Display a dialog thread not event

I need to display a dialog of another point of entry (arrival of a push message).

To do this, I need to create an instance of the Application on the other entry point and listen to push enter.

The problem is when I express my application calls enterEventDispatcher() and UiApplication class. the other entry point, it shows an application icon in the execution of applications forever (seen by menu button).

I need listen to push messages and alert user by a dialog box without going through an application icon.

So is it possible that I can show a dialog to the other entry point without a UI event thread? If not, then what is the use of push if you can't attract the attention of the user?

Help, please. Stuck!

Thanks in advance.


You could create an Application (instead of a UiApplication) instance and then use this:


Tags: BlackBerry Developers

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    Thank you!

    Well, I managed to do work by creating a class that extends the Application of my background process and do enter the thread of events.

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    I have a problem to block the user interface main thread when to display a dialog box (the dialog was created by the main Application), and when the dialog box is closed, the main Application can go to the next step.
    Here is my code:

    SerializableAttribute public class TitledPaneExample extends Application {}
    instance of TitledPaneExample private;
    StackPane mainModalDimmer;

    * (non-Javadoc)
    * @see javafx.application.Application #start (javafx.stage.Stage)
    public void start (point primaryStage) bird Exception {}
    instance = this;
    primaryStage.setTitle (this.getClass () m:System.NET.SocketAddress.ToString ());

    final StackPane layerPane = new StackPane();
    layerPane.setDepthTest (DepthTest.DISABLE);
    layerPane.setStyle ("background - fx - color: BLACK ;"); ")

    Vb VBox = new VBox();
    vb.setStyle ("background - fx - color: BLUE ;"); ")
    vb.getChildren () .add new (Label ("1"));
    vb.getChildren () .add (Label ("2")) new;
    vb.getChildren () .add new (Label ("3"));
    vb.getChildren () .add (Label ("4")) new;

    Bt1 button = new Button ("bt1");
    BT1.setOnAction (new EventHandler < ActionEvent > () {}
    {} public void handle (ActionEvent event)
    System.out.println ("bt1 trying to the new dialog box > > >");
    Dialogue di = new dialog box (instance, "some trick here!");
    System.out.println ("bt1 dialogue again successfully, try to show");
    di. Show();
    System.out.println ("bt1 dialog hide? < < < < ");"
    vb.getChildren () .add (bt1).

    layerPane.getChildren () .add (vb);

    mainModalDimmer = new StackPane();
    mainModalDimmer.setId ("MainModalDimmer");
    mainModalDimmer.setMaxSize (Double.MAX_VALUE, Double.MAX_VALUE);
    mainModalDimmer.setVisible (false);
    mainModalDimmer.setStyle ("background - fx - color: RED ;"); ")
    layerPane.getChildren () .add (mainModalDimmer);

    Scene sc = new scene (layerPane, 800, 600);
    primaryStage.setResizable (true);
    primaryStage.setScene (sc);
    primaryStage.show ();


    * Display the node given as a floating dialog on the entire application, with
    * the rest of the application grayed out and blocked from mouse events.
    @param message
    {} public void showModalMessage (message from node)
    mainModalDimmer.getChildren () .add (message);
    mainModalDimmer.setOpacity (0);
    mainModalDimmer.setVisible (true);
    mainModalDimmer.setCache (true);
    . Create()
    () .keyFrames
    new KeyFrame (Duration.seconds (1),)
    new EventHandler < ActionEvent > () {}
    {} public void handle (ActionEvent t)
    mainModalDimmer.setCache (false);
    }, new KeyValue (mainModalDimmer
    . opacityProperty(), 1.
    Interpolator.EASE_BOTH))) infrastructure)
    . Play();

    Hide the any modal message that appears
    public void hideModalMessage() {}
    mainModalDimmer.setCache (true);
    . Create()
    () .keyFrames
    new KeyFrame (Duration.seconds (1),)
    new EventHandler < ActionEvent > () {}
    {} public void handle (ActionEvent t)
    mainModalDimmer.setCache (false);
    mainModalDimmer.setVisible (false);
    mainModalDimmer.getChildren () .clear ();
    }, new KeyValue (mainModalDimmer
    . opacityProperty(), 0,.
    Interpolator.EASE_BOTH))) infrastructure)
    . Play();

    @param args
    Public Shared Sub main (String [] args) {}

    Dialogue/public class extends TitledPane {}
    private owner of TitledPaneExample = null;
    instance of TitledPane private;

    Dialogue (owner of TitledPaneExample, String message) {}
    This.Owner = owner;
    this.parentThreand = Thread.currentThread ();
    This.instance = this;
    this.setExpanded (true);
    this.setText ("Dialog");
    this.setMaxWidth (400);
    this.setPrefWidth (300);
    this.setMinWidth (200);

    Label the tx = new Label ("message");
    tx.setTooltip (new Tooltip (message));
    tx.setWrapText (true);
    tx.setContentDisplay (ContentDisplay.LEFT);

    Bt button = new Button ("OK");
    bt.setOnAction (new EventHandler < ActionEvent > () {}
    {} public void handle (ActionEvent event)

    Sp ScrollPane = new ScrollPane();
    sp.setHbarPolicy (ScrollBarPolicy.AS_NEEDED);
    sp.setVbarPolicy (ScrollBarPolicy.AS_NEEDED);
    sp.setContent (tx);

    Hb HBox = new HBox (30);
    hb.setPrefHeight (40);
    hb.setAlignment (Pos.CENTER_RIGHT);
    hb.getChildren () .add (bt);

    BP BorderPane = new BorderPane();
    bp.setCenter (sp);
    bp.setBottom (hb);

    this.setContent (bp);

    {} public void show()
    System.out.println ("dialogue show() 1 > > >");

    owner.showModalMessage (instance);

    System.out.println ("dialogue show() 2 > > >");


    public void masquer() {}
    System.out.println ("dialogue masquer() 1 > > >");
    this.owner.hideModalMessage ();

    System.out.println ("dialogue masquer() 2 > > >");


    I'm also interested in how to do this without the use of a step.

    But, if you are ready to use a step for this, you can create a useful first step (without borders) with its owner being your current stage. Then, you can call the function showAndWait on stage that allows to block the thread of your application. For example, I implemented a DialogStage like this:

    package hs.mediasystem.util;
    import javafx.animation.KeyFrame;
    import javafx.animation.KeyValue;
    import javafx.animation.Timeline;
    import javafx.event.EventHandler;
    import javafx.scene.effect.ColorAdjust;
    import javafx.stage.Modality;
    import javafx.stage.Stage;
    import javafx.stage.StageStyle;
    import javafx.stage.Window;
    import javafx.stage.WindowEvent;
    import javafx.util.Duration;
    public class DialogStage extends Stage implements Dialog {
      public DialogStage() {
      protected void setParentEffect(Stage parent) {
        ColorAdjust colorAdjust = new ColorAdjust();
        Timeline fadeOut = new Timeline(
          new KeyFrame(Duration.ZERO,
            new KeyValue(colorAdjust.brightnessProperty(), 0)
          new KeyFrame(Duration.seconds(1),
            new KeyValue(colorAdjust.brightnessProperty(), -0.5)
      protected void removeParentEffect(Stage parent) {
      protected void recenter() {
        Window parent = getOwner();
        setX(parent.getX() + parent.getWidth() / 2 - DialogStage.this.getWidth() / 2);
        setY(parent.getY() + parent.getHeight() / 2 - DialogStage.this.getHeight() / 2);
      public final void showDialog(final Stage parent, boolean synchronous) {
        setOnShown(new EventHandler() {
          public void handle(WindowEvent event) {
        if(synchronous) {
        else {
      protected void onShow() {
      public void close() {
  • Output manual is not display the dialog box


    I try to display a dialog box to the exit, but it does not work. Here is my code.

    import bb.cascades 1.0

    import bb.system 1.0

    import bb.cascades.advertisement 1.0


    Menu.Definition: MenuDefinition {}

    settingsAction: {SettingsActionItem}

    onTriggered: {}




    {Of container

    {Of container

    ID: mainContainer

    layout: {DockLayout}


    horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Fill

    verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Fill

    {Of container

    ID: bgContainer

    verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Fill

    horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Fill

    ImageView {}

    objectName: "bgImage".

    imageSource: ' images/bg_green.png.

    scalingMethod: ScalingMethod.AspectFill

    verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Fill

    horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Fill



    {Of container

    ID: contentContainer

    leftPadding: 20.0

    topPadding: 10.0

    rightPadding: 20.0

    bottomPadding: 0.0

    verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Fill

    horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Fill

    {Of container

    ID: titleContainer

    verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Top

    horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Fill

    layout: {StackLayout}

    direction: LayoutOrientation.LeftToRight


    topPadding: 10.0

    {Of container

    ID: imageContainer

    leftPadding: 20.0

    topPadding: 10.0

    bottomPadding: 10.0

    rightPadding: 20.0

    verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center

    horizontalAlignment: P

    ImageView {}

    ID: icon

    imageSource: ' images/ic_safe.png.

    verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center

    horizontalAlignment: P

    objectName: "stateImage."



    {Of container

    ID: topTextContainer

    verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center


    text: 'SAFE'

    textStyle.color: Color.White

    textStyle.fontSize: FontSize.PointValue

    textStyle.fontWeight: FontWeight.Bold

    objectName: "stateLabel."

    textStyle.fontSizeValue: 17.0




    {Of container

    verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center

    horizontalAlignment: P

    layoutProperties: {StackLayoutProperties}

    spaceQuota: 1.0


    {Of container

    horizontalAlignment: P

    verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center

    layoutProperties: {StackLayoutProperties}

    spaceQuota: 1.0


    layout: {DockLayout}


    {Of container

    verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center

    horizontalAlignment: P

    {Of container

    ID: usedContainer

    {Of container

    ID: percentContainer


    ID: percentLabel

    text: "74."

    textStyle.color: Color.White

    textStyle.fontSize: FontSize.PointValue

    textStyle.fontWeight: FontWeight.Normal

    textStyle.fontSizeValue: 40.0

    textStyle.textAlign: TextAlign.Center

    textStyle.fontStyle: FontStyle.Normal

    objectName: "percentLabel."



    {Of container

    leftPadding: 30.0

    rightPadding: 30.0

    verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center

    horizontalAlignment: P

    ImageView {}

    imageSource: ' images/ic_percentage.png.

    verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center

    horizontalAlignment: P



    text: 'used '.

    textStyle.color: Color.White

    textStyle.fontSize: FontSize.PointValue

    textStyle.fontSizeValue: 8.0



    layout: {StackLayout}

    direction: LayoutOrientation.LeftToRight


    verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Top


    {Of container

    ID: remContainer

    verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center

    horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Fill

    {Of container

    layout: {StackLayout}

    direction: LayoutOrientation.LeftToRight


    verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center

    horizontalAlignment: P

    {Of container

    ID: countContainer

    rightPadding: 10.0

    leftPadding: 10.0

    topPadding: 0.0

    verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Bottom


    ID: countLabel

    text: "7."

    textStyle.color: Color.White

    textStyle.fontSize: FontSize.PointValue

    textStyle.fontSizeValue: 14.0

    objectName: "daysLabel."



    {Of container

    verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Bottom

    bottomMargin: 0.0

    bottomPadding: 12.0


    text: "days left".

    textStyle.color: Color.White

    objectName: "daysInfoLabel."

    textStyle.fontSize: FontSize.PointValue

    textStyle.fontSizeValue: 8.0




    {Of container

    horizontalAlignment: P


    ID: rangeLabel

    text: "2 February - 1 March"

    textStyle.color: Color.White

    objectName: "daysRangeLabel."

    textStyle.fontSize: FontSize.PointValue

    textStyle.fontSizeValue: 8.0







    {Of container

    verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Bottom

    horizontalAlignment: P

    layout: {StackLayout}

    direction: LayoutOrientation.LeftToRight


    {Of container

    horizontalAlignment: P

    layout: {StackLayout}

    direction: LayoutOrientation.TopToBottom


    topPadding: 10.0

    bottomPadding: 10.0

    verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Bottom

    layoutProperties: {StackLayoutProperties}

    spaceQuota: 1.0


    {Of container

    horizontalAlignment: P

    ImageView {}

    imageSource: ' images/ic_cell.png.

    verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center

    horizontalAlignment: P

    visible: true



    {Of container

    ID: cellContainer

    horizontalAlignment: P

    topPadding: 5.0

    bottomPadding: 5.0

    visible: true

    {Of container

    horizontalAlignment: P


    text: "147.4 MB.

    textStyle.color: Color.White

    textStyle.fontWeight: FontWeight.Bold

    objectName: "cellTotalLabel."

    textStyle.fontSize: FontSize.PointValue

    textStyle.fontSizeValue: 8.0



    {Of container

    topPadding: 5.0

    bottomPadding: 5.0

    horizontalAlignment: P


    text: "140 MB, 7.4 MB out."

    textStyle.color: Color.White

    textStyle.fontSize: FontSize.PointValue

    verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Bottom

    objectName: "cellCountLabel."

    textStyle.fontSizeValue: 6.0





    {Of container

    horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Fill

    layoutProperties: {StackLayoutProperties}

    spaceQuota: 1.0


    layout: {StackLayout}

    direction: LayoutOrientation.TopToBottom


    topPadding: 10.0

    bottomPadding: 10.0

    {Of container

    horizontalAlignment: P

    ImageView {}

    imageSource: ' images/ic_wifi.png.

    verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center

    horizontalAlignment: P



    {Of container

    ID: wifiContainer

    horizontalAlignment: P

    bottomPadding: 5.0

    topPadding: 5.0

    {Of container

    horizontalAlignment: P


    text: '26.6 MB.

    textStyle.color: Color.White

    textStyle.fontWeight: FontWeight.Bold

    textStyle.fontSize: FontSize.PointValue

    textStyle.fontSizeValue: 8.0

    objectName: "wifiTotalLabel."



    {Of container

    topPadding: 5.0

    bottomPadding: 5.0

    horizontalAlignment: P


    text: "20 MB, 6.6 MB out."

    textStyle.color: Color.White

    textStyle.fontSize: FontSize.PointValue

    verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Bottom

    objectName: "wifiCountLabel."

    textStyle.fontSizeValue: 6.0






    {Of container

    objectName: "bannerContainer."

    horizontalAlignment: P





    onCreationCompleted: {}

    Application.autoExit = false;

    Application.manualExit.connect (onManualExit);


    function onManualExit() {}





    ID: dialogue

    Title: «DataCheck Pro»

    body: "" the application must always be running to make estimates as accurate as possible. "" Are you sure to terminate the application? »

    confirmButton.label: "Close"

    onFinished: {}

    If (dialog.result == 3) {}

    Dialog.Cancel ();

    } else {}

    Dialog.Cancel ();

    Application.Quit () / / myPlayer.stop)






    Help, please?

    Solved by putting setClosePrompt()

  • Why "limit maximum instances of this event in the queue" in the dialog box change events?

    Why I "would limit the maximum instances of this event in the queue" in the dialog box change events?

    I think that this is new for LV 2014, but I couldn't find an explanation for an instance of good use. A research on OR displays only the 2014 help text, which explains what it does, but not why?

    Does anyone know good arguments to use this option?

    Thanks in advance.

    Justin Tyme

    It is useful for user interface elements that can enqueue actions as quickly as they can be made.

    For example, say it takes takes 1 second to take a picture and save it. The user presses the button "Take a photo", but they do not see a new image file again after a wait of 250 ms (human beings humans can be impatient) so they press twice. Finally, they see a new file image... and then another... and then another... To get rid of this possibility, check this box.

    Or that you have a cursor to adjust some settings. Moving the cursor updates very fast! If the user swipes from 0 to 1 then the program might try to send all the rest as a parameter to your instrument, which takes some time. Instead of sending all of these values, it is probably better if the software can keep up with the cursor and send a value of about 1 at the same time, the cursor said 1. If you do not check this box, the user can be 1, but the unit will continue to receive values from 0.53, 0.54, 0.55...

  • Firefox plays after clicking on links for her instead of display the dialog box for play/download mp3/wav

    Firefox when trying to play wavs/mp3s after clicking on link to it instead of display the dialog to open/download. In preferences on the applications tab, I always chose "ask" in the types of wav and mp3 files, but it does not solve this problem.

    This has happened

    Each time Firefox opened

    == I'm not sure

    Firefox will play the file if you have a drive installed that supports the mime type that the server sends to this file.

    See "File handling in Firefox 3 and SeaMonkey 2": http://kb.mozillazine.org/File_types_and_download_actions

  • Dialog results 'not a number '.

    Hello! I am new to InDesign scripting (to date) and has difficulties with the help of dialog box results in my script. The script that I put in place creates calligraphy guide line to the bottom of a page and got this works well but then wanted to be able to specify the distance between the lines in a dialog box, rather than in the script, and it does not work now.

    I know that everything from line 43 down works if I remove the dialog box and create variables using parseInt() rather than pulling them from the box of dialogue, but as soon as I try to use the values of the dialog box, what happens with error on line 60 30491 that ascenderHeight is not a number (and so he can probably use it to calculate in geometricBounds). I tried to convert a variable to test entire under line 43, but it makes no difference. Initially, I used the measurementEditBox as in the tutorial of InDesign scripting, but thought that the whole it would remove any excess baggage. If someone could let me know where I am going wrong, I would really appreciate it!

    var myDialog = app.dialogs.add({name: "Set line guide parameters",canCancel:true}) ;
    with (myDialog){
    //Add labels dialog column.
        staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"X-height to ascender (mm)"});
        staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"X-height (mm)"});
        staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Descender height (mm)"});
        staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Slant angle"});
    //Add entry dialog column
      //Create integer & angle entry fields.
        var ascenderHeightField = integerEditboxes.add({editValue:5}) ;
        var xHeightmmField = integerEditboxes.add({editValue:5}) ;
        var descenderHeightField = integerEditboxes.add({editValue:2}) ;
        var slantAngleField = angleEditboxes.add({editValue:-30}) ;
        //Display the dialog box.
        var myResult = myDialog.show() ;
        if (myResult == true) {
            //Get the values from the dialog box controls
            var ascenderHeight = ascenderHeightField;
            var xHeightmm = xHeightmmField;
            var descenderHeight = descenderHeightField;
            var slantAngle = slantAngleField;
            //Remove the dialog box from memory.
            buildGuide (ascenderHeight, xHeightmm, descenderHeight, slantAngle);
            myDialog.destroy() ;
    function buildGuide (ascenderHeight, xHeightmm, descenderHeight, slantAngle) {
    var ascenderHeight = parseInt(ascenderHeight);
    var lineHeight = (descenderHeight+xHeightmm+ascenderHeight);
    //Create lines for guide, specified distance apart on margin of 13mm (set this in variables once maths is working!)
    var capHeight = app.activeWindow.activePage.graphicLines.add() ;
    capHeight.geometricBounds = [13, 13, 13, 197] ;
    capHeight.strokeWeight = 2 ;
    var xHeight = app.activeWindow.activePage.graphicLines.add() ;
    xHeight.geometricBounds = [(13+ ascenderHeight), 13, (13+ ascenderHeight), 197] ;
    xHeight.strokeWeight = 1.5 ;
    var baseLine = app.activeWindow.activePage.graphicLines.add() ;
    baseLine.geometricBounds = [(13+ +ascenderHeight+ xHeightmm), 13, (13+ascenderHeight+xHeightmm), 197] ;
    baseLine.strokeWeight = 2 ;
    var Descender = app.activeWindow.activePage.graphicLines.add() ;
    Descender.geometricBounds = [(13+lineHeight), 13, (13+lineHeight), 197] ;
    Descender.strokeWeight = 1.5 ; 
    DistributeOptions.VERTICAL_SPACE, undefined, true, xHeightmm);*/ 
    //Create an x to mark the baseline and a diagonal at specified slant
    var lineMarker = app.activeWindow.activePage.textFrames.add() ;
    lineMarker.geometricBounds = [(13+ascenderHeight), 13,(13+lineHeight),17] ;
    lineMarker.contents = "X" ;
    var Diagonal = app.activeWindow.activePage.graphicLines.add() ;
    Diagonal.geometricBounds = [13, 30, (13+lineHeight+2), 30] ;
    Diagonal.strokeWeight = 1.5 ;
    Diagonal.absoluteRotationAngle = slantAngle ;
    //Group all created then duplicate down length of page
    var myGroup = new Array () ;
    myGroup.push(capHeight) ;
    myGroup.push(xHeight) ;
    myGroup.push(baseLine) ;
    myGroup.push(Descender) ;
    myGroup.push(lineMarker) ;
    myGroup.push(Diagonal) ;
    var myLineGroup = app.activeWindow.activePage.groups.add(myGroup);
    var myGroup2 = myLineGroup.duplicate(undefined,[0,lineHeight+2]);
    for (var i = lineHeight+2; i < (271-lineHeight); i=i+lineHeight+2){
        var dup_groups = app.activeWindow.activePage.groups.lastItem().duplicate(undefined, [0,i]) ;
        } ; 
    } ;

    Without going into all of your script, let's look at your dialog box:

    Take the code to your dialog box and copy it to a separate script.

    Now instead of calling the construction guide, replace this line with a test to check the values of variables:

    [ascenderHeight, xHeightmm, descenderHeight, slantAngle];

    When you run the script, you will see where is your problem: the result is:

    Result: [object IntegerEditbox], [IntegerEditbox object], [object IntegerEditbox] [object AngleEditbox]

    You have found a reference for widgets dialog box, not the edit value.

    Add .editValue to each of your definitions of variables so that they read:

    var ascenderHeight = ascenderHeightField.editValue;

    var xHeightmm = xHeightmmField.editValue;

    var descenderHeight = descenderHeightField.editValue;

    var slantAngle = slantAngleField.editValue;

    This should solve your problem.

    Bottom line: when you encounter problems, isolate the code and assess the results.

    I hope this helps.

  • Displaying a dialog at startup

    I'm in DW CS3 for Windows. I'm writing an extension that will display a dialog at startup box. 'Extension of Dreamweaver' manual says: "If you place a command file in the Configuration/startup folder, the command runs as Dreamweaver starts." I did this. This code executes. He said, "you can also view warnings, prompts the user for more information or call the function dreamweaver. RunCommand (). ' Call Dreamweaver.RunCommand () doesn't seem to work. Can I put the same code in a command that runs after the start and it works fine, but in my startup command, it seems that Dreamweaver does not know just my calls to runCommand().

    Specifically, my startup command contains:
    Alert ('before');
    dreamweaver.runCommand ('myCommand.htm');
    Alert ('alert');

    I see the 'before' and 'after' alerts, but I do not see the dialog box defined in myCommand.htm.

    Do you have a suggestion?

    Thank you


    "rolw" wrote in message
    News:fhcnqk$BM2$1@forums. Macromedia.com...
    > Yes, thanks for asking. My order has a shape. I threw a few
    > entry tags for good measure. My dialog box still does not appear.

    As a workaround, you can change your order an order for _onOpen released
    by adding the file name, _onOpen
    then set a flag you next time to not show the dialog box.

  • A full justification and display two pages do not work correctly on iOS 10

    I have installed iOS 10 yesterday on my iPad 2 Air but have found that the two functions do not work correctly in iBooks. First of all, full justification does not work when the font size is brought to a certain level. In other words, a complete justification works only when I reduce the police to a size too small. It then automatically left justification when I increase the font size to a comfortable level. This feature, however, works perfectly on iOS 9.3.5. Secondly, as already posted by a member of this community of support, the option to display two pages does not work correctly. Also, this feature stops working when the police is increased to a certain size.

    Someone at - it solutions?

    It is not a solution. Apparently, it's just how it is in the new iBooks. I would say that we all leave comments that we do not like it. This is a feature of iOS 10, so it won't go away unless we do a big noise about it. I just got my Mini iPad so I don't have to deal with.


  • Display a dialog box after the ejection of a USB drive, saying the car was ejected

    Hi, would someone please tell me how to change the applescript below to eject my USB in 2 ways, either by waiting 30 seconds by pressing the button "YES". Then, once the disc has been ejected another dialog box would appear to say 'eject disk '. If 'NO' button has been activated the reader wouldn't be ejected. My USB is indicated as (the present book).  Thanks in advance for any help.

                                                                tell application 'Finder '.

    display the dialog box "Eject USB drive?" default button 1 with the title "Eject?" buttons {'yes', 'No'} give up after 30

    If the button returned of the result is 'yes' then ejection of the this book

    tell the end


    Tell application "Finder".

    Display dialog "Eject USB Drive?" buttons {"Yes", "No"} default button 1 with the title "Eject?" give up after 3

    If the result back button is 'yes' or abandoned then of the result

    This book of ejection

    display the dialog box 'Disc ejected.'

    end if

    tell the end


  • Click on the button "display remote content" content remote does not show. If I go back to e-mail even later "display remote content" is not on the page.

    The "issue" essentially lines the problem.
    No distance shows content when the user clicks on the button "view remote content. Once it has been clicked on a specific email, if I go back to the same email, the button "display remote content" is not on the e-mail page and no remote content shows again in the body of the email.
    I use an updated version (24.4.0) of Thunderbird.

    The problem is often caused by anti programs anti-virus and other security software blocking Thunderbird to get the remote images. The GET for images using a web port usually and some security software not see Thunderbird as a browser and block access.

  • new computer win 7 pro connected to ext HD or flash drive does not display any permission or not available

    Two hp 17-inch workstations mobile (business) Z book 17

    On consumer laptops, I can view the files on my external hard drive 1 to and 1 GB player.

    On these corporate work stations (mobile), I'm not able to view the files on the hard drive or flash drive.

    I need your help so that I can save files from the internal hard drive of the mobile platform of book z hard disk external.  And I need to be able to reconnect the external drives and readers to the Zbook mobile workstation to transfer files to transfer flash.

    These are the pop ups that appear for each when displaying of readers by opening my computer:

    When left click hard disk drive a pop up appears with the title bar: location is not available.

    H:\ is not accessible.

    Access is denied.

    Make a right click on the hard drive allows opening of the FreeAgent GoFlex drive (H properties)

    The tabs are ReadyBoost, previous Versions, Quota, customize, general, tools, hardware, sharing, security

    By clicking on security of advances and then permissions then continue and then change my name owner or administrator... both methods result in the same access denied result once again.

    I came across this http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/00d04415-2b2f-422c-b70e-b18ff918c281 is this something I need to study and learn before I am able to connect and use an external drive or flash?  Or is there another problem?  If the answer is in this link, do I have to put emphasis on and why wasn't windows 7 configured so that it is easy to use external drives as in win xp and win 8?  Are all usb ports do not or all drivers of failing or is it a software problem all?

    I was not able by trial and error to display all files on any hard drive or external flash on the two books of z of mobile workstation.

    Then I went to the flash drive.

    Left click on the flash drive produces a pop-up with title bar G:\

    You don't have permission to access this folder.

    Click on continue to get permanent access to this folder.

    After clicking on continue it opens another pop-up with title bar G:\

    You have been denied permission to access this folder.

    To access this folder, you will need to use the Security tab.

    When clicking on the Security tab he opens a new pop with the title bar: removable disk (G properties)

    The tabs are general, tools, hardware, sharing, ReadyBoost, customize

    He did not indicate what to do next.


    Two new computers hp zbook stations mobile work with win 7 pro

    Or computers with their multiple ports usb allows to access my external hard drive or flash drive.

    The external hard disk and flash dirve each work very well with the consumer portable computers hp with winning 8 and 8.1 of win and have worked with computers with win xp.

    How can I get the Replicator hp z book with win 7 pro for usb drives work with external hard drives or external flash drives?

    I have so far done the following:

    (1) run administrative guest with sfc/scannow and it found no violations of integrity

    (2) ran microsoft fixit will be all available Parameters which automatically checked and corrected each book workstation z mobile http://support.microsoft.com/mats/windows_file_and_folder_diag/

    (3) contacted HP support

    (4) checked for malware using microsoft security essentials, malwarebytes and spybot on each mobile workstation

    (5) updated drivers using HP support assistant on each computer

    (6) windows update the device HP support assistant on each computer

    How do two new computers with win 7 pro can be connected to external drives that allow to view the files as they do with win xp and win 8 automatically?

    How can I access my files on the external hard disk and flash the mobile workstation book z?

    The specifications for the mobile workstation of zbook are:

    Operating system: Windows 7 Professional 64-bit Service Pack 1

    Microprocessor: Intel core i7-4800MQ CPU @ 2.7 GHz

    Moemory system: 16 GB of memory on 2 1600 MHz dimm

    Graphics device 1: Nvidia Quadro K3100M

    Graphics device 2: Intel HD 4600 graphics card

    Hard drive 1: SCSI Disk Device

    C: 683.42 (613,62 free go-go)

    D: 12.21 GB (1,3 GB free)

    E: 1.99 GB (1.97 GB free)

    The hard drive is a seagate 1 TB drive that works very well

    The flash drive is a 1 GB drive which works very well

    Here is the new mobile workstations HP Z book 17.

    Microsoft said that HP is responsible for the operation of win 7 in the first year for the operating systems pre-installed

    HP elite support doesn't know how to solve the problem with the USB ports on the two books of Z is not able to provide access to external hard drives or flash drives

    These two mobile workstations have problems of USB port with all the ports on each computer?

    These two mobile workstations have problems of windows 7 where the client has to learn how to use the registry to store external hard drives internal hard drives?

    What does do to be able to back up files on a disk external hard drive internal?

    Have to do to be able to use flash dirves with a 17 mobile workstation z book?

    This problem has been resolved.

    The book of Z 17 HP installed their software: HP Client Security.

    This software prevents the use of external hard drives and flash drives in its default settings.

    Each customer is on their own in discoverinv and the resolution of this problem.

    There is no warning.   He made no information on why a right click on a drive and checking the property do not work.

    The way in which this issue has been resolved was by a clean boot process in msconfig.

    When miscrosoft services were hidden items that remained were read.  Systematically, some were checked and unchecked, and the computer has rebooted to see if the problem was still in existence or if the problem has disappeared.

    Whenever the hard drive or flash drive has been verified.

    We were lucky that we checked to see if it was or not HP software at the beginning.  This problem was caused by the default client security HP who were to refuse all USB connections.

    This consumes a lot of time and was so frustrating.

    On the first book of HP Z 17 thin client HP security biometric authertication failed with a black screen.  The computer is about 15 days old.    All the dirvers for the HP notebook have been uploaded and then the software for biometric devices have been downloaded.  HP determined that it was a hardware failure of the biometric device, when drivers and software downloads together has not fixed the problem.  This computer had / has the same problem with not allowing communication with any external hard drive or flash drive.

    HP did wrong by not providing any information on the inside of this product the HP support assistant.

    Here's a consumer might encounter problems:

    The HP support assistant on Z book provides updates of drivers for windows, but the support phone number book mobile z is not listed.  There is a phone number, but it is a regular support, not z book mobile support or elite support.  Mobile Z book users are supposed to call the number fo elite press and the number is for a regular support on the wizard of book z mobile support.  Support assistant has cat support method and the HP chat support is not trained to book support z mobile.  There is a feature to contact the technical support and the transfer of data to the technician, and again, it goes to regular support who is not trained to support the mobile z book.  If you call the phone number provided some of the choices on the automated line includes desktop, laptop and office work.  If you choose Notepad you won't get z mobile workstation support.  If you choose work center you will get no support of z book mobile workstation.  Instead, you must have someone answer and then ask to be redirect to support elite.  On the first call, you never know that the support you are looking for is elite support until they give you this information on the next contact.

    After many hours spent barely pull on the problems of not being able to view files on an external hard drive or external dirve flash, I was able to change this HP software.  It now unfortunately produces a humming noise when parts of it are displayed.  This has not yet been set.

    It is the customer of HP security information:


    There was no information to reconfigure the software in the white paper.

    I was able to find a user guide.

    This guide was not and was not available through the HP support assistant:


    Hope this helps all who are unable to view the files on their external hard drives and external flash drives.

    The thin client HP security prevents click right change of ownership and prevent changes, right-click in the security, etc..  Change of Director fails also as the client security administrator HP overides too.

    So end users must change the HP Thin Client Security so that it does not block access to files on external hard drives or flash drives.

  • My Ipad displays message - iPad has not been saved in 25 weeks

    My Ipad displays message - iPad has not been saved on ICloud at 25 weeks.

    then, you should take device near a wifi network, so that it can be backup up to the icloud.

    Settings > icloud > storage and backup [to the end of the list]

    Check what your settings are.


  • My printer is not displayed and I can not open my printer spool for repair.

    Original title: my printer is not displayed and I can not open my printer spool to fix, how do I solve this problem?

    My printer is missing, when I try to open my printer to print something I get an error message saying to restart my printer spool and I when I try to open my printer spool window is empty.  My printer isn't appearing any more, all of a sudden I can't print more.


    1. You did any recent changes that caused the problem?
    2. What is the brand and model of the printer?
    3. What is the exact error message?

    Method 1) run the printer Troubleshooter

    Solve printer problems


    Method 2: Follow the instructions in the link:

    Printer in Windows problems


    It will be useful.

  • I get an error message: The Nvidia OpenGL driver lost connection with the display driver and can not continue. Error code 8

    When I play the virtual Interactiver - Second Life Community. The screen turns white and windows tells me the display adapter stopped responding and has recovered. While the second life Viewer is still Virgin (white). I get the error in a box: The Nvidia OpenGL driver lost connection with the display driver and can not continue. The application must close. Please visit http://www.nvidia.com/page/support.html for help. Error code 8. Now, I worked with Nvidia to do a clean install of the latest version of the driver. a driver in safe mode installation. They suggested to try an earlier version of the driver. Nothing that they worked me and told me to see Microsoft. The pilot hangs every 30 min or so, all online in the second game of life. Can someone help me?

    Information System
    Time of this report: 13/06/2011, 19:40:20
    Machine name: BEN - PC
    Operating system: Windows 7 Professional 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601) Service Pack 1 (7601.win7sp1_gdr.110408) - 1631
    Language: English (regional setting: English)
    System manufacturer: HP-Pavilion
    System model: GC670AA-ABA a6120n
    BIOS: Phoenix - AwardBIOS v6.00PG
    Processor: Intel (r) Core (TM) 2 Duo CPU E4400 @ 2.00 GHz (2 CPUs), ~2.0GHz
    Memory: 4096 MB RAM
    Available OS memory: 3582MB RAM
    Page file: 1690MB used, 5472 MB of available space
    Windows Dir: C:\Windows
    DirectX version: DirectX 11
    DX setup parameters: not found
    User DPI setting: 96 DPI (100%)
    System DPI setting: 96 DPI (100%)
    DWM DPI Scaling: disabled
    DxDiag Version: 6.01.7601.17514 64 bit Unicode

    Two monitors

    Display devices
    Card name: NVIDIA GeForce 7600 GT
    Manufacturer: NVIDIA
    Track type: GeForce 7600 GT
    DAC type: Integrated RAMDAC
    The device key: Enum\PCI\VEN_10DE & DEV_0391 & SUBSYS_201F19F1 & REV_A1
    Memory display: 1768 MB
    Dedicated memory: 248 MB
    Shared memory: 1519 MB
    Current mode: 1600 x 900 (32 bit) (60 Hz)
    Name of the monitor: generic PnP monitor
    Monitor model: G205H (Acer)

    Card name: NVIDIA GeForce 7600 GT
    Manufacturer: NVIDIA
    Track type: GeForce 7600 GT
    DAC type: Integrated RAMDAC
    The device key: Enum\PCI\VEN_10DE & DEV_0391 & SUBSYS_201F19F1 & REV_A1
    Memory display: 1768 MB
    Dedicated memory: 248 MB
    Shared memory: 1519 MB
    Current mode: 1280 x 1024 (32 bit) (60 Hz)
    Name of the monitor: generic PnP monitor
    Monitor model: NEC LCD7V


    I suggest that you have watch the following link below:


    I hope this helps.

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