Date of entry into procedure statement

Hi all.

a DVICE me please what is the error in this statement 'a' in this procedure. the procedure to obtain the name of the table and date from the user and execute it.
I think that my error for the format of the date in a statement. So, please give me the correction if you can.

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE sp (table_name in varchar2, date_begin to date DEFAULT null)
type bulk_collect is table of index varchar2 (1000) by PLS_INTEGER;
v_bluk1 bulk_collect;
v_bluk2 bulk_collect;
a varchar2 (300);
c varchar2 (30);

c: = table_name;
r: = ' select rowid, id of ' | c | ' where date_of_ins > = ' | to_date(date_begin,'''dd/mm/yyyy'''); 

immediately run a bulk collect into v_bluk1, v_bluk2;
b in v_bluk1.first... loop v_bluk1. Last
dbms_output.put_line (v_bluk1 (b));
end loop;


SQL > exec sp ('emp', to_date (' 1/2/2006 ',' dd/mm/yyyy'));
START sp ('emp', to_date (' 1/2/2006 ',' dd/mm/yyyy')); END;

ERROR on line 1:
ORA-00904: "FEB": invalid identifier
ORA-06512: in the 'END. "SP", line 13
ORA-06512: at line 1

Published by: Isabelle Sep 8, 2012 11:23

Change according to your need...

Wrote file afiedt.buf

  1  CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE sp(table_name in varchar2,dt IN date)
  2  is
  3  type bulk_collect is table of varchar2(1000) index by PLS_INTEGER;
  4  v_bluk1 bulk_collect;
  5  v_bluk2 bulk_collect;
  6  a varchar2(1000);
  7  begin
  8  a:= 'select last_name from  '|| table_name ||' where hire_date <= :dt';
  9  dbms_output.put_line (a);
 10  execute immediate a bulk collect into v_bluk1  using dt;
 11  dbms_output.put_line (a);
 12  for b in 1..v_bluk1.count loop
 13  dbms_output.put_line (v_bluk1(b));
 14  end loop;
 15* end;

Procedure created.

bkd@Oracle>exec sp('employees',to_date('01/02/2012','dd/mm/yyyy'));
select last_name from  employees where hire_date <= :dt
select last_name from  employees where hire_date <= :dt


Published by: biju2012 on Sep 9, 2012 12:47 AM

Correction: Replace for b in v_bluk1.first... v_bluk1. Last loop b loop 1.v_bluk1.count

Tags: Database

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    MAX will not work because the SEAL_GROUP_ID could depart. I would say analytical:

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    and sge.end_date is null)
    where r = 1;

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    Chloe_19 wrote:


    How could I do a count by month but from a certain date.

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    To map all the dates in a calendar month with a common value, use TRUNC (d, 'MONTH').

    However, grouping which will produce a separate line for each month, not a separate column as you asked.  For the different columns for different months, use SELECT... PIVOT, like this:

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    SELECT TRUNC (MONTHS_BETWEEN (hiredate, DATE ' 1981-01-01')) + 1 AS month_num

    FROM scott.emp


    SELECT *.

    OF relevant_data

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    2 UNDER feb_1981

    --  ...

    12 AS dec_1981




    Fill in the other months should be easy.


    JAN_1981 FEB_1981 DEC_1981

    ---------- ---------- ----------

    0          2          2

    For more info on swivel (including other ways besides SELECT... See the FAQ of the PIVOT forum): Re: 4. How can I convert rows to columns?

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    The property system will remove the entire page of the process, including the justification box.


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    Took too long to respond...

    As I said in the previous message, use copylocale.exe in the folder "Applications/Adobe Flex Builder 3/sdks/3.2.0/bin/" command line to create the directories en_US missing.

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    It is a fixed format, and you should not have to change this part.
    "The date literal ANSI does not contain any portion of time and must be specified in exactly this format ("YYYY-MM-DD'). " You can also specify a date value Oracle... »

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    If you use the break-up, you can decide on the name of the file.
    You use the burst, in that query, you can create your template file name.

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    There is a DateBase class that contains the messages localized to date in Flex, you can set the values of the DateBase trainer, like this: (this example is in Spanish)

    Import mx.formatters.DateBase;

    public function setDateBase (): void {}
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    DateBase.monthNamesShort = ["Ene", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "may", "Jun", "Jul", "There is", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dic"];

    By doing this, you can set whatever string you want and objects Date, appear in your case, you just need define the days, the months in french and made.

    More information about the values that you can set:

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    What is the problem

    Thank you

    ~ AC

    Enter the date according to the format of the field mask.
    for example. If the format mask 'DD-MON-RR' is then enter data in 4 December 08 '

  • a loop data and insert into another table fail

    I'm new in PL/SQL and apply to develop, which I intend to extract data from PDF directly to the oracle database by looking at its difficulty that I changed the approach of the first extraction of my data to flat file and then convert Excel CSV format that makes it easier for me to handle in my oracle database.
    The challenge I'm having here is that
    The column id_number is a mixture of 3 identifications
    One for the facility, which has the form (YEAR/0145)
    The second is for participant with the form (* 01934764 *)
    And the last identification is for dependants with the form (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
    As shown below
    ID_Number status name
    * 01934764 * MUOKA
    MUOKA main 0
    1 joint MUOKA
    Child2 3 MUOKA
    * 01934769 * TSILIA
    JOEL main 0
    1 joint TSILIA
    2 Child1 TSILIA
    3 Child2 TSILIA
    4 Child3 TSILIA
    5 child4 TSILIA
    * 02216419 * OKOLO
    OKOLO main 0
    1 joint OKOLO
    2 Child1 OKOLO
    3 Child2 OKOLO
    4 Child3 OKOLO
    EZEOKOLI main 0
    1 joint EZEOKOLI
    * 01580118 * ABDOU
    Main 0 ABDOU
    1 joint ABDOU
    2 Child1 ABDOU
    3 Child2 ABDOU
    4 Child3 ABDOU
    5 child4 ABDOU
    * 00992897 * BAKARI
    BAKARI main 0
    1 joint BAKARI
    * 00992011 * MAINA
    MAINA main 0
    1 joint MAINA
    2 Child1 MAINA
    3 Child2 MAINA
    4 MARCO Child3
    5 child4 MAINA
    My goal is to separate facilities, participants and beneficiaries so that questioning, I can easily identify a participant and its beneficiaries is under a given installation, so I developed this code.
    create or replace procedure my_new
    cursor c1 is
    Select *.
    the registry
    where id_number like "% / %" or id_number like ' * % *' or id_number in ('0', '1', '2', '3', '4',' 5');

    vNhis register.id_number%TYPE: = NULL;
    vNhis1 register.id_number%TYPE: = NULL;

    I'm in c1

    If i.id_number like "% / %".
    vNhis: = i.id_number;

    on the other
    vNhis1: = i.id_number;
    dbms_output.put_line(vNhis||) e '|| vNhis1);

    -insert into new_REGISTER (FACILITY_CODE, ID_NUMBER)
    -values (vNhis, vNhis1);
    -end loop;
    end if;

    end loop;
    It gives me a good quick result as shown below
    YEAR/0145 * 01934764 *.
    YEAR/0145 0
    1 YEAR/0145
    3 YEAR/0145
    YEAR/0145 * 01934769 *.
    YEAR/0145 0
    1 YEAR/0145
    2 YEAR/0145
    3 YEAR/0145
    4 YEAR/0145
    5 YEAR/0145
    YEAR/0145 * 02216419 *.
    YEAR/0145 0
    1 YEAR/0145
    2 YEAR/0145
    3 YEAR/0145
    4 YEAR/0145
    YEAR/0145 0
    1 YEAR/0145
    YEAR/0171 * 01580118 *.
    YEAR/0171 0
    1 YEAR/0171
    2 YEAR/0171
    3 YEAR/0171
    4 YEAR/0171
    5 YEAR/0171
    BA/0003 * 00992897 *.
    BA/0003 0
    BA/0003 1
    BA/0004 * 00992011 *.
    BA/0004 0
    BA/0004 1
    BA/0004 2
    BA/0004 3
    BA/0004 4
    BA/0004 5

    But uncommenting to insert into the newly created table new_register table it is to say this part of the code
    values (vNhis, vNhis1);
    end loop;
    end if;

    It took all day to run for the first time and subsequent tests fail to run with my hanging of database. any help on this is appreciated
    Thanks to you all.

    It is slow because you do a lot of change between the SQL and PL/SQL engine with inserts all looped and individual context etc.

    What you need to do is to treat the external table (CSV file) data in a single SQL statement example

    SQL> select id1, id2
      2  from (
      3        select case when id1 is not null then id1 else last_value(id1 ignore nulls) over (order by rn) end as id1
      4              ,id2
      5              ,rn
      6        from (
      7              select rownum as rn
      8                    ,case when id_number like '%/%' then id_number else null end as id1
      9                    ,case when id_number not like '%/%' then id_number else null end id2
     10              from ext_test
     11             )
     12       )
     13  where id2 is not null
     14  order by rn;
    ID1                  ID2
    -------------------- --------------------
    AN/0145              *01934764*
    AN/0145              0
    AN/0145              1
    AN/0145              3
    AN/0145              *01934769*
    AN/0145              0
    AN/0145              1
    AN/0145              2
    AN/0145              3
    AN/0145              4
    AN/0145              5
    AN/0145              *02216419*
    AN/0145              0
    AN/0145              1
    AN/0145              2
    AN/0145              3
    AN/0145              4
    AN/0145              0
    AN/0145              1
    AN/0171              *01580118*
    AN/0171              0
    AN/0171              1
    AN/0171              2
    AN/0171              3
    AN/0171              4
    AN/0171              5
    BA/0003              *00992897*
    BA/0003              0
    BA/0003              1
    BA/0004              *00992011*
    BA/0004              0
    BA/0004              1
    BA/0004              2
    BA/0004              3
    BA/0004              4
    BA/0004              5
    36 rows selected.
  • Trying to get ending entry into force for the groups of lines

    Hello world

    I searched the forums, but I can't find a post that is a problem quite like that.

    I have some data that looks like this:
    ---------- --------- -------------   ----
           101 01-JUL-11            21   A1
           101 01-JUL-11            72   A2
           101 01-JUL-11             7   A3
           101 01-JUL-12            20   B1
           101 01-JUL-12            80   B2
           101 01-JAN-13            20   A1
           101 01-JAN-13            20   A2
           101 01-JAN-13            50   A3
           101 01-JAN-13            10   B1
           101 01-JUN-13            50   A1
           101 01-JUN-13            50   A2
    (note: I inserted manually empty lines for clarity)

    Here's the logic: the lines represent an assignment of percentage on the account for the identification number specified for this entry into force. A new date to cancel the previous, and if any line in the conceptual group is replaced, so they are all.

    I'll try to find the date when the effective period of each group ended and which includes in the game so that I can calculate then the number of days in a given line has been effective; something like that;
    ---------- --------- ---------- ------------- ----
           101 01-JUL-11 01-JUL-12             21 A1
           101 01-JUL-11 01-JUL-12             72 A2
           101 01-JUL-11 01-JUL-12              7 A3
           101 01-JUL-12 01-JAN-13             20 B1
           101 01-JUL-12 01-JAN-13             80 B2
           101 01-JAN-13 01-JUN-13             20 A1
           101 01-JAN-13 01-JUN-13             20 A2
           101 01-JAN-13 01-JUN-13             50 A3
           101 01-JAN-13 01-JUN-13             10 B1
           101 01-JUN-13 <null>                50 A1
           101 01-JUN-13 <null>                50 A2
    The end_date of the group is the EFFECTIVE_DATE of the next group (ordered by ID_NUM, EFFECTIVE_DATE).

    End_date of two rows is zero because there is no group of lines with an effective date the later - in my process, I'll NVL which sysdate so that my calculations of days will be valid.

    I tried some analytical queries with LEAD, but I couldn't figure out how to get the next date of the efficient group. I could get the entry into force of the next row, but not the next group. I couldn't specify how many lead lines to look forward, because there is not a number of rows in each group.

    How to fill the end_date column?

    Here's the code to create the above.
    create table t
    (id_num number,
     effective_date date,
     alloc_percent number,
     acct_code varchar2(4)
    insert into t (id_num,Effective_date,alloc_percent,acct_code) values(101,'01-jul-2011',21.0,'A1');
    insert into t (id_num,Effective_date,alloc_percent,acct_code) values(101,'01-jul-2011',72.0,'A2'); 
    insert into t (id_num,Effective_date,alloc_percent,acct_code) values(101,'01-jul-2011',7.0,'A3');
    insert into t (id_num,Effective_date,alloc_percent,acct_code) values(101,'01-jul-2012',20.0,'B1');
    insert into t (id_num,Effective_date,alloc_percent,acct_code) values(101,'01-jul-2012',80.0,'B2');
    insert into t (id_num,Effective_date,alloc_percent,acct_code) values(101,'01-jan-2013',20.0,'A1');
    insert into t (id_num,Effective_date,alloc_percent,acct_code) values(101,'01-jan-2013',20.0,'A2');
    insert into t (id_num,Effective_date,alloc_percent,acct_code) values(101,'01-jan-2013',50.0,'A3');
    insert into t (id_num,Effective_date,alloc_percent,acct_code) values(101,'01-jan-2013',10.0,'B1');
    insert into t (id_num,Effective_date,alloc_percent,acct_code) values(101,'01-jun-2013',50.0,'A1');
    insert into t (id_num,Effective_date,alloc_percent,acct_code) values(101,'01-jun-2013',50.0,'A2');
    select * from t;
    Oracle version information:
    Oracle Database 11 g Enterprise Edition Release - 64 bit Production
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    "CORE Production."
    AMT for Solaris: - Production Version
    NLSRTL Version - Production

    Thank you very much


    Here is one more way to do using lead work.

    WITH ds as (id_num, effective_Date, lead (effective_date) select on end_date (id_num order, effective_Date))


    Id_num group, effective_date)

    Select t.*, ds.end_date

    DS, t

    where t.effective_Date = ds.effective_Date;

  • How can I find a large amount of data from a stored procedure?

    How can I find a large amount of data to a stored procedure in an effective way?

    For example do not use a cursor to go through all the lines and then assign values to variables.

    Thanks in advance!

    How can I find a large amount of data to a stored procedure in an effective way?

    For example do not use a cursor to go through all the lines and then assign values to variables.
    Leave the query to create the object back to you.

    Declare a cursor in a package specification than the result set gives you desired. And to declare a TYPE in the package specification which returns a table composed of % rowtype to this cursor.

    Then use this type as the function's return type. Here is the code example that shows how easy it is.

    create or replace
        package pkg4
            CURSOR emp_cur is (SELECT empno, ename, job, mgr, deptno FROM emp);
            type pkg_emp_table_type is table of emp_cur%rowtype;
            function get_emp(
                             p_deptno number
              return pkg_emp_table_type
     create or replace
        package body pkg4
            function get_emp(
                             p_deptno number
              return pkg_emp_table_type
                v_emp_rec emp_cur%rowtype;
                  open emp_cur;
                    fetch emp_cur into v_emp_rec;
                    exit when emp_cur%notfound;
                    pipe row(v_emp_rec);
                  end loop;
    select * from table(pkg4.get_emp(20));
         EMPNO ENAME      JOB              MGR     DEPTNO
    ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- ----------
          7369 DALLAS     CLERK2          7902         20
          7566 DALLAS     MANAGER         7839         20
          7788 DALLAS     ANALYST         7566         20
          7876 DALLAS     CLERK           7788         20
          7902 DALLAS     ANALYST         7566         20

    If you return a line an actual table (all columns of the table) so you don't need to create a cursor with the query a copy you can just declare the type like this % rowtype tables table.

     create or replace
        package pkg3
            type emp_table_type
                table of emp%rowtype;
            function get_emp(
                             p_deptno number
              return emp_table_type
     create or replace
        package body pkg3
            function get_emp(
                             p_deptno number
              return emp_table_type
                  for v_rec in (select * from emp where deptno = p_deptno) loop
                    pipe row(v_rec);
                  end loop;
  • No data found in the select statement error

    Hi all

    Find my sample table and data structure:
    SQL> desc states;
     Name                                                  Null?    Type
     ----------------------------------------------------- -------- ------------------------------------
     SNO                                                            NUMBER
     SNAME                                                          VARCHAR2(10)
    SQL> select*from states;
           SNO SNAME
    ---------- ----------
             1 kerala
             2 Tamil nadu
             3 AP
             4 MP
             5 jammu
    Now, I create a block like:
    v_state varchar2(20):=' AP';
    v_no number;
    select sno into v_no from states where sname=v_state;
    After excecuting this block no data found error takes place.
    Coz in where defective condition. "AP"="AP."

    What oracle function I should use to eliminate this error.

    I tried something like
    where trunc(sname)=trunc(v_state);
    But it defective. Please help me

    / * Don't know what is your exact question, but: * /.

    use the TOPPING instead of TRUNC

    Published by: hoek on November 26, 2011 10:00

  • The use of pins of status (4 outputs) and data (8 entries) of the parallel port pins at the same time.

    Hi all

    I'm a newbee in labview. As part of my project work, I need to get 8 digital inputs and send 4 digital I think to use the Parallel Port on the pc.i can make use of 8 datalines for entries. I found the site NOR is it possible to use status for output pins. But is it possible to use status for output pins pins and data for entries to the time.please help even me also mention of the measures to take, or keep in mind while implementing.also include any example vi that could be useful.

    Thanks in advance

    I would recommed you to NOT use the parallel port. Now a day you have hardly a PC with parallel port. also if you have some old PC then most likely last version of LabVIEW (e.g. 2010) will need a lot more memory RAM and processor.

    If you want a solution very very low cost then I would recommend using an arduino to that effect. You can then download LabVIEW Interface for Arduino and start working.

    If you continue to use the parallel port, then you could try (I haven't worked with parallel port and have not tested the following solutions)

    Download VIPM and then install the enclosed package. It will add the port e/s palette in your labview. and you can use it.

Maybe you are looking for

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