Download ListView selectedIndex

Hi, how do we get the index selected in a ListView?

I can get the selected item, but I can't figure out how to get the index number.

An example of code?

Thank you!

Oops, sorry. He's back QVariant, so another conversion is necessary:

section int = l.first () .toInt ();

Tags: BlackBerry Developers

Similar Questions

  • ListView with Image that downloads from web


    Are there examples out there how it just download an image on the web and show it to a list view. All the examples I found only uses the images of the current folder. Simply assign the imageSource with a http address didn't work...

    It is for native Blackberry 10 + waterfall.

    Thank you


    RIM recently published a sample on this, click on the link below:

  • using a drop-down list to power a listview

    I try to get a drop-down list selection (newOption) to fuel a sql query to get more information in a listview. The drop down menu works ok, but the list is empty. My dosent sql query recognize newOption and therefore does not feed listview.

    Please could you help me with the query syntax. Thank you.

    My code is below.  If I replace '+' "' + newOption +" ' with a sql table entry, IE 'the cradle', then the listview works very well.

    import bb.cascades 1.2
    import 1.0
    import 1.0

    ID: infoPage

    {Of container
    text: "Info Page".
    verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center
    horizontalAlignment: P

    {Drop-down list
    ID: dropdown

    {To ListView
    ID: apiaryList
    dataModel: dataModel

    type: 'point '.
    ID: apiaryItem

    Title: ListItemData.apiary_name
    Description: ListItemData.apiary_location
    status: ListItemData.apiary_id
    } / / end of ListItemComponent

    onTriggered: {}


    ID: dataModel2
    ID: optionFactory
    Option {}
    DataSource {}
    ID: dataSource2
    Source: "sql/hood_apiary.db.

    query: "SELECT * FROM Apiary ORDER BY apiary_name".

    onDataLoaded: {}
    dataModel2.insertList (data);

    Now, this is going to populate the drop-down list while reiterating each
    the query data and adding one by one to the drop-down list
    using the optionFactory component to dynamically add definition
    New Options for the drop-down list
    for (var i = 0; i)< data.length;="">
    Create new Option
    var newOption = optionFactory.createObject)

    Set the text of the Option categoryfield (title of the drop-down list)
    newOption.text = data .apiary_name [i]
    Console.log ("newoption.text =" + newOption.text);

    Add the Option in the drop-down list
    DropDown.Add (newOption);

    ID: dataModel
    DataSource {}
    ID: dataSource
    Source: "sql/hood_apiary.db.

    string newOption property
    query: "SELECT * FROM Apiary, hive where apiaries.» [apiary_name] = ' "+ newOption +" ' AND Apiary. [apiary_id] = hive. [apiary_id] AND the hive. [apiary_id] is not null ORDER BY hive_id DESC'
    onDataLoaded: {}
    dataModel.insertList (data);

    onCreationCompleted: {}
    When the display of the list has been created, load the data into the listview
    and the drop-down list.
    dataSource.load ();
    dataSource2.load ();


    Hello Simon

    Thank you very much for your help, you have solved a problem I had for centuries.

    {Drop-down list
    ID: apiarydropdown
    Title: 'select the Apiary.
    onSelectedIndexChanged: {}
    var dropvalue = ("apiarydropdown.selectedIndex") .text;
    Console.log ("dropvalue has been changed to" + dropvalue);
    Console.log ("selectedIndex was changed to" + selectedIndex);
    dataSource.query = "SELECT * FROM Apiary, hive where apiaries.» [apiary_name] = ' "+ dropvalue +" ' AND Apiary. [apiary_id] = hive. [apiary_id] AND the hive. [apiary_id] is not null ORDER BY hive_id DESC'
    dataModel.clear () / / clears all previous listview view
    dataSource.load () / / load listview

  • Download Images dynamically


    Is it possible to download images dynamically and add them to an ImageView?

    Ive got a listView withcustom ListItem elements, which are essentially an imageView and a label. After you have added the list on a page I would like images in a dynamic list and put them in the ImageViews of my custom components displayed on my listView.

    I already download the image and create a bb::cascades:Image (QByteArray). But I can't find a way to assign them to the custom my components in the ListView. I got this error in the console:

    Error: Access to ListItem.indexInSection on a node that is not the node root of a Visual list.

    Code of P.S.:any would be great!

    So I developed this class which will allow you to display the internet dynamically downded images without having to be stored in the unit:

     * RemoteImageView.h
     *  Created on: Oct 2, 2012
     *      Author: aluialarid
    namespace bb {
        namespace cascades {
            class Container;
    using namespace bb::cascades;
    class RemoteImageView: public CustomControl {
        Q_PROPERTY(QString url READ URL WRITE seturl NOTIFY urlChanged)
        RemoteImageView(Container *parent=0);
        virtual ~RemoteImageView();
        Container* mRootContainer;
        ImageView* imageView;
        Q_INVOKABLE void loadImage();
        void seturl(QString url);
        QString URL();
    public  slots:
        void onImageLoaded(QNetworkReply* reply);
        void onurlChanged();
                void imageUnavailable();
                void urlChanged(QString url);
        QString murl;
    #endif /* REMOTEIMAGEVIEW_H_ */
     * RemoteImageView.cpp
     *  Created on: Oct 2, 2012
     *      Author: aluialarid
    #include "RemoteImageView.h"
    using namespace bb::cascades;
    RemoteImageView::RemoteImageView(Container *parent) :
            CustomControl(parent) {
        mRootContainer = new Container();
        mRootContainer->setLayout(new DockLayout);
        imageView = ImageView::create().image(
        connect(this, SIGNAL(urlChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(onurlChanged()));
        //  connect(mRootContainer->layout(), SIGNAL(CreationCompleted()), this, SLOT(onurlChanged()));
    RemoteImageView::~RemoteImageView() {
        //delete mRootContainer;
    void RemoteImageView::loadImage() {
        qDebug() << murl;
        QNetworkRequest request = QNetworkRequest();
        QNetworkAccessManager* nam = new QNetworkAccessManager(this);
        bool result = connect(nam, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply*)), this,
    void RemoteImageView::onurlChanged() {
    void RemoteImageView::onImageLoaded(QNetworkReply* reply) {
        if (reply->error() != QNetworkReply::NoError) {
            emit imageUnavailable();
        Image image = Image(reply->readAll());
    void RemoteImageView::seturl(QString url) {
        if ( != 0) {
            murl = url;
            emit urlChanged(murl);
    QString RemoteImageView::URL() {
        return murl;

    See you soon!

  • Loading XML data in ListView of C++ after extraction of http data

    I'm sorry did searh but could not find any refrence related to my problem
    I am trying to load the xml data returned from a web service HTTP Post QNetworkRequest and QNetworkReply in c ++.

    My XML that gets donwloaded is as

" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="">

    In My QML, it comes to the ListView can say SearchResult.qml

    ListView {
              objectName: "resultlist"
              dataModel: feedsdatamodel
              listItemComponents: [
                ListItemComponent {
                            type: "item"
                            PeopleListItem {
                                name: ListItemData.givenName + ", " +
                                role: ListItemData.ExtFunction
                                leftPaddingText: 40
     attachedObjects: [
           // The data model that contains the content of a XML file
            GroupDataModel {
                id: feedsDataModel
                sortingKeys: [
                grouping: ItemGrouping.None


    import bb.cascades 1.0
    Container {
        property alias name: titleLabel.text
        property alias role: functionLabel.text
        property alias leftPaddingText: textcontainer.leftPadding
        layout: StackLayout {
            orientation: LayoutOrientation.TopToBottom
        preferredWidth: 768
        preferredHeight: 135
        Container {
            id: textcontainer
            topPadding: 10
            layout: StackLayout {
                orientation: LayoutOrientation.TopToBottom
            Label {
                id: titleLabel
                textStyle.base: SystemDefaults.TextStyles.TitleText
                textStyle.color: Color.Black
            Label {
                id: functionLabel
                textStyle.base: SystemDefaults.TextStyles.BodyText
                textStyle.color: Color.Gray
        Divider {
            verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Bottom

    This is the function I'm using to display the QML it is called from main.qml and works correctly.

    void PeopleFinder::onSearchClicked() {
        qDebug() << "PeopleFinder::PeopleFinder::onSearchClicked::\t" << "begin";
        qDebug() << "PeopleFinder::PeopleFinder::onSearchClicked::\tfname:"
                << m_fname << "\tlname:" << m_lname;
        // Create a network access manager and connect a custom slot to its
        // finished signal
        mNetworkAccessManager = new QNetworkAccessManager(this);
        // create a data model with sorting keys for lastname and firstname
                connect(mNetworkAccessManager, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply*)), this, SLOT(requestFinished(QNetworkReply*))));
        //Load the bew QML file of Search from here
        QmlDocument *qml = QmlDocument::create("asset:///SearchResults.qml").parent(
        qml->setContextProperty("peoplefinder", this);
        Page *mypage = qml->createRootObject();
        qDebug() << "PeopleFinder::PeopleFinder::onSearchClicked::\t s444444";
        // Retrieve the activity indicator from QML so that we can start
        // and stop it from C++
    //  mActivityIndicator = mypage->findChild("myIndicator");
        // Retrieve the list so we can set the data model on it once
        // we retrieve it
        mListView = mypage->findChild("resultlist");

    Once the page loads in the QML it call the launch request providing c ++ file and once the
    query is completed under function is called with the data. I checked that data are downloaded properly

    void PeopleFinder::requestFinished(QNetworkReply* reply) {
        qDebug() << "PeopleFinder::PeopleFinder::requestFinished::\t"
                << "response received";
        // Check the network reply for errors
        if (reply->error() == QNetworkReply::NoError) {
            // Open the file and print an error if the file cannot be opened
            qDebug() << "PeopleFinder::PeopleFinder::requestFinished::\t"
                    << "No error";
            // Write to the file using the reply data and close the file
            QByteArray xml = reply->readAll();
            qDebug() << "Data: \n" << xml;
            // load the xml data
            XmlDataAccess xda;
            QVariant list = xda.load(xml, "ArrayOfPeople");
            qDebug() << "List:::\n" << list;
            GroupDataModel *datamodel = (GroupDataModel*)mListView->dataModel();
            // add the data to the model
            datamodel->setSortingKeys(QStringList() << "givenName" << "sn");
            qDebug() << "PeopleFinder::PeopleFinder::requestFinished::\t"
                    << "Datamodel set size:: " << datamodel->size();
            // Set the new data model on the list and stop the activity indicator
        } else {
            qDebug() << "\n Problem with the network";
            qDebug() << "\n" << reply->errorString();

    But now, the real problem begins as in how to convert QByteArray data type of QVariantList which can be loaded into the datamodel
    I don't want to write the data to the XML file and then pass that as a list his will is very slow, once I move test environment to the production environment.

    Please help me solve this problem

    I got it to work using xml parsing with QXmlStreamReader

  • ListView question

    I have a question about listview.

    I download an RSS feed to a Web site that has several page in a listview, but I can only download a page at a time, so I was wondering if it was possible for the listview detect that I get at the end of the list, which is 15, then preload the second page online. And that as smoothly as possible.

    Thank you very much for the help.


    I just saw that there was a ScrollPosition I could read:

    but I wonder about how to make the transition between the guy ending to the first page and the loading on the other, then the third ect... in listview

    The solution is in my first answer

    1. use a ListScrollStateHandler and connect to the signal atEnd. When the signal is received the user is at the end of the list - so load your json

    2. use the datamodel personalized approach. When listview calls your function of DataModel::data() with a row that represents the end of the list, you know that the user did scroll down - so load your additional data, if this is true

  • Pass a variable value set to the selector to the Listview

    This was probably picked several times on the forum, but I'm going crazy with research and try to do things with my code.

    Everything I'm doing is to expose the variable rssmobileEnabled defined in the SELECTOR, so that I can go and test it in my LISTVIEW onSelectedValueChanged IF statement, according to the code below.

    I did the variable in "BOLD" below to indicate. This must be a simple solution, after all how it can be difficult to just define a global variable...

    The SELECTOR code:

     Picker {
        id: picker
        title: "Select Feed"
        dataModel: XmlDataModel {
         source: "models/blackberry.xml"
          pickerItemComponents: [
              PickerItemComponent {
                    type: "rsslink"
                    content: Container {
                    layout: DockLayout {
                         Label {
                             multiline: false
                             text: pickerItemData.text
                             textStyle {
                                  base: SystemDefaults.TextStyles.SubtitleText
       onSelectedValueChanged: {
           var rsslinktext = ([ 0, picker.selectedIndex(0) ]).text);
           var rsslink = ([ 0, picker.selectedIndex(0) ]).rssSource);
           var rsslinkquery = ([ 0, picker.selectedIndex(0) ]).rssQuery);
           var rssmobileEnabled = ([ 0, picker.selectedIndex(0)]).mobileEnabled);
            //Load the selected feed
    } // Picker

    Code of the LISTVIEW:

                ListView {
                    id: myListView
                    // Associate the list view with the data model that's defined in the
                    // attachedObjects list
                    dataModel: dataModellist
                    layout: StackListLayout {}
                    listItemComponents: [
                        ListItemComponent {
                            id: header
                            type: "header" //"item"
                            //custom components used instead of standardlistitem
                            Container {
                                Label {
                                    id: emptytextheader
                                    text: ""
                        ListItemComponent {
                            id: item
                            type: "item" //"description"
                            Container {
                                layout: DockLayout {}
                                //custom components used instead of standardlistitem
                                Container {
                                    id: itemdetails
                                    Label {
                                        id: title
                                        text: ListItemData.title
                                        //textStyle.fontWeight: FontWeight.Bold
                                        multiline: true
                                        textStyle.color: Color.Cyan
                                    Label {
                                        id: pubdate
                                        text: ListItemData.pubDate
                                        textStyle.color: Color.create("#ff00c200")
                                        textStyle.fontSize: FontSize.XSmall
                                    Label {
                                        id: description
                                        text: ListItemData.description
                                        textStyle.fontSize: FontSize.Small
                                        multiline: true
                                        textStyle.color: Color.Yellow
                                        maxHeight: 130.0
                    onTriggered: {
                        var feedItem =;
                        var page = detailsPage.createObject();
                        if (rssmobileEnabled == "y")


    "var rssMobileEnabled" declares a local variable, is not available in onTriggered.

    Declare it as a property instead:

       property bool rssMobileEnabled
       (or 'property string' if it's a character)

    reference it without prefix "var":

    rssMobileEnabled =...

    You can also declare the property on another element (not necessarily higher level) and reference it by id:


  • How to upgrade the data to a listview listItem?


    I have a listview that uses a QVariantListDataModel. Each item has several elements of image data (downloaded from the Internet), title, description. Now, given the index of an item in the list, I want to change the title text for the article, how can I do this?

    QVariantListDataModel has a method called "replace (index, data). However, I don't want to replace it, I just want to update. If I use the method replace (index data), a new item is created and I want to avoid this.

    Thank you.

    I'm wrong, looks like do this update...

  • A simple example of filling the data from Json to a ListView.

    I want a simple example to inflate a listview with Json data.

    Examples of the sample do not work

    as we have a code example


        Page *root = new Page;
        ListView *listView = new ListView;
        // Create the data model, specifying sorting keys of "firstName" and "lastName"
        GroupDataModel *model = new GroupDataModel(QStringList() << "firstName"
                                                   << "lastName");
        // Create a JsonDataAccess object and load the .json file. The QDir::currentPath()
        // function returns the current working directory for the app.
        JsonDataAccess jda;
        QVariant list = jda.load(QDir::currentPath() +
        // Insert the data into the data model. Because the root of the .json file is an
        // array, a QVariant(QVariantList) is returned from load(). You can provide a
        // QVariantList to a data model directly by using insertList().
        qDebug()<<"the size of model is "<size()<<"\n";
        // Set the data model for the list view
        // Set the content of the page and display it
        root->setContent(listView);    Application::setScene(root);

    with the file employees.json of assets

            "firstName" : "Mike",
            "lastName" : "Chepesky"
            "employeeNumber" : 01840192
            "firstName" : "Westlee",
            "lastName" : "Barichak"
            "employeeNumber" : 47901927
            "firstName" : "Jamie",
            "lastName" : "Lambier"
            "employeeNumber" : 51239657
            "firstName" : "Denise",
            "lastName" : "Marshall"
            "employeeNumber" : 41239520
            "firstName" : "Matthew",
            "lastName" : "Taylor"
            "employeeNumber" : 01963597
            "firstName" : "Mark",
            "lastName" : "Tiegs"
            "employeeNumber" : 65321951
            "firstName" : "Karla",
            "lastName" : "Tetzel"
            "employeeNumber" : 03266987
            "firstName" : "Ian",
            "lastName" : "Dundas"
            "employeeNumber" : 29472012
            "firstName" : "Marco",
            "lastName" : "Cacciacarro"
            "employeeNumber" : 56446691

    On the run, it shows a white screen with no list control.

    Thank you all for your answers, actually problem was not in the code. The problem is in the employees.json file I downloaded from developer site.


            "firstName" : "Mike",
            "lastName" : "Chepesky"      // after this ',' is missing
            "employeeNumber" : 01840192
            "firstName" : "Westlee",
            "lastName" : "Barichak"      // after this ',' is missing
            "employeeNumber" : 47901927
            "firstName" : "Jamie",
            "lastName" : "Lambier"    // after this ',' is missing
            "employeeNumber" : 51239657
        }, on]

    means the error occurred when parsing json. Error very stupid . I have checked it sooner.

    So who uses this example json file in their applications. Please correct first, and then use.


  • Create a ListView in QML and then use it in C++

    Hi all, I've been struggling with QML and C++ integration for some time now.

    I'm at a point where I need a ListView in my application.

    Is it possible for me to create a ListView with its ListItemComponent and DataModel in QML and then use it in my code c ++?

    If so, a kind enough to provide a code sample on creating a QML object and then use it in c ++?

    Thank you very much

    Hey jayvd, there is a "CallaPizza" example call, the documentation links to the example is in the following link


    and you can download the example from github.

    In this example, they use a list written on QML the datamodel is managed on a C++ class, so you can use these same aproach to solve your problem. On the other hand, the propouse of Kanaksony solution might also work, you must have a reference to the object (qml) that contains the ListView, and then find the listView object, using the findChild method, once you have the reference to the list, you get access to all methods of properties.

    Cordially, Cristian.

  • detect or change is a scrollview or listview content

    Hi all

    Is it possible to change the content of scrollview y? To get to the top of the scrollview dynamically.

    In the same kind of idea, how to detect if the listview scrolling to it content maximum? in order to download more articles for example.

    I can not find any function or property in the documentation, if anyone knows...

    Thank you.

    I think you can use ScrollView viewableAreaChanged signal in this case.

  • Can I set selection based on the 'selectedItem.label' instead of 'selectedIndex '?

    I searched the forums for this one but no luck. It's also a little difficult without being able to download a file, but this is:

    In a simplified version of my question, I have a ComboBox control named "cb". I can put its selectedIndex 1 (corresponding to 'Red' selectedItem.label) easily with:

    cb.selectedIndex = 1

    However, given that the 'Reds' are not necessarily at a selected index of 1, if it is asked another entry in the list, I'd rather base my code on selectedItem.label, because it will always be 'red '.

    How can I do this? I can at least draw corresponding to the label with the code as selection index:

    var frameSelect:Number = cb.selectedIndex;
    trace (frameSelect)

    Do I need some sort of loop function? Or y at - there a simpler way? I can define a variable at the beginning of my code to figure out what the corresponding selection of 'Red' date index here? I need essentially

    var frameSelect:Number is cb. [Index of everything goes with the label of 'Red']

    If it is useful for you, what I'm doing (on a scale of simplified) uses a drop-down list box to change the color of a clip. The user can click on 'Blue' or 'Yellow' or 'Red' in the box of comb and clip changes color. However, I also need a simple button that has only a single result ('Red') where the user clicks the button and thus sets the index selected in the combobox control directly to the 'red'. As I said, I can do it quite easily using the setting selectedIndex, but this means I have to manually update my button code whenever a new color option has been added. Not ideal remotely, because the actual implementation has hundreds of colors in tables and there will be many buttons create different arrangements of comboboxes.

    (For example a combobox is colors, one of the forms, and one is size. The final objective is to let the user experience as much as they want through drop-down menus, OR click on a 'Small green circle' button to go directly to a particular result.)

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    You need just a little loop on the elements in the dataProvider and check the labels against 'red '.

    Something like so should work for you:

    function getIndex(s:String) {}

    var ind:int = - 1;

    var dp:DataProvider = cb.dataProvider;
    for (var i: int = 0; i< dp.length;="">
    If (dp.getItemAt (i) .label == s) {}
    IND = i;

    return ind.


    cb.selectedIndex = getIndex ("red");

  • Unable to Scan to the computer after downloading macOS Sierra. Is this a software problem?

    How can I scan from HP Envy 4500 to computer after downloading macOS Sierra?

    Hello wdemetris,

    Thanks for asking for scanning helps here in the Apple Support communities. I understand how it is important to have access to your scanner and am happy to offer help for this.

    As a precaution, we always recommend that you have backups to make sure that all your data is safe. You can perform a backup using Time Machine and an external hard drive. Use this article to help make a backup of your Mac: use Time Machine to back up or restore your Mac.

    Then, in accordance with article help: printer and scanner for Sierra, El Capitan, Yosemite, and the Mavericks macOS software, the HP Envy 4500 e-all-in-one is supported for printing and scanning. The drivers must be installed, but if not, if it please go to the App Store and check the updates tab to see if there are updates for HP. If there is, please install.

    If you have only general questions about how to get your updated scanner in place or how to scan pictures, please check out these two articles: macOS Sierra: implement a scanner & macOS Sierra: scan images or documents. If everything is configured correctly and you still have problems scanning, please visit this help article: macOS Sierra: scanning troubleshooting.

    Thanks again and have a great rest of your day.

  • I have an IMAC of 2008 with 2 GB of memory plus 300 GB of storage. If I buy 2GB of memory I'll be able to download Sierra?

    I have an IMAC of 2008 with 2 GB of memory plus 300 GB of storage. If I buy 2GB of memory I'll be able to download Sierra?


    No, macOS Sierra is not compatible with your hardware.

    Here is an analytical compatibility.

  • Mail is always "Download Messages".

    I noticed that Apple Mail is always "Download Messages".  This process will occur approximately every 10 minutes.  This is usually between 250 and 270 messages.  (screenshot)  However, there is no double or extra emails.  In addition, the number of downloaded emails usually does not change (perhaps by 1 or 2 later in the day).

    I have 4 email accounts in Mail, which are all Gmail accounts.  I went through each account settings and made sure they are all handled in the same way and have the same options are checked.

    I think I found the problem with account, because I tried with the right button and select "Take account offline" when I see that it starts to download the messages.  Once I have put offline, the download stops.  I tried to remove this suspected account and Add again, but it still does the same thing.  Any help would be appreciated!

    Hello and welcome to the communities of Apple support, ggerrits.

    If I understand your message just Mail on your Mac continues to show that it Downloads hundreds of mails every 10 minutes. I can certainly understand how she could become a nuisance to see permanently who warn even if no new messages are actually downloading. I'm happy to help him to stop appearing.

    You've done some excellent troubleshooting already to refine what e-mail account, what's happening with. The next thing that I recommend you do is to make sure that you run the version of OS X El Capitan, which should be 10.11.6. Using your Mac update, take a look at updating the software on your Mac. If you haven't done so already, I recommend also restart your Mac. Test the Mail after doing those two things.

    If the problem persists, follow these steps:

    1. With Mail open, select "Mail" in the upper left corner of your screen and select Preferences.
    2. Select the tab accounts.
    3. Select the e-mail account that you are having the problem with.
    4. Select the Advanced tab.
    5. Uncheck "automatically detect and manage account settings."

    Next, close and then restart Mail to see if you feel the same way.

    Thank you for using communities of Apple Support.

    Take care.

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