You can build tabular forms manually using htp.p and combining with the APEX_ITEM API to generate fields of form within the dynamic region PLSQL

If you are not comfortable with the updated reports, the HTML code of the item when you use the APEX_ITEM API, how to treat them in PLSQL, identify lines etc.
Once you find the HTML for a single editable report, you got to generate the same HTML code using htp.p and using dynamic data in your table, displayed as normal text or fields can be changed using the APEX_ITEM API.

The HTML code would be something like

<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" class="report-standard" summary="">
<th HEADING...
..more TH

<tr class="highlight-row"><td class="data" >input feilds or normal text</td>
..more TD
..more TR

If you build the same using a dynamic region PLSQL (pseudocode)

LOOP over departments
  --print region HTML code
***For each department
***print tabular form table,heading etc
***htp.p('<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" class="report-standard" summary="">
<tbody><tr>'); ***htp.p('<th>heading1 </th>') ***Loop over rows *******each row *******htp.p('<tr>'); *******htp.p('<td>'||'normal text column'||'/<td>) *******htp.p('<td>'); *******htp.p(APEX_ITEM.TEXT(1,value..) *******htp.p('/<td>) *******..more TD's *******close TR ***END row loop ***END this department (close tbody,table tags) End department(close region tags div for region title etc

Make sure that you add the classnames to each HTML element - table, tr, td, th, etc so that you get the desired style

For the treatment of the data, you must loop through the global tables used (as with an editable form of paintings) and use your own logic to update service.

There are a lot of small details that you have to look in, but you can make them gradually.
Good luck.

Tags: Database

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    Give this one a go. The most common mistake when creating dynamic forms forget to save the form in a dynamic PDF.

    FOR INFO. Something is wrong with this form. I would no more than 1 MB.


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    As I discovered ( it is possible to save a range of

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    you need to add save rights to your form with Acrobat.

    Free you can form in Acrobat and then record it using file > save as other > Reader Extended PDF > activate tools more.

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    Hi Stuart,

    If you create your section in the section #BOXBODY # it will already have to be encapsulated in a form.

    He will submit to the correct location.

    If you call your field of multi line field names, they will be stored in them.

    form field f01 is mapped to wwv_flow.g_f01



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    Yes, it can be done. A button can be set up to show a layer, as well as hidden fields.

    Add a button, make the layer visible through the layers panel and then go to properties of the button Actions tab and add a new trigger to mouse to the top. Then select the command "Set layer visibility. You can also use the "show/hide a command" to view fields associated with this layer, under the same trigger.

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    You asked and I answered. The event would be to click (if you sort there is no change).

    The action is what you specify. It could be an update of the region as well.


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    Hi landon39843319,

    You can have fields flowing / more dynamic in a PDF of LiveCycle Designer form, but not in an AcroForm (only created in Acrobat).  LiveCycle Designer is a program completely separated used for are delivered with each purchase Acrobat Acrobat XI has been release.  Now you must buy separately.  But LiveCycle Designer PDF forms are wrapped in a shell of PDF so that they will be displayed and can be filled in the free Acrobat Reader DC and earlier versions.

    If you do this in Acrobat with an AcroForm, you have as much information typed into a field that the user wants, but he's going to show everything on the screen.  Displays only the text that fits into the field, then a + sign will appear in the field to indicate that there is more text in this field, you can scroll down to read.  You can also set the automatic font size so that as more text is entered in the police becoming smaller and smaller to adjust the text, but that is usually not desirable for many forms.

    Hope this helps,


    WindJack Solutions

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    Maybe are simply not use the appropriate version of I. We do not know. You have not provided any info correct version or other technical details.


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    Help (or examples) will be appreciated.

    There is a nice overview of the Animation (timeline and Transitions) here:

    The basic idea is that a timeline changes the value of one or more properties on a specified time interval. You can consider a property as an object that holds a value. In JavaFX properties are "observable", which means that other objects can register to be notified when they change. Controls to respect their own properties, and if a change is made which means the control should be re-posted, it schedules a request to be re-posted. For example, the text box in the example I posted has a maxHeight property. Changing the value of the maxHeight property causes the text box itself to be notified, and it appears again. There are some smart logic in there to make sure that if a property is changed several times during a single "pulse" of the thread managing the actual repaints, that all changes are gathered in the last modified.

    So to animate an effect going down, simply create a schedule that changes the value of the maxHeight property, and the maximum height will be increased from a value of zero (leading to no space in your page layout) to the size you need. (The code I post below calculates the size is actually a bit problematic, has a bit of a hack to do.) There are some subtleties to worry about to to do with multithreading here, but class Timeline and other related classes take care of all these subtleties for you.

    The mechanics of how you create a timeline is as follows. You start by creating a bunch of objects KeyValue. Each KeyValue specifies a property must be set and give it a value. So, let's create a KeyValue specifies the text box maxHeight property and a value of 0; and an another KeyValue specifies the same property and a value that represents the final height, we want the text to be box. The KeyValues to create a sequence of keyframes. Each keyframe contains a KeyValue (property and the value at which it set) and a time during which reach the KeyValue. Finally, create a calendar with a collection of keyframes. Play() is called on the timeline, it sets all the properties, he knows their keyValues to 0 and then gradually are modified to meet each value specified at the appropriate time specified by all keyframes. In your case, it is quite simple: a keyframe for a duration of zero and a key value setting the property maxHeight to zero and a keyframe at the end of the transition (say 500 milliseconds) with a key value affecting the maxHeight value target. To hide the text box, simply play a timeline with the reverse key values.

    To create an animation "fade out", you can create a calendar that changes the value of the opacity property. Since this is a very common effect, there is a FadeTransition class that does exactly this. You build it specifying a node that has withered, and specify the value "" (opacity of departure) and 'to' value (ending opacity).

    To run two or more transitions one after the other, use a SequentialTransition and transitions to be executed in order. To run two or more simultaneously, use a ParallelTransition. I'll show a ParallelTransition that allows to run a FadeTransition simultaneously with the transition changing the maxHeight.

    The only tricky part here is to find what to set the maxHeight when the text box is fully displayed (i.e. the target value at the end of the transition). The default maxHeight for a text box (and many other controls) is the special value Control.USE_COMPUTED_SIZE. This means that the size should be calculated based on the requirements of the control. The real value, it takes the value is negative (I think-1), and animating from 0 to-1 obviously will not achieve the desired effect. The height is not actually calculated until the control is added to a scene and displayed in a stadium. Approach (somewhat ugly), so that we will take is to add the text box to the scene in the usual way, view the scene, ask the textArea for its height and save in a variable, and then reset the maxHeight of the text box. Note This will not work if you use FXML and you try to do this in the initialize() method (the text box will not appear in a stage at this point). In this scenario, you can either register a listener for the changes made to the height property and set a variable duration, the first, you get something meaningful. For a text box, it's probably good enough to make a reasonable determination for height (8 + 16 * number of desired lines, for example). The right text box displays additional lines if there is too much space and use scrollbars if there is not enough. For other controls, it can be a little more important to do things.

    import javafx.animation.FadeTransition;
    import javafx.animation.KeyFrame;
    import javafx.animation.KeyValue;
    import javafx.animation.ParallelTransition;
    import javafx.animation.Timeline;
    import javafx.application.Application;
    import javafx.beans.value.ChangeListener;
    import javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue;
    import javafx.scene.Scene;
    import javafx.scene.control.Button;
    import javafx.scene.control.RadioButton;
    import javafx.scene.control.TextArea;
    import javafx.scene.control.ToggleGroup;
    import javafx.scene.layout.HBox;
    import javafx.scene.layout.VBox;
    import javafx.stage.Stage;
    import javafx.util.Duration;
    public class DynamicForm extends Application {
      public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
        final VBox form = new VBox(10);
        final VBox choices = new VBox(5);
        final RadioButton male = new RadioButton("Male");
        final RadioButton female = new RadioButton("Female");
        final RadioButton other = new RadioButton("Other");
        final ToggleGroup toggleGroup = new ToggleGroup();
        toggleGroup.getToggles().addAll(male, female, other);
        choices.getChildren().addAll(male, female, other);
        final TextArea otherText = new TextArea();
        otherText.setPromptText("Please specify");
        final VBox otherBox = new VBox();
        final HBox buttons = new HBox(10);
        buttons.getChildren().addAll(new Button("OK"), new Button("Cancel"));
        form.getChildren().addAll(choices, otherBox, buttons);
        // otherText.maxHeightProperty().bind(
        // Bindings.when(other.selectedProperty())
        // .then(Control.USE_COMPUTED_SIZE).otherwise(0));
        Scene scene = new Scene(form, 300, 300);
        final double textHeight = otherText.getHeight();
        other.selectedProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener() {
          public void changed(ObservableValue observable,
              Boolean oldValue, Boolean newValue) {
            final Duration duration = new Duration(500);
            FadeTransition fade = new FadeTransition(duration, otherText);
            KeyValue sizeStart;
            KeyValue sizeEnd;
            if (newValue) {
              sizeStart = new KeyValue(otherText.maxHeightProperty(), 0);
              sizeEnd = new KeyValue(otherText.maxHeightProperty(), textHeight);
            } else {
              sizeStart = new KeyValue(otherText.maxHeightProperty(), textHeight);
              sizeEnd = new KeyValue(otherText.maxHeightProperty(), 0);
            Timeline animateSize = new Timeline(new KeyFrame(new Duration(0),
                sizeStart), new KeyFrame(duration, sizeEnd));
            ParallelTransition transition = new ParallelTransition(fade,
      public static void main(String[] args) {
  • ADF create user form, hash password?


    I am currently working on a user creation form that stores a new user in a database, but I have a problem with the password, I'll explain.

    JDev version:
    Java platform: 1.6.0_24
    WebLogic Server Version:

    Here is my structure:
    I have a SQL provider defined in weblogic, which uses a database to load users and roles, it works fine.
    I set it to NOT use plaintext for the password so that it uses: SHA-1 / SALTEDHASHED, then if I create a user through weblogic it perfectly chop the password and store it.
    So I've created a form in my application to authorize the creation of users and use dynamically in this app with the safety of the ADF, but I faced the problem that when I get the password for a new user he
    trying to store it as plain text, of course.
    But I need to store it as a password hased in order to make weblogic understable when connection against the security of the adf.

    So is - anyone knows how to solve this problem?
    Hash before sending it to weblogic? Can what kind of API I use?
    Or is it possible to use the weblogic hash process, because he knows how do?


    read this:



  • Enable Extended Reader features corrupts dynamic form

    I have a very frustrating issue with a form I created. It is a dynamic form that has the ability to add instances and optional sections:

    I want people to send me a PDF copy of their completed as well as a printed form to be submitted with receipts etc. I understand this means that I have to open the form in Acrobat and save a version of extended drive (save under > Reader Extended PDF > activate additional features). However, doing so corrupts the form so that when the document is opened, rather to show that a single instance of the repeatable first object, three are displayed, and the numbering is also corrupted:

    I am at a loss. As you can see the structure of the form is relatively complicated and I have not been using Designer LC long so it makes me nuts doing the last obstacle and having a problem with something that seems like it should be so simple...

    Any advice would be much appreciated!

    Uh, a difficult problem.

    I think that its because of your nested tables and a few objects without a name.

    I made some changes to the TravelTable to make more compact shape.

    I also removed the embedded fonts, because it's unnessesary as long as you use the default fonts like Arial.

    Here reworked your form (active player). * b7U08MJNqwzCxjz2bw

  • Unable to render dynamic forms in Adobe Reader for Firefox


    I had just updated my browser (Firefox) plugin from Adobe Reader to the latest version of, and it seems that he is unable to make the PDF DYNAMIC forms created by Adobe Livecycle after that. However the STATIC forms are correct.

    Is there anyone face the same problem? Adobe is aware of this?

    Thank you.

    Using Firefox 19?  If so, see

  • create dynamically a group of record based on previously entered record Grou

    Forms [32 bit] Version (Production)

    I know how to create dynamically record based on a query and put the code in when a new instance of the form.
    My request is. I have a form that includes several groups of Record and the user wants to dynamically create the following groups based on the previous groups.

    For example
    I have a record group with choosing a location.
    When the user selects the location from a list of values
    the 2nd record group called "Cost Centres" will have to filter only those whose locations selected above.

    How can I fill the 2nd record running when I don't know what site the user will choose?
    If I just simply fill in when new instance of form as the location and just select the entire document, populates the list of values.

    CC field is a LIST ELEMENT and the style of list is a LIST of POP, is not necessary.

    I put the code in the location of the trigger when-list-changed field.
    I get this error:
    FRM-41337: cannot complete the record group list

    Here is the code:

    v_recsql Varchar2(1000); -- The SQL for creating the Record Group.
    v_recgrp RecordGroup; -- Record Group
    v_status Number; -- Return Value of Populate_Group function.
    c_where VARCHAR2(1000);
         IF :location = '1' THEN
              c_where := ' substr(cost_centre,1,2) in (''01'',''02'')';
         ELSIF :location  = '2' THEN
              c_where := ' substr(cost_centre,1,2) in (''02'',''03'')';
         ELSIF :location   = '3' THEN
              c_where := ' substr(cost_centre,1,2) in (''01'',''11'',''07'')';
              c_where :=  ' 1=1'; --EVERYTHING
         END IF;
    v_recsql := 'SELECT cost_centre, description  FROM   cost_centres  where '||c_where;
    -- Create the Record Group
    v_recgrp := CREATE_GROUP_FROM_QUERY('v_recgrp', v_recsql);
    IF NOT ID_NULL(v_recgrp)
    THEN -- No Error, record group has been successfully created.
    -- Populate Record Group
    v_status := POPULATE_GROUP('v_recgrp');
    IF v_status = 0 
    THEN -- No Error. Record Group has been Populated. 
    POPULATE_LIST('block.CC', 'v_recgrp');
    END IF; -- IF v_status = 0 
    -- Delete the Record Group as it is no longer needed.
    END IF; -- IF NOT ID_NULL(v_recgrp)
    Thanks for your help.

    Once registration State Gets the change to block you cannot fill/repopulate the list item. Keep these list items as element non-base of data with different names and create different items such as database Moose points. That assign values in triggering WHEN-LIST-CHANGE for real database items.


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