Different behavior of LOV dependent when copying folder

Dear gurus,

I use Jdeveloper

method 1 is the new method that I wrote today, the record copy and depend on LOV is also refreshing about changing the parent value LOV LOV dependent same bit is also populated as the Franchise of the brand and the Type of mark, but the problem with this is little InputTextLOV load value is not complete when you copy as ASM SM, RFAM, RSM, TYPE of ACTIVITY, the NAME of the HIERARCHY and BRAND MANAGER who is highlighted in yellow.  as shown in the image below.


Transient attribute with update = never is commented in the method 1. even tried transitional attribute update = ALWAYS,

              public void copyProposal(javax.faces.event.ActionEvent actionEvent) {
              // Add event code here...
               System.out.println("Inside copyProposal Method::::");
                AdfFacesContext adfctx = AdfFacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
                java.util.Map pageFlowScope = adfctx.getPageFlowScope();
                String userName = (String) pageFlowScope.get("user").toString();
                Date date = new Date();
                System.out.println("date::: " +date);
                String date1 = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy").format(new Date()).toString();
                System.out.println("date1::: " +date1);
                String date2 = new SimpleDateFormat("mm/dd/yyyy").format(new Date()).toString();
                Calendar currenttime = Calendar.getInstance();
                    Date sqldate = new Date((currenttime.getTime()).getTime());
                    System.out.println("current Date_Time::: " +sqldate);
                AppModuleImpl am = this.getAm();
                ViewObject proposalHeaderVO = am.getProposalHeaderView2();    
                //        ViewObjectImpl proposalHeaderVO = this.getProposalHeaderView2();
                Row propHeaderCurrentRow = proposalHeaderVO.getCurrentRow();
                String[] propHeaderAttrs = propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttributeNames();
                //Skip copying the primay key attributes or any attributes which you want to skip
                String[] skipAttrs = new String[] {"BranchProposalNumber", "BranchHoSerial","ProposalId","ProposalDate","CreationDate","ApprovalStatus","Attribute9","Attribute10",
                                                   "ProposalAmt","ApprovalRemarks","ApproverRemarkTemp","BudgetAmt","ConsumedAmt","RemainingAmt","AmountUtilized", "TotalLineAmount",
                List skipAttrList = Arrays.asList(skipAttrs);
                //creating a new duplicate row
                Row dupRow = proposalHeaderVO.createRow();
        dupRow.setAttribute("ProposalDate", sqldate);
        dupRow.setAttribute("ProposalType", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("ProposalType"));
        dupRow.setAttribute("EffectiveStartDate", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("EffectiveStartDate"));
        dupRow.setAttribute("EffectiveEndDate", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("EffectiveEndDate"));
        dupRow.setAttribute("BranchId", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("BranchId"));
        dupRow.setAttribute("BranchName", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("BranchName"));
        dupRow.setAttribute("State", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("State"));
        dupRow.setAttribute("BusinessLine", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("BusinessLine"));
        dupRow.setAttribute("BrandFranchise", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("BrandFranchise"));
        dupRow.setAttribute("BrandType", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("BrandType"));
        dupRow.setAttribute("ApprovalStatus", "Pending");
        dupRow.setAttribute("BrandManager", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("BrandManager"));
       dupRow.setAttribute("ProposalAction", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("ProposalAction"));
        dupRow.setAttribute("ActionRemarks", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("ActionRemarks"));
        dupRow.setAttribute("ActivityTypeId", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("ActivityTypeId"));
        dupRow.setAttribute("ActivityType", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("ActivityType"));
        dupRow.setAttribute("Attribute1", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("Attribute1"));
        dupRow.setAttribute("Attribute2", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("Attribute2"));
        dupRow.setAttribute("Attribute3", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("Attribute3"));
        dupRow.setAttribute("Attribute4", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("Attribute4"));
        dupRow.setAttribute("BusinessLineName", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("BusinessLineName"));
        dupRow.setAttribute("BudgetAmt", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("BudgetAmt"));
        dupRow.setAttribute("ConsumedAmt", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("ConsumedAmt"));
        dupRow.setAttribute("RemainingAmt", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("RemainingAmt"));
        dupRow.setAttribute("ProposalAmt", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("ProposalAmt"));
        dupRow.setAttribute("ProposalDescription", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("ProposalDescription"));
        dupRow.setAttribute("CreatedBy", userName);
//        dupRow.setAttribute("CreationDate",sqldate);
        dupRow.setAttribute("LastUpdatedBy", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("LastUpdatedBy"));
//        dupRow.setAttribute("LastUpdateDate", sqldate);
        dupRow.setAttribute("AdfCreatedBy", userName);
        dupRow.setAttribute("ApprovalRemarks", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("ApprovalRemarks"));
        dupRow.setAttribute("Attribute6", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("Attribute6"));
        dupRow.setAttribute("Attachment", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("Attachment"));
        dupRow.setAttribute("Attribute7", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("Attribute7"));
        dupRow.setAttribute("Attribute8", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("Attribute8"));
        dupRow.setAttribute("Attribute9", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("Attribute9"));
        dupRow.setAttribute("Attribute10", userName);
        dupRow.setAttribute("Segment1", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("Segment1"));
        dupRow.setAttribute("Segment2", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("Segment2"));
        dupRow.setAttribute("Segment3", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("Segment3"));
        dupRow.setAttribute("Segment4", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("Segment4"));
        dupRow.setAttribute("Segment5", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("Segment5"));
        dupRow.setAttribute("Segment6", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("Segment6"));
        dupRow.setAttribute("L1Approver", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("L1Approver"));
        dupRow.setAttribute("L2Approver", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("L2Approver"));
        dupRow.setAttribute("L3Approver", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("L3Approver"));
        dupRow.setAttribute("L1Code", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("L1Code"));
        dupRow.setAttribute("L2Code", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("L2Code"));
        dupRow.setAttribute("L3Code", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("L3Code"));
        dupRow.setAttribute("ExpenceCategory", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("ExpenceCategory"));
        dupRow.setAttribute("ExpenceCategoryId", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("ExpenceCategoryId"));
        dupRow.setAttribute("HierarchyName", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("HierarchyName"));
        dupRow.setAttribute("FinYear", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("FinYear"));
        dupRow.setAttribute("Posm", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("Posm"));
        dupRow.setAttribute("HiqBrandManager", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("HiqBrandManager"));
        dupRow.setAttribute("Projectcode", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("Projectcode"));
//        dupRow.setAttribute("PendingAppName", userName);
//        dupRow.setAttribute("InHierarchy", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("InHierarchy"));
        dupRow.setAttribute("CurrentUser", userName);
        dupRow.setAttribute("CurrencyCode", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("CurrencyCode"));
        dupRow.setAttribute("ExchangeRate", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("ExchangeRate"));
//        dupRow.setAttribute("ApStatus", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("ApStatus"));
//        dupRow.setAttribute("StateCodeName", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("StateCodeName"));
        dupRow.setAttribute("BudgetLevel", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("BudgetLevel"));
        dupRow.setAttribute("StateName", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("StateName"));
//        dupRow.setAttribute("TotalLineAmount", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("TotalLineAmount"));
//        dupRow.setAttribute("ExpenceMainCategory", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("ExpenceMainCategory"));
//        dupRow.setAttribute("TotalBudgetAmount", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("TotalBudgetAmount"));
//        dupRow.setAttribute("TotalRemainingAmount", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("TotalRemainingAmount"));
//        dupRow.setAttribute("TotalConsumedAmount", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("TotalConsumedAmount"));
//        dupRow.setAttribute("BudgetId", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("BudgetId"));
//        dupRow.setAttribute("ExpenseCategorySwitcher", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("ExpenseCategorySwitcher"));
//        dupRow.setAttribute("AmountUtilized", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("AmountUtilized"));
//        dupRow.setAttribute("ApproverRemarkTemp", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("ApproverRemarkTemp"));
        dupRow.setAttribute("SpotLightAtt", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("SpotLightAtt"));
                //Inserting the duplicate row
                //EXECUTING SETPARAM for SelectActivities..
                String activityType = (String)propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("ActivityType");
                  activityType =   activityType.substring(0,activityType.indexOf("-",0));
                  System.out.println("value in activity Type::: " +activityType);

and here's the method 2

method 2 is to copy all the fields, but change of LOV dependent parent or child LOV don't is not re-rested

public void copyProposal(javax.faces.event.ActionEvent actionEvent) {
// Add event code here...
        System.out.println("Inside copyProposal Method::::");
                AdfFacesContext adfctx = AdfFacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
                java.util.Map pageFlowScope = adfctx.getPageFlowScope();
                String userName = (String) pageFlowScope.get("user").toString();
                Date date = new Date();
                System.out.println("date::: " +date);
                String date1 = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy").format(new Date()).toString();
                System.out.println("date1::: " +date1);
                String date2 = new SimpleDateFormat("mm/dd/yyyy").format(new Date()).toString();
                Calendar currenttime = Calendar.getInstance();
                    Date sqldate = new Date((currenttime.getTime()).getTime());
                    System.out.println("current Date_Time::: " +sqldate);
                AppModuleImpl am = this.getAm();
                ViewObject proposalHeaderVO = am.getProposalHeaderView2();    
                //        ViewObjectImpl proposalHeaderVO = this.getProposalHeaderView2();
                Row propHeaderCurrentRow = proposalHeaderVO.getCurrentRow();
                String[] propHeaderAttrs = propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttributeNames();
                //Skip copying the primay key attributes or any attributes which you want to skip
                String[] skipAttrs = new String[] {"BranchProposalNumber", "BranchHoSerial","ProposalId","ProposalDate","CreationDate","ApprovalStatus","Attribute9","Attribute10",
                                                   "ProposalAmt","ApprovalRemarks","ApproverRemarkTemp","BudgetAmt","ConsumedAmt","RemainingAmt","AmountUtilized"};  //,"L1Approver","L2Approver","L3Approver","L1Code","L2Code","L3Code"
                List skipAttrList = Arrays.asList(skipAttrs);
                //creating a new duplicate row
                Row dupRow = proposalHeaderVO.createRow();
                //copying all attributes one by one
                for (int i = 0; i < propHeaderAttrs.length; i++) {
                    String propHeaderAttrName = propHeaderAttrs[i];
                    if ("ProposalDate".equals(propHeaderAttrName))
                        dupRow.setAttribute(propHeaderAttrName, sqldate);
                    int attrIndex = dupRow.getAttributeIndexOf(propHeaderAttrName);
                    //Checking if the attribute is in the skip attribute list and the attribute is updatable
                    if (!skipAttrList.contains(propHeaderAttrName) &&
                        //Setting the value for the attributes
                    System.out.println("nm,"+propHeaderAttrName+" k, j," +" " +propHeaderAttrName+" , ");
                dupRow.setAttribute("ApprovalStatus", "Pending");
                dupRow.setAttribute("L1Approver", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("L1Approver"));
                dupRow.setAttribute("L1Code", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("L1Code"));
                dupRow.setAttribute("L2Approver", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("L2Approver"));
                dupRow.setAttribute("L2Code", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("L2Code"));
                dupRow.setAttribute("L3Approver", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("L3Approver"));
                dupRow.setAttribute("L3Code", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("L3Code"));
                dupRow.setAttribute("ActivityType", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("ActivityType"));
                dupRow.setAttribute("HierarchyName", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("HierarchyName"));
                dupRow.setAttribute("HiqBrandManager", propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("HiqBrandManager"));

                //Inserting the duplicate row
                //EXECUTING SETPARAM for SelectActivities..
                String activityType = (String)propHeaderCurrentRow.getAttribute("ActivityType");
                  activityType =   activityType.substring(0,activityType.indexOf("-",0));
                  System.out.println("value in activity Type::: " +activityType);

kindly help me to get the copy feature and feature update dependent lov.

Best regards,

MD Jahangir Pasha

Dear gurus,

Thank you for your support and answers.

Problem solved, I added view accessors name in the attribute skip list. now it does not work as expected.

Kind regards

Tags: Java

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    Hey E Kyung,
    There is no way to do this in windows. The design of Windows, this is the creation date refers to the file, while the date of the amendment relates to the content. If the creation date is really important to you, you can set after the copy with a utility.

    The easiest is to right-click on the file and drag it to the destination folder. you will be asked to copy or move. If you move, the creation date will not change.

    Yes, Robocopy is available in Windows 7.

    Thank you, and in what concerns:
    Shalini Surana - Microsoft technical support.
    Visit our Microsoft answers feedback Forumand let us know what you think.

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    Normally the AHCI mode has nothing to do with an external HARD drive. It is only important for the internal HARD disk if you install Windows.

    Anyway, you have installed all the updates of Windows for Vista?
    In addition, you should test another external HARD disk or with another cable.

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    Hi Clementstl,

    I understand that you have a 8600 Pro Officejet which puts a black vertical line in the center of your copies/scans. I'm sorry to hear you had to deal with this, but I will certainly do my best to help you solve this problem.

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    If it is a copy, it is the printer and not from any software.

    Have you tried to do a 'Restore Factory defaults?"

    I wonder if that would help, except perhaps appeal for support.

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    Try to disable the fast user switching and see if that helps.

    Go to control panel, double-click user accounts, and then change the way users log on and outside. Should be a checkbox to turn on fast user switching.

    Let us know if it works. Thank you.

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    I suggest you try to disable the firewall and check.


    Note: Run the computer without antivirus software or firewall is a potential threat to the computer; Be sure to activate security software after completing the troubleshooting steps and after identifying the problem.

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