Drag a character without zoom? (Anchors avoiding / ignoring)

Hello world

I work a lot on A0-complex illustrations (typically computer graphics or workshop-material) and will spend a good few days per week, zoom in-and-out to move small items.

I was wondering if there was any keyboard shortcut or shortcut to dragging the numbers WITHOUT having to worry about anchors? Illustration below.

In the illustration, if I zoom out far enough, I have to hit the yellow part of the figure quite precisely. If I zoom out, this may mean that I must zoom in order to drag the item.

Skærmbillede 2016-04-07 kl. 09.22.35.png

I hope this makes sense, and someone might know an answer!



What happens if you Al/OptionClick with the direct Selection instead of the normal selection tool tool?

Tags: Illustrator

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    shagarmahabubjan wrote:

    Hi all

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    In short... you can't.  The channels are channels, and SQL and PL languages dictate that the string literals are provided within single quotes.

    I don't see how trying to retrieve more than 200 records of employees in the select statement means that you must get rid of the quotes.

    Be clear in what you ask: Re: 2. How can I ask a question on the forums?

    and take note of the FAQ link davidp provided the solution "variable IN the list.

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    example: myChar.fillColor = [10,20,30,40] does not work - well, this is not a chain!, but don't... = 'C = 10 M = 20 Y = 30 K = 40 '.

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    You should be able to switch at the back of this way:

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    View > toolbars > Menu bar

    to make it persistent. It should replace the orange Firefox button. To switch back, uncheck the box

    View > toolbars > Menu bar

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    my code

    import flash.events.MouseEvent;

    import flash.geom.Rectangle;

    var pencilta:Shape = new Shape();

    var activeColor:uint = 0 x 000000;

    var BA: a = new a();

    addChild (ba);

    BA.x = 0;

    BA.y = 00;

    var kk:c1 = new c1();

    addChild (kk);

    KK.x = 305;

    KK.y = 105;

    kk.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, dca);

    function dca(e:MouseEvent):void


    e.target.startDrag (false, new Rectangle (165,80,287,290));


    pencilta.graphics.moveTo (kk.x, kk.y);

    stage.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, drawPencilta);


    kk.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, uca);

    function uca(e:MouseEvent):void


    kk.stopDrag ();


    function drawingta()


    ba.addChild (pencilta);

    pencilta.graphics.lineStyle (20, activeColor);


    function drawPencilta(e:MouseEvent):void


    pencilta.graphics.lineTo (kk.x, kk.y);

    e.updateAfterEvent ();



    If A is your button shaped A:

    import flash.events.MouseEvent;

    import flash.geom.Rectangle;

    var allowDraw:Boolean;

    A.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, overF);

    A.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, outF);

    function overF(e:MouseEvent):void {}

    allowDraw = true;

    reset your moveTo

    function outF(e:MouseEvent):void {}

    allowDraw = false;


    now use allowDraw to draw

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    I don't think that what you're writtin is what is happing actially.  I think you see a size your didn't know. The layer of the image is most likely the size in pixels of the original image. However, the document you enjoy the image has a different resolution, then the image you enjoy in Photoshop so change the move in image resolution to match the image it is move in.  What you have seen is a change of scale size no. If you select this transparency of the layers and forward a menu Image Crop they be a menu the size of the Image, so you can see the size in pixels for the size of the image pixel original I think that you see are the same.

    Another test you can do is open the image you're gran if her look check anf is not open to its resolution setting you cab see the in the image size dialog box. Now the document you're going to drag the image too. Use menu Image size make sure RESAMPLE is NOT check the resolution set to match the imag othe and clock OK. Him will not change the Images Pisel onle its scale size. Not to drag the image.

    The match between the scale of image resolution is also performed by the current size of the displayed document zoom.  Done Thematching is often confused by the user as a real change in the size of the image.  The image layer contains the same pixel in the oridnal image to a different zoom size or size resolution.

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    Thank you


    Hello Sebastian,.

    You can always use a plug-in like Nineblock software BetterHandles to accomplish this and many other manipulations of Bezier curve which does not exist natively in Illustrator.

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    Woe is Moe!

    You have rebooted your system from any downloads that happened this morning?  A real, cold start. Under Windows there are lists of system events and I think they show installed software, if it turns out that you need to get out of all that has been changed.

    I'm sure it's not a new update to FM8 - here's the updated list:


    So what that downloaded could use the Adobe Update Manager, but it could have been something for Acrobat or another product of Adobe.

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  • Avoid reformatting of the text when creating is the reference page [Indesign CC]

    Hello world!

    In my paper, I create the page the text of the parent reference, history of the selection's receipts.

    Screen Shot 2015-07-24 at 12.24.42 PM.png

    the figure above shown in the selection to return to the index page. After that this index is over

    the story of the mother of selection is reinvest for the next lines or text continues in the next text frame.

    Screen Shot 2015-07-24 at 12.25.24 PM.png

    The text is the revenue is in figure above.

    Here what I'm doing?  to avoid the reflow of text in the history of parent the referring page.

    Please help me!

    Thank you

    John Peter.

    Are you aware that your font is not installed. As long as you do not touch the text is not reinvest. But when you insert anything, even a character without a space it will be redistributed. As long as you have not installed fonts, any redistribution is not correct, please install first and see what happens.

  • Move the layer but keep anchor still

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    Kind regards


    I guess you have your animation path and you want to change the position of the layer to this track. If you simply position keyframes adjust anchor point values in the timeline panel. You can click and drag on the values, so that you can see the movement of the layer from the path.

    If you have animated a layer by setting keyframes in the anchor point so that you can change the relative position of the layer by rubbing through the position values in the timeline panel.

    If you have animated the two position and anchor, then you can open the layer in the layer panel, reveal the path of the anchor, select all the keyframes of an anchor in the scenario, click and drag on any keyframes the anchor to drag all this without creating a new keyframe. You can see and move keyframes from the plug-in position which has properties of position in the layer window and do the same thing.

    You can use the same select all the keyframes in the technical timeline to recover and move a path any position in the composition window.

    If this doesn't give you a solution I don't understand your problem.

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    These links worked a lot in Robohelp 5: second Question on the FAQ page loaded up, inside the shell of robohelp.
    Now in Robohelp 7, these anchor tags do not work inside the shell - loading of the page at the top of the FAQ page and the #Qustion_two anchor is ignored.

    I know that the anchor tag is there and works because when I load the page without the shell of robohelp at this URL:
    Two charges at the top of the page in question.

    Why this work stoppage? How can I do it without changing my URL? This 'feature' is ruining my day. Bad enough to rename tags in bookmarks anchor, now they don't work yet.


    I just tested this in RH8 and it works very well.

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    There are many useful character constants,

    but sometimes (if English is not the mother tongue) is not easy to guess what it looks like on the device

    is there anywhere a document showing the visible result of all character constants, or can I do it by myself?

    even for constant colors - is there a document where you can see how would resemble a color?

    For character constants, you can look at the code published by the Unicode Consortium tables. They have an alphabetical list of all Unicode characters to http://www.unicode.org/charts/charindex.html. Each character links to the appropriate code chart.

    Alternatively, there is a nice searchable data base of characters at http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/search.htm. Just type the name of the character (without the features of underscore) as it appears in the documentation of the api for the characters.

    A web search for "html color table" shot to the top of http://www.devguru.com/Technologies/html/quickref/color_chart.html, which shows the HTML colors by name.

  • ISE 1.2 - begging CWA provisioning with anchor WLC

    Hi all

    Having a problem with supply begging via CWA on a controller of the anchor. I am able to connect through CWA and authenticate etc no problem, but when the device registration page it says "cannot connect to the network at this moment" - the mac address is filled but the said button try again. Once I click on retry it cycles back to the original comments Portal login page. In the section reports the begging failed provisioning message is "error trying to determine access privileges: failed to get the host name of the session cache."

    I tried the same policy without the anchor (ie the local controller) and it works perfectly. Interestingly enough if I manually register the device then connect first the portal comments, that it allows me to click on register and proceed to the provision of begging. I also tried installing anchor using peap and NSP redirection - this also works perfectly.

    I can confirm beforehand that firewalls, etc. is not a problem with permit IP any one between all parts of work - no blocks without drops etc. Politics is the standard CWA trustsec installation with Enable ticked self-supply. For what it's worth, I am absolutely confident with the config having deployed before - but without a controller of anchor.


    I have worked with TAC customer account team to find a solution.  The problem is with the WLC anchor and the session not replicated.  I was able to get around by disabling account management radius for the ssid on the controller of the anchor, but when we look at the bug looks like an alternative solution is to disable fast switching ssid, which could cause problems with BYOD worldwide double ssid.  I still do test, but the accounting change seems to have resolved.  Bug ID: CSCui38627

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