Creating indexes for the table

can someone help me how to create indexes in the table. I m creating own table... I need to select a particular field in the table. So I need to calculate the index position. I use my code like this,

This will returnthe number of columns in the table.

Class array


private int Table_Index()
for (int x = 0; x)<>
table_index = x;
Return table_index;


MainClass can I get this length of Index

Table T1;

int t1 is T1. Table_Index();

This property returns my length (4) of table column

Using this index (t1) I HAV to see what position I'm at table now...

someone help me...

You can use a listfield, he supports methods to get the selected row and its contents.

Tags: BlackBerry Developers

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    When I tried to create indexes on the table of RDF data, it always say the table or view does not exist. I created the RDF model using java codes:

    Oracle Oracle = new Oracle ("jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:orcl", "system", "123");

    Chart GraphOracleSem = new GraphOracleSem (oracle, "test2");

    And used the following commands in sqlplus to create indexes:

    SQL >




    4. AND OBJECT_NAME like ' % TEST2;

















    SQL > connect as sysdba

    Enter the password:


    SQL >

    SQL >

    SQL > select * from TEST2_TPL;

    Select * from TEST2_TPL


    ERROR on line 1:

    ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

    SQL > CREATE INDEX test2_sub_idx ON TEST2_TPL (triple. GET_SUBJECT());

    CREATE INDEX test2_sub_idx ON TEST2_TPL (triple. GET_SUBJECT())


    ERROR on line 1:

    ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

    Hi Shifu,

    It is not recommended to use the SYS or SYSTEM to store/manage schema graph RDF data.

    Can you please try the following in a SQL * more terminal?

    SQL > conn system/eu1


    SQL >

    SQL >

    SQL > create user graphuser identified by graphuser;

    Created by the user.

    SQL > grant connect, resources, unlimited tablespace to graphuser;

    Grant succeeded.

    SQL > conn graphuser/graphuser


    SQL > create table graph_tpl (triple sdo_rdf_triple_s) compress;

    Table created.

    SQL > sem_apis.create_sem_model exec ('graphic', 'graph_tpl', 'three');

    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

    SQL > insert into graph_tpl values (sdo_rdf_triple_s ('graph', '', '', ''));

    1 line of creation.

    SQL > select count (1) in the mdsys.rdfm_graph;


    You see the same result?

    Thank you

    Zhe Wu

  • How to create indexes for the great table of telecom


    I'm working on DB 10 G on a 5 REHL for telecommunications company with more than 1 million saved per day, we need speed up the result of the query.
    We know, there are several types of INDEX and I need professional advice to create a suitable,

    many of our requests depend on the MSID (the MAC address of the Modem) column,
    Name           Null Type         
    -------------- ---- ------------ 
    STREAMNUMBER        NUMBER(9)    
    MSID                VARCHAR2(20) 
    USERNAME            VARCHAR2(20) 
    DOMAIN              VARCHAR2(20) 
    USERIP              VARCHAR2(16) 
    STARTTIME           VARCHAR2(14) 
    PRIORTIME           VARCHAR2(14) 
    CURTIME             VARCHAR2(14) 
    SESSIONTIME         NUMBER(9)    
    Please help,


    first of all, think of all these SQL for the subquery on MAX (fairy) with analytical functions, the examples given on AskTom of rewriting:

    So I'll start with a normal index the MSID (but I think you already have), but provide a compression on the column, I think the same value MSID exist several times in the table. If the performance is not satisfactory or that the plan is not the best, then an option to include more columns can help you.

    I think that the first part of the answer will bring more gain.

    Herald tiomela

  • How to create indexes on the ordered collection of XMLTYPE table?

    I use Oracle

    Basically, my XML documents have a 3-level hierarchy:


    + - action [1: n]

    + - param [1: n]

    I try to create indexes on the tables of the orderly collection, but cannot get the right syntax...

    I created a table with an XMLType object-relational column:

      XML_EVAL_ID NUMBER(22,0),
      VIN7 VARCHAR2(7 BYTE),

    I execute the SELECT statement:

      'for $i1 in /monitoring , 
      $i2 in $i1/action            
      return element r {              
      EVENT_ID VARCHAR(40) PATH 'eventId', 
      ACTION_SUB_ID INTEGER PATH 'action/actionSubId', 
      ACTION_TYPE VARCHAR2(100) PATH 'action/type', 
      ACTION_TIMESTAMP NUMBER(13,0) PATH 'action/time' 
    ) T2 
    WHERE ( 

    The plan of the explain command looks like this (sorry, don't know how to get it formatted any 'eye-team'):


    | ID | Operation | Name                        | Lines | Bytes | TempSpc | Cost (% CPU). Time |


    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT |                             |  1609K |  6316M |       |  6110K (1) | 20:22:11 |

    |*  1 |  HASH JOIN |                             |  1609K |  6316M |   111 M |  6110K (1) | 20:22:11 |

    |   2.   TABLE ACCESS FULL | T_C_RMP_MNTRNG_XML_FULL_IL4 |   582K |   104 M |       |  5241 (1) | 00:01:03 |

    |*  3 |   TABLE ACCESS FULL | T_OR_MON_ACTION |    32 M |   117G |       |   105K (2) | 00:21:08 |


    Information of predicates (identified by the operation identity card):


    1 - access ("NESTED_TABLE_ID"= "T_C_RMP_MNTRNG_XML_FULL_IL4"." ("SYS_NC0001300014$")


    G_XML_FULL_IL4 ". "" $ SYS_NC00017 ", NULL, SYS_XMLCONV ("T_C_RMP_MNTRNG_XML_FULL_IL4". "SYS_NC00012$", 0.32,

    (('EC1EEF23FD023A27E04032A06D930A8D', 3, 3783, 1)), SYS_MAKEXML ('EC1EEF23FD023A27E04032A06D930A8D', 3780,

    'T_C_RMP_MNTRNG_XML_FULL_IL4 '. "' SYS_NC00008$ ', 'SYS_ALIAS_0 '. ((("' SYS_NC_ROWINFO$ ')),'/ ID ', NULL), 0,.

    0,20971520,0), 50.1, 2) AS VARCHAR (40)) IS NOT NULL)

    3 filter (CAST (TO_NUMBER (TO_CHAR ("SYS_ALIAS_0". "actionSubId")) AS INTEGER) IS NOT NULL) "



    -dynamic sample used for this survey (level = 2)

    -Construction detected no optimized XML (activate XMLOptimizationCheck for more information)

    The XML schema looks like this:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <xs:schema xmlns:xs="" elementFormDefault="qualified" xmlns:oraxdb="" oraxdb:storeVarrayAsTable="true" oraxdb:flags="2105639" oraxdb:schemaURL="" oraxdb:schemaOwner="MYUSER" oraxdb:numProps="23">
      <xs:element name="monitoring" oraxdb:propNumber="3785" oraxdb:global="true" oraxdb:SQLName="monitoring" oraxdb:SQLType="monitoring755_T" oraxdb:SQLSchema="MYUSER" oraxdb:memType="258" oraxdb:defaultTable="monitoring757_TAB" oraxdb:defaultTableSchema="MYUSER">
        <xs:complexType oraxdb:SQLType="monitoring755_T" oraxdb:SQLSchema="MYUSER">
            <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" ref="action" oraxdb:propNumber="3780" oraxdb:global="false" oraxdb:SQLName="action" oraxdb:SQLType="action752_T" oraxdb:SQLSchema="MYUSER" oraxdb:memType="258" oraxdb:MemInline="false" oraxdb:SQLInline="true" oraxdb:JavaInline="false" oraxdb:SQLCollType="action756_COLL" oraxdb:SQLCollSchema="MYUSER"/>
            <xs:element ref="reservationType" oraxdb:propNumber="3781" oraxdb:global="false" oraxdb:SQLName="reservationType" oraxdb:SQLType="VARCHAR2" oraxdb:memType="1" oraxdb:MemInline="false" oraxdb:SQLInline="true" oraxdb:JavaInline="false"/>
            <xs:element ref="softwareVersion" oraxdb:propNumber="3782" oraxdb:global="false" oraxdb:SQLName="softwareVersion" oraxdb:SQLType="VARCHAR2" oraxdb:memType="1" oraxdb:MemInline="false" oraxdb:SQLInline="true" oraxdb:JavaInline="false"/>
            <xs:element ref="eventId" oraxdb:propNumber="3783" oraxdb:global="false" oraxdb:SQLName="eventId" oraxdb:SQLType="VARCHAR2" oraxdb:memType="1" oraxdb:MemInline="false" oraxdb:SQLInline="true" oraxdb:JavaInline="false"/>
            <xs:element ref="vin" oraxdb:propNumber="3784" oraxdb:global="false" oraxdb:SQLName="vin" oraxdb:SQLType="VARCHAR2" oraxdb:memType="1" oraxdb:MemInline="false" oraxdb:SQLInline="true" oraxdb:JavaInline="false"/>
      <xs:element name="action" oraxdb:propNumber="3790" oraxdb:global="true" oraxdb:SQLName="action" oraxdb:SQLType="action752_T" oraxdb:SQLSchema="MYUSER" oraxdb:memType="258" oraxdb:defaultTable="action754_TAB" oraxdb:defaultTableSchema="MYUSER">
        <xs:complexType oraxdb:SQLType="action752_T" oraxdb:SQLSchema="MYUSER">
            <xs:element ref="type" oraxdb:propNumber="3786" oraxdb:global="false" oraxdb:SQLName="type" oraxdb:SQLType="VARCHAR2" oraxdb:memType="1" oraxdb:MemInline="false" oraxdb:SQLInline="true" oraxdb:JavaInline="false"/>
            <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" ref="param" oraxdb:propNumber="3787" oraxdb:global="false" oraxdb:SQLName="param" oraxdb:SQLType="param749_T" oraxdb:SQLSchema="MYUSER" oraxdb:memType="258" oraxdb:MemInline="false" oraxdb:SQLInline="true" oraxdb:JavaInline="false" oraxdb:SQLCollType="param753_COLL" oraxdb:SQLCollSchema="MYUSER"/>
            <xs:element ref="actionSubId" oraxdb:propNumber="3788" oraxdb:global="false" oraxdb:SQLName="actionSubId" oraxdb:SQLType="NUMBER" oraxdb:memType="2" oraxdb:MemInline="false" oraxdb:SQLInline="true" oraxdb:JavaInline="false"/>
            <xs:element ref="time" oraxdb:propNumber="3789" oraxdb:global="false" oraxdb:SQLName="time" oraxdb:SQLType="NUMBER" oraxdb:memType="2" oraxdb:MemInline="false" oraxdb:SQLInline="true" oraxdb:JavaInline="false"/>
      <xs:element name="type" type="xs:string" oraxdb:propNumber="3791" oraxdb:global="true" oraxdb:SQLName="type" oraxdb:SQLType="VARCHAR2" oraxdb:memType="1" oraxdb:defaultTable="type751_TAB" oraxdb:defaultTableSchema="MYUSER"/>
      <xs:element name="param" oraxdb:propNumber="3794" oraxdb:global="true" oraxdb:SQLName="param" oraxdb:SQLType="param749_T" oraxdb:SQLSchema="MYUSER" oraxdb:memType="258" oraxdb:defaultTable="param750_TAB" oraxdb:defaultTableSchema="MYUSER">
        <xs:complexType oraxdb:SQLType="param749_T" oraxdb:SQLSchema="MYUSER">
            <xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="value" oraxdb:propNumber="3792" oraxdb:global="false" oraxdb:SQLName="value" oraxdb:SQLType="VARCHAR2" oraxdb:memType="1" oraxdb:MemInline="false" oraxdb:SQLInline="true" oraxdb:JavaInline="false"/>
            <xs:element ref="key" oraxdb:propNumber="3793" oraxdb:global="false" oraxdb:SQLName="key" oraxdb:SQLType="VARCHAR2" oraxdb:memType="1" oraxdb:MemInline="false" oraxdb:SQLInline="true" oraxdb:JavaInline="false"/>
      <xs:element name="value" type="xs:string" oraxdb:propNumber="3795" oraxdb:global="true" oraxdb:SQLName="value" oraxdb:SQLType="VARCHAR2" oraxdb:memType="1" oraxdb:defaultTable="value748_TAB" oraxdb:defaultTableSchema="MYUSER"/>
      <xs:element name="key" type="xs:string" oraxdb:propNumber="3796" oraxdb:global="true" oraxdb:SQLName="key" oraxdb:SQLType="VARCHAR2" oraxdb:memType="1" oraxdb:defaultTable="key747_TAB" oraxdb:defaultTableSchema="MYUSER"/>
      <xs:element name="actionSubId" type="xs:integer" oraxdb:propNumber="3797" oraxdb:global="true" oraxdb:SQLName="actionSubId" oraxdb:SQLType="NUMBER" oraxdb:memType="2" oraxdb:defaultTable="actionSubId746_TAB" oraxdb:defaultTableSchema="MYUSER"/>
      <xs:element name="time" type="xs:integer" oraxdb:propNumber="3798" oraxdb:global="true" oraxdb:SQLName="time" oraxdb:SQLType="NUMBER" oraxdb:memType="2" oraxdb:defaultTable="time745_TAB" oraxdb:defaultTableSchema="MYUSER"/>
      <xs:element name="reservationType" type="xs:string" oraxdb:propNumber="3799" oraxdb:global="true" oraxdb:SQLName="reservationType" oraxdb:SQLType="VARCHAR2" oraxdb:memType="1" oraxdb:defaultTable="reservationType744_TAB" oraxdb:defaultTableSchema="MYUSER"/>
      <xs:element name="softwareVersion" type="xs:string" oraxdb:propNumber="3800" oraxdb:global="true" oraxdb:SQLName="softwareVersion" oraxdb:SQLType="VARCHAR2" oraxdb:memType="1" oraxdb:defaultTable="softwareVersion743_TAB" oraxdb:defaultTableSchema="MYUSER"/>
      <xs:element name="eventId" type="xs:string" oraxdb:propNumber="3801" oraxdb:global="true" oraxdb:SQLName="eventId" oraxdb:SQLType="VARCHAR2" oraxdb:memType="1" oraxdb:defaultTable="eventId742_TAB" oraxdb:defaultTableSchema="MYUSER"/>
      <xs:element name="vin" type="xs:string" oraxdb:propNumber="3802" oraxdb:global="true" oraxdb:SQLName="vin" oraxdb:SQLType="VARCHAR2" oraxdb:memType="1" oraxdb:defaultTable="vin741_TAB" oraxdb:defaultTableSchema="MYUSER"/>

    How can I create an index on these tables of the ordered collection to improve performance?

    I found the example at but am not able to apply to this particular case...

    Thank you in advance...

    If the schema is not annotated and XS: Integer and XS: String are mapped to types of data NUMBER and VARCHAR2 (4000), so you must use in your query to avoid typecasting unnecessary operations.

    You must also use XMLTABLEs chained when accessing a parent/child instead of a FLWOR expression relationship, otherwise the CBO cannot rewrite the XQuery query correctly (maybe it's fixed in the latest version).

    If you make these changes, the plan should show the cleaner predicates:


    2 FROM test_table

    3 XMLTABLE ('/ monitoring ')


    5 WAY of VARCHAR2 (4000) EVENT_ID "ID."

    6 actions for XMLTYPE PATH 'action '.

    (7) T1,

    8 XMLTABLE ('/ action')

    Shares of PASSAGE 9 COLUMNS

    NUMBER of ACTION_SUB_ID 10 PATH "actionSubId."

    11 PATH of VARCHAR2 (4000) ACTION_TYPE "type."


    (13) T2




    Execution plan


    Hash value of plan: 1763884463


    | ID | Operation | Name | Lines | Bytes | Cost (% CPU). Time |


    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT |                 |   109.   220K |     6 (17). 00:00:01 |

    |   1.  THE MERGE JOIN.                 |   109.   220K |     6 (17). 00:00:01 |

    |*  2 |   TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID | TEST_TABLE |    11.   352.     2 (0) | 00:00:01 |

    |   3.    INDEX SCAN FULL | SYS_C007567 |    11.       |     1 (0) | 00:00:01 |

    |*  4 |   JOIN TYPE.                 |   109.   216K |     4 (25) | 00:00:01 |

    |*  5 |    TABLE ACCESS FULL | T_OR_MON_ACTION |   106 S 216K |     3 (0) | 00:00:01 |


    Information of predicates (identified by the operation identity card):


    2 - filter("TEST_TABLE".") (' SYS_NC00012$ ' IS NOT NULL)

    4 - access("SYS_ALIAS_0".") NESTED_TABLE_ID "=" TABLE_TEST. " ("' SYS_NC0000800009$ ')

    filter ("SYS_ALIAS_0". "NESTED_TABLE_ID"="TABLE_TEST" "." " ("SYS_NC0000800009$")

    5 - filter("SYS_ALIAS_0"." actionSubId» IS NOT NULL)



    -dynamic sample used for this survey (level = 2)

    Now, if it is still necessary, everything boils down to choosing a technique for index NULL values:

    -composite index with a column not zero or constant


    -bitmap image

    Choose the one that best fits your data, the selectivity and activity on the tables.

  • Create triggers in the table, sequence, insert and update with "model"?

    It must be of rtfm, trial and error thing but you wanted to ask, is it possible to have models or similar automation for the following scenario:

    1.), I add the table to the logic model

    2.) Using glossary I transform a relational model that was recovered / synchronized with the data dictionary

    3.) then I have the new table to add


    I would then have auto-DDL of to be synchronized to database:

    -create sequence for the id column

    -create table

    -create indexes for the id column pk

    -Create triggers for insert and update

    -l' idea is to have db_created_dt and db_modified_dt defined in the table, so that each table has them to the fields of record etc.

    -activate the triggers

    Each of them following the same naming convention.

    Similarity with approx. generator Apex workshop utils sql create table of the copy paste "excel" that creates 'id' - column + sequence and insert the trigger.

    rgrds Paavo

    Hi Paavo,

    most of the steps can be made in one or other way

    -create sequence for the id column

    -create table

    -create indexes for the id column pk

    If you want to start in the logic model and you don't want to have the ID column in the logic model and select 'Create the surrogate key' checkbox in the dialog entity - you will get an identity column in the relational model and the version of database and settings in ' preferences > Data Modeler > model > physics > Oracle "you can set the sequence generation and the trigger for taking in load.

    fields of record defined in the table, so that each table has them

    You can add the same set of columns in all tables with the transformation script 'model of Table... ».

    You can also look here Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler 4.1 user - defined DDL generation using transformation scripts

    to see how to grant your DDL generation using the transformation script. DM comes with example to generate separate tables of logging and triggers. You can create your build script of triggers that support logging in these common columns.


  • appropriate using index for the execution of the parallel statement

    Hi all

    I created indexes for my table
    CREATE INDEX ZOO.rep184_med_arcdate ON ZOO.rep184_mediate(arcdate);
    That was before I started thinking about the execution of the parallel statement. As far as I've heard I need to change my correct use with parallel hint index. Could you please suggest the way forward?

    Marco wrote:
    Hi all

    I created indexes for my table

    CREATE INDEX ZOO.rep184_med_arcdate ON ZOO.rep184_mediate(arcdate);

    That was before I started thinking about the execution of the parallel statement. As far as I've heard I need to change my correct use with parallel hint index. Could you please suggest the way forward?

    When all else fails, read the Fine

  • How to create faster index in the table of 500 GB

    Dear Experts,

    I have to create 20 index on table data-ware house. This table is of size 500 GB.

    freshen up this weekly chart using the external table.

    creating 20 indexes on this table consumes a lot of time.

    I have 40 GB of ram on 2012 box windows with 8 processors.

    I installed 11 GR 2.

    I have 4 drives C D E F

    for AN index, it takes 4 hours

    I added enough space to the tablespace

    I put the tablespace in a drive D:\

    I'm under control to create indexes below

    create index  X_3_INVEN_ITEM_ID_IDX  on   X_3_PV_TD_2 (INVENTORY_ITEM_ID)  parallel 32 nologging;

    output long ops


    ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- --------------

    108 10 0 3758 140973 Rowid Scan AD range. X_3_PV_TD_2                                    2.67            256

    173 23 0 5279 141470 Rowid Scan AD range. X_3_PV_TD_2                                    3.73            258

    114 6 0 10092 141786 Rowid Scan AD range. X_3_PV_TD_2                                    7.12            261

    99         59          0      46283     325908 Sort Output                                                                                                                     14.2          15207

    68        214          0      46763     323623 Sort Output                                                                                                                    14.45          14973

    35         93          0      47531     318364 Sort Output                                                                                                                    14.93          14570

    164         70          0      45058     288506 Sort Output                                                                                                                    15.62          12886

    227         31          0      44130     282285 Sort Output                                                                                                                    15.63          13011

    13          3          0      51890     309515 Sort Output                                                                                                                    16.76          12874

    222 67 0 28837 141380 Rowid Scan AD range. X_3_PV_TD_2                                    20.4            343

    73 37 0 32472 141488 Rowid Scan AD range. X_3_PV_TD_2 22.95 212

    47 8 0 34332 141154 Rowid Scan AD range. X_3_PV_TD_2 24,32 202

    176 20 0 35197 141161 Rowid Scan AD range. X_3_PV_TD_2 24.93 205

    19 7 0 35239 141325 Rowid Scan AD range. X_3_PV_TD_2 24.93 205

    80 4 0 40399 141611 Rowid Scan AD range. X_3_PV_TD_2 28,53 193

    144 20 0 44960 141481 Rowid Scan AD range. X_3_PV_TD_2 31,78 182

    233 101 0 74086 169228 Rowid Scan AD range. X_3_PV_TD_2 43,78 176

    128 165 0 78765 141436 Rowid Scan AD range. X_3_PV_TD_2 55.69 173

    235 1 0 41199796 70035728 table Scan AD. X_3_PV_TD_2 58,83 19804

    199 6 0 52748651 70035728 table Scan AD. X_3_PV_TD_2 75,32-9709

    44 2 0 53686039 70035728 table Scan AD. X_3_PV_TD_2 76,66 9022

    204 26 0 119969 141464 Rowid Scan AD range. X_3_PV_TD_2                                   84.81             40

    202 48 0 138880 162276 Rowid Scan AD range. X_3_PV_TD_2                                   85.58             43

    17 33 0 126506 141778 Rowid Scan AD range. X_3_PV_TD_2                                   89.23             28

    48 7 0 137772 141360 Rowid Scan AD range. X_3_PV_TD_2                                   97.46             15

    Temp tablespace


    ------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ----------
    TEMP 11533 286719 4.02

    temporary tables

    ---------- ------------------------------ ---------- -------------------- ---------- ---------------
    AD 156.1601650 TEMPORARY USERS 96 209,715,200


    How to fix this?

    (a) run several parallel create sqlplus statement index different sessions

    (b) create a tablespace to put data files in different hard drives like D: E: F: C:

    (c) create the separate tablespace for each hard drive and map it to a single disk IO benefit

    (d) I have 8 processors but parallel 32 is not speed

    (e) how these clues I can run in parallel. Is it OK to run 20 parallel index 32 sqlplus sessions

    All that I have to create 20 index on the table of 500 GB

    target memory = 30GB

    index of names to create 20, each index is 10 GB

    his is of 80 hours (4 hours per index)

    This machine is waiting, I just used all the resources of the machine to accelerate.

    Thanks for reading this

    Thanks for the help in advance

    I was talking about your end of issue speed up construction of index, where I proposed

    orclz >

    orclz > alter session set workarea_size_policy = manual;

    Modified session.

    orclz > alter session set sort_area_size = 2147483647;

    Modified session.

    orclz > create index

    Post edited by: JohnWatson

    Sorry, I misread it: this question was not from you. My apologies. My solution should work for you, however: give yourself a big PGA, manually. Automatic PGA management using not will never give you enough.

  • Index for the Group of readonly cache table


    Suppose I have a table in Oracle which is cached in TT as a readonly cache group.
    The oracle table has a primary key, based on columns (c1, c2, c3).

    Now, the oracle table also has a unique index (for example defined on columns c4, c5) in support of some queries.

    (1) is there a way to propagate this unique index for the cache group? (so that we can perform queries effectively TimesTen)

    (2) is it correct to assume that the group create cache statement MUST have the columns (c1, c2, c3) for the primary key? (that is, exactly the same as the pharmacokinetics of the oracle)

    Thank you!

    (1) after you have created the cache in TimesTen group, simply create the index needed on the tables of cache in TimesTen (using CREATE [UNIQUE] INDEX) as you would for any table.

    (2), it depends. A caching table must have a primary key defined in TimesTen. This PK must map to either a real PK defined in Oracle (same column names, order of the columns, data types, nullability, etc..) or a unique index defined on a set of columns not null (column names of the soul, order of the columns, types of data etc.).


  • 'For' loop with a different number of iterations. Second, the auto-indexation of the tables with different sizes is done. It can affect the performance of the Vi?


    I have a loop 'for' which can take different number of iterations according to the number of measures that the user wants to do.

    Inside this loop, I'm auto-indexation four different 1 d arrays. This means that the size of the tables will be different in the different phases of the execution of the program (the size will equal the number of measures).

    My question is: the auto-indexation of the tables with different sizes will affect the performance of the program? I think it slows down my Vi...

    Thank you very much.

    My first thought is that the compiler to the LabVIEW actually removes the Matlab node because the outputs are not used.  Once you son upward, LabVIEW must then call Matlab and wait for it to run.  I know from experience, the call of Matlab to run the script is SLOW.  I also recommend to do the math in native LabVIEW.

  • How to create indexes on the nested table.

    Hi all
    I held the syntax to create indexes on the nested table.

    I found below synta but when I try it with my table it gives me error

    ON nestedtablestore (NESTED_TABLE_ID, id);

    What is here NESTED_TABLE_ID & ID

    They are virtual your nested table

    Here is an example.

    create or replace type obj as object (no integer, address varchar2(100))
    create or replace type tbl as table of obj
    create table test_tbl (id integer, name varchar2(100), address tbl) nested table address store as address_nt
    create unique index address_no_idx on address_nt (no, address)

    Published by: Karthick_Arp on November 23, 2010 01:41

  • How it warns Oracle to use an index for the join of two tables...

    How to prevent the Oracle to use an index for the join of two tables to get a view online that is used in an update statement?

    O.K. I think I should explain what I mean:

    When you join two tables that have many entries sometimes there're better is not to use an index on the column that is used as a criterion to join.

    I have two tables: table A and table B.

    Table A has 4,000,000 entries and table B has 700,000 entries.

    I have a join of two tables with a numeric column as join criteria.

    There is an index on this column in A table.

    So I instead of
      where (A.col = B.col)
    I want to use
      where (A.col+0 = B.col)
    in order to avoid Oracle using the index.

    When I use the join in a select query, it works.

    But when I use the join as inline in an update statement I get the error ORA-01779.

    When I remove the '+ 0' the update statement works. (The column is unique in table B).

    Any ideas why this happens?

    Thank you very much in advance for any help.

    Hartmut cordially

    You plan to use a NO_INDEX hint as shown here:

  • Create indexes for an XMLType column.


    I have a table that has a column of XMLType, the XSD is saved in DB. The XML is something like -

    < primary >
    < sub1 >
    < child1_1 / >
    < child1_2 / >
    < child1_3 / >
    < / sub1 >
    < sub2 >
    < child2_1 / >
    < child2_2 / >
    < child2_3 / >
    < / sub2 >
    < sub3 >
    < child31_1 / >
    < child3_2 / >
    < child3_3 / >
    < / sub3 >
    < / elementary school >

    I want to create indexes for child nodes. I read THAT XML structure cannot have collection as index it should be singleton.
    So can someone tell me no work around to create indexes for these nodes, or whatever it is that I missed as follows.

    Thank you

    #1. Since you're on 11g stop using the syntax of depricated... (extractValue, table (xmlsequence))

    SQL> create table PURCHASEORDER_TAB
      2  (
      3    PID number(4),
      5  )
      6  xmltype column PURCHASEORDER
      7  store as OBJECT RELATIONAL
      8  XMLSCHEMA "http://localhost:80/publishedContent/SB-XML/xsd/2010/purchaseOrder.xsd" Element "PurchaseOrder"
      9  /
    Table created.
    SQL> select table_name, table_type_name
      2  from user_nested_tables where parent_table_name = 'PURCHASEORDER_TAB';
    TABLE_NAME                     TABLE_TYPE_NAME
    ------------------------------ ------------------------------
    SYS_NTdmDOdAAMQsuXdRy6lc0H/A== Action64442_COLL
    SYS_NT8EIzAbUOQFGN2u6hCXP39g== LineItem64443_COLL
    SQL> rename "SYS_NT8EIzAbUOQFGN2u6hCXP39g==" to LINEITEM_NT
      2  /
    Table renamed.
    SQL> create index QTY_INDEX on LINEITEM_NT ("Quantity");
    Index created.
    SQL> set autotrace on explain lines 250 pages 50 trimspool on
    SQL> --
    SQL> select, quantity
      2    from PURCHASEORDER_TAB t,
      3         XMLTABLE
      4         (
      5           '/PurchaseOrder/LineItems/LineItem'
      6           passing t.PURCHASEORDER
      7           columns
      8           QUANTITY number(4) path 'Quantity'
      9         )
     10   where QUANTITY = 3
     11  /
    no rows selected
    Execution Plan
    Plan hash value: 1929272390
    | Id  | Operation                    | Name              | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT             |                   |     1 |    46 |     3   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |   1 |  NESTED LOOPS                |                   |       |       |            |          |
    |   2 |   NESTED LOOPS               |                   |     1 |    46 |     3   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |*  3 |    TABLE ACCESS FULL         | LINEITEM_NT       |     1 |    23 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |*  4 |    INDEX UNIQUE SCAN         | SYS_C00429284     |     1 |       |     0   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |   5 |   TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| PURCHASEORDER_TAB |     1 |    23 |     1   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
       3 - filter(CAST(TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR("Quantity")) AS number(4) )=3)
       4 - access("NESTED_TABLE_ID"="T"."SYS_NC0002900030$")
       - dynamic sampling used for this statement (level=2)
    SQL> select, quantity
      2    from PURCHASEORDER_TAB t,
      3         XMLTABLE
      4         (
      5           '/PurchaseOrder/LineItems/LineItem'
      6           passing t.PURCHASEORDER
      7           columns
      8           QUANTITY number(12,4) path 'Quantity'
      9         )
     10   where QUANTITY = 3
     11  /
    no rows selected
    Execution Plan
    Plan hash value: 3093486066
    | Id  | Operation                    | Name              | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT             |                   |     1 |    46 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |   1 |  NESTED LOOPS                |                   |       |       |            |          |
    |   2 |   NESTED LOOPS               |                   |     1 |    46 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |   3 |    TABLE ACCESS FULL         | PURCHASEORDER_TAB |     1 |    23 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |*  4 |    INDEX RANGE SCAN          | QTY_INDEX         |     1 |       |     0   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |*  5 |   TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| LINEITEM_NT       |     1 |    23 |     0   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
       4 - access("Quantity"=3)
       5 - filter("NESTED_TABLE_ID"="T"."SYS_NC0002900030$")
       - dynamic sampling used for this statement (level=2)
    SQL> select, quantity
      2    from PURCHASEORDER_TAB t,
      3         XMLTABLE
      4         (
      5           '/PurchaseOrder/LineItems/LineItem'
      6           passing t.PURCHASEORDER
      7           columns
      8           QUANTITY path 'Quantity'
      9         )
     10   where QUANTITY = 3
     11  /
    no rows selected
    Execution Plan
    Plan hash value: 3093486066
    | Id  | Operation                    | Name              | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT             |                   |     1 |    46 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |   1 |  NESTED LOOPS                |                   |       |       |            |          |
    |   2 |   NESTED LOOPS               |                   |     1 |    46 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |   3 |    TABLE ACCESS FULL         | PURCHASEORDER_TAB |     1 |    23 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |*  4 |    INDEX RANGE SCAN          | QTY_INDEX         |     1 |       |     0   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |*  5 |   TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| LINEITEM_NT       |     1 |    23 |     0   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
       4 - access("Quantity"=3)
       5 - filter("NESTED_TABLE_ID"="T"."SYS_NC0002900030$")
       - dynamic sampling used for this statement (level=2)
    SQL> SELECT, extractValue(Value(sta),'/LineItem/Quantity')
      3    table(xmlsequence(extract(t.purchaseOrder,'/PurchaseOrder/LineItems/LineItem'))) sta
      4    WHERE extractValue(Value(sta),'/LineItem/Quantity')= 3
      5  /
    no rows selected
    Execution Plan
    Plan hash value: 3093486066
    | Id  | Operation                    | Name              | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT             |                   |     1 |    46 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |   1 |  NESTED LOOPS                |                   |       |       |            |          |
    |   2 |   NESTED LOOPS               |                   |     1 |    46 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |   3 |    TABLE ACCESS FULL         | PURCHASEORDER_TAB |     1 |    23 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |*  4 |    INDEX RANGE SCAN          | QTY_INDEX         |     1 |       |     0   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |*  5 |   TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| LINEITEM_NT       |     1 |    23 |     0   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
       4 - access("Quantity"=3)
       5 - filter("NESTED_TABLE_ID"="T"."SYS_NC0002900030$")
       - dynamic sampling used for this statement (level=2)

    Note the first example XMLTable does not use the index because the data type of AMOUNT is given wrong...

  • dynamic SQL to drop the indexes on the table

    Hello world

    Please tell me how to remove the indexes on a table by using a dynamic sql code

    for example, I have a dummy table with two index idx1, idx2

    I need a procedure or a function where I will be passing in the name of the table, the function/procedure should remove the indexes on the table

    Thank you

    Not tested:

    create or replace
    procedure drop_indexes_of_table(p_table_owner varchar2,
                                    p_table_name varchar2)
    cursor c_drop_statements is
    select 'drop index '||owner||'.'||index_name stmt
    from all_indexes
    where table_owner=p_table_owner
    and table_name=p_table_name;
      for r in c_drop_statements loop
        execute immediate r.stmt;
      end loop;
  • Iterator for the table and form is a problem during the cleaning of the records


    I use JDev 12.1.2.

    I have an object of the detail view. I represent a part of its fields in a table and the rest in a form. I use the same iterator. Basically, I dragged and dropped the object even from the view of the data control and created a table and form layout with the fields I wanted in each provision. I put in place a clear feature for the rows in the table with a clear"" key. -on click I delete the line of the iterator in the managed bean. When I do this the selected record is deleted and the next record is displayed. But fields entered in the form layout also gets deleted. (the form should also be showing the record currently selected - it shows but entrable fields in the form are deleted because of claire that I did on the previous line.) If anyone can help get this resolved?

    Not use the same iterator for the tables and forms here? The links are in the row (row.bindings...) for the table, but for the form it is (links...). The Delete on the current row operation is causing the iterator delete all fields of links instead of from the line? Please shed some light.

    Thank you


    How do you rank on the iterator compensation?

    use resetActionListener in your clear button and let us know what is happening?


  • Create parameters for the WriteData function


    How would create parameters for the writedata function to populate the html code?


    Function GetCluster {}
    and {{foreach ($Datacenter (Get-Data Center))
    foreach ($Cluster in (Get-Cluster-location $Datacenter)) {}
    New-Object PSObject-property @ {} TypeName
    vCenter = $Datacenter.Uid.Split("@") [1]. Split(":") [0]
    Datacenter = $Datacenter.Name
    Cluster = $Cluster.Name
    HAEnabled = $Cluster.HAEnabled
    DrsEnabled = $Cluster.DrsEnabled
    DrsMode = $Cluster.DrsMode

    # Function compiles the data transmitted by the GetCluster function in HTML table format
    Function writedata {
    param ($vCenter, $Datacenter, $Cluster, $HAEnabled, $DrsEnabled, $DrsMode)
    # < td > < Center > < b > < of police = "Tahoma" > $Datacenter < / police > < / b > < / center > < table

    {$tableEntry = "< tr > < td > < font ="Tahoma">$vCenter< / fonts > < table > < td > < Center > < b > < of police ="Tahoma">$Datacenter< / font > < / b > < / center > < table > < td > < Center > < b > < of police ="Tahoma">$Cluster< / fonts > < / b > < / center > < table > < td > < Center >"} < b > < of police = "Tahoma" >$HAEnabled< / fonts > < / b > < / center > < table < td > < Center > < b > < font = "Tahoma" >$DrsEnabled< / police > < / b > < / center > < table < td > < Center > < b > < font = 'Tahoma' color 'dark blue' = >$DrsMode< / fonts > < / b > < / center > < table > < /tr ' > '.
    Add-Content, $fileName $tableEntry
    Write-Host $tableEntry}

    Thank you

    You specify when you call the writedata function, so I guess it's in the function Get-Cluster.

    You can pass the object you create in the GetCluster function as a parameter.

    Try something like this

    Function GetCluster {
        & { foreach ($Datacenter in (Get-Datacenter)) {
                foreach ($Cluster in (Get-Cluster -Location $Datacenter)) {
                    $clusObj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
                        vCenter = $Datacenter.Uid.Split("@")[1].Split(":")[0]
                        Datacenter = $Datacenter.Name                    Cluster = $Cluster.Name                    HAEnabled = $Cluster.HAEnabled                    DrsEnabled = $Cluster.DrsEnabled                    DrsMode = $Cluster.DrsMode
                    writedata $clusObj            }
    # Function will compile the data passed from the GetCluster Function into HTML table format
    Function writedata {
        param ($object)
        $tableEntry = "$($object.vCenter)" +
    " + "
    " + "
    " + "
    " + "
    " Add-Content $fileName $tableEntry Write-Host $tableEntry}

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