Date range search

Filtering data for a specific date range does not give the desired result. Currently, the column is a column varchar2.

Then under query should display the records only 2 for the range of data between 01/01/2013, but his displays all records. Please notify.

Sample data:

create table Records_test (B_Recorded_Date VARCHAR2 (4000 BYTE))

insert into Records_test values('12/04/2013');
insert into Records_test values('7/25/2000');
insert into Records_test values('10/30/2003');
insert into Records_test values('9/5/2006');
insert into Records_test values('12/5/1994');
insert into Records_test values('12/19/2013');
insert into Records_test values('9/4/1992');
insert into Records_test values('8/7/2007');
insert into Records_test values('9/28/2005');
insert into Records_test values('12/10/2004');
insert into Records_test values('11/28/2011');

Select * from Records_test
TO_CHAR (TO_date (substr (B_Recorded_Date, 0, 10), ' MM/DD/YYYY'), ' MM/DD/YYYY') > = to_char (to_date('07/01/2013','MM/DD/YYYY'), ' MM/DD/YYYY')
and to_char (TO_date (substr (B_Recorded_Date, 0, 10), ' MM/DD/YYYY'), ' MM/DD/YYYY') < to_char (to_date('12/31/2013','MM/DD/YYYY'), ' MM/DD/YYYY')


Thank you.

Hello user7988

Try this:


OF Records_test


TO_date (substr (B_Recorded_Date, 0, 10), ' MM/DD/YYYY') > = TO_DATE('07/01/2013','MM/DD/YYYY')

AND TO_date (substr (B_Recorded_Date, 0, 10), ' MM/DD/YYYY')<>


The best way if you set this column as DATE, then there is no need to convert your varchar value date.

Kind regards

Tags: Database

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    A very happy new year to all of you (a little in advance)!

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    Examples of data

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    1 T2 March 1, 2014 31 December 2014

    2 T1 23 January 2014 31 December 2014

    2 T2 1 January 2015 December 31, 2073 (means end of time)

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    EmpId (first day where the employee is free)

    1 January 1, 2015

    2 January 1, 2014

    3 July 16, 2014

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    EmpId (first day where the employee is free)

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    Select *.

    from (select employe_id,



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    Thanks in advance!

    Kind regards

    This is an example of what I call the query 'free time': you have the dates when you are busy and you want the dates where you are free.

    You can find a nice solution for the problem of base here: ask Tom "SQL Query to find gaps in the date ranges" (search for solution of Anthony Boucher). Please note that this solution works even with the date ranges overlap.

    To apply the solution here, first create the test data (please do it yourself in the following questions).

    create table t(Employee_id, task_no, Task_Start_date, task_end_date)
    as select
    1, 'T1', to_date('01-jan-2014'), to_date('28-feb-2014') from dual union all select
    1, 'T2', to_date('01-Mar-2014'), to_date('31-Dec-2014') from dual union all select
    2, 'T1', to_date('23-jan-2014'), to_date('31-dec-2014') from dual union all select
    2, 'T2', to_date('01-jan-2015'), to_date('31-dec-2073') from dual union all select
    3, 'T3', to_date('01-jan-2014'), to_date('15-jul-2014') from dual union all select
    3, 'T4', to_date('01-aug-2014'), to_date('31-dec-2014') from dual union all select
    4, 'T5', to_date('01-Jan-2014'), to_date('31-Dec-2073') from dual;

    In the query, you must add records for yesterday and for the "end date" you want. This allows you to "free time" before and after the date ranges in your table.

    Now, you partition by order of Task_Start_date and employe_id. Using the analytical function of the max (task_end_date), you get the last date of end so far. Add 1 and you get the first time (maybe). To make sure that the date is free, it must be before the next start date.

    variable end_date varchar2(64)
    exec :end_date := '31-Dec-2073';
    with boundaries as (
      select trunc(sysdate)-1 task_start_date, trunc(sysdate)-1 task_end_date from dual
      union all
      select to_date(:end_date)+1, to_date(:end_date)+1 from dual
    ), data as (
      select * from t
    where task_end_date >= trunc(sysdate)
      and task_start_date < :end_date
      union all
      select distinct a.employee_id, null, b.task_start_date, b.task_end_date
      from t a, boundaries b
    select employee_id, min(free_start) free_start
    from (
      select employee_id,
      max(task_end_date) over (partition by employee_id order by task_start_date)+1 free_start,
      lead(task_start_date) over (partition by employee_id order by task_start_date)-1 free_end
      from data
    where free_start <= free_end
    group by employee_id;
    1 JANUARY 1, 15
    2 1 JANUARY 14
    3 16 JULY 14
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    On Tuesday, March 19, 2013 15:09:13 + 0000, csvideo wrote:

    I just changed from windows XP pro to win 7 pro 64.  For twenty years, I used the "Norton File Manager" who does not work under Windows 7 Pro 64 bit.  I became dependent on its ability to search relatively sophisticated as by date range, size, content, name, etc.  I guess that Windows 7 has something like this, but I'm not.  Can you help me?

    I recommend two different third-party search programs, both free:

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    This might work:

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      FROM djur_registro
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       AND INSTR (numero_reclamante, NVL (:p2_num_reclamante, numero_reclamante)) >
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    Think you know everything, how it prevents START_DATE between nvl(:BLOCKNAME.) Start_date, 1 January 1901 ') and nvl(:BLOCKNAME.) End_date, 31-DEC-4712') when look us with the employee's name, number, dept, person type.

    So leave the WHERE clause of your empty block and put something like the following in your search button:

    END IF;
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    Your TABLES (not the leaves) are named income, spending and summary. Here is any other tables in the document with these names.

    Dates of expenditure are in column A of the table expenses. Other than the header line, all the entries in this column are values Date and time that have been entered as dates only.

    The amount for each item of expenditure is in column C of the expense table.

    Line 1 of the analytical table is defined as a header line.

    January is in column A of the summary table.

    Summary::A1 cell contains the date January 1, 2016, but can be formatted to display only the name of the month or the month and year. (but see the note below) *.

    Enter the formula in the cell that will contain total expenditures recorded with dates in January 2016 below:

    = SUMIFS ("Expenses: Expenses, $C: $A," > = "& A1, Expenses: $A," < = "& EOMONTH(A1,0))

    Example: All the amounts of expenditure were reduced to 1.00 simple confirmation of funds.

    * NOTE: The formula has previously worked with the format of the cells in the row 1 Summary defined to show only the month and the year (two digits) of the effective date values (the first day of the month indicated), but the table I built tonight January 1, 2015 to the format to display 16 Jan, one was interpreted as January 16 (2016) , and SUMIFS formula did not include not January 1 to January 14 numbers in January total.

    A custom, displaying the month (short or long) and the year (four digits) or a custom format shows only the name of the month (short or long) gave good results.

    Note that any format under control of the display, the effective date is the first of the month displayed.

    Table built and tested in Numbers ' 09 (v 2.3)

    Kind regards


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    Thank you


    I hope this help to clarify for you...

    It is not bringing conditional formatting.  Formatting conditional would change the format of a cell (or cells)... as the font, color, size, color cell background, or other formatting character is tics of a cell based on the contents of the cell

    You ask about including of the value of a cel another beach under certain conditions

    Here is an example:

    The first three rows are header lines.

    You must enter a valid date for the towing job.  Using the format "mm/dd/yyyy".


    It's shorthand dethrone select cell C4, and type (or copy and paste it here) the formula:


    Select the cell C4, copy

    Select cells C4 at the end of the C column, paste

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    This version shows more photos?

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    How can I solve this? I don't have an album of December...? !

    You are in an area where the date format is different from the United States?  Earlier this year, we have seen small business issues have reported that rules for smart albums date range do not work with the primary language set to French or German.

    Try to change the primary system language to English with an English date format. Photos could be trying to read the 12/31/2015 as the 12th day of the month 31.

    Or use a different date based on 'before' rule and after.

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    Thanks for posting your query on the Microsoft Community.

    We understand that you want to track Web activity report in parental control
    on a daily basis. However, currently, the family safety activity reports Web can
    show only on a weekly basis.

    If you think that the display of the activity report on the Web on a daily basis is a great
    to have the option, you can submit Microsoft using the link below.

    Thank you.


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    Please repost in the silver forum

    Use this forum to discuss Microsoft Money. This includes money, more and more older versions.

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    Hi gurus,

    On the BigBrother report page, we can define the date range considered. The date start and end on our BigBrother cannot be defined until 2010 (see this screen below). How can I report for 2012 and beyond?

    Any help will be very appreciated!



    Here's how I did it.

    I have the latest version for free.

    Modify the [BBHOME]/www/help/bb-rep.html file

    Line 95:

    And also to line 153:

    I hope this helps!

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    xcopy "C:\Users\John\Pictures\*.*" F:\BACKUP\Pictures/s/h/i/y

    It works, but I want to send groups of files by date for the different destination folders. I'm having a problem by specifying a date range in the command line.

    Is this possible with xcopy or robocopy? Does anyone know how to list the date rang in the command?

    Thankss in advance,



    Please contact Microsoft Community.

    I understand you wanted to know about the files and folders by using the copy command line.

    I suggest you go through the links below:

    Refer to the suggestion given by SpiritX MS MVP replied on 14 August 2010 and check if that helps:

    If the still the problem persists, I suggest you to post your query on TechNet:

    Feel free to write us again with the status of the issue.

  • Windows Backup & restore leaves gaps in the backup period date ranges

    I noticed that backup & restore leaves gaps in the date ranges displayed on the screen of backup periods under the function to manage the space.  This means that files change during the interval periods have not been saved?  For example, the screen shows currently backups and the following periods:

    Jan 26: 12-18 Mar, 12 GB 10.40

    Apr 04, 12-13 Apr, 12 GB 19.62

    27 April, 12-27 Apr, 12 GB 05.16

    May 06,12 - May 06,12 02.41 GB

    May 27.12 - 17 Jun, 12 GB 03.41

    What is the importance of gaps?

    How can I tell that B & R is fully backup all files that changed since the last backup run?

    How can I varify the 1st backup is a backup full?

    How can I varify that the system image backup is up-to-date?

    I save approximately once a week to a USB external hard drive. I use options "Include a system image" and "Let me choose" to select the files and have selected the option 'keep only the last frame system & minimize the space used '.


    Backups are created in sets called backup periods. To maximize your disk space, Windows backup backup all folders selected, the first time it's run and then it only backs up files that are new or have been modified since the last backup was made. Periodically, Windows creates a new, full backup. Each full backup is called in a backup. When you view your backups of files, you can see all the backup periods with date ranges. If you decide to delete backups of files, you should always keep the most recent backup of the file.


    Should what backup settings I use to maximize my disk space?

    Back up and restore: frequently asked questions

  • AMOUNT of Oracle with the date range

    Hello community,

    I'm having a problem with the addition of a field with a date range. It comes to my table


    and I'm glad the the following statement works as expected


    TO_DATE ("PERIOD, ' YYYYMM") > = to_date ("'201501 ',' YYYYMM")


    TO_DATE (PERIOD, 'YYYYMM') < = to_date ("'201502 ',' YYYYMM");













    The next thing I want to do is the sum of these amounts... so I changed my statement to become


    TO_DATE ("PERIOD, ' YYYYMM") > = to_date ("'201501 ',' YYYYMM")


    TO_DATE (PERIOD, 'YYYYMM') < = to_date ("'201502 ',' YYYYMM");

    and now I'm getting

    ORA-01841: (full) year must be between-4713 and 9999 and not 0

    I also tried


    TO_DATE ("PERIOD, ' YYYYMM") > = to_date ("'201501 ',' YYYYMM")


    TO_DATE (PERIOD, 'YYYYMM') < = to_date ("'201502 ',' YYYYMM")

    Group by PERIOD

    with the same results... I can't figure out what I should do next?

    Thank you.


    Solomon Yakobson says:


    SELECT *.

    From your_table

    WHERE the TO_NUMBER (SUBSTR (PERIOD, 1, 4)) NO BETWEEN-4713 and 9999

    OR TO_NUMBER (SUBSTR (PERIOD, 1, 4)) = 0


    To find the offending rows.


    This can cause other errors, according to what is in this column.  A better way would be something like:

    Primary_key SELECT, period - add more columns you want

    'TABLE' - avoid names which need quotation marks

    (Period WHERE the TRANSLATION)



    ) <> = "999999"

    OR SUBSTR (period, 1, 4), not BETWEEN "1900" AND "2099"

    OR SUBSTR (period 5) NOT BETWEEN '01' to '12'


    Now there may be errors of conversion, because there is no conversion.

Maybe you are looking for